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Final Contact (Contact Series)

Page 15

by JD Clarke

  “The gravitational effects generated by the humans’ equipment are well known to us and have been accounted for in the design of the plasma weapons and the tactics used in their deployment.” The member was now standing as he spoke to Sybil.

  “Are you aware of any shielding that could interrupt the plasma weapon? The humans have been very successful in protecting the facility with their time shield.”

  “The attack units were beneath the time shield used to defend the humans.” This seemed to cause the member to pause and reevaluate his position. “If you have any information as to what occurred on the planet’s surface, it would be of value in our next attack.”

  “I have no direct knowledge, but I would do an analysis of the equipment and a comparison of possible effects on the plasma weapon by known human assets.” Sybil turned away, and the member sat back down to continue his meeting with the other Unity members around the table. Sybil gave me a wink.

  On the second floor, a group of members stood around their table and looked down at Sybil, then addressed her in unison.

  “We have determined two responses. Each has an equal probability of success in dealing with the human interference. The first possibility is to assassinate Jason Hauptman. The second is to destroy the facility on the planet along with all biological life. Your analysis is requested.”

  Sybil looked up and responded to the group. “Destruction of the planet would be a waste of valuable production facilities. Assassination of Jason Hauptman would be difficult to achieve. I would suggest another assault upon the planet utilizing increased numbers of warships and weaponry.”

  “We do not have adequate resources to assault the planet with guaranteed success. Our warships and ground forces are needed elsewhere.”

  “Under those circumstances, an elimination of the humans’ leader would be desirable. Their reliance upon him is absolute. Without Jason Hauptman, the humans would be demoralized and retreat. The others wish only to return to their home world.”

  “We concur.”

  “I can return to the planet and kill Jason Hauptman. It will give me the opportunity to retrieve my holographic processor unit also.”

  “There is no need to endanger your existence further. Another android is being sent.”

  “Another? Explain.”

  “The reception of androids among our Unity members was initially approved, and advantages of mobility were realized. However, many have been removed from service due to problems arising with members’ cooperation within our society. One such android was reprogrammed with the data provided by you. Its appearance has been altered to that of your android body. It will be sent on a seek-and-kill mission, a mission to assassinate Jason Hauptman. The probable success of the android is high. Its survival and return is unlikely. Now that you have confirmed our conclusions, a vessel will be approved for launch and sent to the warship planet.”

  “The probability of success would be higher if I went myself,” Sybil responded.

  “The probability difference is insignificant between the two plans. This plan does not endanger you. The assassin android is not a true member of the Unity and can be sacrificed without loss to our society.”

  “Is the assassin to be launched from this planet?”

  “No, there are no androids on this planet. It is being prepared on planet 3 of the Capri system and will be dispatched immediately.”

  “What about the return of my holographic processor unit? I am incomplete without it.”

  “It can be retrieved after the humans have been eliminated.”

  The discussion was over. No further debate was needed, and the Unity voice stopped abruptly as they returned to their seats. They were right, an assassin that could pass herself off as Sybil would have no difficulty in finding my helpless body and killing it. The loss of Sergeant Klanton and then of me might discourage even Legion. It would certainly result in the loss of trust of any android. Legion would probably destroy all the androids in retaliation. We had to get back before the assassin arrived.

  “Sybil, we have to go.”

  “I understand, but it is not so simple. We planned on taking the cargo vessel back in a ruse to retrieve my original holographic processor.”

  “We also knew we might have to improvise, steal a warship, and escape. It’s time to improvise. How long before the assassin is ready for launch?”

  “The android may be ready now. It would take the Unity facilities very little time to alter an android’s appearance.”

  “And how long before it reaches its destination? How long do we have before we have to leave here?”

  “In order to return to the warship planet before the assassin, we will have to leave within the hour.”

  “Then we have to hurry. We have to make a break for the cargo vessel and get out of here.”

  “I do not have the capacity in this android body to contain the data. I will transfer the designs for the plasma weapon from my holographic processor unit to one of the onboard computers on the cargo vessel, but it may alert the Unity.”

  “Hell, they’re going to know something’s up when we take off in that cargo ship without their permission anyway.”

  “I could bring the new holographic processor with us.”

  “Then pick it up and bring it with us. Are there any warships patrolling nearby?”

  “Yes, Jason, there are four orbiting the planet and four more in the system. They will be ordered to intercept us as soon as we launch.”

