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Bloods Gem

Page 13

by Gloria Conway


  “Same.” He winked at me. “How about this one? If you could do one thing. Anything… What would it be?”

  “My world… Or yours?”


  “I would fly. And live forever.”

  He had a huge grin on his face.

  “What? Is that dumb?” I asked.

  He shook his head, “No, not at all. I mean… most people would kill for that. Humans.”

  “Yeah. It would be awesome to never have to die. And to fly would be invigorating.”

  “Yeah. It’s something to fly. But the living forever thing… I mean, you get bored, lonely.”

  “Not if you had someone to share it with you. That you loved,” I said picking at my food.

  “So you’d want this? What I am? Is that what you’re getting at?”

  “Who wouldn’t want that?” I asked.

  “If… They… You… Whoever… Knew the consequences of this lifestyle or could even imagine what it brings, I’m sure they’d choose being a mortal instead.”

  “What’s so bad about it?”

  “Well. If you’re among your kind forever never smelling human blood, or scent, it wouldn’t be so bad. But then, you gotta think about how you view your afterlife as well. I mean, yeah, we can live without disease, dying of old age, however… we can still be killed, but it’s harder. Much harder to kill us. But when one of us dies we wonder about our afterlives. We’re told stories, but it’s not certain. And if you believe there’s a god, then you will assume all demons go to hell and that’s what we are. That’s why we want blood. Because we have demons inside of us. So if our soul was good before the vampire part, there’s still that issue of what if. So forever really isn’t that long.

  “If I could give all of this up to be pure, cleansed of demons forever, I would in a heartbeat. Just so I could know for sure, I was going to a better place after.”

  “Wow. Hmm. That’s deep.”

  “Sorry about that. When I start talking--”

  “No, no it’s fine. I like this side of you. I mean, it’s good conversation and it gives me something to think about.”

  “You ready? We’re going to be late for the movie.”

  “Oh yeah. I forgot.” He took my hand as we walked to his car.

  “Can I ask you something?” He asked as we hopped in.


  “How do you see me?”

  “Well,so far, you're, sweet, smart, a little romantic and extremely Attractive.”

  He laughed. “Thank you.”

  “Why’d you ask?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I wanted to see me through your eyes.”

  “Why? I mean how do you see yourself?”

  “Overly confident at times. Ignorant when it comes to some things. Hmm. What else? I’m a smart ass. And I guess I never really looked at myself in the mirror and said… 'Damn, you’re extremely attractive,'” He smiled at me.


  “And you Faith White. You're, very smart, loveable, a smart ass like me. And you’re beyond beautiful. Beyond sexy. You are in a completely different league. There are no words for it. But if I could make up a word for it, I’d call you a goddess.”

  “You're funny, but thanks for the flattering,” I said shaking my head. “What’s funny is, you don’t believe me. You think it’s a line or something, but it’s not. You see yourself in a completely different way than I see you. And it’s frustrating.”

  “I guess I do.”

  “That’s okay It’ll change eventually.”

  “Right,” I said sarcastically.

  We went to the movies and he held my hand the entire time. Whispering sweet nothings in my ear, made me smile. Enjoying myself with him this way was different from the way I felt about Chris. My connection with Daniel felt so much deeper and the idea of this hit home. I almost hate to admit it, but fear took over, fear of being vulnerable, fear of loosing myself in this man and possibly loosing him at some point.

  He was too perfect. Feeling as though each moment with Daniel was too good to be true. Will these feelings last? I was worried one day he would wake up and realize hes with a boring human whom he can no longer stand to look at. Would he tire of me? I knew my feelings would not change. I was more concerned that his would. And if his feelings did change eventually and he left, I couldn't bare it. The thought of loosing him was painful.

  “Kiss me…” I looked over at him and shook my head.

  “Not this again…” He put his arm around me and smiled. We watched the movie for twenty more minutes and I couldn’t take it anymore. I slowly crawled onto his lap and smiled at him.


  “Kiss me,” I said.

  He touched my face and pulled me closer.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  We kissed until the movie was over and we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. The usher asked us to leave when other people were coming in to watch the next showing.

  We went to his car and got in. We looked at each other for the longest time. It seemed a long moment of silence passed between Daniel and I that could not be filled with words. A communication of feeling passed through us with no explanation needed. Despite our short time together, we knew each other. Leaning over Daniel placed both his hands under my thighs, pulling me up and onto him he straddled my body over his. His hands firmly squeezed my backside and I pressed in closer to him. Kissing my neck, “I want you,” I whispered.

  “Me too,” he said, kissing my lips. I heard him making strange sounds. “You okay?” I asked, a little freaked out. He stopped. “We need to cool down,” he said softly.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because when I get turned on, I want to, you know… Kill.”

  I climbed back in my seat.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No. You shouldn’t be. I’m the one sorry. I hate this”

  “What if I tie you down or something?” I asked.

  He started laughing. “Wouldn’t work. I’m too strong.”


  He looked over at me. “Damn girl, you're crazier then me.”

  I smiled. “Just a thought.”

