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Legends of Thamaturga The Contestant: The Contestant

Page 15

by HC MacDonald

  “What do you mean?”

  “I remember.”



  “When, how?”

  “When Raina ran up the tree, I let my instincts take over completely. Seeing Hagar, trap Raina, well, it reminded me of when I found her on the rock, surrounded by his gang. I wasn’t going to let what happened then happen again. In that decision, I had a full recollection of Raina in my life.”

  We waited for hours in silence. Worry sketched on our faces.

  My mother and Robyn came out of the room then. “She will be out for a while. The healing is slow, we hope we saved her in time. By morning we will know one way or the other.”

  “Can we take her home?” Sanna asked.

  “She is home.” I retorted.

  A soft knock and an opening of the door let Gregory in. He looked at us all. “You called for me?”

  “What are you doing son?”

  “Fixing my mistake.”

  “I want the games canceled. Can you arrange this?”

  “I don’t understand why?”

  “I will not continue the games when I have chosen my mate. Live or die, I will be with Raina.”

  Gregory smiled. “You made the right decision. I will enact it immediately.”

  I nodded my agreement and he left. My family stared at me stunned and confused. “I guess I should explain.”

  The group was shocked, but I could see the satisfaction of agreement in their faces.

  “No need brother, we all knew you would figure it out eventually.” Sanna walked over and gave me an open, loving hug. “I hope she lives so she can see I was right.”

  A smile crossed my lips. It was nice to have a break in the tension of our worries.

  It was getting late, Raina still had no change in her healing. We all waited, watching. One by one they left for home. My mother leaving with Ethan and Sanna. Robyn was the last to leave. “You will need to watch her through the night. If she does take a turn for the worse, send word. We will come.”

  I closed the door behind Robyn and went straight to Raina’s side. She was barely breathing. The bandages around her neck soaked in blood. I gently lifted her to change them out. I applied more of the potion Robyn had left. I could feel a spark of energy as I touched it to her neck. I watched in amazement as tiny invisible hands began stitching her muscles and veins back together.

  She stirred.



  “Raina, I am so sorry for everything I did to you. Can you ever forgive me?”

  “Nothing to forgive.”

  “Raina, I’ve been a tyrant and coward.”

  “No, never.”

  She fluttered open her eyes. I could see the drowsiness in them. “Raina, stay with me.”


  She closed her eyes and I could hear the soft sound of her breath. It was stronger than it had been just moments ago. I looked at her neck. The bleeding was stopped. The tiny hands still sewing her together. I took another scoop of potion and applied it generously to her neck and shoulder. Then trusting my instincts spread it down her arm.

  The air was electric. I could hear it pop and crackle with excitement. I watched as the bruises and scabs began shrinking in size. Old scars disappearing with each soft crackle of magic. The potions were working again. I covered her neck and gently laid her back down. I removed the blanket that covered her legs. Gently, began applying more potion to the marks and wounds on her legs. The air electrified with pops and crackles. Her skin was healing, transforming to a soft smooth surface. I pulled her other arm from the bed and lathered it. Still the same sensation.

  I let her sleep. Pulling a chair next to the bed, I held her hand in mine and closed my eyes.



  I woke sometime in the night. I could feel the blanket of magic that was all around me. I moved my shoulder and felt the shooting pain attack my neck and arm. Yeah, wasn’t going to move that side for a while. I heard the soft sound of someone sleeping. I turned my body to look. There on a chair was Leon. His arm stretch out to me. He looked so peaceful. I didn’t want to disturb him. I tried to sit up, but was unsuccessful. My moving was waking my companion.

  “Don’t move, I can help you.”

  “I just want to sit up for a minute. My mouth is dry.”

  “I’ll get you some water.” He gently put his arms around me and lifted me into a seated position. He moved the pillows around to support my neck and head. Then jumped out of the room. He was back in a flash. It put a smile on my face.

  “What did I do to deserve all this attention?” I joked out.

  His face flushed with embarrassment. “I, we were so worried about you.”

  “I have a tendency to be dramatic.” I smiled back.

  He leaned over and kissed my forehead. “I’m so glad you're okay.”

  “Are we okay?” I asked. I didn’t know where we stood. So many things had happened over the last day. I needed to know what he thought, felt.

  “Yes, I am so sorry for how I acted and what I did to you yesterday and all those years ago. I would never want hurt you. I was a fool.”

  “You remember?”

  “Yeah, it all came back to me in the fight.”

  “I’m sorry I took them in the first place. I had no right.”

  “You had every right. I see that now. I hurt and betrayed you. Why did you come back?”

  “Because, I was wrong in my actions.”

  “Is that the only reason?”

  “No, I still loved you.”

  “And do you love me now?”

  “I never stopped.”

  He moved the cup of water from my hands and leaned in and kissed me on the lips. It was sweet and wonderful.



  “I love you too.”

  He moved to the other side of the bed and sat on top of the blanket, then gently wrapped his arms around me. I laid my head on his shoulder and let my eyes close. In that moment I was blissfully happy.

