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Tyrant Twins: A Dark Twin Romance

Page 22

by Isabella Starling

  She whimpers under me as I thrust inside her, again and again and again. I think of my stepsister, all long legs, soft curves, silky hair, and it doesn't take me long to come. I think of the girl for a split moment, and because I'm a nice guy, I find her clit with my free hand and massage it savagely until her yelps of pain turn into pleasure. I can feel her hot breath as she comes right with me, biting down on my palm to stop herself from screaming.

  I let myself go, too, releasing my hot cum inside her ass. I pull out then, my seed running down her inner thigh. I didn't bother using a condom. The girl turns around and glares at me, eyes wide and angry.

  "I didn't want it in there," she claims loudly, already pulling her panties up her soaking legs.

  "You didn't, but you damn well liked it," I tell her, and she doesn't disagree. I pull her closer and lower until she's eye level with my cock. She looks up at me, her eyes suddenly full of lust. I lower her head on my tip, making her suck it nice and good. She's good at this, so I can imagine she's done it quite a few times. She licks the underside of my dick while she caresses my balls, gently tugging on the foreskin every so often.

  But it does fucking nothing for me because I know she likes it. And I get off on others' pain, not pleasure.

  So I force my cock inside her throat as far as it goes, choking her with it. She flails, trying to get away, but as my tip hits the back of her throat, I finally feel myself stiffening. Despite her best efforts to get away, she keeps licking at it, like a reflex.

  And finally, I can feel myself giving in, thinking it's June with her cock in my mouth. June choking on me. June fucking crying for more. I fill her mouth with my hot cum. It's so fucking easy to get hard when I think of my stepsister. The moment I'm done, though, I push her away.

  I zip myself up as she coughs and sputters. I leave her shouting obscenities after me, her pain the best thing I've experienced all day. A smirk crosses my lips.



  I never expected to hear from my brother, let alone the very next day. But when my cell phone rings and his number flashes on the screen, I know I need to take the call. I smirk, getting ready for the conversation I don't want to have, but that might change everything.

  "Hello," I answer, not even bothering to make my voice sound less bored.

  "Parker, hey." My brother sounds nervous, and like the sick prick I am, I'm fucking enjoying it.

  "Kade? What's up, man?" I get straight to the point, and my question is followed by a long pause. I clear my throat and roll my eyes again when he doesn't answer. "Something wrong?"

  "Nah, everything's fine. Look, I know it's been a long time... and things aren't... you know. But I'd love to have dinner with you tonight."

  I think of the bleak day ahead of me with Marissa coming over later in the evening. At least that way, I get to have sex, while a dinner with my twin is not something that would leave me satisfied in the least. In fact, it would only piss me off more, knowing Kade's going home to our stepsister, and I'm not.

  "Yeah, I don't—" I start to decline, but his next words make me reconsider.

  "June will be there," he says quickly as if he's been keeping this information to himself for too long and is desperate to get it out. I hold my breath nervously, waiting for him to continue, and he does just that. "We had a... long talk. It's been a long time. I've thought it through, and I know you had some problems, and you... you took it out on her. I think I'll bring her around, and she agreed to come to dinner with us."

  Time stills for a moment when I think of June. Sweet, now not-so-innocent June. Spoiled by my brother's cock but still ready to be all mine... Waiting for me to plunge deep inside her. The moment is fucking coming, and I am more than ready.

  "Oh," I say lamely, my mind churning along with the newly presented facts. "I guess I can make it, for old time's sake."

  "Great!" Kade sounds so desperately happy it makes me want to punch him and ask him to get it together. He's so fucking pathetic.

  "But hey, man..." I play up the hesitation in my voice, groaning before going on. "Look, this doesn't mean anything. It's just dinner. Right?"

  "Of course," Kade answers quickly. "Just dinner. Let's see how things go first."

  I know what his words translate to—let's fucking see if you're still as crazy as you were last time I let you in my life. And the answer is, of course I am. But I'm not about to spill my guts to Kade, so I just agree to his suggestion. I'll do anything to get back in their lives. Anything to be close to June again.

