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Jamie Hill Triple Threat (A Cop In The Family)

Page 54

by Jamie Hill

  They both glanced up when the door opened, but it was Sergeant Winkie who walked through, with a pizza box in his hands. "Mel thought you might be hungry. She said none of you had eaten dinner."

  Nate checked his watch. Nearly eleven. He hadn't thought about it, but he was hungry. "Did Mel eat?" he asked.

  Winkie nodded. "A little. She nibbled. Drinking pop like crazy." He set the box and several napkins on the seat next to Nate. "She's doing okay."

  "Any idea when you'll cut her loose?"

  "Not for a while yet." He retreated inside the office.

  Nate and Cappie eyed each other. Nate took a napkin and a slice of pizza, and passed the box over.

  "Thanks." Cappie did the same. "How did you end up in Texas? I don't hear an accent, so you aren't from there."

  "No, Sir. Born and raised in Iowa. Grandparents still live there, in a little town called Bloomington. Population less than two hundred."

  "Two hundred?" Cappie chuckled. "What in the world did you find to do there?"

  Nate grinned. "Make mischief, mostly. Lots of places to play out in the country. We were only a few minutes away from Ames, so civilization wasn't too far away."

  "Bet you kept your folks on their toes."

  Nate's heart lurched. He hadn't even talked about this with Mel, but it felt right sharing the story with her father. "I was raised by my grandparents. Never knew my father. My mother died when I was two. Sometimes if I try real hard, I think I remember her. Then I wonder if I'm just seeing the photos we had sitting around the house. She was young and pretty, with long dark hair. In the pictures she was always smiling. Ironic, because I don't think she had that much to smile about."

  Cappie took another piece of pizza and passed the box back. "She had you. That had to brighten her final days. Kids are a blessing."

  Nate screwed up his face. "Maybe. I wouldn't know. Never spent any time with kids."

  The older man laughed. "Now you're sounding like Mel. Not sure she has much use for them either. I keep trying to change her mind. Grandchildren are on my bucket list."

  "Good luck with that." Nate gulped and ate another slice of pizza.

  "You seem to have turned out okay, for a mischief-maker. Heard you say you were a decorated veteran."

  "Six years in. Served in Kosovo and Bosnia. Not the worst deployments I could have gotten, but still not easy."

  "They never are. I spent a year in Viet Nam."

  Nate wrinkled his face. "Was that as bad as I've heard?"

  Cappie shrugged. "I had a pretty easy assignment, so I didn't see the worst of it. Made it home with nothing more than scratches. I had a strong support system here, so I survived just fine. Many didn't."

  "That's an understatement. I'm glad it worked out for you."

  "Thanks." An ornery expression crossed his face. "Took a Kansas cab driver to finally get the best of me."

  Nate chuckled. "Whatever happened to that guy?"

  "Lost his job, of course. The small company he drove for went belly up before they had to pay any of my medical bills. Last I heard, the driver was making pizzas at the Italian Grotto Restaurant. No idea if he's still there. Mel and I don't go there, just in case."

  "I'll keep that in mind." They finished off the pizza and Nate threw their trash into a corner can. He bought them each a can of pop and they were tossing them back when Mel finally appeared.

  "Mel!" Cappie hobbled to her side. "You okay kid?" He folded her into his arms.

  "Yeah, I'm fine. Beat, but fine. I just want to go home and sleep."

  "That sounds like the best thing." Cappie put his arm around her and walked her to Nate. "Think you can arrange it?"

  Nate smiled. "I can. Come on. I'll take you home."

  She didn't look him in the eye. "I'll call you tomorrow, Cappie. I won't be working, so I'll have plenty of time." Mel walked out ahead of him.

  Nate followed, giving her space. He climbed into the SUV and drove to her house.

  "You shouldn't have stayed there," Mel finally said. "It's late, you have to be tired. What time's your flight in the morning?"

  This wasn't how he'd hoped to break the news, but he had to tell her. "I'm not leaving tomorrow. I made arrangements to stay through the weekend. I was going to try and convince you to take a day or two off, so we could spend more time together."

  Mel sighed. "I'm sorry you went to that trouble. I think you should just go. I'm not going to be fit company, at least until after my Internal Affairs hearing."

