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Remnants (A Golden Beach Novel)

Page 11

by Kim Loraine

  That grin of his widened and the dimple in his right cheek deepened. He held out his hand and cleared his throat. “Sorry, it was unavoidable. You ready?”

  She tried to be angry he’d made her wait, but his earnest expression as he apologized made her give in almost instantly. She took his hand and nearly shivered at the thrill of his skin on hers. “I guess it depends on what we’re doing.” When she caught sight of his car she pouted playfully. “No Harley?”

  He laughed and shook his head. “I can’t open your door for you or look at you on a motorcycle.”

  Her belly flipped. “So, what’s on the agenda?”

  “You said you wanted dinner, dancing, dessert.”

  “Oh, and a movie. Don’t forget that.”

  He opened the passenger door of his car for her and smiled as she slid inside. “Of course not. Well, our first stop covers two of those . . . kind of.”

  She raised an eyebrow and asked, “Kind of?”

  As she watched him walk around the car, all she could think about was the feel of his lips on hers. Maybe they should stay here? He got in the driver’s seat and started the car without saying a word.

  “Carson? Where are you taking me?”

  A twinkle in his eye, he chuckled. “So impatient. You’ll see. We’re starting over, remember?”

  It was odd to be inside his car, so close to him but feel so far away. The awkwardness of a first date sat heavy between them.

  “Sloan, you need to relax. I’m not kidnapping you or anything.”

  She let out a soft chuckle. “I know. It’s so strange to be here with you. Sitting in a dark car, wondering if you’re going to kiss me.”

  “You want me to kiss you?”

  “I guess we’ll see, won’t we?”

  As he parked the car he turned to face her, his fingers playing along the gearshift until he took a long breath. “You used to let me kiss you whenever I wanted.”

  “That . . . that was then.”

  “You feel the pull between us just as much as I do, Sloan.”

  He leaned in, his fingers sliding through her hair, but she backed away, needing to slow things down so they wouldn’t end up taking things too far too soon. “Carson . . .”

  His eyes closed and he dropped his hand. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I promised you a date. I need to let go of the us we were so we can see if there’s more to us now.”

  She wanted to tell him not to let go of anything, but it was important for them to learn each other. They were different people now. He got out of the car without giving her a chance to pull together her thoughts. As she gathered her purse and jacket, he opened her door and offered his hand.

  “I’m glad you wore that sweater,” he said, his eyes raking her form as she let him help her from the car.

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “It’s going to be cold until we get going.”

  Cold? She frowned and looked at the big gray building in front of them. “Oh, no way. Golden Beach does not have an ice rink.”

  He laughed. “It does now. Do you know how to skate?”

  Nerves took hold in her belly. “Let’s just say, I’m really glad you’re an EMT as well as a firefighter.”

  “I won’t let you fall.” His words were filled with more than a promise of keeping her off her ass.

  Chapter 10

  “I can’t believe we’re going ice skating.” Sloan’s voice hit Sully like a ton of bricks, the excited apprehension sending a thrill through him. He’d picked the right place for this, for their first date.

  “Not just ice skating. It’s adult-only skating tonight.”

  “What does that mean?”

  His hand tightened around hers. “It means they turn down the lights, turn up the music, and we don’t have to worry about being mowed down by toddlers who are better skaters than we are.”

  “Oh, believe me, I’m going to be mowed down by pretty much everyone.”

  He gave her a sideways glance. He couldn’t stop his grin at the pink in her cheeks as he hitched his skate bag on one shoulder. She was embarrassed, adorably nervous, and sexy as hell. As they walked into the chilly ice rink, he involuntarily pulled her closer against him, needing her body touching his.

  “This is really cool,” she said, her hand sliding around his waist as he let himself enjoy the feeling of being with her.

  After renting her some skates and leading her across the rubberized floor, he helped her into the figure skates she’d chosen and then laced up his own pair of hockey skates. The rink wasn’t busy yet, and it might stay that way since the weather was still comfortable and people tended to prefer spending their weekends on the beach until it was too cold to handle the wind.

  “Ready?” He tried to hide his amusement at the wary look on her face.

  “If I say no will you let me sit and watch?”

  He held out both hands. “Come on. I told you, I won’t let you fall.”

  “You do, and you definitely won’t get a second date.”

  His grin took hold the instant he saw the twinkle in her eyes. “Deal. Your ass won’t hit the ice. I promise.”

  With an exaggerated sigh, she settled her hands in his and let him pull her to her feet. Her ankles wobbled but he held her steady, thankful for any excuse to touch her. As he stepped backward onto the ice, he gently pulled her with him, skating for both of them.

  Her expression went from tentative to elated as he held her hands tightly and pulled them around the ice. “This is awesome.” She laughed as they went faster and her hair flew behind her as the wind caught it. “You do this a lot?” As he slowed their pace, he let go of one of her hands. Her eyes went wide. “Don’t you dare let go of me, Carson.”

  He liked that. He wanted her to need him. But she could handle this. “Hold on to the side.” After he brought them to a stop, he waited for her to do as he’d instructed. “Okay, now push off with one foot, then the other.”