  "We'll see you at Chez Anton at eight sharp?" he suggests, and I agree with him before cutting the line. Then I set the phone down, not bothering to text Marissa about the change of plans.

  My mind is already on something else, and I'm sure she can figure out I got busy with something better than her holes.

  I make sure to arrive at the restaurant late, make them wait for me like I've been doing for them for the past year. I want them squirming, wondering whether I'll really show up. And when my cab pulls up in front of the restaurant and I spot them through the window, I'm pretty sure they're both anxious. They're talking, Kade trying hard to keep up a conversation, waving his arms around animatedly. And June is just sitting there, looking paranoid as fuck and as pretty as ever.

  I walk in, and their heads turn toward me. I ignore Kade completely, focusing on my sweet little stepsister. Her expression of anxiousness turns into fear, and it makes my cock stir in my pants. Fuck, I want June more than ever.

  "Hello," I greet them stiffly, and she looks away, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as though she's afraid to even meet my eye. As if I'm going to hurt her just by being in her presence. She's quiet while Kade greets me enthusiastically, and I sit on the other side of the table from them. I can tell I'm making them uncomfortable, and it's making me fucking happy. I'm going to ruin them. Just you fucking wait.

  While Kade chatters about nonsensical stuff, June keeps quiet, refusing to meet my eye. I stare at her pointedly the whole time, trying to steal a glance at those gorgeous eyes that haunt my dreams. But she won't let me, and it's driving me fucking insane. I need June. She's the one who grounds me, the only one who can keep the red mist away. And she makes it all so much better.

  She owes me this. She owes it to me to make it all better and calm my demons. She doesn't seem to be aware of that, though, as she shoots several loving glances at my twin brother throughout the dinner. It drives me fucking insane, the way they look at each other, because I want her for myself. The evening drags and drags, though I could look at June all day. They don't seem to be as comfortable, though, and I realize they're going to bring up a topic I probably won't like.

  "So I heard you had a kid," I say when the appetizers are on our table. June forks her salad, and Kade picks at a beef tartare. "What's his name?"

  They exchange a glance, and I realize they aren't sure how much they should tell me. It pisses me off, and I push my plate back, then throw the napkin on the table. "You know what, if I make you this uncomfortable, just forget it. I'm sorry for wasting your time."

  "Parker, don't." I'm shocked when June is the one to reach out, her warm, soft hand covering mine. "Stay, please. We have a lot more to talk about." My gaze bores into hers, but I finally sit back down. Kade clears his throat, and we all do our best to pretend nothing's happened.

  "His name is Theo," Kade finally says.

  "How old is he?" I ask next, trying to hide the pain from my voice. I don't want them to know how much power they still have over me. How their words can hurt me more than my knife could ever hurt them. They exchange another uncomfortable glance.

  "He's eighteen months," Kade finally says.

  "Cute." I pick at my beef tartare, just as Kade is doing. "Do I get to meet him?"

  "Of course, eventually," Kade nods. "He's your nephew, after all." I can see how much June is glaring at him. That'll be those protective, motherly instincts kicking in. She wants to protect that kid from me. But h
e's a Miller. The boy has the same darkness running through his veins as I do and as Kade does.

  The rest of the evening progresses with the same amount of awkwardness. We make our way through the main course, and when they bring out dessert, my twin and stepsister exchange a heated glance. There's something else they want to talk to me about, I can tell. And they're about to do it now.

  "So," Kade begins slowly, meeting my eye carefully like I'm a ticking time bomb. It fucking pisses me off. "We wanted to talk to you about something."

  "Oh?" I say with a smirk, my eyebrows raised. “Why don't you tell me about it, June?"

  I'm taunting her on purpose, and she twitches as soon as I say her name. Finally, Kade nudges her to make her talk to me, and she looks me in the eye for the first time that evening.

  "We..." she begins, her voice hoarse from being quiet all evening. She clears her throat before going on. "We wanted to offer you to get some help."

