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Monroe, Melody S. - Lydia's Passion [Pleasure, Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Tom glanced up and smiled. Despite the slightly red eyes, he had sex appeal in abundance. She would have liked his hair a little longer, more rebellious looking, but she still yearned to run her hand across his brown crown. Even tired, Tom’s eyes twinkled as if he knew he made a stir when entering a room. He sure had her heart going every time she laid eyes on him.

  “Thought you could use some good coffee and a snack.” She placed Tom’s on his desk.

  “That’s right nice of you.”

  “Well, I did have an ulterior motive.” Just not one you’ll guess. “I wanted to thank you for taking care of me last night.”

  “My pleasure. I just wish the attack had never happened in the first place.” His gaze ran over the rest of her body, causing heat to rush up her cheeks.

  “Me, too. Any news on Snake?”

  “Not yet, but he hasn’t checked out of his hotel. Justin’s been looking for him all day. I’ll go over there again tonight and hopefully arrest him.” He winked and she nearly moaned out loud. He held up a hand. “Don’t worry. I’ll be driving by your place, or else Justin will to check on you.”

  Both seemed to be committed to keep her from harm. “Thank you, again.” This time when she glanced over at Justin, he was on the phone. “I guess I’ll leave this with you. The sheriff looks busy.”

  “We had a disturbance over at the Anderson place. Their new puppy wandered off.”

  “Sheena ran away?” She loved that little puppy. Abandoned at the back of the Mountain View, Lydia had found the newborn snuggled in the garbage and had taken him inside. The Andersons were kind enough to adopt the dog when no one else would.

  “Don’t worry. I’m betting once it gets dark, she’ll come back.”

  “I hope so.” She loved how Tom’s brown eyes looked sad when he spoke about the missing pup. Anyone who loved animals had to be a good person. “Well, I better get going.”

  “If you see Snake’s truck anywhere, call me. And don’t answer the door if he comes.” He leaned back in his chair. “And be sure to lock your doors.”

  She laughed. “He won’t get the jump on me again. Trust me.”

  “Good.” He chomped on the muffin and waved the steaming coffee. “Thanks for the pick-me-up.” When he winked again, she wanted to melt right there.

  Good Lord. He was actually flirting with her. Until recently, he’d just been civil when they bumped into each other. Maybe she should thank Snake for bringing Tom to her on a platter. Before she said anything stupid and embarrassed herself, she raced out, needing some downtime at home.

  Since she’d get in no exercise with this snow, she decided to curl up and read. After an early dinner and a shower, she crawled into bed, hoping to get her mind off her worries. Strong gusts began shortly after nine and the howling winds rattled the windows, causing her nerves to get jumpy.

  Close to ten, someone tapped on her door, and every muscle tightened. That bastard wouldn’t dare step foot in her house again. Her hands turned slick thinking about the confrontation. She removed the loaded gun from her side table along with her pepper spray and padded out to the living room. She considered not answering, but Snake wouldn’t take no for an answer. He’d get in somehow.

  She looked through the shade, her finger on the trigger.

  To her surprise, it was Harold and Ed standing outside, rubbing their arms as if they were half-frozen. She didn’t see their car anywhere. She pulled open the door.

  “Hey, what are you two doing out in this weather.” Freezing, damp air poured in, chilling her.

  Both glanced to the ground. “We’re sorry to bother you, Lydia, but our car broke down about a mile back. Your place was the only one we knew.”

  From the way their cheeks were chapped and their noses red, they were telling the truth. “Well, come in and let me get you something hot to drink.” Her mother had taught her to be hospitable at all times.

  “Bless you.” Ed kept his gaze averted as he came in.

  She supposed she should change into jeans, as they’d already seen her naked. Still, wearing her robe might send the wrong message. “I’ll be back in a sec.”

  Once she dressed, she fixed tea and brought out a tray with some cookies she had. “What were you doing out on a night like this?”

