Bloods Gem

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Bloods Gem Page 22

by Gloria Conway

  I ran upstairs to check on Celeste. She stood in the master bathroom, her clothes soaked in water and the tub full. “Did he try drowning you?” She shook her head. “No he actually did,” She patted my shoulder with her wet hand. “Don’t worry. I recovered quickly. Remember, we can’t die?” She walked past me laughing under her breath. “Wow, what a cruel joke.”

  She shrugged as she threw her clothes on the floor. “Yeah. It’s something fun to pass time. Don’t worry Faith, it's not like I was hurt or anything. He’s just stronger then me, other wise I would have had him. But he still has to sleep sometime,” she reminded me smiling.

  “Please don’t do anything,” I said.

  “Don’t worry. I'll get him back when you’re not around. Calm down.”

  I shot a nervous smile. “Yeah.”I mumbled, as I walked back down stairs.

  Daniel was still lounged in his chair. As I walked passed, I shot him a glare. In a flash he pulled me down to his lap. “You're not mad at me are you baby?” He asked. I rolled my eyes and tried getting up. He held me there. “Let me up,” I whispered. He shook his head. “Not until you say you forgive me for what I did.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “How… why would you do something like that? It just seems wrong.”

  “Babe, you just don’t understand our humor yet. If you knew the things she’s done to me… You’d probably want to kick her ass too. She has killed me more times then I can count, strange as it sounds. So please. it’s all in fun. You’ll understand eventually.”

  I sighed. “Whatever, if that’s what makes you happy, killing you sister then by all means… have fun!” I said. He let go of me and slapped my butt as I stood up. I pointed a finger at him and mouthed, No bubble bath.

  Later, when we got ready for bed, I had something's I wanted to talk to Daniel about. He laid on the bed watching me put my pajamas on. “You're so beautiful Love. How did I get so lucky?”

  I turned around and smiled. Climbing onto the bed I nested my head on his chest. “I've been thinking lately about our sex life. I have a few questions but I don't want to sound stupid or foolish.” I said, glancing up at him.

  “What is it? I'm sure you wont sound that way Love. You may ask anything you like and I will try to the best of my ability to answer.”

  “Okay. Here goes. Well, I know the majority or virgins bleed after they get deflowered and it's said to hurt.”

  He sat up and cleared his throat. “Uh huh.”

  “I don't understand why I never did. I mean no blood or pain. Am I broken or something?” I asked glancing up at him.

  He seemed pained and uncomfortable. “This is not my area Love. I'm sure everything is fine. Can we go to bed now?” He asked folding his arms.

  “Why? Whats wrong?”

  He shrugged and rolled his eyes.

  “And another thing, when we do make love, it's like we are in a dream. Have you noticed the haze around us? I mean is that even normal?”

  He got up off the bed and started pacing the room. “I don't know why you have to evaluate every little detail of everything Faith. Yeah, the haze is heat of passion in the moment, it doesn't mean anything. Can you please stop over analyzing!?” He walked out and slammed the door behind him.

  Chapter Twenty-seven


  It was the last day of school before summer break started. I decided to stay home to let Faith spend some time with her friends. Plus, I needed to make arrangements for our trip. We were going to stay a few weeks at the castle. After, I planned on taking her on a cruise to different islands. She was excited to get away for awhile. I couldn’t wait to see her in all the bathing suits I’d bought her.

  I sat on the phone at least an hour on hold. I was getting impatient so I hung up and called my Father. “Hill residence,” he answered.

  “Father, how is everything?” I asked.

  “Very well son. How are you and your queen doing?” he asked.

  “Very good sir. Thank you for asking”

  “Son, what are you needing?”

  He knew I wanted something. “Well, I called the airport to make the arrangements to get us a flight to London but--”

  “Yes, I'll send the jet. How soon?”

  “Let’s see. it's Nine am here so can you have it here no later then 10 tonight?”

  “Sure son. I'll get right on that. I'll call you myself when it’s there.”