  I look at her, feeling completely confused, but it's like a dam has broken inside her. She's braver now that she's finally said something to me. She reaches for me, grabbing my arm in one of her palms. Her soft, creamy skin enveloping mine is almost too much to handle.

  "I love you so much, Parker," she says sweetly, her eyes dancing across my face, begging for me to listen. "You were always my best friend. I know you didn't mean what you did, and I know you want to get better. And we can help you with that, you know? We can make all those problems go away."

  I look at her blankly, trying to take in what she's saying. I have mixed feelings, what with her skin on mine combined with the words coming out of her mouth.

  "I go by Nox now," I remind her firmly. She flushes. So fucking pretty.

  "I'm sorry," she manages. "I got too excited. But I want you to know we're here for you. The way we should have been all those years ago."

  "What do you mean?" I ask through gritted teeth. She looks so enthusiastic. Like she can actually help. Like I can even get better.

  "We have this great psychiatrist," she begins. "He deals with a lot of cases like yours... People who have been abused by a close family member."

  My eyes snap to Kade's. Does he know what Dad did to me? Did he finally accept our father was a fucking monster, just like I am? I don't ask, and Kade doesn't meet my gaze.

  All these years, I've blamed Dad for everything. But Kade should've noticed something was off. The number of times I hid my scars and the bleeding from him, and lied to protect Dad. And he never said a word, never even suspected anything. Even now, he won't acknowledge it.

  "And this magic doctor can make it all go away?" I chuckle darkly. June smiles, nervously tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear.

  "We hope he can, Parker, err, Nox. We really do."

  "How's he going to make things better?" I ask.

  "Well, he's very well-known in his field and specializes in PTSD. You know, post-traumatic stress disorder," Kade goes on, and I nod, resisting the urge to tell him I'm not a goddamn idiot. "We thought with his expertise, you would be well on your path to recovery. We know it's possible for you. And we want to be a family again."

  And after that, I tune everything out. They go on and on about some quack fucking doctor who can do wonders, probably by prescribing a shit ton of medication to me. Kade nods enthusiastically as June speaks, and it drives me fucking insane to see them ganging up on me. But as bad as this is, I know I can't show my true side yet. I know I can't tell them I think they need a doctor, not me. I can't say I'll never go along with all of the plans they've made for me. And if I want to get what I really desire, I'll have to go along with this.

  So I agree with them, nodding my head like an obedient dog. I admire their happy smiles and admit I have issues. I do everything to make it seem like I'm going along with it. As though I'm actually working on shutting out the darkness. Not that I'd ever do that.

  When you lock the door on a part of yourself, you let it rot. You let it fester. And once it all comes out, it's a thousand times worse. I wish Kade had learned that lesson sooner. Because when he explodes, it sure as fuck won't be pretty.

  As we say goodbye for the night, a different scenario from the one they're describing plays out in my head. And I know things will finish my way, not theirs.

  I watch them leave before getting into my cab, my twin brother's arm protectively draped around my girl's shoulders. And I tell myself it won't be for long. Only a little while left before I claim what's always been mine.



  Kade wants another baby.

  He has made that abundantly clear, at first just hinting at the fact, but becoming more and more obvious with each day that passes. And finally, after we get back from dinner with his twin that night, he says it out loud.

  "Wouldn't it be wonderful if Theo had a sibling to play with?" I busy myself with pouring a tall glass of water and gulping the liquid down in long, thirsty gulps. When I'm done, I set the glass on the marble counter, still avoiding Kade's gaze. "Well, Junebug? You can't avoid the topic forever."

  "I know," I mutter. The truth is, I've always wanted a big family. To have kids running around the house has been a dream for me since I was a little girl. But now... now everything's different.

  Kade can see he's upset me with his words, and we go to bed that night without speaking about it again. The distance between us in our bed has never felt bigger, and as I twist the duvet in my hands, I wonder whether my stepbrother will ever give up on his dream of having another baby. I just don't know if I'm ready... If I can bring another baby into the world.

