Legends of Thamaturga The Contestant: The Contestant

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Legends of Thamaturga The Contestant: The Contestant Page 8

by HC MacDonald

  I got up to go. I could hear a discussion at the ground of the arena. There voices drifting up to me. I boarded the platform and sent it to the ground. Elder Marshall was talking with two of the guards. I stepped into the conversation.

  “It appears we may have a problem with our winner.” Elder Marshall commented. I looked from him to the guards. They grunted there respects to me.

  “What is the problem?” I asked.

  “They say another contestant found the object and dropped it. Aida picked it up and did not return it. Instead, turned it in.” He was very skeptical. “The rules are whoever finds it and turns it in is the chosen winner. They claim she only did half.”

  “Is this true? Are there any other witnesses?” I asked.

  “There is a couple who have stated the same story. I am doubtful to believe them.” He continued. The guards were standing vigilant trying to not interfere as we talked.

  “Are they not credible witnesses?” If there were four individuals that saw this, then chances were it was true I thought.

  “Not in my opinion! None of these stories are credible. Regardless she would be disqualified. She had help. That is against the rules. ” He was admit in his statement. A closed case.

  “Why is it up for discussion then?” I asked the guards.

  “You see,” the guard started then stopped abruptly as he received a glare from Marshall.

  “Marshall, let him speak. I want the entire story.” I turned to the guard. “Continue” I ordered.

  “She was to short. She couldn’t reach the object she had found. She asked me to lift her up so she could reach it; and I did. Well, we did. She looked to heavy for me, so she asked him as well, and so we did. We lifted her up and she got the necklace out of the flower. It fell out of her hands on the way down. Aida came over to watch her. When it fell, Aida picked it up. She smelled the object then said it was hers and took it.”

  “So, no one showed the contestant where it was?” I asked.

  “No sir. She pointed it out to us. I still didn’t see what it was until it hit the floor.” One guard responded.

  I looked to Marshall, “Sounds like she didn’t have help. The rules allow them to use anything in the arena to get the object. These guards would be no different from any other tool.” I waved my hand toward them.

  Marshall looked at me. “There is no way she could have found that item unless she was told where to look.”

  “What do the other witnesses say?” I asked Marshall. He turned to one of the guards talking with us and sent him to fetch the couple. I watched him leave. When he came back he was with Sanna and Ethan. I shook my head. I should have known.

  “Don’t tell me, you know she didn’t cheat.” I said shaking my head and running my hand through my hair.

  “You know she didn’t Leon. You know I don’t lie. This is wrong and you know it.” Sanna screamed out.

  “Let me guess, the woman is Pearl?” I was exasperated. Why did it have to be her? Now I was in a fix. Did I side with Marshall even though I thought he was wrong? End my problems with these women confusing me, or side with the others and fight for Pearl to move on. I was torn inside.

  I looked at Marshall, “This is a matter we must decide as a council.” I wanted the pressure off of me. My emotions were already torn. It was cowardly on my part to put the decision to a vote. From the look Sanna was giving me, she knew it too.

  I sent word to the other members to meet at the arena. The arena was cleared. We were alone. Guards were gone. Sanna had left. The discussion of this problem began. Both sides were heard. Why she should move on, why she should not. I opted to abstain from my vote, claiming it would not be ethical for me to persuade or deny a potential mate. The Council men agreed. I gave a soft sigh of relief. The debate was ended with Raoul’s proposal. Allow both women to move forward. The next challenges would prove their worthiness. The board voted and Pearl was allowed to move on with Aida. Raoul volunteered to let her know.

  The meeting ended, I left the arena with the others. The dance was to be at the edge of the market place like before. I needed time to get ready, and clear my head before seeing these women. I also needed to check on Raina. I had been thinking about her all day. I had hoped to see her in the crowd, but, she was not there.

