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Deception_Paranormal Romance_Dragon Shifters and Immortals

Page 15

by Laxmi Hariharan

  Her flesh convulsed. Her breasts pushed out. Her climax ripped through her. Her body bucked, and her back arched off the bed. A scream tore from her.

  Before her body could fall back on the bed, he rose over her. Pulling off his pants, he flung them aside.

  The taste of her filled his mouth as he curled her braid around his palm with just enough force for her eyes to open.

  The green of her irises had almost leached out, leaving silver pools of desire in their wake.

  Her lips curved upward, her cheeks still flushed, her shoulders shuddering in the aftermath of her climax.

  He ran his hand from breast to hip and cupped the curve of her butt.

  The energy of his dragon bled through his veins, making his limbs tingle. His pores popped.

  The scent of dragon fire curled over them.

  He couldn’t wait anymore. “I love you.” Balancing his weight on his arms, he sank into her.



  His voice shivered over her skin. When he sank into her throbbing core, she shuddered. She’d been waiting for him for so long. She hadn’t realized how empty she was inside, not until he filled her.

  She’d never felt closer to anyone else.

  He’d stripped his soul for her, declared his love for her… A surge of desire answered him from deep inside.

  She wanted to show this man how much she wanted him. Rising, she gripped his shoulders.

  He dipped his head, nibbling kisses down her throat, licking the pulse that beat at the base of her neck.

  Tendrils of desire sparked in their wake. She thrust her hips, wanting to take him deeper.

  His lips curved against her skin.

  He knew exactly the effect he was having on her. He was teasing her. She opened her mouth to protest only to gasp when he licked the side of her breast before his lips closed over a taut nipple.

  Liquid heat spurted low in her belly. Her nerve endings sparked with desire. Half out of her head with wanting, she raked her nails down his back, locking her leg around his waist. “Stop teasing,” she gasped out.

  He ran his fingers over the outside of her thigh, gripping it.

  “Who, me?” His voice was rough.

  She peered up into those eyes gone dragon.

  The vertical slits stared unblinking down at her, humor lurking in their depths.

  He was watching her react to him and taking great pleasure from it, too. But two could play this game.

  With an instinct that bubbled up from deep within, she rose and sank her teeth into the skin where his neck met his shoulder.

  His big body shuddered. “Dora…”

  The growl of warning tugged something primitive inside.

  He always brought out that hidden, potent, seductive part of her that liked to play and tease and bring out the beast in him.

  “Hmm?” She licked the reddened skin, kissing her way up the strong column of his throat to his chin.

  She wanted to arouse him until he couldn’t hold back.

  Plunging her fingers through his hair, she nipped his lower lip as her inner muscles closed around him, drawing him in deeper.

  His shoulders quivered. He grew harder inside her, filling her, stretching her.

  “The things you do to me. You’re driving me over the edge.” His desire-roughened tone curled over her skin.

  A thrill of excitement laced her blood. “Promise to take me with you?” Her voice was husky and intense. She didn’t recognize herself anymore.

  Pulling back, all the way out, he paused.

  Ripples of pleasure radiated out from her core, up her skin. Her heart raced like she’d run a mile.

  “Look at me.”

  His voice drew her attention back to his face. His jaw clenched, the muscles above his cheeks flexing with tension.

  “Tell me you love me.” His eyes narrowed.

  Dense heat poured out of his body, slamming into her chest. Under her palms his skin burned. His eyes sparked.

  “I love you, Rage.” She gasped, helpless.

  The next moment, he flipped her around. Gripping the sides of her hips, his hold gentle, he pulled her up until she was on her arms and knees, butt thrust out.

  The bed was soft against her cheek. “Rage, what?”

  He slid into her.

  She cried out.

  He angled her hips and sank all the way in, his throbbing length filling her.

  Molten desire burst through her veins, igniting her nerve endings, sizzling all the way up to her heart. Sparks of red and white exploded behind her eyes. There was so much pleasure inside her, she was sure she was going to burst. The last barriers on the psychic plane dissolved, his skin sliding over her back, his arms on either side of her, covering her. His chest was a furnace that surrounded her with his presence; his arousal throbbed inside her.

  Her braid hung down between her neck and shoulder.

  He pulled it aside and kissed her nape. “You okay?” His voice was strained.

  He was holding back for her.

  She swallowed, barely able to nod. “I’ve never wanted anyone as much as you.” Her voice was thready.

  His muscles relaxed.

  Sweat trickled down her back, and he licked it off.

  She shivered.

  Come with me his voice echoed in her mind.

  Then he pulled out, all the way out, then thrust into her, and again.

  Pleasure exploded in her head, in her heart.

  On the psychic plane, his dragon’s amber energy grew brighter and more potent, flowing through the mating bond, merging with her silver-green essence. The joined energy glowed bright, pulsed, growing larger until it exploded. Mini novas of silver-amber sparks flowed out into the Web.

  On the physical plane, he came inside her, his chest muscles moving against her back, his hip bones thrusting into the outer side of her thighs.

  A second climax tore through her. It felt like her body was splitting in half. She must have screamed, for her voice echoed around the room. Desire shattered her from the inside.

