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Bloods Gem

Page 20

by Gloria Conway

  “Well, when the other crew arrives they’re bringing more with them too,” Nick said. “Yeah. That’s true but if we run out I have plenty of meat and there’s plenty of deer to chase,” I replied.

  “Oh also, we will need to divide it up so you guys can get plenty of sleep. There will be three at a time sleeping. When they wake, the next three can come in and rest up,” I said. They agreed.

  Caesar and Howell took off to make their rounds and Nick took watch outside in the woods. While Celeste and Vanessa came back inside with me. I sat down next to Faith and started remembering back when all of us guys would do state watch. Most of the time we had a blast. We would fool around then get back to work.

  Once, Nick and myself went North when Caesar and Howell went East. Nick thought he noticed a scent of a hunter, we both got spooked. When we tracked the scent it was just a coyote in the woods. I never let him live that down. But his tracking abilities since then have been sharp.

  When we were kids I couldn't keep track of who was who when Caesar and Howell were around. They were identical. Both had bright blond hair and blue eyes. One day when we were out playing as teenagers, the sun came out earlier then expected. Knowing we would soon blister, we made a run for it trying to make it back to the castle. But it was too late. We all blistered but none more so then Howell. A blister the size of a golf ball was on Howell's neck. When we got back to the castle it suddenly burst, leaving a decent sized red scar. After that, it was easier to tell the brothers apart.

  Their Mother Selena told me a story about almost dying having them. They were twins and tried coming out early. My Father had to give her special medicines to make sure she didn't have Howell and Caesar early. A Few weeks later without warning they popped out. But Selena, was deathly ill afterward. She was taken to the healers immediately and within a few days she was cured.

  It's rare for ill-suens to have twins but it happens. But when It does, usually the mother or the infants die. Howell and Caesar were very lucky. But, I'm grateful for the two best friends a man could ask for.

  Looking over, I noticed Faith giving Vanessa this look, as though she glared at her. I moved closer to her. “What’s wrong love?”

  She smiled. “Nothing. I just hate that you guys have to do this… Just for me.”

  “It’s better this way. No one wants Adrian to interfere with the process and I want you safe.”

  She smiled looking down at her hands.

  “There's something else. What is it?” I asked.

  “It’s nothing really,” She said, glancing up at me.

  “You can’t lie to me remember? I know there’s something wrong and it sucks that I can’t read all your thoughts. yet,” I smirked.

  “No. Actually that’s a good thing, really.”

  I shook my head. “Okay. Just tell me,” I said.

  “Was there something between--?”

  “No. No, Love. Never. Why would you think that?”

  She let out a laugh. “Well, I’m a girl and I notice things. From other girls. I know that look.”

  “She’s my best friend Love and she’s never. and I’ve never. it has always been innocent. As far as her feelings, well I don’t read into them. That’s not my business,” I said trying to reassure her.

  “She does. I can tell,” Faith said, glaring over at Vanessa again.

  I shook my head. “Okay, well… There’s nothing I can do about that but please just be nice,” I said, holding her hand.

  “As long as she plays nice,” she said smirking.

  “You’re so feisty,” I said laughing.

  She lifted a brow. “I can be.” She pulled me into her and kissed me. I didn’t pull away but I had to resist again. Closing her eyes she put a mental image in my head purposefully.

  “Damn it. Please be good,” I reminded her.

  She giggled. “I am.”

  Getting up off the sofa I ran upstairs. I went to the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water. Glancing at myself in the mirror, I looked like hell. I undressed and hopped in the shower. The scolding hot water seemed to relax my tense muscles. I dropped my head letting the water work it's magic on my neck. Almost dozing off, I heard the shower door. Opening my eyes I lift my head up and Faith was standing in front of me.

  “Faith.” I whispered.


  “Girl, you're going to be the death of me. I hope you know.”

  Turning around I tried to get her naked body out of my head.

