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The Dead War Series (Book 1): Good Intentions

Page 15

by D N Simmons

  “I have my own way of doing things,” Dr. Powers said with a shrug.

  “How long until we get there?” Samantha asked.

  “First, we'll land in Springfield, IL. We need to send the team into SciTech Labs as soon as possible. We have the communication center set up at the IDPH building there. Once we get what we need, we'll be taking a plane to Atlanta,” Dr. Powers said.

  Samantha sighed. “I meant Springfield. How long till we get there?”

  Dr. Powers looked at his watch and then conferred with the pilot before responding. “Looks like we'll be there in about twenty-five... maybe thirty minutes.”

  “Any more updates about the current situation?” Felicia inquired.

  “I'm getting a steady feed of information,” Dr. Powers said, pressing the headset closer to his ear. “We were already aware that the outbreak extended to the south side as well as the far west and north sides of Chicago and in some suburbs by the time we got to you.”

  “I think the city-wide police evacuations expedited the spread of the disease,” Felicia said. “Think about it, more people fleeing their homes and the city are finding themselves trapped in traffic. They're sitting ducks when those zombies come running down the streets. That's how more of those things are being made. It's no wonder this disease or virus, or whatever it is, is spreading so fast.”

  “Does the president know how bad it's gotten here?” Sarah asked, looking around the helicopter.

  Dr. Powers nodded. “He's been made aware and relocated to a safe location.”

  “Shit, can we go where he's at?” Sarah remarked.

  “What's he doing to prevent this from spreading outside state lines?” Vincent asked. A part of him didn't want to know the answer. If the movies were telling the truth, then Chicago and its citizens both dead and alive could count on being barbequed very soon.

  “That's the bad news. This epidemic has already passed state lines. I'm receiving reports of outbreak in Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana... hell, even Iowa and I have no idea how the hell it spread that damn far,” Dr. Powers informed them.

  Vincent's eyebrows shot up. “What the fuck? These things are on foot right? I've seen them move, they're fast, but they aren't so damn fast that they can cover that many miles in so little time,” he said.

  “We have no idea. The reports I've been getting resemble what we're seeing here in Chicago and nothing we currently know of can explain that jump in distance from Ground Zero,” Sgt. Hicks said.

  Dr. Powers frowned, a grim expression distorting his usually handsome features. “With an outbreak of this magnitude, there's really only one thing that can be done to contain it or at least slow it down. It's not pretty and it'll cost millions, if not billions in the long run, but what choice do we have?”

  “Are they going to firebomb this city?” Sarah asked, looking from Dr. Powers to Sgt. Hicks.

  Hicks' lips tightened into a straight line. “I'm not privy to the President's orders, but I'm sure we'll find out soon. Of course, the smart thing would be to quarantine the city, or at this point, the state.”

  “Nuke the city, you mean, or the state?” Sarah insinuated.

  “I'm not at liberty to say,” Hicks stated.

  Sarah was silent for a few moments as she reflected on everything that would be lost—everything and everyone. She took a deep, shuddering breath. As sad as the thought was, doing so would hopefully save lives. She held Vincent's hand in her own, her thumb gently rubbing his fingers.

  “Well, in any case, I think it would be best if we got as far away from the state as possible, like Japan,” she said.

  Dr. Powers nodded. “That's still the plan, well, not Japan... at least not right now.”

  “Did the FAA ground all flights?” Felicia asked.

  “The FAA was ordered to ground all aircraft unless otherwise authorized immediately after getting word from the CDC. As far as I know, the planes that landed in other states haven't reported any outbreaks.”

  “At least not yet,” Vincent murmured.

  “What was that, Doctor?” Dr. Powers asked, his eyes scanning Vincent's as if looking for more information he feared the doctor was holding back.

  “Just the time discrepancy we talked about earlier,” Vincent reminded.

  Felicia nodded grimly. “There is that.”

  “I'm hoping a bitten person can be saved,” Felicia speculated.