  Her limbs felt too heavy to move, and darkness pulled at the edge of her consciousness.

  She floated in a space between light and dark. She was barely aware of him sliding a hand around her waist, easing her down and onto her side.

  When she came to, she was curled up and using his biceps as a pillow.

  His other arm was around her waist. His chest was a wall of heat at her back, his heartbeat a reassuring thrum that vibrated over her skin.

  “Sleep,” he said, his breath rustling over her cheek.



  Rage followed Dora into the main meeting room of the building that housed the Elysians’ headquarters.

  Set at one end of the island, it was an old-fashioned, two-story bungalow built in the traditional Creole architecture. They crossed the veranda and walked through the wide double doors that led into a big airy room, with a high-pitched roof that allowed light to flow through the space.

  He trailed Dora as she crossed the floor of the room to the large double windows at the far end which were flung open.

  The late morning breeze flowed in, carrying with it the scent of the sea and the deep green of coconut and almond.

  Rage inhaled it, realizing it smelled like his mate in many ways. Deep and rich and exotic.

  The sun glittered off the blue-green waves, such a contrast to the dark foggy skies that overhung the fighting arenas of London where he’d spent most of his life so far.

  A touch on his shoulder had him breaking out of his thoughts. He glanced down at his mate.


  He placed his palm on her cheek.

  Her eyes widened, the silver in them bleeding out into the green as it always did when she was aroused or excited as she was now.

  Leaning up, she raised her chin and brushed his lips. “Thank you.”

  He tilted his head, eyebrows furrowing down. “For what?”

  “For showin
g me yourself.” She stroked the outside of his palm, running her fingers down his forearm. “For giving me the confidence to be myself.”

  Sparks of desire flickered from her touch, sinking into his blood and traveling straight to his heart. His groin twitched. Emotions swirled inside his chest. His dragon stretched, content to be close to his mate.

  He knew he was smiling, his lips widening. There was no other place he’d rather be than there.

  As long as she was with him, he could face anything. “You crashed into my life, and it was never the same again. I am yours forever.”

  She bit her lower lip, the skin around her eyes wrinkling.

  You always say the kind of things that make me want to either cry or kiss you. Her voice sank into him on the psychic plane.

  Green and silver sparks laced with amber and heat and a fierce joy poured through the mating bond.

  He’d never get used to how she just knew what he was thinking and reacted in a way that was so perfect.

  His skin flushed, and a mixture of emotions flooded through him. He was unable to put words to it. All he knew was that the feeling was new and felt so right.

  Bending down, he captured her lips.

  The feeling of her was soft and heady and so sweet. His head whirled.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, licking his lower lip. A groan boiled up, and he stifled it. Tearing his mouth from hers, he cupped her face. I love you.

  A smile broke over her features, her lips parting, glistening from the attentions he’d just favored her with.

  A movement at the door had him jerking his head toward it. He placed an arm around her and pushed Pandora behind his back.

  Dora peeked around him. “Vance.” She stepped out of the cover of his back.

  His dragon growled, insisting he shield her from the view of other males.

  But Dora touched his arm.

  A pulse of reassurance reached him down the bond. His dragon huffed out a breath, backing off, just for the time being.

  Walking forward, Dora hugged Vance. The other man hesitated.

  He raised his head, a question in his eyes.

  Rage rubbed his hand over his face. It was no good acting this possessive over her.

  Pandora was a fighter—not a warrior in the traditional sense, but someone who could take care of herself. She’d saved his life twice over. He’d always be there to watch over her. But he had to let her live her life the way she wanted to. Walking forward, he grasped Vance’s shoulders. “I owe you.” He forced his muscles to relax.

  Vance bumped his biceps with his fist. “If I hadn’t stepped in to help you, I’d have never forgiven myself.” His accent deepened with the emotions that swept over his features. His eyes brightened.

  He hugged Dora and kissed her forehead. His touch was affectionate.

  Rage’s dragon stayed on alert but accepted the closeness of this man to his mate.

  A faint metallic scent had him glancing up to find Zach at the entrance.

  The leader of the Elysians walked over to take his seat at the head of the table. “Thank you for joining me this morning. We also have a few guests.”

  Eve strode in, followed by Leana.

  His sister walked up to him and hugged him. “Thank the dragon mother you are safe.”

  Still unsure how to handle the affection that flowed from his siblings, Rage bent his head and accepted her hug.

  When Eve straightened, he pulled Dora closer to his side.

  A smile broke over Eve’s features. “I heard the two of you rocked the Sian Web with your mating.” She grinned, her eyes glinting with mischief.

  “You gave the Elysians a new lease of life. We owe you.” Zach spoke up from his place at the table. “It’s why I have a proposal for all of you.”

  Leana slid into the seat on Zach’s other side.

  Eve ruffled Rage’s hair, her gesture very much that of a proud older sister. She crossed the floor and took her place at the table.

  Rage hesitated. He didn’t yet trust the leader of the Elysians.

  Dora threaded her fingers through his, urging him forward.

  Following her lead, he walked ahead and pulled out a chair for her. Once she was seated, he stood behind her, his hands loose by his sides, ready to spring at the first sign of danger.

