Bloods Gem

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Bloods Gem Page 21

by Gloria Conway

  She shook her head. “Not for what he’s got planned,” she said, chuckling.

  I rolled my eyes. I hurried to put my new garments under my dress and glanced in the mirror one last time. I didn’t recognize the girl behind it. I was beautiful.

  Celeste cleared her throat. I turned away from the mirror. “What is it?” I asked.

  “Your ride is here,” she smiled.

  I was expecting Daniel but as I opened the door and took a step outside, there sat a shiny black limo. The driver gestured for me to get in and opened the door. Looking back at Celeste and Mom I waved goodbye.

  As we drove, my stomach was in knots. And it was hard to breath. I wasn’t sure what Daniel had planned, but what Celeste mentioned made me nervous. The way she said, Not for what he’s got planned. Made me think he was going to have me out of these clothes before the night was over. Taking long deep breaths didn't help much.

  The driver stopped the limo. I peeked out the window and seen we had arrived. “I'll be fine,” I whispered to myself. The driver opened the door. One foot out of the limo, the driver offered his hand. I gladly took it, because my legs trembled. He walked me to the door and I stumbled on the second step. He tried helping me. “I've got it,” I said, embarrassed. Standing on the porch, I placed my hand on the door knob. Before I entered I took a deep breath.

  As my foot touched the hardwood floor I noticed rose peddles under my feet. I followed the path of peddles and candles that lined the stairs. Hearing the pianoforte made my heart melt. I knew I would soon see my price charming once again beguile me. Reaching the top of the stairs with wobbly legs proved to be well worth it. Daniel was

  breathtaking. He sat on a piano bench as his fingers gracefully tapped the keys. Daniel wore a well fitted black and white suit and looked amazing.

  Walking up behind him, I kissed his ear and whispered, “You’re beautiful.”

  He smiled and continued playing. He began singing. His amazing voice made my heart skip a beat.

  When I close my eyes, all I see is you. You’re the light shining through… never have I felt the way you make me do… My eyes are only for you. My darkest days have passed. No more shall I live for myself at last. My true heart shines through, and my love will forever be bound to you.

  I felt tears falling down my cheeks. He stopped and shifted his body in my direction. He placed his finger on my cheek wiping my tears away and smiled.

  I shook my head. “That was amazing.”

  He picked me up and sat me sideways on his lap. He hid a smile. “When I’m trying to be romantic and concentrate, it's hard to do so when you make me nervous. And your all prettied up, just look at you,” he said, smiling. He stood up and put me down next to a table. Daniel pulled out the chair for me and I sat down. Walking around the table he took a seat.

  He had a big grin still on his face. “What?” I asked. He shook his head and glanced over my shoulder. A tall man in a suit came over to the table. He held a silver tray with a lid on top and set it down in front of me. I glanced back at Daniel. He nodded at the tall gentleman and he ran down stairs.

  “Are you going to eat?” I asked.

  “Yes. He’s bringing it.”

  He came back and set Daniel's tray in front of him. We opened our lids and beneath mine was salmon and vegetables. Daniel had a big hunk of raw steak with a piece of cantaloupe on the side. I scrunched up my nose. “What’s up with that?” I asked, pointing at the fruit next to his raw meat. He chuckled. “It’s good when it’s soaked with the blood,” he said smiling. I cringed. “Whatever floats your boat,” I joked.

  The man came back quickly with what looked like two glasses of red wine. He set them down on the table. I went to reach for mine and Daniel tapped my hand and shook his head. “What? I have to wait till I'm twenty-one?” I asked.

  “No, Love. That one is blood unless you want to try it,” He said. I shook my head and he handed me the other glass.

  He stood up gripping the glass of blood. “This is to our first year together and hope for many long years hereafter. I love you Faith. Happy anniversary!”

  “Thank you Daniel. For all of this. It’s romantic and you're amazing. I love you so much,” I said looking into his beautiful eyes. He leaned in to kiss me.

  After we ate Daniel seemed fidgety. “I have one more thing,” he said, and ran downstairs. I tried following him with my eyes but he was too fast. Back within a minute he held something behind his back. Walking towards me he grinned. I studied his face wondering what he was up to.