  "Go?" His voice rose an octave. "Are you nuts? I've done everything in my power today to make it so I could stay. I'm not going anywhere." He parked in her driveway and they got out, entering the house.

  "I know." She motioned to the roses on the table, and the gifts sitting there. "And I'm sorry your romantic evening got sidetracked. But I can't think about that now. I've been accused of a very serious crime." She took a breath and the words came tumbling out. "I don't know how much they told you, but someone deposited two hundred thousand dollars into my bank account today. All the evidence against Webb is gone. Martin went home sick and isn't answering his phone or doorbell. And to top it all off, Sheila flaked on us. They took her to the station after the hospital and all she would say was that Webb hired her for twenty-four hours. He didn't hurt her, they had consensual sex a few times, and he tied her up in between."

  "Are you serious?" Nate shouted. "What was she thinking?"

  Mel shook her head. "I know she was scared. What I don't know is if someone got to her before she was questioned. She denied everything, and as of this evening isn't answering her phone."

  "Oh my God." Nate dropped into a chair. "Burton Webb is behind this, you know. IA has to realize that."

  "They do. They just think he used me to do his dirty work. I tried to tell them if I was going to take a bribe, I wouldn't deposit the cash in my one and only bank account. Somehow, that didn't appease them."

  Nate chuckled grimly. "No, I'm sure it didn't."

  Mel paced the floor, waving her hands. "It didn't come out right. Nothing I said seemed to come out right. They kept asking the same questions over and over again, worded a little different each time. As if they were trying to catch me in a lie."

  "It's an interrogation tactic. I'm sure you did fine, because you had nothing to lie about."

  "I'm exhausted. I want a hot shower and bed. I'm sorry I can't offer you more than that, Nate. I'm mentally drained and right now I've got nothing left to give."

  Nate's gut clenched to see her so downtrodden. He hoped a good night's rest would lift her spirits and help her to see things differently in the light of day. Yet in his heart, he feared sleep wouldn't be enough.

  He stepped in front of her and touched her chin. "I don't want anything from you. I'm tired too. I'd be happy holding you for the rest of the night while we get some sleep, but if you'd rather not, I can bunk in the guest room."

  She trudged down the hall. "You don't have to sleep in the guest room," was all she said.

  He climbed into bed in his boxers while she showered. The water ran for the longest time and at one point he heard sobbing. Nate fought the urge to go in and comfort her. If she needed his solace, she knew where to find it. At that moment, he figured what she needed was space.

  When she finally joined him wearing a t-shirt and panties, Mel didn't speak. She removed the band from her hair and let the tresses fall down around her shoulders. She switched off the lamp and crawled into bed, her back pressed against his belly.

  Nate wrapped his arms around her and planted a light kiss on her earlobe. "I'm here if you need me," he whispered.

  She didn't speak, but curled her hands around his arms and snuggled in for the night.

  * * * *

  When Nate woke the next morning, Mel was gone. He used the bathroom and rinsed with mouthwash before tugging on jeans and wandering out to the kitchen.

  She was nowhere in sight.

  He finally spotted her curled up, sleeping on the sofa.r />
  Nate sat in the chair opposite the couch and watched her sleep. It wasn't long before she stirred and opened her eyes.

  Mel focused on him, and smiled. "Good morning."

  He smiled back. "Good morning to you. How did you sleep?"

  "Not worth a damn." She stretched and sat up. "Thought about waking you somewhere around four for a little stress relief, but didn't figure that was a good idea after the shitty way I treated you last night."

  He shook his head. "For the record, that's always a good idea. Never question yourself again. Wake me anytime."

  Mel chuckled. Up off the couch, she dragged her blanket along and climbed sideways into his lap. "I'm sorry Nate. I was over-emotional last night. I don't usually get that way. Of course, I don't usually get interrogated by IA for hours, either."

  "It was a rough night," he agreed. "Hopefully things will look better today."

  She nestled her head on his shoulder. "I can't go to work. I'm suspended until the hearing, which they promised me would be soon. They also promised to withhold my name from the press until we get this settled. After the decision at the hearing, I'm on my own."

