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Post Breakup Sex

Page 2

by Sibylla Matilde

  “Well?” she said softly, “let’s do this.”

  I raised my pierced eyebrow sardonically. “Are you sure you want to?”

  Her brow furrowed, and her voice sounded faintly panicked. “You don’t want to?”

  “Oh yeah,” I nodded with a lascivious grin. I dropped my gaze again to travel over that hot little body, and she squirmed under the intensity. Yeah, I fucking wanted to do this. She had no idea how long I’d wanted this, but she looked about ready to jump right out of her skin. Deliciously on edge, and I watched her like she was my prey. Reading every quivering shiver that danced across her skin. “Yeah,” I said again, "I'm game if you are.”

  “Good,” she said, “because I want to.”

  I took a step towards her, and another. Slowly, like I was hunting a frightened rabbit. Her eyes were lit with a half-terrified, half-excited gleam. Her luscious chest rose and fell, and her stance wobbled just a little. The whole time I advanced, I told myself to be calm. Careful. Repeating it like a mantra over and over in my head.

  Don’t. Fucking. Scare. Her. Off.

  But, in the end, just as I got within an arm’s length of her, she came to me. Her fingers grasped into the front of my shirt as she rose on her tiptoes, one arm sliding up around my neck. And she kissed me.

  Desperately and with a long, deep moan that echoed down my throat and through my brain. Her lips tasted fucking amazing, and the bare skin of her shoulders felt every bit as satiny smooth as I'd imagined. My dick began to throb, bordering on pain, as her hands slid down my chest, stopping at the waistband of my jeans and then sliding back up underneath my t-shirt. Her fingertips on my bare skin roused me like nothing I’d ever felt before, and I pulled her tightly to me, grinding my cock hard against her, taking back control. I heard her gasp as I tilted my head to deepen our kiss, and then I groaned roughly as her tongue brushed against mine.

  Fuck, I could have kissed her forever. Little things a body required like air and food were inconsequential when compared with the rampant need building inside me. Her soft little body rubbed up against mine, and I lifted my head to look down at her. The tremulous expression she had held before had shifted. Her eyelids were low over darkened, lust-filled eyes, her lips bruised with the force of our kiss. Her fair cheeks were flushed, and her body swayed against me as her lips lifted again to meet mine.

  I guided her backwards across the room towards the couch, lifting my arms to allow her to push the t-shirt up over my head. Her fingertips trembled as she reached to touch the thick muscles of my chest and the display of tattoos across my arms and torso. Her breathing came heavy and fast, catching a tousled lock of her hair and brushing it against my bare skin.

  The raging need that coursed through my body nearly broke when she caught her lower lip in her teeth, looked up at me, then brought her head forward to kiss my chest. To taste my flesh and trace a thick line of ink with the tip of her tongue as her nails grazed against my nipple ring, catching and tugging on it ever so slightly.

  I felt a low ragged moan leave my throat at the timid swipe of her tongue, and it returned as her fingertips traced along my ribs, digging into my skin as my fingers wound themselves tightly into her thick, soft curls.

  Yeah, she had no idea. Everyone in the world has that perfect someone locked in their mind. That image of perfection and pure sex appeal. I didn’t have to rub one out very often. There was generally someone around to help me out with that, but when I did, Sophie was the image I held in my mind. I had fantasized about this. Ached for this. For her. For so long.

  And she was here, she was touching me. She was fucking licking me. Fuck me. I hadn’t been this turned on since I had been a fourteen-year-old virgin getting my dick stroked for the very first time.

  I swept one hand down over her curvy little ass, down her legs until I could lift her against me. She wasn’t short, nor was she tall, but she was slender and surprisingly light. Of course, my body was raging, and I could have picked up a car like fucking Superman. I easily lifted her into my arms and knelt to settle her on the couch.

  As she lay there before me, her body stretched out, I traced the ivory skin of her breast at the edge of her low-cut shirt. I bent over her, looking her square in the eye again.

