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Monroe, Melody S. - Lydia's Passion [Pleasure, Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “You can handle us. We want to fill you up with so much love, you’ll know how much we want you.”

  Facing her, he grabbed his cock and dragged it over her wet slit. Electric currents shot through her. Her pussy got so wet she feared Justin would slide right on out once he got in.

  Tom took hold of her hips. “Lift up a bit so I can fuck your ass while Justin strokes you from the front.”

  She had to think about how that was going to happen. When she understood, she pressed upward using her thighs, partially dislodging his cock. Justin kissed her just then and dragged his thumbs across the tips of her swollen nipples. How much more could she possibly take?

  “I love you, Lydia,” Tom said with a whisper. “I want to drive my cock so deep in your ass, you’ll scream my name.”

  Tom pushed upward, the friction so intense, her breath caught again. Kneeling, Justin threaded his cock into her slit and slowly slid up her wet channel.

  “God, I’ve missed this.” He kissed her as he eased his cock in her.

  While her walls were slick with her juices, adding Justin caused everything inside her body to stretch to the max. He pumped in and out a few times to reach the end. With her two heroes fully seated inside her, she took a breath after Justin pulled back. “Can you feel each other?” They couldn’t be more than a thin skin apart.

  Justin cupped her face and looked at her with such love her heart nearly burst. “Don’t you worry about us. Just enjoy the ride.”

  With that, they both moved in and out. Tom rubbed her shoulders as he drove into her rear, and Justin gave a lot of attention to her tits, her hair, and her lips. She held still, loving how every nerve exploded. The pressure of Justin’s fingers made her nipples vibrate with need. And Justin’s kisses? Oh, my. One minute his lips would be soft, and the next his tongue would probe her mouth as if he couldn’t get enough of her.

  She didn’t know where to focus her attention. She loved Justin’s cock pressing on her clit, but at the same time, Tom’s cock in her butt was like nothing she’d ever experienced. They were like a well-oiled machine. They’d moved in opposition. When one went in, the other knew to leave, to give him room. Her pussy dripped and her ass rejoiced at the pleasure.

  As if they’d given each other a signal, their speed increased, causing her pulse to race. Blood sped through her body as her climax drew near. Justin kept pinching her sensitive nipples, building her desires to the highest peak.

  Justin’s breaths grew rapid and he closed his eyes. When he dropped back his head, he gushed hot liquid into her. “Sweet Jesus, Lydia.”

  Tom squeezed her cheeks to hold her still as he rammed into her. “Come for me, darlin’.”

  Fireworks ignited in her body, catapulting her over the edge. She let go of all the hurt as her climax consumed her. “Yes!”

  Justin pummeled her with kisses as Tom finally came, his warm cum heating up her rear.

  No words came out of her mouth in the aftermath. All three were breathing hard when Justin pulled out. She leaned forward onto her hands, preventing her from touching her men like she wanted to. Right now, she didn’t have the strength to sit up.

  Tom moved out of her, and she dropped onto her belly.

  “Hold that thought,” Justin said as he rushed into the adjoining bath.

  He returned with a wet towel and cleaned her. He’d removed his condom and held a trash can over the bed for Tom do the same.

  She took the cloth from him. “It’s my turn.”

  With care, she dragged the cloth over their still-hard cocks. Without asking their permission, she leaned over Justin’s cock and rimmed the edge with her tongue before slipping in as much as she could into her mouth. His cock turned harder, thrilling her to know she could excite him right after he’d spent his liquid love.

  “Your mouth is wicked.”

  A soft meowing came from the end of the bed. Justin pulled out of her mouth. “Ah, I had hoped to save this as a little surprise, but I guess we’ll have to give him to you now.”

  She leaned backward and caught sight of the most precious animal. Her black kitty with a white, diamond-shaped pattern on his forehead swiped the air. She looked up at Justin. “For me?”

  He drew her into his arms as Tom reached over the bed and picked up the kitten. “Hello, little fellow.”

  “But we gave the kitty away to Dustin Eades. How do you have him?”

  “I asked Dustin to take the cat with the understanding I’d be collecting him in a few days. I know you loved this little guy, and I wanted you to be happy.”

  No one had ever done something that nice for her. “You know how much I love animals, and I’ve always wanted a kitten.”


  “I’m not home enough to do him justice. Kittens need a lot of attention.”

  Both men looked at each other. Justin took the kitten out of Tom’s hands. “I guess he could stay at the station until he grows a bit. Connie is always there, and I know she’d love to watch the little fellow while you’re at work.”

  “Really? I could come during my lunchtime and visit with him.”

  Justin handed her the cat. “You’ll have to take all your breaks with us, too.”

  She laughed. “If I came over every time I had a break, I think I’d end up in the back room for an hour at a time.”

  “Then maybe you should quit your job and make us your top priority.”

  Wouldn’t she love that? “Someone has to pay the bills at my house.”

  “About that.” Justin took her hand and Tom scooted closer. “What would you say to moving in with me and Tom?” He held up a hand. “You could have your own room if you wanted, but we’d really like to make it more of a permanent thing.”

  Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest. Her dream of having them could be hers, but to rush the decision might backfire. “Can I think about it?”

  Justin winced. She didn’t want to disappoint them, but she wanted to make sure her mom wouldn’t get upset with her moving half an hour away.

  Be honest. She wanted to be sure they really meant what they said. She would judge their actions over the next few weeks to see if they wanted someone just to have sex with, or if they wanted her on a more permanent basis, like they claimed. She knew one thing. In the long run, she wanted a family and a lifelong commitment, but would her two loves want the same thing?

  “Sure. Anything to make you happy.”

  * * * *

  Justin and Tom drove back from a successful trip to Bozeman. Justin’s heart swelled thinking about making Lydia their own. She said she liked hearing that they loved her. He thought they’d show her, too.

  He parked in front of the station and Tom slid out. “When do you want to ask her?”

  The chill in the air seemed more damp than usual, causing the wind to cut through his wool coat. “I’d say tonight. I think it’s the only way to get her to commit.” The damned woman had withheld her body for two weeks now, each day saying she needed more time to think about what she wanted.

  “Did you remember to order the cake?” Tom asked.

  Justin pulled open the station’s front door. Connie smiled. No need to have the city gossip spill the beans, so he motioned Tom to the back room.

  “Yes. I even remembered to ask for extra frosting. I plan on smearing chocolate all over her body and licking it off. It won’t be a little bit of frosting like the last time.”

  Tom closed his eyes for a second. “I’m thinking of putting chocolate all over my cock and having Lydia suck it clean.”

  Justin chuckled. “Why don’t we get her now? Her shift is almost over.” He could almost taste her lips on his.

  “I’ll go in the back way, get the cake, and meet you at the car.”

  “Deal.” He couldn’t wait to see the expression on her face when they asked her to marry them.

  These last few weeks had been hell waiting for her to say she wanted to spend the rest of her life with them. Tom had convinced him a woman
like Lydia wanted to be given something tangible to prove they loved her, so they’d hightailed to Bozeman and bought her a ring.

  During the last two weeks, they’d gone to the movies with her, played card games, laughed a ton, and even cooked a few meals together. He’d never had a better time. Lydia was so perfect on so many levels. If they hadn’t been convinced before how much they loved her, the time spent being together had convinced them that they wanted her for the rest of their lives. He prayed she’d agree.

  Her shift didn’t end for another fifteen minutes, so he called her boss and told him about the special occasion.

  “No problem. We’re slow right now. Come on over.”

  His cock was already hard by the time he got inside the bar and grill thinking about what they wanted to do with her. Prince, their cute kitty, stuck his head out from his pocket and meowed. He’d grown to love the little devil, despite the fact the kitten had a tendency to jump on his keyboard just as he’d finished some important report.

  But Lydia adored the cat, so wherever she was, the cat would go, too.

  “Oh, hi!” She rushed over and gave him a kiss.

  “Your boss said I could take you home.”


  “To my house.”

  She looked a little perplexed. “But my car’s here.”

  “It’ll be safe overnight.”

  She grinned. “And what makes you think I want to spend the night?” She kept her voice low. “Has something changed?”

  “You’ll have to trust me. Come on.”

  She grabbed her coat and followed him out. “Where’s Tom?”

  “In the car. He has a surprise for you.”

  “What is it?”

  “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you.”

  * * * *

  Justin opened the rear door, and she climbed in next to Tom. For the next forty-five minutes they snuggled, kissed, and touched. Tom didn’t behave himself. His hands sneaked under her dress and cupped her now-wet pussy. She’d missed having sex these last few weeks. Really missed it.

  The fact they’d respected her enough not to press the issue proved to her that they really did love her. Truth be told, she’d planned on calling them tonight and giving them the good news that she wanted to accept their offer. But here they were, and she was ready to move forward.

  Tom leaned over. “I can’t wait to sink my cock in your pussy.”

  “Oooh.” That was a nice change. She thought he wanted to come in the back door next time they were together. “But who says I’m going to put out?” She winked and grabbed his cock. “I might want to suck your cock instead?” She loved teasing her men.

  “Hey,” Justin said. “I’m trying to drive here. I don’t want to get distracted by watching you two have sex in the backseat.” Prince jumped on top of the passenger-side seat as if he, too, wanted a little peace and quiet.

  They both burst out laughing. Justin was right, though. She could wait a few more minutes before attacking them. After what seemed like a long drive, Justin parked in front of his house. She picked up the kitty and headed up the stairs. Her men followed. It wasn’t until they were inside that she noticed Tom was carrying a Mountain View box.

  “What’s that?”

  “A little dessert.”

  He opened the box to give her a peek. “Chocolate cake with lots of frosting!” Her imagination raced.

  “Do you remember what we started to do the last time we had chocolate cake?”

  “You bet. I think we got a little distracted.” And had the most amazing sex in the world.

  “This time you won’t get away.” Tom moved closer. “We want to smear the chocolate not only on your body but on our cocks, too. It’ll be a chocolate-eating feast.”