  A few days went by. My wound was healing quickly. My old scars and other wounds had disappeared to almost nothing. I could feel the tingle of magic all around me. Night had come again. I laid in Leon’s bed.

  I knew I was dreaming. Only the feeling was so real. I was standing on a boat being tossed by the waves. It was a big storm, with the waves crashing over the side of the boat. The wind was howling in my ears. I watched as men scurried about fastening the sails, bailing out the water. I looked out to sea. In the distance stood a dark and foreboding island. It’s tall mountain peak spitting lava into the sky. The thunder and lightening yelling back. I watched this scene as we drifted closer and closer to the island. The sea clawing at the boat begging it not to venture further.

  A small dingy was lowered into the rolling sea. From below deck a hooded figure was lead to the edge. They tied a rope around its waist and lowered it to the bobbing boat below. There it was tied to the bobbing craft. The wind kicked up and I saw it blow the hood off of the person.


  I hadn’t realized I yelled it out. The action, woke me and Leon from our sleep. He came running in from the other room. I was sweating from head to toe. My face flushed, and my breath heavy. My bandages wet.

  “Raina, are you all right, what’s wrong.”

  “My mother I saw my mother.”

  “Your magic, you have it back?”

  “I don’t know.”

  I thought for a moment. What did I want to do? I didn’t know. I thought of Leon. I focused on him sitting in the other room. I opened my eyes. He still sat next to me on the bed. That didn’t work. I tried a protection wall.

  “See if you can touch me.”

  I watched as his hands traced the invisible wall between us. It worked. I let the wall down and he tumbled forward. I caught him with magic. Steadied him back in place.

  “Looks like I have some, bu
t not all.”

  “So now what?”

  “I need to find her.”

  “I know, we will go together.”

  He reached over and pulled me into his arms. “Can we wait till morning first?”

  I laughed and snuggled deeper into his arms. “Morning it is.”

  Sneak Peak

  Part 4

  The Island



  Today was going to be a busy day. I would be signing an alliance treaty. The games were officially canceled. I accepted a betrothal agreement with Leon. My family was coming in to celebrate. Tomorrow, Leon and I were headed out to find my mother. It was almost exhausting to think about.

  Leon was already at the councilor chambers setting up Raoul to be intern chief while we were gone. They should be wrapping up soon. I headed down the path that would lead me there. Along the way I ran into Santa. Her arms full of bags.

  "You ready for tomorrow?"

  "Yeah, I think so. Need some help.”

  “Nope just getting ready for our dinner tonight.”

  “You look like you're feeding an army.”

  “Have you met my husband and brother?”

  “You have a point.”

  I hurried past her and continued towards the chamber. I arrived early. I could hear voices coming from the open door at the end of the lobby. I wanted to see what was going on, but knew better. I sat quietly on a bench by the wall, letting my mind drift.

  Thoughts of my dream entered my mind; always the same. Over and over again plaguing my mind. I would see my mother brought from the boughs of the ship and hoisted over the side into the rowing boat. The waves sensing the movement began crashing against the tiny boat. The storm becoming more angry and violent at the disturbance then it had before. Headed to the forbidden island exploding with lava and fire. I couldn’t shake it.

  I didn’t have to wait long. Leon was coming down the hall. A smile across his lips. I stood and began walking to him. When I was in arms length he picked me up and kissed me.


  “Hello back.”


  “Yup. How did you know I was here?”

  “I smelt you the minute you walked in.”

  “I forget you can do that.”

  He grabbed my hand and led me back to the deliberation room. I could feel the giddiness and energy sparking from his skin. He took me to the center of the room, than announced our arrival. I could feel the butterflies jump in my stomach.

  All my memories in this room were bad, the contract, the betrayal, the contest, the Koboldrone. Nothing good came from this room. I was determined to have faith in Leon. Something I lacked at one time. I squeezed his hand tighter. He responded with a smile and wink.

  One of the council men, Gregory, brought out a scroll of paper. I began to panic again. Had they changed the contract? I looked to Leon, my face full of anxiety and worry. It was his turn to squeeze my hand. Gregory began his statement. I listened carefully. I didn’t want to miss anything.

  My worries were for not. The treaty between the people of Ladow and I was fair and good. I walked to Gregory and signed my name next to Leon’s. I was met with joyous smiles all around. With the allegiance in place we headed out to meet the kids and my grandfather.

  My excitement was still brewing. When grandfather arrive Kiko, Juji, and Wyatt, came stumbling out of the coach. I couldn’t catch them fast enough in their excitement to say hello. When they reached for Leon to pull him into our hug, I don’t know if they were more excited to see me or him. It had been years since they had seen one another. Grandfather looked Leon up-and-down. I couldn’t tell exactly what he was thinking. I felt nervous for Leon.

  I looked over the children. I could see a small signature of magic illuminating from each of them. I would have to ask Grandfather about this when I could. We all walked arm in arm back to Leon’s home. Along the way, I shared with them the good news that the alliance contract had been signed and Leon and I were betrothed. Grandfather slapped Leon’s back and gave a hearty laugh.