  “You’re sure about this, baby,” I whispered, not so much a question, but giving her one last out. I'd had one-night stands before, but I'd have bet my left nut that this was uncharted territory for her. I was also pretty sure that either my head or my balls would explode if she said no, but even I wasn’t such a dick that I didn’t want her to be sure. “You don’t even know my name.”

  She licked her lips, and breathed out quietly. “Lily said your name is Brannon.”


  “Hi, Brannon,” she whispered with her eyes closed, lifting up onto her elbows to seek my lips again. “I’m Sophie.”

  “I know who you are,” I murmured unwittingly before my mouth crashed back down on hers.

  She didn’t seem to notice my slip as she pulled at me, urging me on top of her. Her lips sent me into a frenzy, grasping me close, curving her body hard up against mine, melting into me. I swallowed her small gasp when my hand slid down her waist, down her hips to find the bare skin of her thigh, and then the blood surged through my veins when she wrapped her calf around my leg and nudged her hips up against me.

  “Jesus fucking Christ,” I dazedly whispered, "I can’t wait to get inside that hot little body of yours.” I was painfully hard, and her shocked whimper of response made my body pulse and throb that much more.

  My lips nipped and tasted the smooth skin of her neck, and her back arched as her head fell back, encouraging me towards the swell of her breast. Her hips ground up against mine, and she moaned as I pressed my hard, aching cock to the apex of her thighs. With her legs spread wide to cradle my body between them, her tight skirt had ridden up, and I realized that she wore nothing underneath. No panties, not even a flossy G-string. Nothing.

  I leaned down to taste the swell of her breast, just along the edge of her top, and swept one thick finger through the crease between her thighs. She was waxed to a fine strip of hair, and the bare skin around her pussy was heated and smooth, inviting. Made my fucking mouth water. My finger dipped deep inside to find her so very warm and so very wet. For me.

  “Oh yes,” she breathed as I pushed inside her again, knuckle deep, and curled my finger to stroke her inner walls.

  Still tasting the tender skin around her neckline, I withdrew my hand and heard her whimper.

  “Oh God, please… do that again.” A breathless gasp. An anxious plea.

  A whole new level of pounding started raging in my dick.

  I pressed a second finger in her with the first, and she cried out, the desperate sound echoing through the room. Every touch inside her made me that much stiffer, made me want her that much more. Every sound that left her lips bounced around the room and vibrated through my body until I felt like I was going to burst.

  My mouth nipped at the curve of her breast, just above the neckline of her shirt, and she responded by pulling the tight fabric down to bare her flesh to me. Sweet, tender nipples that tasted like heaven, that puckered against my mouth as I scraped them with my teeth.

  I felt the fiery scrape of her nails digging into my shoulders, and her body bucked against me. I lifted my head from her breast and kissed her again, firmly on the mouth, sweeping my tongue deep inside her and swallowing her moan.

  I could feel her jerking at the fly of my jeans, and my hand stayed hers for a minute. “I'm dying to fuck you, baby,” I whispered in her ear, nipping at the delicate little lobe. “How bad do you want me?”

  “Please,” she gasped. “Oh, please.”

  OK, so maybe I was a complete fuckhead. There was no reason in hell this should be happening. She couldn’t have been in her right mind to even be contemplating this, and I was a real fucker for cashing in. But, for cryin’ out loud, I could smell the heady scent of her arousal. I had he
r begging for my cock. As much as I figured it would come back to haunt me, the taste of her kiss on my tongue, the silky feel of her slick little pussy, and the sheer desperation in her voice were simply too alluring for me to pull away.

  So I lifted my hips, giving her access to undo my jeans, as I reached in my back pocket. A second later, I was shuddering with a sudden debilitating tremor as her small hand slipped in my boxer briefs and closed around my dick. Her slender, warm fingers squeezed a little, starting at the base and sliding up the length and for a second I forgot everything. All I could think was that she had her hand on my dick.


  Sophie Buchanan had her hot little hand on my fucking dick.

  I could have died right there and been the happiest motherfucker on the planet.

  She kept moving, stroking, pulling at me and pressing her fingers in all these amazing little ways that about had me blowing it all.