  She held up her hands in mock surrender. “I need to be convinced it will be worth my while to give my body to such noble men.”

  “We’ll be happy to.”

  Justin took her hand and led her into the living room. She sat while they stood in front of her.

  “Lydia,” Justin began. “We understand your hesitation to commit to us. You want to know that we will love you forever.” As if they’d choreographed it, both men knelt in front of her and took a hand.

  Her heart beat too fast, and her mouth turned dry. One minute they were talking about licking icing off her body, and the next they were on their knees. Prince jumped up on the sofa and nudged her hand.

  “What Justin is trying to say is that we both love you and want you in our lives.” He elbowed Justin.

  With his free hand, Justin removed a velvet box from his pocket and handed her the small gift.

  Her hands trembled so much she barely was able to open it. Inside was a sparkling diamond. “Oh, my God!”

  “Will you marry us?” Justin asked, his eyes pleading.

  Tom cleared his throat. “I know you can legally only marry one of us. Since Justin is older by a year, the reverend has agreed to marry you two, but I’ll be right there by your side. What do you say?”

  It took a moment for her throat to open up. “I’m shocked. I never expected this.”

  Tom and Justin rose up and sat on either side. Justin squeezed her hand. “Before you give us your decision, there is one thing we need to discuss.”

  A ton of questions flitted through her brain. “What?”

  “How many children do you want and how soon can we start?”

  “Four, and now?” She hoped they were serious. Her answer came out so quick, she wasn’t even sure how she’d arrived at that number. “But what about my job?”

  The men looked at each other. “You don’t have to work. We can afford to support you. You can be a lady of luxury.”

  “That sounds too good to be true, but I don’t think I want that. For one, I like to pay my way. It doesn’t matter if you two can afford for me not to work. Waitressing, I always knew, was a temporary thing.”

  “So what would you like to do?” Justin squeezed her hand.

  “I told one of you that my dream was to go back to school and finish my degree. You know how much I love animals. I’m thinking that with the right course work, I could get at least a part-time job at the vet’s office.”

  Justin looked at Tom. “That works for us. We want you to live a fulfilled life.”

  She leaned back. “But there are other things, too.”

  “Name it.”

  “I want to be kept informed if you’re going to be late. You don’t know what it was like waiting for you to come back to the station. I kept thinking you were lying in the street bleeding to death.”

  Tom cleared his throat. “I give you my promise that I will personally call you if I’m going to be late. No more will I ever entrust Justin with relaying my phone message.”

  They all laughed.

  Justin smiled. “I, too, promise to be extra diligent to let you know my every move so you don’t worry.”

  As long as she was getting them to agree to her demands, she might as well get all of them out in the open. “It’s possible that my rather large brother might want to visit for a few days. Would you have a problem with that?”

  “No,” they said in unison.

  “And if my mom decides to return to her crazy ways, maybe my new husbands can turn a blind eye.”

  Justin and Tom turned serious. “There’s one thing you need to know about us. We won’t break the law for anyone. Even your mom, but we’ll try to get her the best help there is.”

  Her love swelled. With their willingness to make her happy, she took both of their hands. “Then the answer to your question is yes. I will marry you both and be the best wife I know how.”

  Tom pumped his fist. “Yes!” He leaned over and kissed her hard.

  “Hey, I need some, too.”

  She leaned back and held up her hands. “There’s one more thing.”

  Justin’s brows furrowed. “What?”

  “No fighting over me. I love both of you equally and I want to be w
ith each of you equally, but sometimes I might like to be with you one-on-one. Are you both okay with that?”

  Tom stroked his chin. “Justin, she is a demanding little thing, isn’t she?”

  “Yes, but you know what? I love her even more.”

  “Me, too.”

  Her heart burst from all their love.

  “Tom, how about getting out that cake to celebrate?” He turned to Lydia. “Since you love to tell us what to do, who do you want naked first?”




  Unlike most other authors, I started writing late in life. Writing stories in high school and college was not for me. Only after I graduated did I fall in love with romance novels. For the next twenty years, I read voraciously. It got to a point where my book-buying habits cost as much as my groceries. At that point, my husband suggested I write a book. Hey, it looked easy, right? All the stories started in the same spot (hero and heroine at odds) and ended the same way (happily ever after). Only it was anything but easy. Eleven years and fifteen completed romantic suspenses later, I finally published. I never would have gotten that far had it not been for two local chapters whose generous members shared their amazing wealth of knowledge.

  Also by Melody S. Monroe

  Ménage Everlasting: Pleasure, Montana 1: Chelsea’s Pleasure

  Ménage Everlasting: Fantasy Resort 1: Three Hired Lovers

  Ménage Everlasting: Fantasy Resort 2: Undercover Fantasy

  Ménage Everlasting: Fantasy Resort 3: Hidden Fantasy

  Ménage Everlasting: Fantasy Resort 4: Deception Fantasy

  Ménage Everlasting: Fantasy Resort 5: Fantasy Ranch

  Siren Classic: Verdict

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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