  Her brow furrowed as she concentrated on her feet, but then, when she glided forward and didn’t fall, a bright smile lit up her face. “I’m doing it!”

  “You are.”

  With sure strides, he skated around her until he was next to her, he took her hand and they made their way slowly around a few more times.

  “So, how are you so good at this?” she asked on their third pass. She’d taken her hand off the side and was basically skating on her own at this point.

  “I play hockey for an amateur league.”

  “What? No way. But you still have all your teeth.”

  A loud laugh escaped him. “That’s such a stereotype.”

  “Stereotypes are rooted in truth.”

  “So, since you’re an elementary school teacher does that make you a glorified babysitter?”

  She let out a sigh. “Touché.”

  “Did you always want to teach? I remember you telling me you wanted to go to college and that you’d figure out your path then.”

  “I sort of fell into it. My marriage was falling apart, we didn’t have children, and I needed . . . more. My mom suggested teaching. So, I started substitute teaching and it didn’t take long before I found out how much I loved it. I went back to school and got my teaching certificate.”

  “I’m damn proud of you, Sloan. And I know I’ve been hard to deal with, but I’m glad you came back.”

  She held onto him as he guided them off the rink. He didn’t let go of her hand as they took a seat on the bench they’d tucked their shoes underneath when they’d first arrived. Her fingers tightened around his and she leaned her head against his shoulder, sending a wave of excitement through him.

  “I guess you fit one of the stereotypes of hockey players.”

  “Oh, yeah? Which one?”

“Big . . . strong . . . sexy.”

  He swallowed past the lump in his throat. “That’s three.”

  “My mistake,” she murmured, turning her gaze to his and tilting her chin up.

  Her mouth was right there, so close to him, and it was all he could do not to claim her. But he’d promised her a first date with no sex. If he kissed her now, he wasn’t sure he could stop himself when he delivered another at the end of the night.

  “You, uh, you want something to eat?”

  Her lips quirked up in a soft smile as she sat back, giving him space. “Sure.”

  He unlaced his skates and tugged them off before slipping on his shoes. “All they’ve got is pizza and hot dogs.”

  Worry that wasn’t good enough for her crept in, but she looked at him with all seriousness and said, “Pizza and a big beer.”

  He couldn’t suppress his chuckle as he stood. “Okay. I think you might be the perfect woman.”

  “I’m pretty sure you figured that out fifteen years ago.”

  “True. And I promise, I never forgot.”

  His heart gave a pang of longing for the connection they’d had. They might have been teens, but they’d been head-over-heels in love. If things had been different, they’d have been married, built a life, had a family. But she’d been married, built a life with some other guy. It hurt to think about the things that man had gotten to experience with her. Firsts that he’d never get to claim.

  He had to clear his throat before he could say anything. “Be right back.”

  Her gaze was on him as he walked. He could feel it, and he was a goner for her. As if he hadn’t known it the second he’d seen her in the library. After paying and picking up their food and drinks, he turned to make his way back to her, but stopped in his tracks when he saw a familiar tall man sitting next to her. That teacher . . . Becker? Bennett? The dude was close, too close. His thigh touched hers, shoulder bumping against her as they talked. The fucker. And then she laughed. Goddammit. There was no way this asshole was going to worm his way in between them. She’d told him no once.

  Sully stalked across the floor and readied himself for a confrontation. The man stood, tucking a lock of hair behind Sloan’s ear. Oh, fuck no. That was his. Everything about Sloan was his. This guy had better watch himself.

  Sully stood behind them, seething with untamed jealousy. “Everything okay over here, baby?”

  Sloan turned, her cheeks pink as though she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t. Well, maybe that was true. Maybe she did like that guy.

  “I was saying hi. Sloan and I work together.” The guy held out a hand and Sully just glanced at his own full hands. “I’m Beckett.”

  “Yeah? Looked a lot more cozy than a friendly hello.”

  “Carson,” Sloan chided.

  Beckett narrowed his eyes and started to speak but Sully interrupted him. “Thanks for stopping by. But, my girl and I are on a date, and you’re interrupting.”

  “Uh . . . sure. Sloan, I’ll see you on Monday.”

  She offered him a nod and a small wave. As soon as he was a safe distance away, she turned her gaze on Sully. “What was that? Baby? Could you be any more of a caveman?”

  He laughed as he took his seat and handed her the drink carrier. “I could toss you over my shoulder and carry you back to my cave if you want.”

  “Oh, that won’t be necessary.”

  “You sure?”

  “I think I’ve had about all the alpha male I can take at the moment.” A wide smile spread across her beautiful face as he handed her a plate with a slice of greasy pepperoni pizza on it. “This is probably the best cheap date I’ve ever been on.”

  His chest swelled with pride. If he had it his way, this would be the first of many, and he’d be the only man she went out with.