  With Parker—Nox—back in our lives, I'm struggling to keep my mind on things such as our growing family. I want Parker involved in our lives. I'm hoping he's learned his lesson since the last time we were close, but the doubt is still there, ever-present in the back of my mind. He tried to hurt me... Who says he wouldn't go after Kade's and my kids, too?

  In his sleep, Kade pulls me closer until my body is tight against his. I can feel his hardness through his pajama bottoms, always ready for me, wanting me. At least that aspect of our lives hasn’t changed, and I’m thankful every day for choosing the right brother. It's always been Kade, and Parker could never stand it. Settling into the crook of my husband’s arms, I close my eyes firmly and tell myself to go to sleep, but it’s a vain effort. Dark thoughts keep penetrating, and I can’t seem to get a wink of sleep. The nightmares that plagued me as a little girl are back with a vengeance.

  I lie next to Kade for hours, until it’s finally an acceptable hour of the morning to get up. Nuzzling into his side, he groans when he feels me moving.

  “Good morning. Sleep well, Junebug?” he asks me, and it’s my time to groan as I bury my face in his neck. I love the way he smells—all musk and something sweet, like vanilla and mint. It drives me crazy, even after all this time. Kade takes my face in his hands, flipping me until I’m on top of his body, straddling him. His eyes are sleepy but mischievous nonetheless, and my gaze replicates his.

  “I want you,” he groans, guiding my hand over his boxer shorts, where his cock is begging to be set free and played with. I tease him, running my hand over his shorts until he groans my name over and over again. Finally, he has enough of me and slips my hand into his boxers himself.

  My fingers wrap around the thick head of his cock, the skin velvety smooth in my hand. I moan when I feel the drop of pre-cum already on his cock, the bead wet under my fingers. I pull my hand out of his boxers and bring my index finger to my lips, giving it a long, delicious lick. I’ve come a long way since I was the sweet little girl whose innocence was taken away by her stepbrother…

  The moment I lick his cum from my finger is the second he comes undone. With a low growl emanating from deep in his throat, he flips me on my back and rips my panties off to put my pulsating sex on full display. Already panting, he licks a finger fervently and pushes it inside me without waiting for my approval. I moan, and my back arches as he checks if I’m rea
dy for him. Finding me wet and willing, he gives me a satisfied grin and removes his finger, gripping his cock and guiding it toward my dripping entrance.

  “Want me?” he asks hoarsely, running the tip of his hard cock over my lips and clit until I’m mewling, asking him for more with animalistic sounds of pleasure. But he hasn’t had enough, and he taunts me further by slapping my pussy with his cock.

  “Please,” I whisper softly. “Need you inside. Need your cock in me,” I beg him.

  And he doesn’t need to be told twice, gripping my waist with one hand while he guides his cock inside me with the other. I yelp as he drives his full length inside me, his hard-on so big and thick it almost bruises my insides.

  “Fuck,” he groans, leaning down until we’re face-to-face, his mouth taking mine in a violent kiss. He grips my bottom lip between his teeth and bites down just hard enough to make me moan. “Be good for me, Junebug... Let me fucking have you.”

  Arching my back again, I take in the whole depth of his cock, pounding deeper and deeper with each thrust of his hips. I can feel him pulsating inside me, and my pussy responds with the same fervor, my juices running down my leg.

  This is how we like it in the morning—quick and rough. I’ve discovered I have a thing for dominance, and while Kade was extremely hesitant at first, he now doles it out with an iron fist. And I love it. I love his rule over my body, mind, and spirit. All of me belongs to him, and I whisper as much in his ear as he pounds his cock into my dripping wetness. I know neither of us will last much longer, so I clench my walls even more and Kade groans when he feels me tightening around his cock. In seconds, his pants grow into raspy breaths and groans, and then he clutches strands of my hair in a fist and breathes heavily in my ear.

  “Come on my cock, Junebug,” he orders, and I moan, knowing it won’t be long before I obey his wish. “Come on,” he says, pulling my head back by the hair. “Be a good girl for me. Let me feel you come.”


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