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Tyrant Twins: A Dark Twin Romance

Page 8

by Isabella Starling

  “My man!”

  I’m greeted with excited laughter and slaps on the back from Jeff, Dale, and my other friend Shane as I get into the cab they've pulled up in. It brings a smile to my face, knowing they’re here for me, and it grows when they shell out the fare because I’m broke as hell. They know it but still want to hang out with me.

  We catch up in the cab, and pretty soon, we arrive at our destination. I’m already laughing when we get out of the cab, and I’m so thankful to my friends. I know that I need this, and as my eyes scan the crowd of beautiful, scantily dressed women, I feel slightly perkier.

  Dale, my best friend from college, gets a round to start us off, and I down three vodka shots as my friends cheer me on. I fucking need this tonight. The place is packed and booming, the music isn’t my taste, but it’s good to clear my mind and fill it with the thumping of the beat.

  We’re approached by women throughout the evening, but I’m feeling picky. Real fucking picky because none of them holds a candle to June.

  But then I set my sights on a tall blonde with amazing breasts and a figure to die for. She’s all woman, from her six-inch heels to the micro-mini showing off her legs. She’s fucking gorgeous.

  She seems to share the sentiment because she’s all over me in minutes, introducing herself as Lexi. Fuck, even her name is hot.

  “Dance with me?” she yells over the music, and I shake my head, laughing. She doesn’t like that because she takes my hand and drags me to the dance floor. And that’s when she’s in her element.

  Her hands wrap around me, and she practically gives me a lap dance in front of everyone. She’s wild and crazy; she’s stunning and so different than June I can almost forget about the fact that she's probably off with Parker somewhere. I focus on Lexi's moves, feeling the heat coming off her body. She keeps her eyes on me and moves in closer, and my cock stirs.

  “Wanna have some fun?” she whisper-yells in my ear. I laugh at her, and she takes that as a yes. Grabbing my hands, she places them between her legs, pulling me against her body, pressing it against a wall so we’re hidden from the others. She’s not wearing any panties.

  I don't want to touch her. I want June, not some drunk, half-naked club vixen. But I have a feeling she won't take no for an answer.

  She holds my hand in place between her legs, my body caged beneath hers against the wall. She tries to kiss me, but I pull back. I can feel how soaked she is. I can tell she wants me, but I-

  Someone is pulling me off Lexi, and even though their hold isn’t very strong, I turn around, angry, my mind still hazy from the feel of Lexi’s silky, wet skin. And then she’s here, the figment of my imagination—right before me.

  June’s hurt eyes are boring into mine as I turn around, already forgetting about Lexi.

  Then she turns and runs off as I’m left scrambling with another’s woman hands all over me. June may be a fast little thing, but I’ve been a runner my whole life. I was on the track team in both high school and college, and I'm not letting her get away.

  After I rip Lexi off me and she spits an insult at me, I’m on my stepsister’s trail. I lose her in the crowd, only catching a glimpse here and there. But I know June—have known her my whole life, in fact—and I know when something bad happens, she needs one thing. To breathe.

  I burst out of the club in time to see her taking off down the street.

  “June!” I yell after her, and she stops for a split second before disappearing into an alley. I’m hard on her trail, and in a minute, I’ve caught up to her, grabbing her hand and stopping her. "Wait, please.”

  She rips her arm out of my touch and stumbles backward, and I can hear her sobbing.

  “June,” I say softly. “What the fucking fuck are you doing here? What's wrong?”

  “Fuck you!” She turns to face me, eyes burning with anger as we face off. "You don't know? You really need me to spell it out for you?"

  I’ve never heard my stepsister curse, and it’s a little funny, but I manage to stay serious. “June, why the hell are you getting so fucking upset?” She stares me down, but I'm not done yet. "Am I not allowed to go out anymore? Not allowed to have some fun when you've fucking shut me out for weeks?"

  But then my mind catches up with my heart, and I realize—she’s jealous. She’s angry. So she has to care about me.

  “June,” I repeat her name because it feels too good on my lips to stop. "June, you're being a little fucking brat. You're the one who hasn't answered a single call."