  “What in the world has gotten into you…?” I asked, wondering why she was acting so crazy.

  “I don’t know,” she said, wrapping her hands around me from behind. “I just want to try something.”

  I stood still. “Faith, you know this is dangerous. Do you have a death wish?”

  “I need to be close to you and I want to help release your stress before you set out for your little adventure,” she said, placing her hands where no one had ever touched me. I trembled as she played with me. “Relax,” she whispered in my ear.

  I couldn’t resist any longer. Her hands were magnificent. Each stroke of my shaft sent me into a frenzy and the pleasure was intoxicating. My moaning grew louder but I didn't care. I felt as if I would explode any second as my body convulsed. Turning around I placed my arms around Faith and kissed her deeply. Snatching her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist. I placed my erection on her clitoris, gently sliding it up and down. Faith started to moan and shake with pleasure. As did I. It only lasted a few minutes before I erupted. I couldn't stand on my feet any longer. My legs felt as though they would buckled under me. Dropping down to my knees I laughed at how ridiculous I must have sounded, and knew everyone probably heard the whole thing. The noise I let out was embarrassing, but I couldn't help it, since it was my first time climaxing with a girl.

  “You… Get to?” I asked Faith, curious. She nodded and smiled. “You just wouldn’t let up would you?”

  “You didn’t seem to mind,” she said.

  “Nah. I wouldn’t take it back either. That was intense. I never knew the pleasures that awaited me…” I said, dumbfounded. “Fuck!” I yelled.


  I shook my head. “That was amazing but… now it will be stuck in my head while I try to work.”

  “Sorry…” she whispered.

  “Don’t be,” I said, winking.

  We went back downstairs and I seen the looks. “Shut it,” I said, looking at Celeste and Vanessa. Nick was outside peeking through the window. He smiled and put his thumb up. I laughed. Faith whispered in my ear. “They don’t think we had--”

  I interrupted her. “I don’t care what they think. It’s not a big deal Love. You're still in tact. Don’t worry about what they think.” She laughed nervously. I gave her a long passionate kiss goodbye and ran outside.

  Me and Nick took over while Cesar and Howell went into the house to eat. We ran East. We didn’t catch any scents to alarm us.

  “So you took her man…?”

  “No. It wasn’t like that. I won’t until we’re at least married, she knows that,” I replied.

  “Man, I’ve never heard anyone sound like they were dying like that,” Nick laughed.

  I pushed him. “Shut up dude. I’m sure you sound worse.”

  “Well, I wasn’t a virgin at a hundred-eleven either dude.”

  “Yeah, well, I'll stay that way until we’re ready. It’s not bad considering all the things I didn’t realize I could do.”

  “Really man? You never thought about it? or even. How do you have so much control?”

  “I never wanted it until she got close to tell you the truth. Now she’s got me under her spell. I find it hard to focus on anything else.”

  “It’s going to be like that for years. Have fun with that,” He said, laughing.

  I stopped in my tracks thinking I heard something.

  “What?” Nick asked.

  “Shh… I hear something.” I leaped into the air flying and flew ba
ck to the house.

  “He’s close!” I yelled, running into the house.

  We all bolted outside. It was completely dark.

  “Something’s coming from the north!” Celeste shouted. We stood there waiting for whoever it was to approach. I looked to my right and heard footing in the woods. I clinched my fist waiting for him to approach.

  “It’s not him,” Faith said, standing beside us.

  “What are you doing? Go inside!” I yelled.

  “No. I saw a vision. It’s a group of your kind. It’s not him.”

  I glanced over at Celeste. “She’s right. It’s the crew father sent.”

  I walked over to Faith. “Love. Don’t scare me like that again. But thank you for letting us know. Your getting better at this stuff aren’t you?”

  She smiled. “I’m just happy I can be of some use.”

  I had her to go back inside while we waited for them to arrive.

  “Daniel.” Heath announced as he approached along with his crew.

