Legends of Thamaturga The Contestant: The Contestant

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Legends of Thamaturga The Contestant: The Contestant Page 7

by HC MacDonald

  The next round was two days away. Ethan said I had made the cut. I was happy for the small break. It would give me time to heal. I spent most my time sleeping. Rest seemed to heal me the best. Robyn and the others would take turns visiting and checking on me. Raoul even came once. He was conducting business with Sanna and Ethan. I couldn’t hear much. It was something about Erebos, a drink, another contract. I reminded myself to ask when the morning came. I drifted into unconsciousness.

  I slept for a full day. It was late evening. I could barely feel the blanket of magic. I lifted my shirt and looked at my scars. They were completely scabbed over. As long as I didn’t make sudden moves, I would not bleed again. My stomach growled at me. I frowned at the sound. I slowly sat up in bed and then tried to stand. My mind began to spin and I lost my balance. I could feel myself falling. Two hands grabbed me around the waist, catching my fall. My eyes were dotted with colors. When I was able to focus and see again, I looked up at Leon.

  I could feel my cheeks blush. What was he doing here? Sanna was right behind him. I looked to her for sympathy and help. He set me down on the bed but kept his hands on my shoulders, holding me steady. I closed my eyes and let my head stop spinning. I looked to Sanna again for support.

  “I asked Leon to come by.” Sanna stated. I looked from her to him. He was to close. He had squatted down to eye level. I was staring into his golden brown eyes. “Are you feeling better?” Leon asked.

  “Yes, I think my head is done spinning. I should be okay now. I would like to try standing again.” I went to push off the bed but was met with his strength pushing me down.

  “Nope, you need to sit here a few minutes before trying that again.” He was looking at me. I watched his eyes move to the old scars and cuts on my arms. He turned one of my arms to look at the brands still printed underneath. He then let his eyes drift down to my legs. More scars, cuts and bruising. He let his hands trail down my legs. Then stopped and lifted my foot. He looked closer and then traced the almost invisible scar that ran under my ankle in a half circle. I had done that our first night together. He looked up at me. I could see the sympathy and sorrow in his eyes. “What has happened to you?” He asked sincerely.

  “Life, it’s not always peaceful.” I didn’t know what else to say. I couldn’t risk telling him about us. I couldn’t bare the hatred he had for me at one time to come back. I gave him a shy smile. He returned mine with a sad one of his own. “Please sit here for a while. I will bring you what you need.” He patted my knee and stood up.

  “Thank you, I could use some water and something to eat.” My stomach growled in agreement. I saw his lips lift at the sound of the growl. He left for the kitchen. Sanna stood in the door way. I waved her over.

  “Did you find out something, is that why he is here?” I felt both embarrassed and hopeful. Could this be the turning point for us?

  “We did, but that’s not why he’s here. I received word our mother is on her way. She will be here in a day or so. Wants to interview the nominee’s.” She paused. She looked like she was deciding what I could handle to hear. Then with a flutter of her eyes, decided against it.

  “Okay, so it looks like there is more you want to say. So tell me.” I looked at her with my serious face.

  “Later.” She looked out the door into the other room. I knew what she meant. Leon. I had to wait for him to leave. She held my hand. “Are you okay?”

  “I feel much better. A good nap did the trick.” I said yawning.

  “You were asleep for a full day and a half.” Sanna laughed

  “What? No! Oh, no! Did I miss the next game?” I was appalled no one had woken me. Our plan! Everything!

  “No, its tomorrow.” She laughed.

  I let out a sigh of relief. Leon had entered the room. “What is tomorrow?” He asked.

  “The last game to decide who is our nominee.” Sanna said sarcastically.

  “Are you a fan?” Leon asked to me.

  “Yes.” I didn’t dare expand. If I was telling the truth then I absolutely was a fan of me.

  “Are you cheering for anyone in particular?” He continued.

  I looked to Sanna for help. She just smiled, waiting for my answer.