  Both were seated in the living room. “Actually, we were heading on down to Wyoming to visit Ed’s sister, and we wanted to get a head start when the damn car broke down. Guess we’ll have to wait until morning to get it towed back to town. I know Victor will be able to fix whatever is wrong.”

  She wanted to ask why they hadn’t Googled the weather report before they left town, but she didn’t want to come off as a know-it-all. Getting stranded in a storm could result in death. “I guess one of you can sleep in the spare bedroom and the other on the sofa. I have to leave pretty early in the morning for work, so you can’t sleep in.”

  Harold grinned. “What about your bed?” He scooted over on the couch and patted the empty seat beside him.

  Once again, she’d anticipated the request. “Sorry. The sofa and spare bedroom is all the hospitality you’ll get.” At least she managed to answer him with a friendly smile.

  Harold laughed. “Only kidding. We’re just grateful we don’t have to sleep in the car.”

  “You might have died.” She glanced at the TV clock. “Towels are in the linen closet. I’ll get a blanket and pillow for the sofa.” She got her guests what they needed. “Well, fellas, I’m heading to bed. See you in the morning.”

  “Night,” they replied in unison.

  In a way, she was glad they were here. If Snake were stupid enough to drive all the way out here in the storm, her two bodyguards could protect her. In case either one of the men got any ideas, she locked her bedroom door. After all, she had succumbed to their charms once upon a time.

  Knowing she’d be safe for the evening, she fell into a hard sleep. In fact, she’d slept so deeply, she woke up a little late and had to hurry to get ready. Once she donned her uniform, she opened her bedroom door to let the men know they needed to get going.

  Instead of seeing someone asleep on the sofa, her heart dropped to her stomach, and her throat closed up. Not only was no one in the living room, but her TV was missing. The picture above where the set used to be had been destroyed. On legs that barely moved, she picked up a few torn pillows. They’d ripped curtains and smashed photos. They might as well have torn out her heart. “Why?”

  Once she caught her breath, she moved to the spare bedroom and kitchen. No one was there. A slow boil simmered in her stomach. She clenched her hands, debating what to do. “You shits!”

  No one could hear her, but she didn’t care. These men would pay. She shook her head. How could she have been so stupid to let these men into her house? How did they think they could get away with the crime when she knew their names? And how had they made this mess and she hadn’t awaken? She hadn’t had anything to drink, so they couldn’t have drugged her. Normally, she wasn’t such a sound sleeper, but last night, she’d been dead to the world.

  She couldn’t just stand there doing nothing. First things first. She called her boss to let him know she’d be late to work.

  “Don’t you worry. Luke or I will cover for you.”

  “I owe you one.” He truly was a dear man.

  “Just take care of the mess, and don’t let any more strange men into your house.” His attempt to act like he wasn’t worried fell flat.

  “You can bet on it. My problem was that I believed them to be friends.”

  “You always were too trusting.”

  She was?

  Next she called the sheriff’s station and asked if Tom was free. She didn’t want to call him on his cell in case he was busy. “Tom’s asleep, but Justin’s on call.”

  “That’s fine.” Maybe there was a silver lining in all his mess.

  To her surprise, the sheriff arrived in less than fifteen minutes, as if he’d dropped what he was doing and charged out here.r />
  The moment she let him in, he gave her a comforting hug, something she never expected from the usually reserved sheriff.

  “Are you okay?” He searched her eyes.

  “Physically, yes.”

  He glanced around and probably could tell she lived paycheck to paycheck, given the worn condition of the furniture. This event would set her back for months.

  Little did anyone know, every extra dime she had went for her brother’s care. Her mom might have considered her only son dead, but Lydia didn’t. It wasn’t Alex’s fault he was autistic and needed to be in a group home.

  He took hold of her shoulders and gave her the once-over. “Are you sure you’re okay? They didn’t try to force themselves on you, did they?”