  “Great thank you Father. I really appreciate this.”

  “Anytime son. Keep treating that girl right son. You have a diamond.”

  “Wouldn’t be anything less father.”

  Celeste kept blowing up my phone when I was trying to pack. Saying they planned an engagement party for Faith and I. I thanked her and told her to make sure it’s planned around our sleeping schedule. Usually when they threw parties it tends to be late ones. Faith and I had been on a schedule for school lately. And I knew she wouldn’t be able to stay up too late considering we went to bed before ten.

  There was only one problem about going to the castle in the summer. The Sadie’s clan would be visiting just like every summer. I got along with a few of the male vampires but the twins were trouble. They called them the twin seductress for a reason. With one look they would have a man on his knees. Any man. As a teenager one summer when they were visiting, I sat in my game room watching some television. The twins walked in wearing basically nothing and I glanced. Instantly, regretting it. The wicked blond sisters pressed me against the wall, my pants around my ankles as father walked in. He saved me thankfully. Slashing them with his whip. They got away before he could finish.

  Father told me Adrian sent them to seduce me to make me loose my focus on training. I was worried this time because I knew that twins were close to Adrian. In more ways then one. Adrian never made his personal life secret. He was proud of the evil things he did and would often gloat about them to anyone who’d listen. He bragged about the twins. He was sleeping with both of them for a few years. It was a sick love triangle. He never loved them but they obsessed over Adrian. They would often fight over him. It was sickening to watch.

  I cringe to the thought of them pulling something crazy on me. I figure now that I’m older and stronger, I would easily be able to resist their special seductive powers. I think it’s a waste if that's their only ability. I made a mental note to tell Faith about them, so she too would make sure to keep her eyes down, knowing they could do it to anybody. Faith being a fragile human, the twins would easily have her in their bed sucking her dry.

  I heard Faith pulling up in the driveway. I couldn’t wait to tell her the news about Father sending the family jet. She walked in the door and I quickly picked her up into my arms kissing her. “What’s the occasion?” She asked.

  “Well father is sending a jet for us, so we don’t have to hassle with those damn commercial flights tonight.” I said, putting her down.

  “Wow, so we’re leaving tonight?” She asked.

  “Yeah, I thought we’d already talked about this. Why? What’s wrong? You change your mind?” I asked.

  She sighed. “Well, I kind of promised my friends we’d go camping. I was coming home to pack a few things and I would only be gone a few nights.”

  “Meaning. You, Mike, Kate, Melissa, Drew and Chris right?” I started pacing. “Why are you upset about this? Its just some friends getting together having a good time. Plus, you never specified when we were leaving. You could have told me before.”

  “Why am I upset?” I laughed. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” I flew upstairs, feeling myself get angry. I punched the wall in the guest bedroom. I couldn’t believe how selfish she was being. She knew we were leaving soon and she also knew that common sense would tell her not to stay the night with her ex-boyfriend, regardless of whoever went. I flew back down stairs to tell her exactly what I thought.

  “So you want to go without me and stay the night with your ex-boyfriend? Please say your joking and are not that naive!” I raised my voice.
br />   “Um. okay… I’m going to my Moms. When you decided to talk to me respectfully, give me a call.” She started walking towards the door. I jumped in front of her blocking her path. “No… how about this Faith. You go and stay the night with your ex and guess what? I'll do the same,” I said, glaring at her.

  Tears fell down her cheeks. “You have an ex?” She asked, wiping her eyes.

  “Hmm. let me think. Uh, yeah!” I said, sarcastically.

  “How? When? I thought u said--”

  “Let me correct you. I said I never had sex before you. I didn’t say I never had a girlfriend, now did I?” I was a good liar and proud of myself. I felt the need to pull one back on her seeing how she liked hurting me. I wanted to give her a taste of her own medicine so to speak.

  She glanced down at her feet.

  “So you go have your fun, camping. I'll be in London, sipping on some blood, relaxing with my ex-vampire girlfriend. Sound good honey?”