  “I am cheering on Pearl.” I took the sandwich off the plate he held and took a big bite. I hoped it would end the conversation. Sanna gave a soft chuckle.

  “Leon, maybe we should let her rest. I don’t want to excite her while she is healing.” Sanna said as she stood and began pushing him out the door.

  Leon looked over his sister at me, “I’m glad to see you are doing well.” Then he was out of the room and out the front door. I put my hands over my face. Aauugghhh. I took a smaller bite this time of the sandwich. I could feel the nausea seeping in. I was done eating. I set the sandwich to the side and leaned back on the bed. Sanna came in.

  “Sorry, I had to tell him about mom. I thought he would be gone before you woke. I was extremely worried, you had slipped into a coma. You had been out for so long.”

  “Sanna, breathe. I’m all right. I just overdid it yesterday, or the other day. I am feeling much better.”

  “So,” her eyebrows raised, “it’s the first time he’s been interested in your well being. That’s a good sign.” She smirked as she said it and gently hit my thigh.

  I blushed again. “Maybe it’s a new beginning for us.” I sighed, the thought bringing me peace. It was so hard not to put my arms around his neck when he was so close. I wanted that again.

  Sanna squeezed my knee and stood again. “Get some rest Raina, tomorrow will be another busy day for you. You will need your strength.”

  “Do you know what I have to do tomorrow?” I asked.

  “No, but I have Ethan asking around to find out. We want to make sure your prepared.” She walked out of the room shutting the door behind her. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and went back to sleep. I heard Robyn come in some time later and begin her potions and chants. The heavy blanket back over me, giving me peace.



  I had to leave Sanna’s or else I would have made a big mistake. It started the moment I entered her home. I could smell the sweet aroma of summer. It was pure and intoxicating. I found myself craving the scent. It was strong, and came from Sasha’s room.

  “Sanna, who is here?” I had to ask, I no longer trusted my senses. Given I had associated this smell with three women now, Raina, Pearl, and Lace. My mind was confused.

  “Hush, you’ll wake her. It’s Raina. She needs her rest. She has much to recover from.” Sanna said pulling me into the kitchen to talk. From there I could barely see the fragile form on the bed. I felt that strong urge to go to her side. I shook it off. Sanna began talking about mom. Something about her coming, I wasn’t sure. My mind was distracted and I couldn’t stop looking toward the room. Sanna hit me a few times to get my attention.

  “Yeah, yeah. Mom coming got it.” I was looking back at the room again. “Sanna, do you know where Ethan took Pearl? I wanted to look in on her. Make sure she is okay?” I turned from the room and looked at my sister.

  She fumbled the mug she was holding and it landed with a crash. Shattering the clay in pieces on the floor. She grabbed a towel and I came around the island to help her. “Grab me another towel will you.” She ordered. I did as she said. She was finishing cleaning when I asked again, “Do you know how she is?”

  “Who?” she played dumb.

  “Pearl? Where is she staying?” I had asked around town and no one knew where she was. They only knew Ethan and Sanna had been rallying around her.

  “She’ll be fine. Ethan took care of her. She is fine.” Then she changed the subject on me. “So are you picking up mom or will I?”

  “What, oh, mom.” I was distracted again. My gaze back on the bedroom. I saw Raina stir.

  “I can get her. She will stay with me while you have Raina. What time?” I didn’t hear what she said. I was watching Raina move to a seated position. She
looked fragile and pale. Her back were I could see it was covered in scars, scabs and bruises. It looked like she had been through an explosion. I hadn’t realized it, but I had been walking toward her. I stopped at the door frame. I could hear Sanna telling me to come back. Raina was working on standing.

  I could hear my brain yell at her to sit back down. She wasn’t ready. I took a giant stride and stretched out my hands in time for her to fall into them. Saving her from a hard crash to the floor. She was dizzy and from the look on her face, I could see she was unable to focus. I held her for a minute. It felt familiar. That feeling of déjà vu came over me again. She lifted her head and smiled at me. It was a beautiful smile. I wanted nothing more than to hold her. I shook the feeling off of me and set her down on the bed. She tried again to stand up. I forced her down again.