  Daniel dropped down on one knee and took my hand in his. He trembled. “Faith… You're the most beautiful and amazing woman in my life. I can't fathom living in this world without you. I promise to be faithful and loving to you for as long as we live. I would be honored if you keep me forever and become wife. Faith White, will you marry me?” He pulled a small pink box from behind his back and opened it. Nuzzled inside sat a gorgeous pink diamond ring. My mouth dropped and heart raced. I leaned forward and smiled. “Can I pawn this?” He laughed.“Yes! Yes! Oh my gosh. I love you!” I said, putting my arms around him.

  We stood up and he slipped the ring on my finger. Picking me up he swirled me around and kissed me. “You made me the happiest man alive Faith. Keep me. keep me.” He kept repeating as he kissed me. I stopped him. “Oh, wait! I’ve got your present too,” I said.

  I picked up a box from under the table and gave it to him. I stood on my tipsy toes trying to peek as he opened it. His eyes widened. He glanced at me then at the necklace. “How?” He asked.

  “Celeste helped. Look on the back it’s engraved.”

  He turned it around. “Forever, now and always,” he read it then gently closed the box and set it on the table. “I don’t need anything except for you Love, but the dog tags are great babe. It’s the best gift anyone has ever given me,” he said, as he kissed me.

  He took my hand, leading me down the hall to our room. Entering the bedroom I seen rose peddles leading from the doorway to the bed and some scattered on the bed. Candles lit all around the room. He gently lifted me off my feet and shut the door behind us. We drifted to the bed and he set me down. Standing next to me he gazed into my eyes and bit his bottom lip. Leaning closer he wrapped his arms around my waist and firmly squeezed my bottom. As Daniel pressed me tighter to his body, I glanced down and our feet were not touching the floor. We hovered. He began kissing my neck and whispered in my ear, “I'm going to please you in every way possible. You have no idea how bad I’ve wanted you like this.” He reached around unzipping my dress. It slipped down my body and fell to the floor. Daniel drifted us to the bed and placed his hand on the back of my head. I gave myself to him. It was as if we were in a dream…

  I woke up next to him in the morning. Watching him as he slept, he looked peaceful. I slid my fingers up and down his chest. He woke as I kissed his soft lips. He pulled me on top of him and held me. Kissed up his neck, he rolled me underneath him.

  “I can’t get enough of you.” His lips caressed the side my neck, making my body tingle.

  We made love all day. We were equally determined to feed into our desires as much as possible. Only getting out of bed to eat or drink. Daniel drank his cougar blood to keep himself from wanting mine. He drank it like Gatorade. I didn’t mind the taste of blood on his tongue when he kissed me after.

  Celeste kept blowing up his phone but he ignored it. I told him it might be important but he said she was just being a pest. She knew about his plans for the night before and thought she just wanted to celebrate our engagement. “This is our honeymoon night before the real honeymoon,” he said, chuckling.

  “If I had my choice it would be like this everyday,” I said grinning.

  “Your wish is my command,” he said, pulling me back down on the bed.

  The next morning we didn't want to get out of bed but we had school today.

  “Cant we just ditch?” He asked, smirking.

  “I’ve missed too much school. I
can’t miss anymore or they will drop my financial aid.

  “I know how to solve that,” he said as he got dressed.

  “I’m not letting you pay for my school,” I said, annoyed.

  “I'll have to pay for it anyways. The loans you took out to help pay for school, we’ll have to pay that back. So it would actually be cheaper if I just paid the whole tuition.”

  I shook my head and went towards the bathroom. What he said did make sense but I felt as if he has given me a too much already. I couldn’t ask him to pay for my schooling too. I knew money wasn’t an issue and never would be again.

  I hopped in the shower while contemplating his offer. As soon as he heard me shut the shower door he quickly followed. He hopped in smiling.

  “I thought you just had your clothes on?” I asked. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into him. “You know I can’t resist a shower with you Love.” He kissed my neck and once again I couldn't resist. So we took a long hot shower.