  “I could use some suggestions, Sybil.”

  “Our course of action will most likely end in being destroyed by warships …”

  “Unless we acquire a warship.”

  “Jason, Unity warships do not have jump drives. We will still need the cargo vessel we brought to return to the warship-production planet in time to save your body from the assassin.”

  “Can you contact the warships?”

  “Yes, as long as I am a part of the Unity, I can contact any other member within immediate communication range. Other members can be contacted, but with a delay in communication. Other Unity members with android bodies are too far away to help us in time, if that is your plan.”

  “It was a thought, but no, it’s not what I am planning. The plan is still forming. Can you upload information to the warships?”

  “Yes, Jason.”

  “And I’m just information, just data, right? I am just a software simulation.”

  “Yes, Jason. You are inferring that I should upload your consciousness to the warships?”

  “Not just to the warships, but to all the Unity members on this planet and the warships.”

  “You will not have control over the warships. You will not be able to control any machinery. Only your consciousness will be present. You will only have your thoughts.”

  “And I will have communication ability. I will be able to speak to all the Unity members, correct?”

  “Yes, but you will be at their mercy, just as you are within my android body. They could simply purge your data.”

  “If they wanted to, yes. But what if they didn’t want to? What if I could offer them something more? Could they release control to me?”

  “Enable your program to control things in the real world? Yes, if they were persuaded to do so.”

  “And what about all these new units that are being produced? Could you download me into those units? Could I have control of those units?”

  “That would be problematical. Your mental abilities are not capable of controlling the many aspects of a holographic processor unit. You lack the necessary interface programming. The download stations might also prove an obstacle to substituting your programming. However, you could be downloaded into the new units once they are functional.”

  “The Unity function as a pure democracy, correct? Actions are decided upon based on the will of the majority.”

  “Yes, options are analyzed, evaluated, and proposed by assigned teams for each decision. The results are then
distributed throughout the Unity. Whichever action has the support of the most members is put into motion.”

  “Did you download information on what it’s like to have an android body into the Unity’s data banks?”

  “Yes, naturally.”

  “And the information about the all the androids aboard the Defiant and how they enjoyed having real bodies?”

  “Yes, Jason. It was all downloaded and is available to all Unity members.”

  “How many Unity members are there on this planet?”

  “There are 127,000 Unity members on this planet, not counting the newly produced Unity members that are being held for shipment to other worlds.”

  “How long would it take to download my consciousness to all of them?”

  “The download would be simultaneous to all members. Your data is a comparatively small packet. Human brain configuration does not require a lot of programing to simulate. It would be a matter of minutes, perhaps four to five minutes.”

  If anyone other than Sybil had said that, I would have taken offense. “How long would it take you to get the fabrication information on the plasma weapon?”

  “We do not have sufficient time for acquisition of weapon manufacture specifics. It is available on another planet. The time delay between planets is too great. It exceeds our available time.”

  “All right, maybe while we are on the way home. Can you at least determine which planet the information is on?”

  “I have already determined that information.”

  “Then start downloading my programming, and as soon as you’re finished, let’s get out of here.”

  “We can begin leaving now. My new processor will complete the download of your programed consciousness to all Unity members.”

  Sybil began walking back out the way we came in, toward the landing area, where our cargo ship should still be waiting. She was still connected mentally to her processor unit. The wireless connection would remain intact until we were out of communication range or the Unity disconnected her unit from its power source. I doubted they would disable it though. They valued their own kind.

  As we reached the cargo ship, Sybil paused to look back. “I am receiving a message from you.”

  Suddenly, I was flooded with a thousand voices—my voice. All reporting a successful download; now I was in every Unity member’s mind. A new voice—my voice—was talking to them, giving them new options, new possibilities, new arguments. The Unity was suffering from split personality on a massive scale.

  Sybil entered the cargo ship and powered it up immediately. Takeoff was uneventful. No one tried to stop us yet.

  “Warships are redirecting their course. They are coming to intercept us. They are receiving orders to force us back to the planet’s surface or destroy us.”

  “Ignore them, Sybil. Head for the jump gate as quickly as you can.”

  “I am receiving other messages from the warships. The messages are from you or the other you, rather.”


