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Alien General's Beloved: SciFi Alien Romance (Brion Brides)

Page 32

by Vi Voxley

  Lana had been prepared to admit a part of her had been afraid that after their horrible adventure was over, the desire would die after a while.

  It did not. On the contrary, Corden could barely stay away from her and Lana responded in kind. She was sure that if Brion generals could get fired, Corden would have lost his job a while ago.

  Jokingly, she'd asked him who was leading the ship while he was spending his days with her in the bedroom. Her gerion had laughed, assuring her that out of times of conflict, the flagship functioned quite well without him constantly on the bridge.

  The Abysmal had been sailing by their side dutifully, with Captain Soren in command. Lana had no idea what was to happen to it or the clones, but Corden was almost certain the Elders would keep the legendary ship. After Worgen's appearance from their dark past, it had become obvious to the Brions that they were not as invincible as they thought.

  The indestructible Abysmal would serve as the guardian of Briolina now instead of its destroyer.

  Lana liked that idea, turning the ship that had brought so much death through the ages into a weapon of good.

  As they were nearing Briolina, another warship had come to greet them and escort the Abysmal into its new home at high anchor above the planet. Corden and Lana were to appear before the Elders who had woken from their cryo-sleep especially for them.

  That scared Lana a little too, but at the moment, she and Corden were about to receive guests.

  The general was lying on their bed, watching her frantic preparations with a smirk.

  "Aria is Terran," he pointed out.

  "I know," Lana said, smiling, "but you have no idea how important this is. There are exactly four other Terrans on Briolina. That's only three people I could talk to about human stuff. Four possible friends who aren't Brions."

  "What's wrong with Brions?" Corden asked, teasing.

  "Nothing," Lana shot back. "I just want to make sure I don't fuck this up."

  "She'll love you," Corden said, rising up and gathering her in his arms. "They all will."

  "You can't know that," Lana protested.

  "I can," Corden said, kissing her. "I know you."

  That was a horrible argument when it came to friendship, but something in his voice calmed Lana. She surrendered to the kiss, letting herself be swept away with the passion. The general's hands were already peeling her clothes off her. There wasn't much in the way, she had been in her underwear to begin with. Within seconds, she was bared to her gerion's lusty gaze. Lana chuckled, biting his lip playfully before deepening the kiss further.

  When the general lowered her to the bed, Lana struggled playfully.

  "Hey, be careful," she laughed, "I don't have many clothes right now. If you ruin these, I'm going to have to go in a sheet."

  Corden hummed approvingly, kissing his way down her naked stomach. Lana's mind emptied of protests, of anything really that was not her gerion's amazing, hot mouth. The general nudged her legs apart and Lana moaned in pleasure when he licked her pussy. Her back arched off the bed as she pushed herself closer to him. The general laughed, sliding two fingers into her.

  Lana cried out. A week ago, she'd been worried that someone might hear them, but that concern was forgotten. Now she no longer cared if the whole Claw heard her. Brions didn't mind stuff like that anyway, so she was actually blending in.

  Her moans became louder and more insistent as Corden scissored his fingers inside her, his tongue lapping at her clit. Lana ached for more, pulling at his hair, urging him on. The general added another finger, gliding easily into her. There were barely any coherent thoughts in Lana's mind, but she figured it was almost impossible to handle a man that hot and that good.

  She screamed in pleasure when Corden darted his tongue inside her, licking the walls of her pussy. His fingers kept her open for him as his other hand massaged her clit. Lana was writhing on the sheets, delirious with pleasure.

  She loved the way Corden knew her body, how every time they fucked he learned new ways of teasing more moans out of her. The downside was that it was absolutely impossible for her to resist him, but why would she want to?

  Lana smiled, biting her lip. The pleasure was building inside her, threatening to overcome her soon. She would have liked Corden to fuck her, to pound her into the bed, but unfortunately they were on the clock.

  The general's tongue moved faster now, in and out of her, and Lana could feel her legs start to shake. She gripped the sheets, tearing at them as a long moan escaped her lips.

  "Corden..." she gasped, "I'm—"

  But she was pretty sure the general knew already. His strong fingers moved inside her, brushing against the spot of pleasure, sending waves of ecstasy down her spine. Lana cried out his name as she came, lying spent on the bed as Corden stood up, watching her with an affectionate grin.

  "You made us late," she sighed, but instead of pouting her voice was broken by the lust still racking her body.