  While waiting for the game to start, I had thought about leaving and spending the afternoon by her side, keeping her company. Then the doors opened and Pearl along with the others entered the arena. I forgot about Raina and began watching Pearl. There mannerisms were so similar. Her scent, reaching me from that far away. I couldn’t help but stay. Now, all I wanted was a break.

  I could see my home. As I rounded the side, Lace was waiting for me on the porch. I gave her a half hearted smile. So much for a break from the women I thought to myself. She was dressed to kill. Looking fabulous in her long silky red strapless gown. She was twirling her pendant that she always wore. Ever since I had met her, she wore it. Never took it off. Said it was special. It was pretty enough. I walked up to the door to let myself in.

  “What no kiss hello?” She asked in a sultry voice. She closed the distance between us. Wrapped her hands around my neck and leaned in for a kiss. I gave her a short soft peck. She pulled back and pouted her lips. “That’s not a kiss.” She leaned in again and kissed me harder. I wanted to be alone. So I gave in to get rid of her. “So we haven’t talked in days and I missed you.” Lace pouted out. She followed me into the house. Took a seat by the fireplace.

  “Sorry, I’ve been a bit busy.” I confessed.

  “I found a pre-party we could go to. So get ready and we’ll head out.” She batted her eyes at me.

  “I don’t have time for that now, Lace. I have things to do. Sanna wanted to talk to me, I’ve been putting that off for a day. I need some rest. You go without me. I will meet you at the event.” I sighed.

  “You never come with me anymore. How do you think it makes me look?” I could see her attempting to control her anger.

  “Look, it’s not that I don’t want to come, but maybe I need to show an impartiality considering all things.” As soon as I said it, I knew I had made a mistake.

  She threw her hands in the air, and began stomping around the room. Her face was consorted, her cheeks red. Her voice went up an octave. On she went. How could I treat her this way? I didn’t love her. I was making her out to be a fool. I was embarrassing her in front of her friends. I needed to get my priorities straight. It didn’t end. I tried to reason with her. I had no luck. Anything I said was twisted in its meaning. Somehow adding to her anger. At this rate, I wasn’t going to get any rest. I tried to be logical. This was tradition. I was bound by duty and office to the winner. She couldn’t accept that. Now she was on a rampage about all she had done to get here. The challenges hadn’t even started and she was already overreacting. We had never fought like this before. I frankly, didn’t like this person she was being.

  If I wanted to salvage any relationship with her, I would have to concede. So I did. I pulled her into my arms. She struggled to be released. I kissed her moving mouth till she stopped talking. When I thought it was safe. I ended the kiss. Still trapping her arms against my body I looked at her. “Lace, enough. You know I love you.” She tried to interrupt. I kissed her again. “Lace!” I said more forceful this time. “You know the rules. Wether I like it or not. I have to be impartial.”

  She began pouting her lips and looked as if she was going to start the arguing all over, but changed her mind. “Lace, I want you to be happy. I want you to do your best to win.” Or did I. I was feeling torn as I said the words. “Lace, go to the party. Enjoy the festivities. Enjoy your friends. I cannot go. I will see you later.” I gave her one more kiss. Then released her toward the door. She hesitated for a moment. Looked down at her pendant, fidgeted with it in her hand for a moment longer, then plastered a smile on her face and left my home.

  I don’t know what just happened there, I was glad it was over. I was confused. Tired. I
went to my room and took a nap.

  I had slept later than I wanted. Sanna and Raina would have to wait another day. I needed get ready for the banquet tonight. I was already running late. I showered, changed into my black dress suit and headed for the door.

  I could hear the music drift down the path before I saw the decorations and people. It was a great turnout. Adjoining villagers had come into Ladow for the announcement and final challenges. The aroma of food, made my mouth water. I looked over the crowds of people. To the right of me was Sanna, Ethan, and Pearl. I was excited to see her. I walked their direction.

  Sanna saw me first. A dramatic roll of her eyes and turn of her shoulder told me she was upset for not meeting again, but forgiving. I stood next to her anyway, and in a way only a brother can, lifted her up and hugged her hard. “I’m sorry about not coming by today. What did you want to talk about?”