  I looked her up and down. Then slowly I looked over the markings, scars and scabs on her arms. Then down on her legs. One faint scar caught my attention. I felt I had seen it before. An image of a swollen ankle, dirty sock and bloody dagger entered my mind. I shook it out. It didn’t make sense. I had not met this girl prior to the war. I certainly hadn’t seen her since. I was confused. My mind playing tricks, taking images from Lace and my past and inserting her. “What has happened to you?” I asked in my head. When she answered, I realized I had said it out loud.

  I looked up at her. My heart full of sympathy and sadness for all she must have gone through. I wanted to be able to fix it for her. I knew I shouldn’t, or couldn’t. Our faces were less than a foot away. My senses were being overrun by her scent. My hands burning from the touch of her skin. In that moment I wanted nothing more than to lean in and kiss the girl. I needed a distraction. I asked what she needed. Gave me an excuse to leave the room. Distance myself from her.

  Sanna and Raina were talking when I came back. It was about the games. I had forgotten all about them from the moment I entered Sanna’s house. I would be betrothed at the end of them. My heart sank a bit. I inquired if she was a fan, who she was cheering for. Anything to not think about kissing her.

  She was cheering for Pearl. Figures. Everything had to be so complex. What had started out so simple, me wanting to marry Lace, was now getting complicated. I found myself cheering for Pearl and wanting Raina. Sanna was pushing me out the door. I was glad to go. I needed to get away from them both. I told myself when Lace starts competing it would be different. That’s the only reason I cheered for Pearl now. It was the absence of Lace.

  The final game for the village nominee was tomorrow. Chances were, it would not be Pearl.



  Today was the last event. Round three. The winner of this single event would be the nominee. No pressure. Hah! It was a simple game of hide and seek. They would hide an object. We were to seek it out. First to find it and turn it in wins. I was anxious for the game to begin.

  We, Sanna, Ethan, and I as Pearl, headed to the ceremonial ground arena. It was the place of the final game. It had been transformed from the open aired finish line some nights ago to an enclosed monumental domed building. As we walked inside the domed shape arena there were two sets of doors. One marked participants the other spectators. They wished me luck, then moved through the doors and up a series of stairs. I took a deep breath. The butterflies in my stomach were sewing knots. I was anxious, nervous and excited all at once. I scratched my arm. The two days of rest and the magic Robyn had performed had done enough to seal all my wounds. They no longer bleed or tore when I moved. Now they itched. I tried not to scratch the delicate scabs off my body. I reached out and opened the set of doors. It took me to a second set of doors larger than the first. Upon my approach, they opened automatically. I stepped forward into a perfectly white room. It was small in size, but the grandeur of the height made it feel enormous. The other nine women were there. I was the last to arrive. We still had plenty of time before we started. My nerves were growing in anxiety. I looked around and noticed some white benches on the wall. I took a seat in one. The other women were conversing. I could only catch glimpses of the conversations they were having in hush tones. Something about why I was here. I didn’t give it any thought. The women that were left had all been belittling me from day one. I didn’t expect their opinions had changed much. I closed my eyes and thought of my family. Trying hard to block out the chatter and anxiety.

  It wasn’t long till the rear set of doors opened. Together we walked out into the arena. Above us were rows of seats. I looked around for Sanna. Instead I was greeted by the Elders, Leon, and other nominees seated high above the ground in a special section. They were framed by beautiful white flowers and ivy. I looked over the crowd, finally spotting my friends. They were seated together at the far end from where I was. I could see Sanna biting her nails in anticipation. I felt my stomach flip in my own anxiety. I looked about the arena. There was a white glistening curtain hanging from below the seating separating us from the rest of the arena. I could not see through the white of the curtain. Reaching above the curtain and spread throughout the building from floor to ceiling were beautiful carved white columns. They were wrapped in the white flowers and ivy. The room looked as if it was plucked from the clouds. It gave me a sense of calm and peace. I was happy for the change in my demeanor.