  He kissed her forehead. "As much as I would love to hang out with you here all day, I am going to work. I intend to march into Reeder's office and make him use me on your case. He's a nutcase if he refuses my help."

  "He can be a nutcase all right. But he was okay last night. He treated me pretty well."

  "I'm glad. He and I had words last night. I expect we'll have more today. But I'm going to try and help out on the case if I can. If not, maybe Stone will keep me apprised."

  "Stone," she mused. "I bet he was upset."

  "Yes he was. Tell me, Mel, who do you trust? Now don't say your whole department and don't say our whole team. Think about it for a minute and tell me exactly who you really do trust in the WPD."

  "Stone," she said without needing a moment's thought. "Brady Marshall. And as much as I dislike him sometimes, Captain Reeder. He's lousy in the tact and sensitivity departments, but I do trust the man."

  "That it?" Nate looked in her eyes.

  "Well, you, of course," she added quickly.

  He chuckled. "That wasn't what I was fishing for. I know you trust me as much as I trust you, which is to the moon and back. I was looking for a few other names in the WPD. What about Becker? Or the CSI goons?"

  Mel bit her lip and shook her head.

  Nate nodded. "That's what I needed to know. We're going to figure this out, Mel. I promise you, we will."

  She snuggled in and kissed his neck. "You don't have to leave right away, do you?"

  Nate bent his neck to give her better access. "I'm not pressed for time. No one's expecting me."

  "Good." She nibbled a while longer then stood and reached for his hand.

  He rose and she pulled him into her arms. "Last night you said you were here if I needed you. I need you now, Nate. More than I've ever needed anyone in my life."

  He captured her lips with his. "I'm right here," he murmured, and walked her backwards to the bedroom.

  Chapter Ten

  Nate entered the homicide bullpen and glanced around. People were working, but no sign of Stone or anyone else he knew. He spotted Reeder by the coffee pot and approached the captain.

  "Willis." The man eyed him thoughtfully as he sipped from a steaming cup.

  His tone sounded neutral, not negative as Nate had prepared himself for. It's a good sign. "Captain," he nodded and aimed for a respectful tone. "I hoped to have a word with you please?"

  Reeder motioned to the coffee. "Help yourself to a cup and meet me in my office." He walked ahead.

  Nate poured some coffee and followed Reeder. In the office he took a seat facing the captain. "I'm here to offer my services working Mel's case. I think we all know Burton Webb is at the bottom of the whole mess. What we don't know is who he got to, who he paid off to do his dirty work. It wasn't Mel."

  The captain leaned back in his chair. "I know that. The problem is, if it wasn't her, it's someone else in my department which is just as bad for me."

  "But better for Mel," Nate mused.

  "True. So set me straight. Why are you really still here, Willis? I know your chief expected you yesterday."

  "I think I mentioned that I talked to my chief, and was given permission to stay a few days longer." Nate cleared his throat. "For, uh, personal reasons."

  Reeder's eyes narrowed. "Seems to me your interest in this case is what's personal. Like for instance, you might be trying to draw suspicion away from yourself and on to someone in my department." He flexed his fingers against each other. "You see, I don't know you, Willis. But I do know my officers. I find it very hard to believe that any one of them could be paid off to free such a heinous criminal."

  Nate stood and closed the office door, then turned to face Reeder. "I understand that you don't know me. I get that. I'm going to lay myself on the line here because I asked Mel this morning who she trusted in this department. Not trusted to buy her lunch and bring back the correct change. I'm talking serious trust. And yours was one of the three names she gave me."

  The captain's eyes conveyed surprise for a moment then he seemed to catch himself and nodded. "Go on."

  "Mel had no qualms about you, Stone or Brady Marshall. Other than that, she wasn't so sure. The CSI guys are top of my list right now."

  Reeder waved a hand. "That's old news. Martin's in the wind. No one's heard from him for going on twenty hours now. By the looks of his apartment, he packed in a hurry and took off. Whoever got to him must have paid cash."

  Nate blinked in disbelief. "If you know that, then why is Mel still under suspicion?"

