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Happy Ever After

Page 4

by Janey Louise Jones

“The thing is,” began Poppy, “I’m worried that you two don’t love each other any more. Sally and Sol are so happy and romantic and it made me notice how you never do anything fun together; you’ve been fighting loads recently too. I wanted to make things better so I sent the love notes using Honey’s new computer, but Mum’s letter got lost. You were supposed to have a lovely meal under the oak tree at the bottom of the garden. But I had to cancel it. And then I arranged for the flowers to be sent to Mum, but that was a mistake too. And no one would listen to me when I tried to explain!” she finished.

  Mum and Dad didn’t know whether to laugh or cry!

  “Oh, Poppy!” laughed Mum. “I feel so much better now! And to think that your dad and I were suspicious of each other!”

  “I tried to tell you!” said Poppy.

  Dad started to laugh. “Poor darling! You shouldn’t have to worry about us. We’re just as happy as ever. But there is one brilliant thing to come out of what you’ve done,” he told her.

  “What?” asked Poppy.

  “You made Mum and me so jealous that we’ve realized we are just as crazy about each other as ever!”

  Poppy laughed and Mum and Dad joined in. She hadn’t seen them this happy for ages.

  “Can we see what’s in the box now?” asked her mum.

  Poppy handed them the beautiful memory box.

  “Oh, James! Look at this!” said Mum.

  They looked at all the wonderful things and recalled the happy day.

  “Poppy, you are such a thoughtful girl. Remember the cake – oh, and look at the car. I’d forgotten about that,” said Mum.

  Poppy drifted off into a happy sleep as Mum and Dad talked about their wonderful day ten years before.

  The next morning she woke up with a different feeling inside her. She was her usual happy self again. She knew that Mum and Dad would still squabble sometimes, but now it wouldn’t worry her. She got ready early and waited patiently while the rest of the family dressed.

  “Will we ever get out of here on time?” said Grandpa to Poppy as they waited for Mum to get ready.

  “Grandpa, the princess can take as long as she likes,” said Poppy.

  “Ah! Mum is the princess, is she?” asked Grandpa.

  Poppy nodded. “And Dad is Prince Charming!”

  “What a fuss weddings are!” moaned Dad as he came into the room. “I’ve only got one cufflink and one shoe! And I can’t find my wallet!”

  Poppy and Grandpa laughed.

  “Here’s your wallet, Dad!” said Poppy.

  As she passed it to him, a photo of Mum taken on their wedding day fell out of it. She bent down and picked it up.

  “Thanks, Poppy!” said Dad. “I love that photo – Mum looks so beautiful, doesn’t she?”

  Just then Mum appeared, looking stunning in a pale pink dress with a matching rose hat.

  “You’re just as lovely as you were on our wedding day!” Dad told her.

  “Come on, you two!” said Poppy. “There’s no time for romance at the moment!”

  Mum and Dad laughed.

  The whole family enjoyed the wedding. Poppy saw Mum and Dad holding hands and smiling at each other when the vows were being taken; they were even giggling and whispering to each other – just like Sally and Sol did all the time. After the ceremony Dad and Poppy went off to the marquee to dance.

  “Dad, your disco dancing is rubbish!” said Poppy.

  “I know,” agreed Dad. “You’ll have to show me how to do it, Poppy. In fact, I can learn a lot from you, darling. From now on, Mum and I are going to have a night out together every month. We have realized how important it is to show love as well as feel it – all thanks to our special princess.”

  Poppy smiled and got on with her next important job – teaching Dad to disco dance – confident that they would all live happily ever after!



  AN RHCP DIGITAL EBOOK 978 1 407 05087 4

  Published in Great Britain by RHCP Digital,

  an imprint of Random House Children’s Publishers UK

  A Random House Group Company

  This ebook edition published 2014

  Text copyright © Janey Louise Jones, 2012

  Illustrations copyright © Random House Children’s Books, 2012

  Illustrated by Samantha Chaffey

  First Published in Great Britain

  Young Corgi 9780552559225 2012

  The right of Janey Louise Jones to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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