  Zach clasped his hands on the table in front of him. “Pandora, you have helped set the Elysians back on the path to rebuilding ourselves. With Tibor and Vesta gone, the rebels have been overthrown. Better still, you bonded with Rage, and his connection to the Sian Web has restored the balance of emotions in the Web. You’ve given future generations of Elysians a chance at leading a normal life.” He leaned forward. “I also accept your condition.” The tendons of his neck tightened. “I grant you permission to read me.”



  Rage’s hand tightened on her shoulder.

  A pulse of fierce love and comfort traveled down the bond.

  She pulled the feeling over her shoulders, like a protective shield, embracing it close.

  Zach’s dark gaze was fixed on her. His features were calm. The only sign he was waiting for her response was his fingers that were spread out on the table. He didn’t tap over the surface, like most humans would have. But the stillness of his stance gave him away.

  The pause hummed in the room.

  All eyes were on her.

  “Thank you for letting me read you.” She sat up, her spine straight against the chair. “It is the only way I can confirm the truth of your intentions.”

  Zach’s face didn’t change expression. He tilted his head, his eyes widening. He was half human after all. It was one of the reasons she wanted to trust him.

  Her gaze didn’t waver.

  A nerve pulsed above his jaw. He nodded. “Fine.”

  The breath shuddered out of her. Closing her eyes, she reached out to him through the psychic plane, traveling through the Sian Web that connected them.

  What greeted her was an explosion of emotions. Fear, heartache, and stark loneliness. The feeling of being isolated, being weighed down by a sense of responsibility that was literally consuming him from the inside. And a yearning for a love that was out of reach. The Elysian alpha was a strong, proud, dominant man. His emotions were wound inside him so tight that they were eating him up. If he didn’t find a way to share, and soon, he would implode.

  Her eyes flew open, and she withdrew.

  Her breathing was shallow.

  Rage dropped to his knees next to her. “You okay?” His hands took her cold palms between his larger ones, engulfing them.

  She sank back into her chair. “I would very much like to be the chief empath on your council.” She forced out the words through a throat gone dry.

  Her leader had trusted her with his secrets. She wasn’t going to let him down.

  Rage stayed where he was, his grip reassuring.

  Zach’s fist loosened, and he spread his fingers flat against the table and nodded. “I have released all the other empath prisoners.”

  Relief coursed through her veins. “Thank you, Alpha.”

  One side of his lips almost lifted in a smile. His gaze settled on Rage. “You are stronger than any warrior in our clan. I’d like you to stay on as the chief of our security. The rebellion has been quashed for now, but more will arise. And when we are attacked next, I want to be prepared.”

  Rage made to pull his hand away from her, but she didn’t let go. She also didn’t reach out to him. Tension leaped off him. She fought the urge to soothe. He needed to make up his mind and decide for himself.

  Raising her hand to his lips, he kissed her knuckles.

  Hope bloomed inside.

  He rose to his feet. “I accept.” He thrust his chest out. “If Eve can spare me.”

  His sister thrummed the tabletop with her fingertips. “It will be a huge loss for us, but your place is with your mate. Besides, I believe this officially bonds the dragons and the Elysians in a true

  She held out a hand to Zach, who shook it.

  “Which leaves one last thing to be addressed.” Zach let his hand drop to his side. “Mayor?”

  Leana’s lips pursed. “Vance.” The leader of Bombay addressed the Vampire-Elysian half-breed, her voice stern. “You rescued Rage and Dora and redeemed yourself.” She steepled her hands in front of her. “It still doesn’t negate the fact that you broke the trust I placed in you.”

  Vance inhaled, the sound loud in the silent room. The color leached out of his face. He was undoubtedly thinking of Serena, knowing that whatever the outcome, his chances of a relationship with the lion shifter were now close to impossible.

  “He did this at your bidding. So I can’t hold him completely responsible.” She jerked her head at Zach in a curt nod. “But I can’t forgive him completely either. I need to set an example to prevent this from happening again. You are banished from Bombay and not allowed in again.”

  Vance stood, arms behind his back. He widened his stance. The tendons of his neck flexed. “I accept responsibility for what I did. I also have a proposition. I have been working on an antidote. A bio-chemical serum that that will integrate with the host’s neural pathways and prevent Elysians from locking their psychic senses onto those who use them.”

  Leana straightened, her eyebrows furrowed.

  “Such a technology will help protect your citizens from the Elysians and from being manipulated by any future similar races.” His tone was steady, his gaze directed at Eve.

  “What if a shifter or human wanted to bond with Elysians?” Eve drummed her fingers on the surface of the table in front of her.

  “If you stop using the serum, the effect will wear off.” Vance cut the air with his palm. “If you don’t use it at all, the Elysians will be able to penetrate the psychic shield and control them.”

  “Is this true?” Leana turned to Zach. “You are aware of this and you let it happen?”

  “All species need to work together to ensure our future generations are protected.” His features were unreadable. “Besides, if his discovery works, I trust you to use it judiciously.” The faintest glimmer of a smile pulled at his lips.


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