  She flinches.

  “Haven’t you seen my calls?” I demand, thinking of the two dozen times I’ve dialed her number. “Why didn’t you call back? Why did you ignore me? I tried so fucking hard to reach you, and you never responded.”

  She raises her hands to her face and wipes her tears angrily. Her mascara is running, and she’s more beautiful than ever, my wild little thing. I step closer, and she doesn’t move away.

  “You do care,” I mutter. "So why not pick up?"

  “Of course I care.” She sighs and glares at me. “Are you stupid? I’ve always cared for you. You’re the one playing games with me!”

  I’m about to ask what the hell she’s talking about when she finally explains.

  "I've called you too. At least ten times. And you never picked up, either."

  "What the fuck do you mean?" I furrow my brows. "You never called."

  "I did!" She produces her cell from her clutch, and there it is, my name and a whole bunch of missed fucking calls. I pull out my phone too and show her my calls to her number, and she shakes her head in disbelief. "That's not possible. I never got any of those calls."

  I furrow my brows and check her number. "This is your cell, isn't it?"

  "No." She shakes her head. "Is this yours?"

  She shows me a number on the screen. Everything's right except the last digit.

  "It's not." I groan. "How's this possible? I had your number before, and you had mine. And now it's suddenly different."

  "I have no idea." She slumps against the wall, eyes still wet with tears. "I don't know anything anymore. You were going to fuck that girl, weren't you?"

  "No," I tell her resolutely. "I don't want to fuck any girl."

  Her eyes beg for more, and I sigh, sitting down on the sidewalk and burying my fingers in my hair.

  "How did we get everything so fucked up? What happened here?" June wonders aloud.

  I have a feeling I know what happened, but I'm not ready to put it into words just yet, so instead, I just ask, "Did you have fun with Parker these past two weeks?"

  June glares at me. "I didn't want to spend time with Parker. I wanted to spend time with you."

  "Then how did our wires get crossed?"

  “I don't know." She shrugs. "I kept asking Parker about you. He told me you wanted nothing to do with me. I asked every day, Kade!”

  My blood curdles when she says that, my fists clenching. That bastard lied. He lied to her, and that’s why I’ve been losing sleep for weeks while he went out with her. I wouldn't put it past him to fuck up our numbers, too. Prevent us from talking to one another.

  I’m going to kill Parker.

  “I didn’t know, June,” I say, gritting my teeth with anger. “I didn’t know he told you that. I thought you were ignoring me. You were dodging my calls, spending all your time with my brother. And the way you reacted when we kissed... I thought you were done with me.”

  "I'm never done with you," she mutters. "How could Parker do that?"

  "Maybe he just got confused,” I lie smoothly, protecting my brother’s ass. But I know already this is his fault. Parker's always been a bit of a trickster. He'd do anything so things would work out in his favor.

  "That doesn't explain the numbers changing, though." June knits her brows together, but I don't respond. Dad would've wanted me to have Parker's back. I owe it to him.

  I'll just have to fucking kill him later when I get home.

  “Why did you react like that?
” I wonder out loud next. "To the kiss."

  She sighs. “I… I was scared. Remember when my mom saw us kiss?”

  I nod. I don't need a reminder—I remember it all too well.

  "I kept thinking about that," June admits guiltily. "I knew how upset she'd be. She wanted us to be a family. She would think this was so fucking wrong."

  "But she's gone now, June." I stand and face her. Her hands are folded behind her back, and she won't quite meet my eyes. I can tell that guilt's still plaguing her, forcing her to fight this. "She can't stop us now."

  "But she would've hated this," she argues, glancing up at me. "She wouldn't want us together."

  I don't know what to tell her. Of course, she's right. Her mother would've been against this. Against us.

  "I don't care," I finally mutter, caging her body beneath mine. "I don't fucking care anymore, June. I want you. Tell me you want me too."

  "I can't," she breathes.

  "Why not?"

  "Because..." She chews her bottom lip. "Because if I say it, it will be real."

  I cup her face in my hands and make her look into my eyes.