  “Condom,” I murmured. “Fuck, baby, need a condom.” I finally managed to grasp my wallet and pulled it open to grab a rubber. With all the dexterity of an ox, I managed to tear the foil and sheath myself, and then her hand was back, guiding me towards her. The first touch, that first direct contact between my sex and hers, that first slide of the head of my cock breaching her tight little pussy, damn near laid me out.

  All I could think for a split second was, Holy fuck.

  As she took me in, her body sort of rippled with delight. It was intensely erotic, and I was thankful for the trashy neon beer light hanging on the wall so I could watch her. Her mouth formed a perfectly soft little ‘o’ as her breath caught in her throat. Her head fell back against the scattered pillows, her body arching to push herself up tightly against me, bringing me closer and deeper. Her hair fanned out around her shoulders and her eyelashes lay thick and dark against her cheeks. I lowered my lips to brush against the wild pulse beating in her throat, and pushed harder against her, holding tightly as her body quivered around me.

  “Oh Jesus,” she whispered with a gasp, and she opened her eyes to look at me. Meeting her gaze, I rocked against her, driving in hard and watching the sensation play across her face. Her eyelids heavy, the deep blue-green of her eyes locked onto mine. I wanted to go slow, to savor the fine grip of her pussy around me, to live in that moment. But, Christ, she was like crack, and every movement of her body against mine made me want her more. Made me want to move faster and harder, so I did until I was slamming into her. In moments, she was sobbing against my chest. Her hands slipped against the damp sweat of my back as she clutched me to her, and I buried my face into the sweet, fragrant skin of her neck.

  I had to take her there, I had to make her peak before me. So with inconceivable strength and willpower, I kept moving, pushing back the aching desire that threatened to rip through me. I forced it down, pounding into her almost brutally as my thumb reached down to press firm circles around her clit. I almost lost it when her pussy squeezed tightly around me, and I bit into the skin of her shoulder to stave off my release.

  Suddenly, her entire body seized tight, then convulsed into fierce, shuddering waves. The sound started low in her throat, deep and husky, then rose to a raspy scream. I leaned down to swallow the sound, to kiss her and groan back into her. I buried myself in her one last time as the flood of my own orgasm shot right the fuck out of me.

  My head was spinning. Every muscle in my body had gone completely liquid and my heart was racing. I was probably squishing Sophie, but, Christ, I couldn’t make myself move. My brain refused to pass the message on to my body.

  Thankfully, Sophie didn’t seem to mind. Her face was pressed into my neck, her breath teasing my skin. Her fingers lay limply along my back, contracting randomly with a faint twitch of her fingers that echoed her tight little pussy.

  She smelled so incredible, the fresh, clean scent of her hair swirling through the air to mingle with the erotic smell of uninhibited sex. Lying there with her, on top of her and still buried deep inside her, I never wanted to move again as long as I lived. I'd had some awesome sex before, but I'd never come quite like I just had fucking Sophie Buchanan.

  Her leg straightened a little, her foot brushing down my calf, and I lifted up to my elbows to look down at her. For a second, her eyes stayed closed before she opened them to gaze up at me.

  “Thank you,” she smiled dazedly.

  So not what I expected her to say. Although it did some awesome shit for my ego. At first. And then it sort of hit me that it was kind of like she was going to continue with ‘it was fun’ or something.

  “Mmmm… you're very welcome,” I murmured.

  A sweet chuckle rippled through her, and she looked down at my chest for a second before she brought her eyes back up to mine. This time, they held a hint of shyness, a touch of embarrassment.

  “Just so you know… this isn’t something I do a lot. Like, I’ve never done anything quite like this.”

  “I kind of gathered that sex with a complete stranger isn’t really your thing.”

  “It is a bit out of character for me.”

  I wasn’t sure how to respond. No clue what to say. Partly because I was still balls deep and every squirming movement of her body sent a faint thrill through my body. Thankfully, she continued so I didn’t have to say a thing.

  “This was kinda like, well… I’m not sure what it was, but I needed to do this.”

  “Um, okay,” I said, not really understanding, but also realizing that she was getting ready to explain and disappear. I caught her face in the palm of my hand, brushing her cheek with my thumb. “You know, you don’t have to explain this to me. You may not have much experience with this sort of thing, but you are pretty fucking good at it, so I’m sure as hell not complaining.”