  “That's the answer we're all working towards,” Dr. Powers stated as he leaned over, looking out of the window. “Jesus Christ, would you look at this.”

  The others followed him, looking out of several windows at the colossal traffic jam stalling the interstate. Cars were bumper to bumper as frustrated and terrified drivers beeped and yelled at each other. Hundreds of drivers had decided to abandon their automobiles, opting to flee on foot taking only what they could carry. Vincent frowned, knowing that they would soon fall victim to those monsters. With nowhere to hide and no way of running, their fates were already doomed. It was just a matter of time now.

  “Those people down there, they're going to die, aren't they?” Sarah asked as tears streamed down her cheeks again.

  Vincent didn't want to tell her what he was thinking. It was just too damn dispiriting. He didn't answer her—no one did. He looked at the two children being held and comforted by William and Samantha. They were still crying for the loss of their mother. He had no way of knowing if they were aware that their father was dead as well.

  My God, what have we done? Vincent thought to himself once again.

  “What's the current situation on the retrieval team?” He decided he was going to focus all of his thoughts and energy on coming up with a cure. It was the one hopeful thing he could cling to.

  “They should be arriving in Chicago by the time we get to Springfield give or take a few minutes. It's a small team and I don't know if that's a good thing or bad. Unfortunately, most of our resources were sent out to get a handle on the situation. As we all know, that didn't work out so well and we're down a lot of men. They know it's a priority, based on what you've said, so we'll get more information on that when we get to Springfield,” Dr. Powers said as he typed furiously on his tablet.

  Vincent leaned forward a bit to try and sneak a peek, but was unsuccessful. Giving up, he decided to sit down in one of the available seats. The movement of the helicopter as it made a slight turn caused his stomach to make threats of releasing bile. He swallowed hard as he fought down his nausea.

  “Here, let me help you up.” Vincent took Sarah's hand into his own, squeezing it gently as he helped her rise.

  “Thanks,” she said, taking the seat next to his.

  “I'm so sorry,” he whispered into her ear.

  “I know.” Sarah leaned her forehead against his as she cuddled closer to him. “We'll pull through this, baby. God help us all.”


  Cassian landed softly on the front patio of Ovidius' home. He released his human servant, Robert, who tried his best to finger-comb his wind-whipped, dark hair. The front door opened without him needing to knock and Roman, Ovidius' human servant stood before them.

  “My Master is expecting you,” Roman announced with a bow.

  “Take me to him,” Cassian ordered.

  Roman nodded and turned, leading them to where his Master was waiting. Ovidius was sitting on his plush leather sofa watching the news on his gigantic seventy-two inch, LCD television screen.

  “Your vampires have yet to arrive,” Ovidius said by way of greeting.

  “As you know, most are too young and must travel by other means of transportation. My more powerful vampires are on their way,” Cassian remarked. “Although, I could do without your attitude. I don't want to be in this predicament any more than you do.”

  “I can't argue with that. What about your lieutenants and lords? I assume they'll be dropping off their humans?

  Cassian nodded curtly. “Eventually, they will. I gave them orders prior to coming here.” He tur
ned his gaze towards the humongous television set. “Enjoying the chaos?”

  Ovidius snorted. “Glib as ever.”

  “Incredulous, would be a more fitting description of my current mood,” Cassian corrected. “Well, are you?”

  “I find this to be amazing,” Ovidius said, casually, as he gestured toward the television.

  “I find it to be more of a disappointment and inconvenience, if anything.” Cassian observed his friend's relaxed demeanor and frowned. “I'm thrilled that you're taking this as lightly as you are.”

  Ovidius smirked. “I have yet to meet anyone who makes sarcasm sound so menacing and patronizing at the same time quite like you, Cassian.” He turned around, facing his sire. “For your information, I'm not taking this lightly. I'm monitoring the situation closely.”

  “Ah, yes. From your presumably safe position on the sofa, I see. If you were out there on the streets, you'd already be acting on my recommendations,” Cassian commented as he surveyed the room's interior. “Such common taste in decorating. Really, Ovidius, have I taught you nothing of class?”