  “Yeah. I know The feeling. Believe me. I want you just as bad as you want me, If not more.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “If you only knew… The thoughts running through my mind. Ways to go about this. Trying to find a way around it. It’s no use though. I can only force it down for so long, before it becomes unbearable.”

  “Want me to go get you someone to drink while we…” I laughed.

  He stared at me hard.

  “I was just joking. That would be too freaky.”

  “Not for me. But yeah for you, of course.”

  “Oh my god, you’d actually consider it?”

  “I would just about consider anything right now, just to have you. Please you in every way vampirely and humanly possible.”

  “You can’t just force your mind to think a certain way?”

  “Nah, not really. Only others can do that… Well other Ill-suens can anyway.”

  We drove back to his room and he asked me to stay and watch some movies.

  Laying on the couch watching movies, he gave me a long shirt to wear. Sitting next to him, I draped my legs across his lap. Sliding his fingers up and down my legs, I got chills, and my body began responding to him. Starring into each others eyes he leaned over and kissed me again. I climbed into his lap.

  I threw my shirt off. Grunting he pulled me closer to his body.

  Pushing me from him I fell into the wall, hitting my head. “What the hell!?” I held the back of my head where it had crashed against the wall. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. It’s just too much right now. I thought I was going to hurt you. Can you forgive me?”

  “Yeah. I guess.”

  “I know It looks bad. I’m not… A bad guy. I just thought I wasn’t going to be able to control it, so I pus
hed you away instead. I hope you can understand. And I know it doesn’t make it any better.”

  “I do understand. It’s fine.”

  “Thank you Faith. I promise it wont happen again.

  Chapter Seventeen


  She stayed the next few nights with me. Telling her mother she was at a friend’s house for a few days. We talked and enjoyed the companionship. We stayed in most of the time. Getting to know each other. She told me her dreams for the future, and plans she had. I told her mine.

  I told her about helping my father run one of his companies. He owned real-estate around the world and hotel chains. He was also in the blood and plasma market. We bought and sold both.

  We were trying to distribute animal blood soon. Selling to other Ill-suens and vampires. To make being able to eat easier and more conventional.

  I was to take over that market and he was going to help me build up from there. Then I wouldn’t have to rely on my family’s income to buy the things I wanted. I would have my own little empire and be set to take care of my future family. She seemed impressed by my ambition and that made me feel good. She seemed interested in what I had to say and the feeling was mutual. I liked hearing about her life and what she had done and wanted to do. There were a few things she told me she wanted to do, that I wanted to surprise her with. I knew she liked the whole spontaneous thing and so did I. I wanted to show her what it would be like if she choose to keep me. The fun we’d have, and the adventures I’d take her on.

  When I took her home though I felt sick parting with her. I wanted her to come and live with me. Before she got out of the car then she shot me a strange look.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “I hate to do this. Since we’ve had such a good time. But can you give me a few days to myself. I need a bit of time to think about things.”

  “Of course Love. Whatever you need. Take your time.”

  She smiled and blew me a kiss.

  I grabbed her arm. “Wait please.” I pulled her chin to me and softly kissed her lips. “If I have to part with you for a few days I want to feel your lips on mine one last time.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Thank you,” she said.

  “Thank you too.” I watched her until she went inside, my heart aching. I knew it was the separation but it made me feel uneasy, almost worried that she wouldn't come back. But I knew how she felt when she was around me and it made me feel secure in our connection.

  Days went by and she had not called or text. I was going to give her one more day to contact me then show up at her doorstep. That last day I hunted a few hours then went back to my room. Checking my phone I saw that I had a missed call from her.

  Elated I dialed her number.

  “Hey,” She answered.

  “Faith, how are you?”

  “I’m fine. Sorry it took a bit to call you.”

  “As long as your well, it doesn’t matter.”

  “So,what are you doing?” She asked.

  “Thinking about you. Wondering when you’d let me come spy on you again.” I laughed.

  “Just get your ass over here so I can see you already. I know you're going to come anyway,” She said.

  “Yes ma‘am,” I said hanging up.

  I threw some clean clothes on and fixed my hair. It would take me less then a minute to get there by foot. I took a less traveled way to her house and walked up from behind the woods to knock on her window.

  She opened it. “Don’t you ever go to the front door?”

  I smiled and put my head down. Looking back up at her, “Would you like me to use the door?” I asked.

  She pulled me inside and we both fell inside on the floor laughing.

  “So will you be my girl?” I asked smiling into her eyes.



  “Kiss me,” she said softly.

  I touched her cheek, bringing my hand down to her neck. Tilting my head, “Where would you like me to kiss you?”

  Her heart started racing and she took a deep breath. “Why don’t you just read my mind,” she said smirking. I placed my hand on the back of her head and brought her lips to mine. She took me onto her bed pulling me close to her. We lay there for awhile holding each other and talking. I was able to control myself easier since I had plenty of blood left in my stomach but I still held my breath trying not to smell her.