  “Not here you oaf! You need to see me tomorrow morning it’s important.”

  “Everything is important with you Sanna.”

  “No, Leon, this is important to you. Now let me go.”

  I put Sanna down and said my hello’s to Ethan and Pearl. They were all a bit to quiet for my tastes. I looked at Sanna, “Guess I’d better take my seat at the table. Looks like they want to start off the night.”

  “Take Pearl with you. This is all new to her.” Sanna said. I saw the brief unspoken exchange between women. “O..K.” I responded. It was going to be new to all of us. We had never had four women in a challenge before. The Elders were making some last minute adjustments and changes. I didn’t even know what they would be. From here on out, I would be kept out of the loop. I grabbed Pearl’s hand and walked her to the banquet table. Her hand was soft and gentle. It was smaller than Lace’s. Felt natural in my own. We got to the table, Lace was already there waiting in the seat closest to mine. She saw Pearl’s hand in mine. I could see the instant jealousy and anger rush to her face. I could already tell, this was going to be a long night.



  My chair was at the last one at the large rectangular table. At the far end was Raoul, then a series of Elders, then Leon, Lace, Teela (the Elders nominee), Aida, and then finally me. The only advantage of being at the end was I didn’t have to talk to anyone. I preferred this solitude. That and the fact that I was first to be served. The food looked so tasty and smelled heavenly. I tried everything that crossed my plate. The table in front of me gave me some odd looks and snickers, but I didn’t let it bother me or suppress my appetite.

  Once the food was cleared, Raoul welcomed and announced the finalists. Each of us getting cheers. My fan base had grown. It made me smile. With the announcements behind us, the dancing began. I sat in my chair as instructed earlier. Leon was to dance with each of us. We were only to dance with him. I was okay with that. I heard the others mumble in jealousy, but truth be told, one night of dancing wouldn’t matter in the long run.

  I waited patiently for my turn. He danced with Lace, than Teela. Then Lace again, she was overly protective. He than asked Aida, but was interrupted by Teela. I watched as the fight to get his attention continued. The night was half over and the three ladies couldn’t make it thru a hole dance without one of them cutting in on the other. It was somewhat comical. I was glad we hadn’t danced. I would be so nervous in his arms. I wasn’t any good at dancing. The only time I had danced had been with him and Raoul. I remembered Leon showing me how, not judging me. I wanted that again, but I wanted it in privacy. Not a speculation for the village to see, or to be interrupted by one of the other women. Nope, sitting here was good.

  The night was winding down. Still, no Leon. He was dancing with Lace again. The others were standing off to the side seething with jealousy. Probably plotting their next move. I decided to take the opportunity to find Sanna and say goodnight. Tomorrow was another busy day. I wanted to be ready.

  I cut through the crowd of dancing couples, then over to the far side of the festival. In the trees surrounding the market, I was able to move about unnoticed, looking for my friends. I stopped by a tree and leaned against it. I was debating to keep looking or head out. I closed my eyes for a minute, the nostalgia of the dance touching my emotions. A hand touched my shoulder. I looked up and saw a young brunette gentleman. He smiled.

  “You already done with the festivities?”

  “Yeah, I was thinking of heading home now.”

  “Oh, that’s to bad. I was hoping to talk with you, ask you to dance. I’m a big fan of yours.”

  “Ah, thank you, I think. I appreciate the offer to dance, but can’t. You know the rules being a finalist.” He looked disappointed. “Tell you what. If I get out, the first dance is all yours. Deal.”

  “Deal.” He bowed slightly and headed back into the crowd. It was sweet. I looked back over the dancing couples. Still no sign of Sanna or Ethan. I turned down the path to head home, the music slowly fading in the background.

  “Leaving so soon?” A deep voice said from the shadows of the trees around me. I stopped in my tracks. Leon came out from the brush. He stood next to me. He looked very handsome in his black dress robe. I felt my cheeks flush. I watched as he brushed off some leaves and twigs still stuck to his clothes.