  Ovidius sighed. “For both of our sakes, I hope the humans can get this situation under control as soon as possible.”

  Cassian remained silent. Holding his tongue wasn't something he did often—or at all for that matter. He didn't answer to anyone, nor was he used to having to make compromises. One thing he could agree on, he did want the situation to be resolved.

  Ovidius looked his sire up from head to toe and his gaze settled on the sword in his sire’s hand. “I hope you're just trying to save a memento from your youth.”

  Cassian glanced at his sword then back at Ovidius. “Do not worry, it's not for you.”

  “I thought not. I've had my servant prepare your rooms—”

  “Have you heard of the attacks in Iowa?” Cassian interjected.

  Ovidius' lips tightened as he kept his anger in check. “As I've said, I'm aware of the situation as it progresses.”

  “Then you have an idea of how fast these things are traveling. They've already breached the state lines. St. Louis isn't that far away.”

  “Let's not beat around the bush, Cassian. Bottom line is I'm not willing to expose vampires to the humans until it's absolutely necessary.”

  “What if by then, it's too late?” Cassian pointed out. “And who's to say they aren't already aware that we exist?”

  “I'm sure I would have heard something on the news if they knew about us at this point,” Ovidius said.

  “Maybe not. There were no cameras capturing a young vampire in my territory attack on a rescue helicopter. But I'm sure someone somewhere may have witnessed it.”

  “As if they would have any inkling of what they thought they saw. With those things running wild, they probably assumed he was one of them,” Ovidius speculated.

  “You're far too old to be this naïve.” Cassian sighed. “With an epidemic like this, we cannot hide in the darkness for much longer.”

  “What would you have me do, Cassian?” Ovidius' eyes studied his sire carefully.

  “I would have you take action. If we are exposed, so be it. It's a risk we must take if we are to survive,” Cassian said as he made his way closer to the sofa and Ovidius.

  “As I recall, this was a fear vampires had during the reign of the Bubonic Plague. The “Black Death,” they called it.”

  Cassian frowned thoughtfully. “This is no mere virus such as the plague, or any that came before or preceded it up to this point. We have never been affected and humans, though less savory, were still our prey. As far as I'm concerned, these things may not even be a food source. If their bite can turn us rabid, then their blood is probably just as dangerous. So you see, this depletes our food source at an exponential rate and it renders us ferocious without rhyme or reason except for the insatiable need to kill and feed. There may be other effects we still don't know about. We cannot afford to have our kind succumb to such an affliction…”

  Cassian leaned forward, placing a hand on his protégé’s shoulder as he locked his blue eyes to Ovidius' green. “Ovidius, a great leader knows when he must risk all to save his people. I have already taken steps to ensure that we have a chance and I am sure I do not stand alone in my preparation. Join me to save our kind, this is all that matters. Please do not take my suggestions as subterfuge or a challenge. My only interest is in the survival of our race. Not your territory or power over the vampires who reside here.”

  Ovidius licked his lips, moistening them as he pondered Cassian's words. He was never one to ignore the obvious or to turn his back on sound advice. After a few seconds, he nodded.

  “You have always guided me well, Cassian. If you believe it is necessary to expose ourselves at this junction, then I will stand beside you. What are your thoughts?”

  Cassian nodded quickly, satisfied that his words had finally penetrated. “We must seek out locations that have a vast number of resources. The humans we save will need food, water, clothing and other necessities. To maintain order, we must make sure that we are in control of all resources.”

  Ovidius sat back, running a finger along the smooth flesh of his bottom lip. “Costco comes to mind. It is well stocked with an assortment of items and it has limited windows and access points. Not to mention its own gas station.”

  Cassian nodded slowly as he mentally scanned his memory of the location.

  “What about a shopping mall?” Robert suggested.

  Both vampires turned toward him, which made him a bit nervous. He knew that he had spoken out of turn, but something had compelled him to speak out. He switched from one foot to the other as his fingers fidgeted with the straps of the duffel bags he was still holding.