  His brows were pinched and his lips pressed thin, almost as if he wasn’t going to breathe until he learned the truth. “No. I locked my bedroom door. I heard nothing.”

  He let out an audible breath. “Tell me again how they got in.”

  How embarrassing was this? “I let them in.” She held up her hands. “I know Tom told me not to let anyone in, but the men were freezing.” She cringed, knowing he’d think she was too stupid to live.

  His face remained unreadable, but his big inhale told her he was struggling to control his anger. “And then?”

  She told him the truth. “Since their car had broken down, I told them they could stay in my spare bedroom and on the living room pull-out couch.”

  He took out a pad from his pocket and made a note. “I’ll give a call to the Wyoming State Police to see if Ed Trank really does have a sister who lives there.”

  She appreciated that he didn’t lecture her on her unwise decision. This time, a strong warning wasn’t needed. She got it loud and clear. She wouldn’t be a victim again.

  Wanting to help, she told him the history. “They used to hang out with Snake. Maybe he wanted revenge for the pepper spray incident and hired them to trash my house as some kind of warning.”

  “It’s possible.” He did a quick tour of the rest of the place. “I want you to come back to the station for the time being. If any of the men return, there’s no telling what they might do next.”

  Her heart beat so fast she wasn’t able to speak for a moment. “Why?”

  “Maybe I didn’t make myself clear. You can no longer stay here. There’s no telling who might show up.”

  “You want me to stay with you?”

  His eyes lightened. “Well, not me per se, but there’s a large room in the back of the station where Tom or I often crash. You can stay there until I think it’s safe. I know someone who can clean up this mess. I’ll give her a call.”

  “Thanks.” His plan seemed like a good idea. “I’ll pack a few things.”


  While she was sad some of her favorite keepsakes were ruined, the chance to be close to her men overshadowed the heartache. In fact, she almost skipped back to her room, her mind going a million miles an hour thinking of how she was going to seduce the two men she loved.

  Chapter Three

  The sheriff’s back room was actually bigger than her bedroom. It had two single beds, a dresser, and an attached bath. Someone had tossed a uniform on the back of the chair as if he were staying here. Through the open door, she noticed the bathroom counter wasn’t empty either. Hmm. Maybe Tom was the one staying here. Connie had reported he’d been asleep when she called.

  No matter her goals, she didn’t want to intrude. “I can’t stay here. It looks kind of occupied.”

  Justin shifted his weight. “I forgot that Tom’s been here quite a lot ever since Carl, our other deputy, had his appendix out. I don’t see any other option. You’ll just have to share.”

  Her body seemed to be on hold as an erotic movie sputtered through her mind.

  “Lydia, you okay?”

  Her breath whooshed out and her cheeks burned. “Yes.”

  Separate beds notwithstanding, they’d only be three feet apart. When she listened to him breathe at night, her mind would never stop thinking about him and sleep would totally elude her.

  “I’d offer my place, but it’s too far out of town.” Justin must have seen her mind working. “Being so isolated, if Snake did follow you, we’d never be able to reach you in time.”

  She glanced up at him. “Tom lives nearer to town.” Or at least she’d heard he did. Of the two men, he seemed the more receptive anyway.

  “True, but it’s only a one-bedroom.”


  “Until we get your house put back together and we capture those men, you’ll have to stay here. I’m sorry. The city can’t afford a hotel room. And even if they could, we don’t have the personnel to watch you.”

  “No, I understand.” She walked around the now-smaller-looking room. “I could ask one of my girlfriends if I could stay with her.” Imposing went against her grain.

  He stepped closer and brushed her jaw with his thumb. His brown eyes turned to molten chocolate and her heart nearly exploded. “You got away easy the first time and were incredibly lucky those two men didn’t try to kill you the second time. No, you’re going to stay here. I won’t take no for an answer.”

  And I don’t want to give you a no. “Shouldn’t we ask Tom?”

  “Ask me what?”