  Corden smirked, looking devilishly handsome like that. Lana swore to herself that she'd tear his clothes off the second they came back from their meeting.

  "You can't say you didn't love it," the general said.

  "I said nothing like that," Lana agreed. "All I wanted to say is that I don't know what General Ryden and Aria will think if we are not there to welcome them."

  "They will probably know," Corden said, extending her a hand to help her up and smoothly pull her into his arms.

  Lana made a face, but she had yet to discover the trick of really being upset with her gerion.

  "That's horrible," she said. "So impolite."

  "No, it isn't," Corden said, smiling and kissing her again. "Do you know why? Because if we were going over there, they'd be doing the same thing. In fact, I would bet that they're late themselves."

  Lana laughed, surrendering herself to the kiss again.


  They arrived a bit late as Lana had feared. General Ryden and Aria were already waiting for them in one of the lounge-like rooms in one the more pleasantly lit parts of the Claw.

  Ryden was a towering warrior like Corden, with the battle spear on his back and a very similar smirk on his lips. Lana waited until her gerion introduced them, but her eyes were on Aria and her baby bump. The other Terran had a knowing smile on her lips and Lana was starting to believe what Corden had said before.

  "Worgen," Ryden was saying, looking at her gerion with an amused expression. "Now that's someone you don't face every day."

  "Jealous?" Corden asked by Lana's side, grinning.

  "Of course," Ryden said, shrugging. "Don't get me wrong. If the bastard had thought Aria was his, I would have lost my mind. But an opponent like that—what a fight it would have been."

  Lana didn't miss the way the other general pronounced his gesha's name. The same gentleness, the same unconditional love rang through the air as when Corden spoke of her. She knew she was witnessing another true bond.

  "You fought the Clayor hive mind," Corden commented, doing nothing to downplay his victory at the same time.

  It simply wouldn't be a Brion thing to do. They were proud of each and every one of their hard-fought wins, and for good reason.

  "I did," Ryden admitted. "But that's in the past now. A legend from our own history would have been a nice addition. Only you got to him first. And I hear the galaxy is one Fearless shorter now."

  Lana noticed how Corden's eyes went wide at that.

  "Who?" he asked, genuine interest in his voice.

  "Our own General Braen."

  Before the generals could delve into that, Aria interrupted.

  "I'm going to take Lana aside now," she said, smiling, and took Lana's arm.

  They walked over to one of the screens showing space outside. Aria waved her hand, summoning a serf with drinks. She did it with such ease that it made Lana a bit jealous.

  Like reading her mind, Aria laughed and said: "Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

  Lana accepted the drink, taking
a small sip.

  "It's good," she said.

  Aria agreed, nodding. Then she pointed to the generals standing a bit farther away, already engaged in a conversation about their respective victories.

  "They'll be like that for a while," Aria said. "I swear if they could kill all the monsters in the galaxy themselves, they would."

  "I hear your gerion killed a hive mind," Lana said, the concept still strange to her despite having traveled all over the known universe. "Are they even real?"

  For a second, a dark look flashed in Aria's eyes.

  "I assure you, they are," she said. "That thing was the scariest being I've ever met. But it is gone and we can only hope there aren't any more beings like it. And now there is one legend less too. I read all about your meeting with him. Are you alright?"

  There was legitimate concern in her eyes and Lana started to think that perhaps making friends with the other geshas really was as easy as Corden made it sound. After all, no one else in the galaxy could boast experiences quite like them. And not all of them were meeting merciless monsters.

  "I am," she assured the other woman. "Corden makes everything better. There are days when I barely remember anything bad happened and it was last week."

  The bright, easy smile was back on Aria's face.

  "I know, right?" she said. "Sometimes I still can't believe this is all happening, but it is. I hope you get to stay a bit longer, the others want to meet you too."

  "The others?" Lana asked.

  "Isolde and Leiya," Aria said, smiling. "Isolde is calling this a club."

  Lana laughed.

  "What, really?" she asked. "It makes sense though. It's four generals now?"

  "Yeah," Aria said. "And when I said the hive mind was the scariest being ever, wait until you meet Leiya's gerion."

  "Faren," Lana said at once. "Is he really that scary?"

  "Isolde swears he can read minds. I nearly screamed when I met him. It's the eyes, I think. It's like staring into a snow storm."

  Lana had heard something like that about the Monster of Briolina. But there was something else on her mind.

  "What about Briolina itself?" she asked, the hope seeping into her voice.