  An Elder announced the welcome. He stood on a platform that elevated him down to ground level from the other Elders seating. With a loud voice he announced we would begin. The crowd cheered. I could see my little group waving banners with my name. It made me smile. I hoped I would do them proud.

  We stood before the Elder. He handed us each a small white jeweled box. It was intimately crafted with images of the flower surrounding us, the diamond jewels at their centers, glistening in the light. We were asked to open the box. I gently lifted the lid. It was empty inside. I looked around to the other contestants. They were looking at something. Sniffing it, holding it. I only saw air. Then it hit me. It was an enchantment. You saw an enchanted image, not the actual item.

  Great! I had lost the ability to switch between real and magic. Now, I couldn’t see the magic. I had no idea what I was looking for. Panic filled my mind. There was nothing I could do but watch in agony as others looked for my unknown item. I looked at Sanna. She read my face and horror crossed over hers. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. Defeated before we even started.

  The boxes were returned. A chime rang out and the curtain separating us lifted. I stood looking at piles and piles of items. There were mountains of jewels, and mountains of gold, and mountains of diamonds. Every type of treasure was here. I watched as the other women ran to various piles sniffing and digging as though it were trash. I wanted to leave. Disappear. I had no where to go. I looked around the room. The women completely spread out.

  Around the outside of the arena, guards stood in place. A smile crossed my face. These were real. Had to protect the village treasures. I found myself adoring the columns of flowers. One column especially caught my attention. It had something sparkling from behind one of the flowers. I walked toward it to get a better look. This column was farthest from the piles. It stood surrounded by five other columns at the end of the arena. As I approached the column I could see it was a delicate, beautiful pearl and diamond pendant necklace. I hoped it was not dropped from a spectator above.

  It was a good ten feet off the floor. I wouldn’t be able to reach it. I looked at a guard nearby.

  “Would you mind giving me a lift up. I think there is something there.”

  I pointed to it. He looked at me, then at the adjoining two guards on either side. Both shrugged there shoulders. He looked back at me, eyes moving up and down my body. “Sorry miss, I don’t think I can lift you.”

  I wanted to laugh, if only he saw the real me. I looked to the second guard. “Will you be so kind as to help him lift me to that spot there?” I asked.

  He snickered at me and gave me the same look over as the other. “Fine” he grunted out.

  I walked
with them over to the column. Placing my feet in each of their hands, waited for them to lift. Up I was going. “She’s lighter than she looks” I heard one say to the other. “Good thing” the other responded. I was almost there. It was higher than I thought. I pushed up on my toes to get the few inches I needed. Then with a flick of my finger, it came loose and fell to the floor. I watched it roll a few paces away. I began to waiver in my spot, the men holding me were watching the necklace roll and forgot they were holding me.

  With a clear of my throat to get their attention, they brought me to the ground. I let go of my helpers and turned to get the necklace. Standing over it was a short black haired woman. She picked up the necklace.

  “Drop this?” She said with an unpleasant smile.

  She took a whiff of the necklace. “Lucky me.” She snapped out, and ran to the podium where the elder stood.

  I looked at the guards who were just as shocked as I was. The announcement was made. The object had been found. We had a winner. My heart sank. It was over. I stood unmoving. I could hear the crowd cheering. I walked along the wall of the arena to the now open doors. I headed to Sanna’s. It was time for me to go home.



  I was in shock when they announced the winner as Aida. I had been watching Pearl. I could have sworn I’d seen her grab the jewel first. Somehow Aida had it. Turned it in. I felt so disappointed it wasn’t Pearl. I should have felt relief, but I did not. I waited till everyone had left before leaving my seat. Lace wanted to get ready for tonights celebration. So I was alone, or; alone as one could be with guards and the other elders.


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