  ~ ~ ~

  By the time Carson pulled up to her driveway, Sloan’s muscles were already complaining about the two hours of skating. She’d eventually gotten pretty good and didn’t even need his hand toward the end, but she didn’t tell him that. The connection of skin against skin made her feel complete and when they’d get going a little too fast and panic took hold, he’d grip her a little tighter and grin. His dimples showing as he pulled them along. He looked so much like the boy he’d been when he smiled. It made her heart clench. And the memory of his unchecked jealousy when Becks had shown up made her stomach flip.

  Now, as they sat in the quiet car, she debated inviting him inside.

  “Well, I should—” she started.

  “I’m glad you—” he said at the same time.

  She laughed and put her hand on his. “Go ahead.”

  “I had planned to take you to a movie and dessert, but my dog ate the cheesecake before I left.”

  “You made a cheesecake?”

  He shook his head and grinned. God, those dimples had always been like kryptonite. “No. My friend’s wife did.”

  “You could . . . we could watch a movie here.” She didn’t want him to leave. Just the idea of watching him drive away made her fingers itch to hold him close. “I’ve got popcorn . . . and hot cocoa.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. She had him. “Whipped cream, too?”

  “Of course. What kind of person doesn’t have whipped cream for their cocoa?”



  As they walked toward her front door, she found herself wishing he’d put his hand on the small of her back, or around her shoulders, but he was keeping himself at a distance.

  “Did I do something wrong?” she asked before putting her key in the lock.

  “What? Why would you ask that?”

  “You’ve had your hand in mine or your arm around me almost every moment since we got to the ice rink, but now you won’t touch me.”

  A pained expression crossed his face. “Sloan . . .” He ran a hand over his hair and sighed. “I want to do so much more than just touch you. If I let myself, things might go too far.”

  A thrill ran through her. “And?”

  “We’re not there yet.”

  Her heart swelled at the look in his eyes. He wanted to do this right. He wanted to give them a real chance. “Okay.”

  She didn’t say another word as they walked into the living room and settled on the couch. He left more space than she’d like between them and as they both reached for the remote, her hand brushed his, sending tingles along her arm.

  “What do you want to watch?” she asked, gripping the controller tightly and keeping her eyes trained on the blank screen.

  “Anything you want.” His voice was tense, pulling her gaze to him. “Honestly, I don’t think I’ll be able to pay much attention.”

  A nervous laugh escaped her and she glanced down at her clenched hands. “Me, too. Sorry. I haven’t been on a date in a long time.”

  He pursed his lips. “I’ve seen you out with that teacher a few times. It looked like you were on a date.”

  Beckett. Damn. “Those weren’t really—”

  “Did he kiss you?”

  Her heart thudded against her ribcage. “What?”

  “Did he kiss you? If he did, he at least thought it was a date.”

  “That’s . . . none of your business.”

  “I’ve been inside you. I’ve slept with you in my arms and watched you smile in your sleep. Everything about you is my business.”

  “That was a lifetime ago.” Her heart ached at the need she had to deny him. She didn’t want to make him feel insignificant, but his intensity scared her . . . in part because she recognized it in her as well. “Fine. He kissed me. Happy?”

  His knuckles tightened on his knees as he turned his gaze to the floor. “No.”

  “I’m not dating him. Bes
ides, why should I have to defend myself to you? You were all over that girl at the bar. You’ve whored yourself out to every woman over the age of eighteen as far as I’ve heard.”

  He turned blazing eyes on her. “We’ve already been over this.”

  “Yeah, we have. There wasn’t anything between us when Beckett made his move. You know that. Why is this an issue?”

  “Because you’re mine. And I’ve always been yours. Always. I never thought you would come back to me. I can’t take it if you . . .” he trailed off, leaving the last words unsaid.

  She heard them. I can’t take it if you leave me.


  He closed his eyes and shook his head. “Don’t. It’s fine. I’m sorry. I should get going. Thanks for coming out with me tonight.”

  “You don’t have to—”

  “I do. I have to go because it was a stupid idea to try and forget our past. I never stopped thinking of you, even though I tried so fucking hard to put you out of my mind. I need to leave now before I do something you’re not ready for.”

  “Like what?”

  He stood and she followed, not willing to let him win this.

  “Like what, Carson? Show me.”

  His hand rested on the doorknob, and for a moment, she thought she’d lost. But then he turned, wrapped his hands around her arms, and pulled her into his broad chest. She could feel the beat of his heart against her palm as she pressed herself slightly away. He released her with one hand, but the other slid down to the small of her back.

  “This, Sloan,” he breathed as he trailed his lips across her jaw. “We’re not ready for this.”

  Heart hammering, she sucked in a sharp breath when his mouth closed over the sensitive skin of her earlobe. She could hear his breaths, tense, needy, and all she wanted was to turn her head and let him take her lips.

  “How do you know I’m not ready?”

  On a groan, he clutched her tighter to him, his obvious arousal pressing into her belly. His teeth nipped her ear before he moved and dropped his lips to hers. Yes, this was what she wanted. Him. When he was kissing her, all of their baggage disappeared and they were left with the undeniable connection between them.


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