  “Thank you all for coming,” I said.

  “We caught his scent down in West Fork but it quickly disappeared. He’s not on foot.” Heath said.

  “Alright, well, we’ve been doing shift’s but since he’s pretty close we all need to be on alert. Some may stay back but a few need to be running a perimeter around the area.”

  I glanced at Celeste. “Can you stick with her?”

  “Yes. Don’t worry she will be safe.”

  “Thanks Sis.” She ran inside tending to Faith.

  Howell and I kept watch outside of the house. When we ran crews we usually only communicated through our minds so we knew what to expect quickly. And this occasion was no different.

  I dropped in spirit form telling Howell to guard my body. I was checking to see if Adrian was in spirit or human form and if I could locate him. Almost immediately as soon as I dropped I heard his thoughts and phased back into my body.

  “Closer!” I yelled in my mind and out loud for everyone to hear.

  Celeste ran Faith upstairs.

  “How much time?” Howell asked.

  “Maybe five minutes but he’s in spirit form. We need to catch him phasing back. I don’t know where he dropped.”

  Some of the crew dropped in spirit to try to locate him.

  “He’s headed for the house!” Joshua called out.

  “That way!” Howell shouted pointing straight ahead, we took of running. We saw Adrian running through the woods and the whole crew was on his tail. He tried leading us as far west as he could but Garth captured him before he got far. We were right behind them.

  Garth had a hold of Adrian and Howell took the other side. He fought trying to get away but he couldn’t break free from their grip.

  I grabbed a hold of his face baring my teeth. “You want her? Why!? Why are you after her?” He laughed in my face. I tightened my grip. “Give me one good reason I should let you live!”

  “She will die either way. If you kill me or not. Can’t you see that?”

  I placed my hand around his throat. I wanted to pop his eyes out of his head. I wanted to hurt him for wanting to hurt my soul mate, my reason for being alive. Caesar put his hand on my head trying to calm me down. “Come on man. He’s not worth it. We have to take him in now.”

  I shook my head. “If you ever come near her again. If I ever see you in her dreams. I swear!”

  “What? No you wont. You're too weak. Remember I’m part of you too. I know what you're capable of. Your too soft.”

  “No. Your wrong there bro. I have a reason to kill you and I’m more then capable of doing so regardless of the law or our relation. You mess with my gem, the one thing I would die for, it’s your head not mine,” I said, letting go of him.

  “Why? tell me why you want her Adrian?”

  He laughed. “Why do you think? She’s not yours to begin with!” He yelled. He dashed forward at me but they held him back and quickly took him away.

  I wondered what he meant by that. She wasn’t mine to begin with? I took off to go check on Faith. I ran inside the house and upstairs into the room. Celeste and Faith were on the bed and Celeste was trying to comfort her she was crying. I sat down and wrapped my arms around her. “What’s wrong Love?”

  “I was scared for you. I saw another vision and was afraid you would be hurt.”

  “No. I’m fine Faith. We got him. He’s going away for a very long time. He wont ever get near you.”

  “He’s planning something much bigger. This is just a test for him,” she cried uncontrollably.

  “She’s right Dan. I don’t know exactly what but I seen something too. It’s when you would least expect it.”

  “It wont happen! He’s not going to escape where their taking him.” I thought about what they both were telling me and tried denying it in my head. I didn’t want to think I had the opportunity to take him out and didn’t, thinking he would be locked away never to harm anyone. If he did pull something off and escape, my worst fear could come true. I should have just ended him, I thought. I stood up and started pacing.

  “Daniel.” Celeste put her hand on my shoulder. “She needs you. Get yourself together.” Kneeling down next to Faith, I took her hand in mine. “I’m sorry Faith, for putting you in this situation. We can go far away if you’d like,” I said, hoping she would agree.

  “No. I want to stay here. Plus my Mom is here. I don’t want anything to happen to her.” “Don’t worry love. Nothing will harm your Mom.” I reassured her.