  “I'm not giving you up,” I tell her resolutely. “Never fucking did, June. You’re in here.” I point at my head. “And most of all, you’re in here.” I take her hand, guiding it to my heart.

  She’s trembling, but she doesn’t break eye contact. Her lips part softly, and I lean in closer. I take my time because this girl isn’t like the others.

  They were rough. June is soft.

  Where they were fast and eager, June hesitated, slowing me down.

  When they kissed me, it made me want them so fucking bad.

  When I kiss her, I feel like she’ll break in my arms, and the need to take care of her scares me.

  “Kade,” she whispers against my lips, and I interrupt her by sliding my tongue in her mouth, taking her innocence, rough, the way I know she wants it.

  “No more lies,” she begs as I pull her head back for easier access. “Say it, Kade,” she demands.

  “No more lies,” I tell my love, crossing my fingers behind my back. Maybe the lies can stop when I deal with Parker, that fucking snake.



  In a weird way, I'm glad I ran into Kade at Pulse tonight. Even though watching him with that girl had been awful, at least we got to the bottom of things together. I still can't believe all the lies Parker's told me. Even though Kade's been defending him, I don't think I'll ever be able to trust his twin again.

  Kade drives back home with me. There's no question about it—he just gets in the limo beside me, and his hand somehow finds its way into mine as we begin the drive back.

  When we arrive, I ask Kade if he wants to come in. I lean in close, allowing my lipstick to leave traces against his cheek, and he mutters a yes into the shell of my ear.

  The house is quiet at this time of night, and for the first time ever, I find myself wondering if it's strange for Kade to be back here. But if it is, he doesn't say anything about it. Instead, he wordlessly follows me into my bedroom and sits down on an armchair. He watches with a smile as I brush out my hair. I'm a little shy about removing my makeup in front of him, and he sees me hesitate as I pull out my makeup wipes.

  "Don't be nervous." He smirks. "I've seen you without plenty of times."

  "Still." I giggle, nervous. "I look different than I used to."

  "You do. You look better."

  "Oh, stop." I hesitate, but then remove the traces of makeup from my face anyway. It's a relief to be bare in front of him like this, not a burden. It feels so good.

  "Do you want me to stay the night?" Kade asks after I return from the bathroom where I've put my hair up in a ponytail and changed into satin pajamas.

  "Can you? Will Parker be worried?"

  Kade approaches me, his hands finding the small of my back as he mutters, "I don't fucking care."

  "Do you want to leave?"

  He laughs out loud. "What do you think, June?"

  I smile tightly. I don't want to get my hopes up again. Not when Kade could so easily crush my dreams into nothing. "Please, stay with me."

  "Of course I will."

  We get on my bed together. It feels strangely familiar yet so vastly different at the same time. Kade and I haven't done this before, and it's filling me with nervousness and excitement at the same time.

  "Hold me?" I ask him softly. He pulls me against him, his strong body cradling mine, and I settle in the crook of his arm, inhaling his masculine scent. I'm thinking about all the wrong things. Our parents, our life together. How everything changed in the blink of an eye. How they must still blame me for everything that's happened even though it wasn't my fault. "Do you miss them? My mom and your dad?"

  "I do," Kade says, absentmindedly running his fingers through my hair. "I miss them a lot."

  "Mom wouldn't like this," I remind him, and he groans. I realize I'm sabotaging whatever I was hoping would happen between us tonight, but I can't help it. My mother's judging stare is permanently ingrained in my memory, warning me about Kade. "She wouldn't want us sleeping in the same bed."

  Kade's fingers tighten in my hair. "I want to do so much more than just sleep in your bed, June."

  "We shouldn't," I breathe.

  Kade gently pushes me on my back. Suddenly he's on top of me, his knee between my legs, his hands cupping my face as he whispers, "Then fucking stop me, Junebug."

  The old nickname he used to have for me fucking hurts, and I close my eyes tightly to chase away all those forbidden memories in my head. Lusting after him, wanting him all those years... they've made my mind into a mess. I can't help but want Kade. He's the forbidden fruit... And I'm done resisting him.