  “Hiding” I answered back as I threw my hand on my hip, and cocked my head.

  “Can’t one venture thru the brush without hiding?”

  “One I guess could, but given your entourage I doubt one would be alone in the brush.”

  “Okay you caught me, but if you tell anyone, I will deny it. You never did answer my question. Are you leaving already?”

  “Well, yes, and as such, I bid you good night.”

  “Wait a moment. I am required to dance with all the participants. As you did not take your turn.” He bowed slightly and extended his hand to me. “May I have this dance?”

  “I don’t know how to really. You see I’ve only danced a few times, and I wasn’t very good then. Maybe another time.” I said as I looked down at the ground embarrassed. He stepped toward me. Then took my hand in his and lifted it to his lips. He set a light kiss on the top of my hand.

  “I am bound by duty to dance with you, but I would be honored if you would accept a dance with me.”

  I stood thinking. I would love to be held in his arms. Memories of our last dance came flooding back. I also didn’t think it was a good idea. Before I could respond his arm wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer. I was facing his chest. He swayed me to and fro. I tried watching my feet. As to not step on his. He removed his arm from around my waist and lift my chin up to his face. Then his arm encircled me again. I watched him watching me. I could see his own battle waging behind his eyes. I had some hope his memories were returning. I stumbled again. He responded by pulling me closer.

  Now our bodies were melted into one. I laid my head on his chest. At some point, without me noticing, I was stroking his neck and playing with his hair. It all felt so right. I didn’t want the song to end. It did. When it did, he stepped back a half step. Enough to put space between us. My embarrassment came flooding back. What was I thinking stroking his neck, laying on his chest? He probably thought me a love sick school girl. Which I was, but that wasn’t the point.

  He looked at me again with those confused eyes. Then before I could react, leaned in and kissed me. It was soft at first. He tasted like honey. Sweet and tender. Then he stepped into the kiss. It began to grow deeper, lustful. I couldn’t help my own response. I tangled my arms around his neck and let my hands twist in his hair. I was lost in the moment with him. It was all so magical, till I heard in the distance the call of Leon’s name. I willed it to go away. Again, I heard the echo in the distance. He heard it that time to. The kiss ended. He looked at me with confusion. Then I saw the emotionless mask that covered his face. It was our first dance all over again. Every emotion of rejection I had then came flooding back ten fold. He turned on his heels and headed toward the soft female voice that was calling his
name. I watched until he left my view. My hands shaking and tears now streaming down my face, I turned and ran home.

  Morning came. Sanna was at my bedside encouraging me to get out of bed. The first challenge would be starting in less than an hour. Sanna looked at my puffy eyes and blotched cheeks.

  “What happened last night? And don’t tell me nothing. I saw you head into the woods. I saw Leon exit the woods angry. So, what happened?”

  “He kissed me. Or, he kissed Pearl.”

  “What!!” “You have to start at the beginning.”

  “I had started heading home, and he came out of the brush. He asked me to dance.”

  “Well, did you.”

  “I tried.”

  “Then what?”

  “We danced. At the end of the song he kissed me.”

  “What did he say?”

  “Nothing. Someone was looking for him. He ended the kiss and took off.”

  “Nothing. That idiot! Men! Why is he fighting it?”

  “Sanna, it wasn’t me, it was Pearl. He may not even like me.”

  “Nonsense! You are one and the same.”

  “But were not. I don’t look anything like Pearl.”

  “You see, that’s the point. You are as daft as he is sometimes.”

  “Really Sanna.”

  “Really, if he likes pearl with all her flaws and imperfections, then he’ll like you. All the others are cookie cutter shaped women. It’s a flaw us shifters have.”

  “Sanna, that’s not true.”

  “Oh, but it is. Have you ever seen a shifter that doesn’t have long flowing legs?”

  “No, but..”

  “Have you ever seen a shifter that was not fit and sleek?”


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