  I called Father and told him what had happened. He thanked me for not killing Adrian and told me I was right in my decision.

  Celeste and the crew only stayed for a few more days. After everything had died down I decided to let Faith go back to school. Everyday as I dropped her off I lingered on campus. Making sure she was safe.

  A few weeks had passed and I felt as if it was time to start living again. I didn't have to be on high alert every second of everyday anymore. I was reassured Adrian was chained up and locked away in confinement. Father told me there wouldn’t be any problems and one of the elder's was continually searching the future for any issues that may happen. I appreciated everything everyone was doing to keep Faith safe, and I was excited that we could live a normal life for now.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  A year flew by quickly. Faith and myself had spent a lot of time together. I even enrolled in college with her. We also spent a month with my family. Father trained her to concentrate her mind, a form of meditation. She excelled when focusing her dreams to become vivid and channeling what events would happen in the future, along with timing of these events.

  Faith also began hearing my thoughts on occasion. We became in tune with one another. Father said once we complete the process, our minds would be linked and we would hear each other clearly, even from great distances. But, I was not ready for that transformation just yet and wished I didn’t have to complete the process. Faith urged me to to unold on her but timing was everything. She mentioned wanting to become one of us and thought it would be amazing to have the abilities that proceeded after unolding.

  I wasn’t as excited as she was. I Loved my human Faith and knew the process would change her. If I decide to unold her and she did change, she would live forever in my world, and I wouldn't have to worry about a life without her.

  Knowing she only had about fifty years left thanks to my sister telling me, if I left Faith human, she would contract a disease and die. Before Celeste told me, I had already planned on dying when Faith passed. It would be as if we were an old human couple who died together.

  If I did the process and she doesn’t change and stays human, would she want me to change her myself? Would she ask me to bite her and change her into a vampire? These questions plagued my thoughts.

  I finally gave Faith the mustang for her birthday. She loved it. I bought another vehicle for myself, a ford rapture. It was great on dirt roads.

  I left Faith
in charge of my credit card and the grocery shopping, now that we were living together. She made sure to get my raw meat and the foods she liked. The house was once again in order. We bought a baby grand piano so I could play for her. It sat upstairs in the sitting room. Faith enjoyed hearing me play, she said it was romantic.

  I had special plans for us later since it was our one year anniversary. I wanted her to be my wife and the way things were going, it seemed like perfect timing.

  I made arrangements with Celeste a few months ago, to have Fathers jeweler make something special for Faith. Knowing she always wanted a pink diamond, I mentioned that to Celeste.

  Father flew in his personal chef to cook Faith a meal on this special occasion. Celeste also came to help decorate the house in a romantic theme.

  The plan was to give Faith all her heart desires. In the safest way possible.

  I had Faith stay at her Moms until everything was ready. She agreed knowing I had something up my sleeve. I sent Celeste over to give Faith a special dress my Mother had made to wear for tonight's occasion.

  Father sent over some cougar blood. The taste was one notch under human blood and extremely fulfilling. I knew I needed it to settle my nerves and craving for Faiths blood.

  Everything was set up. My sister did an amazing job with decorating. Candles were lit everywhere and rose peddles lead from the door way up into the sitting room. I slipped on one of my best suits and sent Celeste to help Faith get ready. Instead of picking her up I decided to send a limo. I wanted her to arrive in something more suitable for the occasion.

  I paced the room waiting for her to arrive and thought of what to say and when to say it. And then later after… I wasn’t sure how to start it off. It was my first time too and I wanted to make it romantic and special. I was ready to give her everything I had in my power to give her. Hearing the limo pull up, I ran upstairs and sat down at the piano.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Celeste dropped off a beautiful red dress for me to wear and also helped me get ready. She handed me a red bra and matching panties. I glanced at her, curious about the sexy assemble. “Isn’t this too much?”


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