  She laughed softly, and my breath caught at how stunning she was up close. Her face flushed, her lips swollen, her eyes sparkling up at me.

  “That’s very sweet of you,” she smiled.

  “Scout’s honor,” I swore.

  “You have a lot of tattoos for a boy scout.”

  “Well, it has been a while, but I still remember the whole honor thing.”

  I shifted a little, causing Sophie to draw in a sharp breath as I slipped out of her. That one little gasp, that breathy sound, stirred something in me again. Jesus, she was like Viagra personified. I offered up a quick prayer to whatever deity might be listening that I had more condoms in my wallet.

  I lifted off her and slipped off the condom, tossing it in the garbage can by a table covered with sheet music and drumsticks. Tucking myself back into my jeans, I turned to see Sophie sitting up and adjusting her clothes as well. She combed her shaky fingers through the tangles I had caused and looked up at me with a sudden overwhelming vulnerability that drew me closer. I knelt on the floor in front of her, my hands coming to rest on the smooth, warm skin of her thighs.

  “You okay?” I asked as I felt a tremor course through her.

  Her gaze dropped to my chest, and her fingertips lifted to touch the phoenix tat that ran across my collarbones, spreading its wings towards each shoulder. “Yeah,” she softly replied. “This is just sort of uncharted territory for me. I feel kind of awkward, like I don’t know what to do.” She swallowed hard. “Should I go?”

  Her touch trailed to my shoulder, a feather-light caress that shot straight to my balls. I tipped her chin up to draw her eyes to mine.

  “You could stay a bit longer. I'd actually kinda like another round,” I said with a thick, husky voice. “See what other kinds of noises I can get you to make.”

  Not my best, truly. But she looked at me and saw something there, something that held her in place as I lowered my lips to hers again and softly explored the sweetness of her mouth. As I kissed her, I felt the dainty touch of her fingertips scraping through the short hair at my nape. Our languid caresses drew us closer together, and then I was sitting on the couch, pulling her body gently and firmly onto mine.

  All the frantic, frenetic desire that we’d spent
earlier eased into the pure, slow sensuality of languid tongues and touches. Sophie’s body followed mine as I leaned back against the couch, and my grip on her luscious, curvy hips intensified to a bruising force. Breathing heavily, she lifted her head to look at me. I noticed that one fine strap to her shirt had slipped down her shoulder, adding another element to her stunning, disheveled appearance. Her eyes smoldered hot in the dim light when I brushed my fingers along the hem of her shirt. I waited a few seconds, grazing my fingertips along the tender skin, reading her body for the telltale sign that she was hot for more.

  And there it was. A gentle nudge of her hips, the pressure of her body pushing against my growing hardness. I slid my hands up her torso, drawing her shirt up with it, then up and over her head.

  Sophie in that tight little silky shirt had been incredibly sexy.

  But Sophie out of that tight little silky shirt took me from semi to rock hard in one-point-five seconds.

  Her lacy black bra cupped the perfect curves of her breasts. The sheer fabric almost highlighted her pale pink nipples that hardened as my thumbs brushed over the dark lace, causing Sophie to draw in a sharp gasp. Her eyes drifted closed and her hands clasped over mine, silently begging me to knead and pinch and caress. So I did, leaning forward to suck and nip through the fine black lace. I slid one hand around her back, deftly releasing the hooks and easing the straps down her shoulders. My lips followed one side, slowly pushing it down her arm, then came back to draw firmly on her nipple. My hands kneaded the soft mounds, massaging and squeezing, as I teased one hardened peak, then the other. Back and forth. Coaxing the sweetest moans from her lips.

  With a growling groan, I pulled her warm naked torso against me, my lips swallowing her gasp at the touch of our bare skin. She arched into me, her skirt once again rising dangerously higher as she squirmed to get even closer, and I ran my hands along the firm swells of her bottom. Up the hem of her skirt, guiding her rhythmic, writhing movements as she pressed herself hard against my dick.


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