  “Come again?” Cassian arched an eyebrow as he waited for him to elaborate.

  Robert's palms began to sweat, but he took several breaths, calming himself down since his faux pas was being overlooked. No doubt in favor of the current emergency situation.

  “Well, I guess, since vampires are going to make themselves known, might as well take over the huge location with even more resources. I mean, at least in a huge shopping mall, you have a ton of stores with clothes, food, tools, whatever they need or want. Plus there are places people can sleep and a food court where they can eat—places where food can be cooked.”

  Ovidius snorted. “Had your human kept his tongue as he is supposed to, he would have learned that his suggestion was already a part of my plan.”

  “Is that so?” Cassian cocked an eyebrow. “My human forgot his place, but I applaud him for trying... to a point. Unfortunately, with a shopping mall, there are many windows and entry points. It will need serious reinforcing with materials even vampires will have difficulty breaking through. … Truth be told, I don't think we have the time. With your delaying the necessary actions that needed to be taken, our options have also dwindled.”

  “The location I mentioned will have to suffice, then. It's most certainly large enough,” Ovidius stated with a hint of agitation in his tone. He could tolerate his sire just fine when he was in Chicago and there was a nice distance between them. But this co-existence was going to be a challenge for the both of them. He was no longer Cassian's protégé. He was his equal by Vampire law. A Master in his own right and he had complete reign of St. Louis.

  Robert stood silent, still holding the heavy luggage, as the two vampires spoke. He didn't need to be a vampire to feel the intense heat between the two Masters. The air was thick with it and any wrong step could send this already tense situation spiraling. His bladder begged for release and his stomach was still queasy from the flight over. He really just wanted to lay down somewhere—after relieving himself, of course. However, he wasn't going to interrupt two Master vampires a second time, not on his life.

  “What about a condo complex, like where you lived? It has plenty of living quarters and we can stock the bottom floors with resources to disperse among the humans?” Ovidius asked.

  Cassian shook his hea
d. “It leaves us far too vulnerable.”

  “Can these things climb buildings?”

  “I am not fully aware of what they can or cannot do. However, I do know that vampires who are infected will be able to climb and fly. We cannot risk an infected vampire breaking into our stronghold and attacking our livestock of humans in a location where it would be difficult to maintain watch.”

  Ovidius nodded, understanding Cassian's reasoning. “Very well, I'll send my vampires out to secure the local Costco. I'll also send out others to find all of the extra materials will need to fortify this location.”

  “We won't be able to help everyone, but we can save enough to save ourselves and preserve the future of humanity,” Cassian said. “This location will be its own resource.”

  Ovidius nodded.

  “May I ask a question?” Robert looked at his Master, awaiting permission.

  Cassian turned towards his human. “What is it, Robert?”

  “Master, how are you going to take over those places during the day when vampires are at their weakest? With everything that's going on, humans will be on high alert and any actions you take might be treated with extreme prejudice. They—the humans I mean—might try to take the vampires out, even at the risk of the humans inside. I don't want anything to happen to them or to you,” Robert said.

  Cassian nodded slowly, his lips pursed as he carefully considered his human's concerns. “You prove a good point, Robert, one even I had overlooked.” He smiled. “I knew there was a reason I chose you to serve me.”

  Robert grinned, pleased that his Master approved of him. “Thank you, Master. But really, you're so powerful, even now, when the sun is high in the sky. It was easy for you to overlook less powerful beings—”

  Cassian held his hand up, silencing Robert. “I'm going to stop you right there. Your placating is taking you only so far before your words become insulting.”

  Robert bowed. “My apologies, Master. I didn't mean to insult.”

  “I know.” Cassian shook his head as he wiped his brow.

  Ovidius chuckled, in spite of the tense situation surrounding them. “His point is valid. People are no doubt raiding those locations now, looking for resources before fleeing the city. It won't be easy to take over those areas secretly. No doubt the authorities will be called into action. But I trust my lieutenants and lords to be able to handle it as smoothly as they can.”


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