  We were late for school but made it to second period. Chris sat in class with us, glaring at Daniel the entire time. He glanced over at me and noticed the ginormous ring on my finger, this made me more agitated. Daniel smiled knowing it pissed Chris off.

  At lunch, I pointed my ring out to all my friends. They commented on the size and authenticity. I ignored their comments and continued nuzzling Daniel. Kate seemed to like Daniel a lot. Too much. I heard some of her thoughts and rolled my eyes. When she was around Daniel she would flirt, smile and make googly eyes. Just like every other girl at my school. It annoyed me when she bounced around him and often touching his arm or his shoulder.

  Daniel knew immediately when I got agitated but I had nothing to worry about. The way he gazed at me, I knew he had eyes for me only. None of the human girls interest him in the least bit. Not even their scent.

  After school let out we walked out to Daniels truck and Celeste sat there smiling. “It’s about time you two love birds got out of that damn house,” she said, glaring. “Why haven’t you returned my calls?” she asked.

  He licked his lips. “Because we’ve been…. Busy,” he said, glancing in my direction, smirking. “Gross. Okay sorry I asked,” she said.

  “Your ring! It's freaking gorgeous isn’t it!” Celeste squealed, picking up my hand admiring my ring.

  “Yeah it’s amazing,” I said.

  Daniel grabbed her hand. “Don’t even think about it!” He growled.

  “What? It was just a thought!” She said, laughing.

  I sat on the sofa watching television. Daniel and Celeste sat on the floor playing cards. I peeked over Daniels shoulder a few times looking at his hand. Winking at Celeste when Daniel had a good hand, he eventually caught on. Annoyed, he positioned his body away from my view. Celeste laughed when Daniel began to complain and whine.

  I wanted to call Mom to see how she’s doing and tell her the good news. Running upstairs to grab my phone, Daniel stood behind me before I had the chance to exit the bedroom.

  “Shit! You scared me!” I said slapping him on the chest.

  He chuckled. “Sorry. I was making sure your were okay,” he said.

  “Yeah. Had to grab my phone to call my mom.”

  He took the phone out of my hand and dropped it to the floor. I looked down and back up at him. He suddenly jerked me up and put me on the bed, kissing me. I laughed. “What?” He asked.

  “Haven’t had enough?” I asked. He shook his head and started again. I pushed him off me. “No, your sister is like, right down stairs and she has the same hearing as you do!” He pushed me back down. “No, she’s distracted by the TV,” He said, tugging at my pants.

  “Be a good boy and let me breathe for at least a few minutes please?”

  “Just a few minutes?” He asked, hopeful. I shook my head. He plopped his body down on the bed and started moping.

  “Oh chill. We have like forever to enjoy each other. A night wont kill you will it?” He sighed and slowly walked to the door, disappearing down stairs.

  I mumbled, “geez” under my breath. But also smiled at the thought of him wanting me so much lately. It made me feel good, but I was tired.

  I picked my cell phone up and sat down on the bed, calling mom to tell her the news. She seemed excited and wanted to see soon to celebrate. I told her to come over in a few hours and I'll cook us dinner. She agreed.

  I went back downstairs to tell Daniel. “Babe, Mom's coming over to celebrate the engagement. Can you run down to the store and pick up something's? So I can cook dinner?”

  He glanced at Celeste. I knew what he was doing. I marched up to him, hands on my hips and tapped my foot. “I don't think so. Don’t send her just because you want to get laid,” I said scowling at him. Celeste laughed and mumbled, “If you want to call it that” Daniel suddenly hissed at her angry. I glanced at them both wondering what was meant. Celeste grabbed my attention and held her hand out for me to smack it. Daniel stood up, grabbed his keys and took off. “What was that about?” I asked.

  “I just just joking with him, it was nothing. Daniel is used to getting everything he wants. So when he doesn’t, he’ll just cry about it like a baby until he does.”

  “Well, that will change. I wont give in easily,” I said, laughing under my breath.

  “Good girl,” she said, giving me a high-five.

  Daniel returned home. After placing a bag of groceries on the kitchen counter, he sat on the sofa with his arms folded. Moping again. I unloaded the groceries from the bag. He bought fresh veggies, chicken breast, and red cooking wine.