  “Bout time boy.”

  We all began laughing. My nervous energy dissipated. I could see the smile on his face and feel his approval. It made me happy.

  When I had a moment alone with grandfather I asked about the children.

  “Grandfather, I noticed a change in the children.”

  “Oh, and what would that be?”

  “Grandfather, don’t be coy. The magical signature? Where did it come from?”

  “Same place as yours or mine I guess. When balance is shifted, it has to set itself right.”

  “What do you mean? Is this from Nezra’s death?”

  “No, I don’t think so. When I gave my magic up, your mother said she felt a surge of energy fill her. Fill you. This I fear is different. Something else.”

  “Are they like me?”

  “No, they each have a unique skill that I have not seen, or had before.”

  “Are you helping them?”

  “We just started working together over the last few months while you were here.”

  “Do you think that means, I will never get any of my other powers back?”

  “I don’t know. It is a living thing. Something that surrounds us all. I am not knowledgeable enough to know all it’s secrets.”

  “So what can they do?”

  “Keiko, like your shifter friends can transform.”

  “How is that anything new? This whole village can do that.”

  “Yes, but can they shift into any kind of creature they want. No, they are limited to only one form. Keiko can change from a wolf to a bird to a Absjorn. It’s not like yours, where it is an illusion, but she is truly that creature.”

  “How does she feel about that?”

  “She’s scared and timid.”

  “And the others?”

  “Juji has developed the talent for creating potions and talismans. She can also cause the earth to grow the needed ingredients.”

  “She can control the plants and trees?”

  “Not just control them, but cause them to grow as she wishes. I find it very impressive.”

  “I hate to ask about Wyatt.”

  “He will be a strong warrior one day. He has been practicing every day now to hone his fighting skills.”

  “But, he has magic? Is there more he can do?”

  “He can control .…”

  We were interrupted by a knock on the door followed by the entrance of Sanna, Sasha, and Ethan. I put my questions to the back of my mind for now. My attention turned to our guests and the start of the nights festivities.

  It wasn’t long before all our friends were cramped into Leon’s tiny home. The seems bursting to let out the energy inside. We ate, talked, and enjoyed each others company. As the night ended, a brown wrapped package made its way onto the table. Sanna pushed it toward me.

  “Go ahead. Open it!”

  “You didn’t have to get me anything.”

  “Just open the package.”

  As I unwrapped the twine on the brown paper box, I could see a soft velvet smoky blue fabric. I pulled out. It unfolded falling to the floor. It was a beautiful silver embroidered hooded cloak. I ran my fingers over the delicate silver design.

  “Its for your travels.” Sanna choked out. A slight mist in her eyes.

  “There’s also a matching cloak for Leon.” Ethan chimed in.

  “Thank you. Thank you all. You have all been so kind.”

  “We hope that you guys will come back quickly and above all be safe.”

  I was sad to leave my family but I knew I have to find my mother. The night ended. We said our goodbyes, the kids now asleep. Leon was laying on the floor by the fire. He patted the blanket next to him. I laid down too excited and eager to sleep. In my mind, I reviewed our supplies, our path and my dream.

  At some point my worrying lent to sleep. My dream returned, but this time it was different. My mother was sha
ckled in chains kneeling on a cold stone floor surrounded by a black rock. I could hear her weeping. Above her a man in a dark gray hooded cloak. I couldn’t see his face. The only words I could hear him say, “I let her see what I want her to see. Nothing more.”

  I woke in a sweat. Leon’s hand rested on my back. I tried to move without waking him. As I stirred his eyes opened.

  “Is it time already.” He said sleepily

  “No, just another bad dream.”

  “No need to worry. We will be headed out soon enough.”

  “No, it was different this time.” I stood up. No longer comfortable on the wood floor.

  “Do you want to tell me about it?”

  “Maybe when the sun comes up.”

  Leon rolled over on his side and watched me as I retrieved a glass of water. I snuck in to look in on the kids. They were so much older, Taller. I hoped I would recognize them when I return. I looked out the window. The sun was beginning to break the horizon. Leon stirred again.

  “Seems like now a good time as any. Why don’t we get ready to go?”

  I quickly dressed and gathered our things. Give each kid one last kiss goodbye. I woke my grandfather to tell him we were leaving. He handed me a small vile of colorful liquid.

  “What is this?” I asked.

  “Transportation potion. There is enough here to get you three home safely when the time comes. There is only enough for one use. So use it wisely.”

  I gave him a big hug. Put the vile in the pouch inside my cloak. With one last glance towards the kids bedroom. I closed the door behind us. I followed Leon down the path that would take us towards the shore.

  Legends of Thamaturga

  © Copyright 2016, H.C. MacDonald

  Rights Reserved.

  This document may be downloaded for personal use; users are forbidden to reproduce, republish, redistribute, or resell any materials from this document in either machine-readable form or any other form without permission from HC MacDonald or payment of the appropriate royalty for reuse.


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