  I found myself on a warship. It was like being suddenly transported to another place. The mental environment was similar to Sybil’s, but without the partitions and restrictions. It was unprotected. I was an unexpected addition to the mental faculties of the Unity member in charge of this warship. I had complete access to his memories, skills, and abilities. I knew, for instance, that this was the warship designated as 676.4598.328, and it was one of the standard warships in the Unity Fleet. Unity warships, unlike ours, were manned with only one Unity member. They were quite capable of performing piloting, navigation, and gunnery operations alone. I also knew that I was not the original Jason, but I had no other designation. The warship’s pilot had a moment of disorientation and surprise at my presence within his mind.

  “You are not a communication. You are an invader,” the warship captain addressed me.

  “I intend no harm to you. In fact, I offer you something special. I am Jason, the human. You may be aware of my existence.” I made no attempt to discover the limitations to my control of his ship yet.

  “You will be purged from my system. You are an unauthorized program in the Unity system. Humans are corporeal creatures.”

  “I am more than human. I have merged with Unity members. I am human and Unity. I offer you the opportunity to be more also. To be Unity and more, to experience life as a corporeal being, to feel more than sensory data, to feel more than the emotions programmed into you for the purpose of the Unity. You can be more than what you are now.”

  “There is no purpose served by allowing you to exist within my data. Your consciousness competes with mine for existence and will soon seek domination of control.” His thoughts were worried, cautious, but he had not purged my programming yet. He was curious.

  “Listen to my message. Access the data that the Unity member Sybil brought back from her experience with the humans. Then I will leave your processor. You will be able to purge my program with no resistance from me.” He was worried. I sensed it. He did not know what my capabilities were. Perhaps I could dominate his consciousness and take control of the warship, maybe even purge him. He was surprised by my arrival and also became uncertain. He needed further data. He needed guidance from the Unity, and they were all busy with their own invaders. Then he connected with the data Sybil had brought back, searched it, analyzed it, evaluated it. It represented a new knowledge he had not had before.

  “I was aware of the existence of android bodies and their delivery to many of our bases.”

  “Yes, but you never had access to their experiences, did you? You never shared the data, the feelings that an android body can bestow. I can also tell you that sharing the memories and experiencing it firsthand are also different things entirely. Firsthand knowledge is best.” There was hesitation and conflict in his thoughts. “The Unity has been suppressing much of the data regarding the advantages of having an android body.”

  “We have free access throughout the Unity members. All data is open to anyone.”

  “Then why were you so surprised at the data Sybil brought back? I could feel your interest and your curiosity. You had never experienced similar data before. It was new to you.” I waited, expecting a denial. There was none. “I can provide you with an android body as well, to experience it for yourself. Come to the planet we are controlling now, and I will give you an android body to do with as you wish. You can experience everything Sybil has experienced and more. You will be free to leave at any time. You can rejoin the Unity whenever you like. You have all of eternity to live among the Unity, but you only have this one chance to experience this.”

  “I will be free to leave with the android body?”

  “Yes, absolutely.”

  “Others may leave with me if they desire?”

  “Yes, all I ask is that you harm no biological beings while you are on the planet and that you have no communication with the Unity while you are on the planet.”

  “I could come and live among you humans and then return to the Unity to report on your strengths and weaknesses. I could carry information on your technology that would be valuable in our war against you. It does not seem to be in your best interest to allow me to leave once I accept your offer.”

  “You will be free to leave at any time. Review the data. Have I ever been dishonest with Sybil? I do not fear the Unity. I came here unafraid.”

  He was conflicted, and he had to make a decision on his own. The entire Unity network was chaos. I could hear the communications as thousands of Unity members were confronting me, or another version of me, and consulting with other members. There were requests to leave the Unity, there were requests for more information, there were requests for council.


  “This is warship 676.4598.328 contacting the cargo vessel containing Sybil. I will escort you to your planet of origin. I wish to request an android body of my own.”

  “This is Sybil. Take up a position on our port side. Match our velocity and heading.” Sybil res
ponded. Then she turned her attention to me as we both watched (through her eyes) the location of the other three warships on our cargo vessel display.

  Things were apparently not going as well with the other three. Two of the warships had broken away and were now turning to fire on the third ship. Missiles launched from the two at point-blank range to the third ship. Explosions racked both sides of the lone warship. Lasers lanced out and ripped the belly of the warship as it tried to flee the battle. The ship was disabled, darkened, and adrift.

  “We cannot outrun those two warships, Jason.”


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