  She whipped around at the sound of his voice. “Justin is insisting I stay here.” She’d been so focused on staying with Tom in such an intimate setting that she hadn’t heard him come in.

  “I agree. In fact, I suggested that one of us be here at all times. The station is only safe when it’s manned.”

  “People might talk.” That was lame, but since her reputation was less than shiny, she didn’t want to drag them down, too.

  “I don’t give a fuck what people say. If anything happened to you, it would be on our conscience. I can’t allow it.”

  She was speechless at their level of insistence, not to mention thrilled that they cared. It was no wonder they were heroes.

  After a few long breaths to calm her pulse, she nodded. “Okay.” He smiled, and her pussy dampened. “I have to go to work, you know.” She couldn’t afford to give up tip money.

  “No problem. Snake, or anyone else, isn’t stupid enough to accost you in front of the station. You’re only going next door.”

  Justin turned her to face him. “Connie’s here until six. We’ll try to be back by then so you won’t be alone.”

  She smiled. “Thanks.”

  Tom took hold of her elbow. “I’ll walk you to work.”

  He was still in his jacket, so it made sense. While she headed over to Mountain View, her mind wouldn’t stop thinking of what might happen tonight. “Are you going to stay with me in the back room?”

  “You bet.”

  Tingles raced down her spine. She wondered whose bed she’d be sleeping in since there were two. Regardless, tonight would be quite an experience.

  * * * *

  Tom had been staking out the front of the Pleasure Hotel for over an hour, and Snake still hadn’t shown. While he was sorry all this shit happened to Lydia, he was also excited to be her nighttime bodyguard. Sleep would be hard to come by with the sexy siren within inches of his reach.

  He couldn’t help but be impressed by how much she’d changed since her arrival in Pleasure. She’d moved to town about a year after he and Justin came. Back then, if he’d dragged a black light over her face, he bet the word desperate would have shown up in bright, glowing letters on her forehead. Besides her mother’s questionable occupation, it was one of the reasons he never asked Lydia out. He yearned for stability, not a one-night stand. Though of late, he’d seen her bravado fade away and the vulnerable and sweet Lydia emerge. When he’d gone to her house after Snake’s attack, he’d seen the real Lydia Nestman. She’d been more pissed than afraid and had more guts in her little finger than most of the women had in their bodies. Maybe Snake really had been the last straw, and she now wanted to turn her life around.

sp; Before heading back to the station, he stopped next door for a pot roast to go. Ever since Mountain View got a new sous-chef, he swore he’d gained five pounds. While he waited for his meal, he asked one of the servers if he remembered Lydia eating dinner after her shift.

  “No. Even at the big discount, we have to pay. Lydia really counts her pennies.”

  “Get me a second meal to go, then.” Knowing her, she’d probably not say anything and starve.

  “You got it.”

  When Tom walked into the station with his wrapped bag of goodies, Connie was packing up to go.

  “Something smells good.”

  “Dinner for two.”

  From the sly smile on her lips, she seemed to assume some hanky-panky would be going on tonight. “She’s in the back room.”

  He wagged a finger at her. “I see that look. Lydia is in protective custody.” His. “Her virtue will remain intact.”

  “Whatever you say, Deputy Carnes.” Now she had the nerve to smile.

  He really enjoyed Connie. Her husband had died a few years ago in a freak construction accident. At thirty-one, she had a lot of life to live. He suspected she had a wild streak under her shy demeanor, but there’d never been a spark between them. It would take a special kind of woman to handle him, and Connie wasn’t that one. His mind automatically shot to Lydia.

  Don’t go there.

  “Go home.” He rolled his eyes and she laughed. Good thing her talents didn’t extend to mind reading. Otherwise, he might lose his job.

  Other than his desk, there wasn’t a good place to eat a meal. He set the bag down. Not wanting his food to get cold, he knocked on the adjoining bedroom door. “Lydia?” When she didn’t answer, he entered.


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