  “Good job honey!” I yelled. He wouldn't respond. It was becoming difficult trying to concentrate on cooking dinner. I wanted Daniel to be his old self again. I went into the living room and sat on his lap, kissing the side of his cheek. He ignored me.

  I whispered in his ear. “After Mom leaves do you want to join me for a bubble bath?” His head snapped in my direction and he smiled.

  “Better?” I asked, hopping up. He nodded. I kissed him and went back to the kitchen. I heard Celeste making fun of him when I was cooking. She called him a big spoiled baby, he ignored her, his eyes fixed on the television again.

  The door bell soon rang and Daniel made a dash for it. Mom came inside and congratulated us and gave Daniel a hug. They came in the kitchen while I chopped veggies.

  Mom looked at my ring. “Oh my gosh! How in the world?” She glanced at Daniel. “Oh never mind, sometimes I forget who I’m talking to. Mr. big shot,” she said nudging him. He laughed and shook his head.

  Mom came around and hugged me. “I’m so happy for you two! So… is there a date set yet?”

  Celeste walked in. “What about a date?” She asked, excited.

  “Sis, calm down. There’s no date set yet, besides Faith is capable of planning the whole thing anyways, or she can hire a wedding planner,” he said, glaring at her.

  “Hey now! If she wants me to help, then I’m a willing participant!” Celeste said, wrapping her arm around me. I agreed and she stuck her tongue out at him. He quickly reached for it and held it between his fingers. He said something to her through his mind but I couldn't make it out. She nodded once and he let go, laughing.

  “That’s what I thought,” he said. My mom glanced at both of them. “Okay, you two. This is a night to celebrate. Not for sibling rivalry,” Mom said. Celeste went back to the living annoyed. Daniel stayed in the kitchen with us, chatting with mom as I cooked dinner.

  Everyone sat down at the table. “Yum. This looks so good honey,” mom said. “Thanks mom,” I replied.

  “Yeah, baby, thank you for the food,” Daniel leaned in kissing me. Celeste and Daniel pretended to like the tasteless food they ate. I made sure to stuff Daniels plate for picking on Celeste. He kicked me under the table and told me with his mind, I cant believe your going to make me eat all this. I smiled. “Eat up honey!” I grinned.

  Me and Celeste laughed. Mom was too into her food to notice anything.

ay through Daniels dinner he looked as though he was going to puke. I quickly picked up his plate and set it in the kitchen sink. I didn’t want to make him suffer any longer. Mom thought Celeste was a vegetarian, so I only gave her vegetables. Daniel glared at Celeste the whole time.

  “So when you going back home Celeste?” Mom asked.

  “Yeah Sis, when are you going back to YOUR home?” He asked sarcastically.

  “Actually I figured I would stay another month or so…” Our mouths dropped. “Joking guys, come on. Really though, I'll be off tomorrow morning. So the two love birds can have more bedroom privacy.”

  I choked on my food. I heard a thump under the table as Daniel kicked her. Mom patted my back. “Are you okay honey?”

  “Yeah fine,” I said, taking a drink of water. I glared at Celeste now. She smiled and skipped into the kitchen, putting her plate in the sink. “My work is done here. I'll be upstairs taking a bubble bath. If anyone needs me.”

  Daniel stood up. “Actually, sis? I need to speak with you upstairs now.” They walked slowly up the stairs.

  I swear I thought I heard him drowning her. Mom looked at me. “Those two are just at each other throats a lot aren’t they?”

  “They just play around a lot mom, that’s all,” I said taking her plate into the kitchen. “Thank you so much honey. I really am so glad for you two. He’s really a good guy and I can see how much he loves you just by the way he looks at you.”

  “Thanks Mom,” I said giving her a half hug.

  “Wanna order a movie?” I asked, as we walked in the living room.

  “Sure honey.” We checked online movie rentals, deciding on Moulin Rouge. Daniel came down stairs with his hair all wet. “What happened to you?” I asked.

  He smiled. “I had to drown an annoying cat upstairs. I hope you don’t mind,” he said smirking. I threw a pillow at his face. “Your mean!” He flopped down on his leather chair and laughed. He looked at me and shrugged.


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