  She sobbed louder, dropping to her feet. I began pacing again. I wanted to comfort her but I was angry. I felt her emotion and realized she was in pain, thinking of me with another woman. My plan worked. Walking closer to her, I picked her up. “Listen, you understand now how you made me feel? You understand how much it would hurt me to see you around him?”

  She nodded. “I’m sorry. I was not thinking. I just wanted to be with my friends.”

  She kept apologizing. Faith held her stomach like I’d just punched her in the gut. I knew how much pain what I said caused her but I needed her to understand where I was coming from. Now that she understood, I told her my lie. She stopped crying and hugged me tight. “Oh. So, now your glad I’d never had a girlfriend huh?” I asked. She chuckled. “I love your beautiful smile baby” I said, kissing her head.

  “I want to go with you. I’m sorry I hurt you and I’m sorry I wasn’t using common sense,” she said, softly.

  “Love, I don’t mind you being friends with Chris but what I do mind is you staying the night with Chris. Or staying the night close to Chris. I still don’t trust that boy and doubt I ever will.”

  “I understand,” she said glancing up at me.

  She walked upstairs giving me a look. I followed her lead. She walked in the bedroom and I was not far behind. She stood by the bed and turned around, gesturing with her finger to come here. I obeyed. She threw me on the bed glaring at me. I started laughing.

  “Can your ex-girlfriend do this?” She asked, smirking as she crawled towards me seductively. I bit my lip, watching her in slow motion, captivated by her sexy dance as she crawled on top of me.

  Chapter Twenty-eight


  I slept on the jet. I was exhausted from arguing with Daniel, emotionally drained. I couldn’t believe how foolish I was. The way I hurt Daniel drove me insane. Often, I didn’t think things through, not realizing my actions could hurt someone that bad. I knew for future reference not to make the same mistake.

  It didn’t help that my ex-boyfriend was still totally in love with me. Kate and Mike told me that he wont move on. Chris told Mike in confidence that he would find a way to win me back. I figured when we got back from our trip, I’d keep my distance from him. If I knew all this before I called Kate and told her I wasn’t coming, I wouldn’t have agreed to go in the first place.

  Daniels Father Marshall, sent a driver to pick us up at the private airport strip. Daniel held my hand the entire way. He seemed anxious to get out of the car. Pulling up to the castle, Marshall, Mary his mother and Celeste were outside waiting to greet us. He quickly flung the door open before we came to a complete stop and jumped out. I struggled trying to get out. A hand reached for mine and I took it. Daniel pulled me to his side, placing his arm around my waist. He walked me up to his family with more confidence then usual. “Mother, Father. My wife to be,” he said, proudly. I smiled. They clapped and each one embraced me with a gentle hug. They congratulated us and Marshall patted Daniels back.

  Daniels Father was a little intimidating. He was a bigger man with broad shoulders. His dark hair settled just right below his shoulder blade. He also looked quite older then I expected him to look. Daniels mother however was a petite woman. Her hair red with streaks of gray. But she had a round young face. Mary's eyes were a beautiful greenish yellow color. She was a very warm and sweet woman. I didn’t mind having her as my mother in law.

  Inside the castle, people were running around putting up decorations, replacing lights, and setting up tables. I glanced at Daniel, confused. “Whats going on?”

  He tilted his head and grinned. I extended my arms with open palms. He whispered in my ear, “It's sort of for us. Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner but I know how you hate crowds and I didn’t want to scare you off if I told you.”

  “Great” I mumbled.

  “Don’t worry. It will be fine,” he said chuckling.

  I didn’t want a huge engagement party but it was out of my control. I didn’t want to say seem ungrateful. It’s probably a customary thing and I didn’t want to be rude. I squeezed his hand. “You're going to be by my side the whole time, right?” I asked, almost begging.

  “I wont leave your side if I can help it,” he promised. Thank you, I mouthed.

  Daniel took me to my room. It was huge. The size of my moms whole house.