  Before he can stop me, I crush my lips against his. He deepens our kiss almost instantly, passionately taking kiss after kiss from my willing lips. And I let him, my body molding against his as he pulls me on top of him again.

  I straddle him. Beneath my pussy, right under the wet spot I'm sure is forming on my pajama pants, Kade's cock hardens, pulsating. I want him so much I could scream. But we can't fuck. We can't, we just can't. Not until I tell him my secret... The one I've kept for so long because at this point, it's just fucking embarrassing.

  "Take your shirt off," he tells me, his voice dark and tinted with the desire we both feel.

  As if I'm in a trance, I pull the shirt off. My tits bounce free, and Kade groans at the sight of them. His pupils dilate as he inspects me, reaching up to touch my naked body. But I'm not ready for it, not yet.

  I grab his hands and put them back on the bed. "Keep them there. Just look."

  He curses softly as I begin to play with myself, fingers finding my nipples. I've never played with myself really, was always consumed with the guilt and shame of knowing I want it like this... rough, dark, primal. And as my fingers twist my own nipples into painful buds, I mewl Kade's name out loud, hoping he'll forget the rules I've set for us and just fucking take what he wants.

  He must be a mind reader. Thirty seconds and my nipples are hard, rosy peaks. One minute and Kade's grabbed me. I yelp as he tugs my pants off, exposing inch after inch of pale flesh.

  "Kade," I manage, squirming to get away. "Wait, please... I..."

  But before I can finish, he's between my legs. My heart pounds as his lips kiss their way from my hipbones to the dark line of hairs running down to my untouched pussy.

  "I'm not going to fuck you tonight," he tells me, and my heart soars with relief and falls with disappointment at the same time. "But I am going to taste you. I'm going to drink from that little hole between your legs like a tap, Junebug, and you can't do anything to stop me."

  I feel frozen. Kade's eyes never move from mine as he begins kissing me. I cry out loud as his tongue parts my folds and licks insistently at my most private parts.

  "Kade, please," I whisper. "Don't make me..."

  I don't get to finish my sentence because the pleasure overwhelms me. M
y hands fist into the bedsheets, and I pull at them desperately, trying to break free from the rules our parents set for us. I want to relax. I want to give him what he wants. But it's so fucking hard to let go when all I can think about is—

  "Spread your legs," Kade says hoarsely. "Wide as you fucking can, June, right the fuck now."

  I obey on an instinct. This time, when his mouth returns to my cunt, he's not kind anymore. No, he's demanding, every bit as dark and intense as I always knew him to be. He licks, sucks, and bites me so close to an orgasm I'm on the verge of tears.

  "Don't!" I cry out. "Don't, it's wrong, it's so wrong..."

  "Wrong?" Kade hisses, glaring at me. "How can it be wrong when it feels like the only right thing in the world, Junebug?"

  This time, I don't fight him. My eyes focus on a crack in the ceiling and I let him do what he wants. When he forces an orgasm from my overstimulated pussy, I cry. Not because I don't want it, but because it feels like an enormous fucking relief to finally let go of all the things that have held me back for almost a decade.

  Kade doesn't push me more. He pulls me into his arms, and I cry softly until my tears dry up. I have no idea how long we lie there, how long he holds me for. All I know is, when I open my eyes next, my bed is cold and empty. I'm the only one in the room.

  I pull myself up, noticing Kade covered me with a knitted blanket before leaving. The ghost of a smile tugs on my lips as I get dressed, putting a robe over my clothes for warmth. I leave my bedroom, padding down the tiles to the kitchen where I have the shock of my life.

  "Parker?" He turns around. It is him. "What are you doing here?"

  "Well, your friend Dove got hammered last night." He grins, closing the fridge. "You got anything to eat here other than healthy shit?"

  I laugh, motioning for him to follow me. My heart is fucking pounding. Parker doesn't seem to know Kade came home with me last night, and I'm oddly grateful for that. He wouldn't like it, and I don't want to upset him—not when I've finally buried the hatchet with both brothers.


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