  The man seemed to weigh how much he wanted to disclose, but finally gave in. "Because Martin can barely tie his shoelaces without instructions. Despite all Martin's swagger and false bravado, Zybowski was the brains of that team. And right now, Joseph Zybowski is sweating bullets in the IA interrogation room."

  Nate's mind raced processing the information. "Maybe Martin wasn't as dumb as he let on. I mean, how could he hold down such a technical position if he wasn't smart?"

  "He's smart enough, but he's no leader. Zybowski called the shots and everyone knew it."

  "So what makes you think Zybowski is so innocent? Maybe he's just a better liar, and can handle the pressure where Martin couldn't. If I had to I could fake some sweat and tears."

  Reeder smiled for the first time. "I'll remember that. I watched part of Joe's questioning. He looks like hell, man. He doesn't know what the fuck is going on. I truly believe that."

  Nate dropped into his chair. "So we're back to square one. Who did Webb get to? I suspect the bank account business was just to cast suspicion on Mel. I'm sure Webb paid the real culprits in cash."

  "Stone's got too much integrity to pull a stunt like that. Becker? She's another one with the means but probably not the ability. She's a good kid, but she's green. Thinks a lot of Curtis. Tries to emulate her right down to the ponytail. I can't see her pulling it off."

  "But we can't rule her out," Nate said.

  Reeder shrugged. "I might not rule out Marshall. He's got those new twins at home. A nice lump sum might look good to a guy in his position."

  Nate didn't feel that in his gut, and shook his head. "I don't like Marshall for this. There has to be someone else with the means, the opportunity and the wherewithal to back it up. I don't know the others in your department. I'd like to get Stone's assessment if you're going to allow me to help with the case."

  "There isn't a case, Willis. It's an IA matter now. Curtis is suspended until her hearing. I was told, officially, there isn't anything more we can do."

  "Officially," Nate repeated. "The thing is, I'm not really here officially."

  "So." Reeder stood and went to his door. "If you were to keep a low profile, I could probably let you hang out with Stone in the small conference room." He opened the door. "Unofficially."

  Nate stood and smiled. He
extended his hand and they shook. "You'll never know I was here."

  He went straight to the smaller war room and closed the door. Nate took a seat and scribbled notes on a pad. When Stone entered and stood in the doorway he glanced up. "Shut the door, will you please?"

  Stone obliged and sat across from him. "Hush hush stuff, huh?"

  "On the record there's no investigation into Mel's case. Mel doesn't even have a case. You and I have to get busy on this thing."

  "Should I get Becker?" Stone made a move to stand.

  Nate waved his hands. "No, let's keep this just between us."

  Stone's expression clouded. "Wouldn't more people be beneficial?"

  Leaning forward, Nate lowered his voice. "We're flying under the radar here, Henry. The less people we involve, the fewer undies gonna be run up the flagpole, if you get my meaning."

  Stone smiled. "We're going against orders, I get you. No need to get anyone else involved."

  Nate sat up and patted a hand on the table. "There's another, more sensitive issue. Someone set Mel up. We know that to be true. IA isn't as convinced. As far as they're concerned, they have their scapegoat. No need to look for anyone else."

  "Meanwhile, a corrupt cop goes free while Mel could lose her job."

  "We're not going to let that happen. I'm calling Brady Marshall to see if he can work the Sheila angle. Someone got to her, too, and we need to figure that out."

  "What do you want me to do?"

  Nate smiled. "I'm glad you asked. You're going to figure out who had the means and motive to sell Mel down the river."

  Stone's brow furrowed. "Someone in our department?"

  "Maybe, or somebody from another area. I'm thinking about that Tanner fellow who hit on Mel at Morgan's last week. You said he works in Admin? He might have the means. Mel embarrassed him. Does that give him a motive?"

  "Tanner? No! I can't believe—"

  "Henry." Nate touched his arm. "I need you to look at everyone. Keep an open mind. You're convinced Mel didn't do this, right?"

  Stone nodded.

  "Somebody did it. If not Mel, then who? We've got very little time to find out. IA is rushing Mel's hearing because they want a resolution before the media gets wind of this. But once that hearing happens, it's going to be twice as hard to reverse their findings. We need to get this right, and the time is now."


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