  Aria smiled again. She seemed to be doing a lot of that and Lana noticed herself mirroring her. She wondered if it was the effect of their gerions, still engaged in their conversation. Corden definitely had a way of banishing everything bad from her mind, so Lana didn't really doubt it was the same for Aria and the others.

  "Briolina is amazing," she said. "It's the most beautiful planet I've ever seen. Granted, I haven't seen that many, I know you must have seen a lot, but it really is. You'll love it. There is something very vital about it. Every time I go there, I feel more alive."

  "Spirit," Lana said, smiling. "Corden says the planet has spirit."

  "Exactly," Aria agreed. "It's..."

  She seemed to hesitate, to look for words for a second.

  "Don't get me wrong," she said then, the happiness surrounding her like a cloak. "It's home. I don't know if it's Ryden or Briolina or this little one here in my belly, or all of it together. But it makes you feel like you belong."

  Lana felt a weight lifting from her shoulders, one she hadn't even known was there. Only when it was gone did she notice that her smile was exactly as wide as Aria's.

  No doubts anymore.

  Corden's home was Briolina and Lana's home was with him. So in a way, she was going home too.

  Don't miss the excerpt of the spin-off novel, Alien Warlord's Choice, following the Flora's mission, on the next page!

  Did you miss the first books in this series? Check them out here!

  Brion Brides: Books 1-4 Boxed Set

  Alien General’s Fated – Fifth Book of Brion Brides!

  Alien General’s Fated

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  The first bike had stopped with a nauseating twist right before the ships. Mara didn't understand why, but apparently the man sensed danger like he was psychic. A mere moment had passed when she heard voices somewhere to her left, speaking frantically. On the clearing, some of the bikes had chosen to approach the cargo ship anyway.

  "We have to take them out," a voice said. "Look at them. They'll kill us!"

  Oh shit. Oh fucking hell no.

  "Blow it!" she heard a frightened voice say. "Blow it now!"

  Oh god no, if you kill one of them, we're all-

  Mara dashed for the idiots that were about to bring the wrath of the Corgans on all of them, but the darkness of the world was unbelievable. She could barely see two feet ahead of her. The lieutenant had only taken a few steps before the cargo ship exploded, the shockwave knocking Mara off her feet.

  She tried to shake her head clear, crawling away from the clearing.

  They blew up the damn ship!

  Mara wanted to scream at whoever had pulled the trigger on that one, but she knew that it was her duty to protect those idiots no matter what. Even if they made her job a thousand, no, a million times worse.

  This is where paranoia gets you, she thought, although Mara couldn't entirely blame them. The Corgan war pack hadn't exactly come with a white flag of negotiation flying high. The preemptive strike had been effective, and deadly. Mara knew there would be no mercy now.

  The forest around her was alive with the furious roaring of the Corgans. Her party had been unwanted visitors before, but now they were outright prey. Mara made no illusions to herself. There would be no chance of explaining anything at the moment. She had to run and hide and save the others while doing both of those things.

  Looking back toward the clearing, Mara saw the leader of the Corgans still there. In the warm, red light of the burning cargo ship, she saw him astride a speeder bike. A true giant of a man, tall and powerful and dangerous. The black armor seemed almost like a cage for a wild beast, aching to be free.

  With bright blue eyes, the warrior scanned his surroundings like a wolf. When his gaze slid over where Mara was hiding, she shivered. The look on the man's face was almost enough to stop her heart. Long, dark lines of ink ran in intricate patterns over the right side of his face, only adding to his ferociousness.

  And right when Mara thought she might be able to slip away, a smirk appeared on the warrior's lips. With agonizing slowness, in the blazing light, the man turned his eyes back in her direction. Dismounting, he roared a hunting call, listening to it echo back from all around the forest.

  Then he strode forward with long, purposeful steps. Coming right for Mara.

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  Vi's a small-town girl with big city dreams. Born and raised in Texas, she's always had her eyes to the stars. Telling stories is her passion and when she can mix a whole lot of steam with equal parts sexy alien hunks, well, things just get that much better, right?

  An ardent Rangers fan, she believes all men should come in a yummy beefcake package and that's exactly the kind of heroes she prefers. A curvy woman herself, Vi likes to write heroines as sassy as she is.

  She likes indulging in a little wine and a little chocolate, but her first love in life is writing and everything else follows second.

  If you have enjoyed her books or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Vi via e-mail:


  You can find all of my books here:

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  Thank you for reading!



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