  “So, you’re a vampire. Don’t you want to try to suck my blood or something?” She asked jokingly. I laughed, thinking she had no clue how bad I really did want her blood.

  “Ill manage,” I said smiling at her trying to get the thought out of my head.

  “So what if I want to be one too?”

  I shook my head. “Why would you want to be? You're perfect as you are now. We‘ve talked a little about this already.”

  “I don’t know it was just a question. But, I mean, if I’m made for you, you know if I stay like this, we will only have eighty years or so together?” “I will soon follow Love, once you’re gone. Can we change the subject?” I asked, not wanting to think about losing her so soon.

  “So, did you break up with your boyfriend yet?” I asked.

  She sighed. “I don’t know what to tell him Daniel. He was so good to me, now I have to break his heart.”

  “Just tell him you fell in love with someone. Tell him the truth. Well not the whole truth. Don’t tell him you fell in love with a vamp-ish dude.”

  She started giggling and slapped me on the stomach.

  “I guess I should do that now huh? I haven’t text or called him in a few days, but he’s been blowing up my phone.”

  She got out of bed and went into the other room. I stayed there, I didn’t want to intrude on her privacy. I tried not to listen but it was hard.

  Yeah I’m home. She said what? How can I do what to you? You need to calm down and talk instead of yell at me… no… no you don’t need to…

  She came in and I laid there like I didn’t know anything.

  “He’s coming over now, you need to leave!” She said panic sounding in her voice. She tried pushing me from the bed. I shook my head, “I’m not going anywhere. He might try something and I wont let anyone hurt you Faith.” I felt my heat rise.

  “I can handle this on my own. Besides, he’s not the type. He would never hit me or anything. You should leave before he gets here!”

  “I’m not going anywhere without you,” I said, my voice hard now.

  “Fine! But stay in here and please don’t do anything stupid, for mine and your sake!”

  Did she think this human boy could hurt me? I didn’t agree to anything I just stood there, balling my fist. I thought if this boy comes close to raising his hand to her, I’m going to be right there knocking his face into the concrete. I let my body drop on the bed so I could watch her in spirit form.

  Standing outside I watched as she waited. A large truck pulled into the driveway. Faith looked angry. Her arms crossed over her chest, her expression hard. As he came out of the truck, her expression changed. As did her emotion. The once hard look was no more, replaced with a look of admiration. Compassion was her new emotion and I suddenly felt insecure. Chris slammed his truck door and marched up to her. Standing in front of him I wanted to hurt him for the angry emotions he was feeling tword her.

  I stood there in spirit form cursing him, as he begun to accuse her. “So you cheated on me huh? Was he good? Did you enjoy yourself? Answer me!” He moved closer to her. And I wanted badly to jump back into my body and handle this myself. I knew if he moved any closer I would have no choice but to step in.

  She yelled back at him. “It’s not like that. And you have no right talking to me that way!” Just leave if you’re going to accuse me without asking!” His face was red now.

  “No. I heard all about you all over a guy at some club, and don’t try to deny it. Kate had seen everything!” He yelled.

  “Kate’s lying!” She yelled back.

  “So t
hen why don’t you tell me then. If she’s lying what did you do?” She put her head down. “Listen, I wasn’t looking for anything. It kind of just happened. I met a guy from the club, yes. But I didn’t get to even talk to him much until the next day. And yes I kissed him. But I didn’t have sex with him.” She started crying. He calmed down and put his arm around her. Cursing him again I yelled, “don't touch her.”

  “I m sorry I yelled at you. I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he said.

  “You don’t need to apologize. I’m the one sorry.”

  He held her closer. It was hard to watch my girl having feelings for this looser.

  I stepped back.

  “It’s okay. We can work through this.”

  She glanced up and shook her head. “No we cant. I’m in love with someone else!” Tears rolled down her face.

  He let her go, marched towards his truck, slamming his fist into the side of it. She jumped at the noise.

  “How could you do this to me?” He yelled, hands fisted stalking toward Faith. “You're a--”

  I didn’t let him finish. Jumping back into my body, I was there before he had the chance to do or say anything else. I jumped in front of him, staring him down. “Remember me?” I asked smiling. Standing there eyes wide, he seemed unable to speak.

  “You want to hit a girl, do you big man? Well you got to go through me first boy!” Faith ran up yelling something. Focused on my enemy I couldn’t hear anything she said.

  Glancing at her then back at me he became enraged. He pulled his fist back and I grabbed him by the front of his shirt lifting him into the air without effort. I laughed as he tried kicking.

  “Try now coward!” I growled as loud as I could and threw him into the road.

  I smelled his blood and I had to restrain myself. I closed my eyes to force mind control on him. Concentrating was difficult. I forced him to forget he ever saw me. I let him remember the conversation he had with her, but cut his memory off to seeing me. It was a great ability to have. It also saved my ass a lot. I grabbed Faith and took her inside. She was still yelling at me. I calmed myself down to tell her why I did what I did. Explaining what he was capable of in that state of mind. If I hadn't acted he would have hit her. Her jaw dropped. She shook her head in denial.


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