  I shook my head as I looked around.

  “What?” He asked.

  “It’s so…. Big!”

  “Well yeah. What did you expect? It’s a castle, and you will be treated like my queen now,” he said smirking.

  I shrugged. “So, we cant sleep together still? Like last time or.?” I asked, hoping the answer would be yes. He shook his head. “Nope. They are still set on the rules until we are married,” he said.

  I tossed him a burning stare. “How am I going to manage this huge bed all alone?” I said, walking around the bed sliding my finger across the comforter.

  He chuckled. “You know… you're going to get me in trouble, if you get me going,” he said walking towards me.

  I stopped. “Well, I guess I should just apply some distance then?” I said biting my lip teasingly.

  He tackled me to the bed, kissing the side of my cheek. “So, if we’re going to do this, and since I'm the one taking all the risk’s, would you mind putting that black silky thing on for me that I bought you?”

  I shook my head. “Not a chance. But, maybe if your nice enough… when we get to Jamaica, I might put it on just for a little bit.”

  He raised a brow. “It wont be a little bit before it’s tore to shreds on the floor.”

  I shook my head, smiling. “What a waste of perfectly good fabric and money.”

  He slid his finger across my lips,.“Shh--”


  He motioned towards the door. I looked, wondering what he was shhing me for. Then I heard a loud knock. We both jumped.

  Daniel glanced at me. “It’s father.”

  I clamped my teeth together pulling my bottom lip to the side. “Yikes”

  He shook his head. “Its okay. He just told me we need to come downstairs soon. He wants to read a little bit of our history to you.”

  “History?” I asked.

  “Yeah. About the first born Ill-suen. He wants you to be educated about us.

  “oh, okay.”

  He smiled and grabbed my hand. “I'll sneak into your room tonight so you can put on that thing I bought you.”

  “Your not going to let up are you?”

  He cocked his head in my direction, like I knew the answer to my own question. “Whatever,” I said, rolling my eyes teasingly.

  Chapter Twenty-nine


  We all sat down on red velvet antique chairs. The fireplace inside the dimly lit room emitted a warmth that made me feel at ease. Daniel sat beside Mary and across from me. Marshall to her side and Celeste sat quietly next to me.

  Marshall held an old leather book in his hands. On the front, I could barley make out the words Ill-su
en, It was pretty worn.

  Marshall glanced up at me with his dark eyes and started. “Our kind have been around for many many years. Yet we are the rarest of them all. Very few exist anymore. Most, when seeking out our gem, get killed in the process by the shifters. Not many are as fortunate as we are. Meaning, we have the resources to get to the gem quicker then most.

  “Most Ill-suen live in the jungle, or in distant places, as far away from civilian life as possible. When we do survive long enough to find our gem, our strength and will become crippling in their presence. Often times the scent overpowers our better judgment and we kill our gem along with ourselves. But the need for their love is the only thing that can stop us from attacking. A look if you will. that one look can determine the fate of both individuals.”

  He picked the book up off his lap and slowly opened it. “In the beginning, there lived a spiritual shape-shifter called, Maurice. He set off on a journey and stumbled upon a vampire. Her name was Samone. He was overwhelmed by her beauty and didn't noticed the act she was committing. She was feeding off a human in the jungle. When he became aware, he slowly stepped back but it was too late. She launched at him quickly and as he tried escaping his reaction was to leap from his body, but as he did, Maurice leaped into Samone. Setting the process in place. Their souls intertwined communicating in ways never known before. Their bonding complete.

  “That was when the unold process was first born. She was his mate for life. Body and soul, their minds linked forever. Samone quickly became pregnant and not long after, they had their first half-breed. They lived in the shadows for fear of being hunted by their families if found out. But both families set out to find their missing loved ones. The first to find Maurice and Samone were the vampires. They found them hunting animals on a small island, next to them stood the first half breed. Maurice and Samone quickly hid their child once they noticed the vampires were there. The vampires were furious but didn’t react harshly.


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