Resisting Temptation

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Resisting Temptation Page 12

by K. C. Lynn

  Sawyer suddenly becomes a man on a mission. Rushing over to her, he picks her up so her feet dangle off the ground and gives her one heck of a kiss. Ruth Jean giggles and I do as well when I see Cade shake his head.

  By the time Sawyer pulls away, Grace’s cheeks are bright pink. “Well hello, Sexy Sawyer. What was that for?”

  He scowls back at her. “Why are you serving people your First Kiss Pie?”

  “Because it’s the special of the day, and both Ruth Jean and Faith like chocolate.”

  “Well, you need to rename that shhhi…crap to Sawyer Is My Only Kiss Pie.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Stop bein’ ridiculous and put me down.” He grunts, unhappy with her reply, but gives her another hard kiss on the lips before placing her back on her feet.

  She grabs a takeout bag and hands it to Cade. “Here, ya go. There is something in there for Jaxson too.”

  “Why the hell are you giving it to him?” Sawyer asks, affronted.

  “Because if I give it to you, you will eat it all and not share.”

  He grunts again. “We’ve had this talk before, Cupcake. You’re my woman, so these are my pies. I don’t have to share if I don’t want to.” Both Ruth Jean and I giggle at his response. Grace shakes her head but can’t hide the small smile that tugs at her lips. She leans in to kiss his cheek, but instead he grabs her and gives her a full-on smooch on the lips. I have to admit they sure are cute.

  Glancing up at Cade, I find him watching me, and the fierce look in his hazel eyes wipes the smile off my face and literally robs me of breath. It’s a look I remember well and one I see often in my dreams—the good ones, not my nightmares. Something passes between us as we stare at one another, and I am sure everyone can feel it because the entire room becomes consumed with it.

  Sawyer punches him in the arm. “Come on, man, we need to get back before the fighters come in.”

  He watches me for a second longer as Sawyer says goodbye to Ruth Jean, then he shocks the heck out of me when he reaches up and brushes the side of my jaw with his knuckle. My heart skips a beat and my body comes alive from his simple touch. I desperately get the urge to lean into the warmth of his hand, but all too quickly he moves it away, as if realizing what he just did. “I’ll see you around, Red.”

  “Bye,” I whisper, finding it hard to form words.

  Looking over at Ruth Jean, he gives her a nod, and then just like that he and Sawyer are gone.

  I sit stunned, and rest my hand over where his knuckle just grazed, still feeling the warmth of his touch. I notice Grace watching me with a sad smile. I give her one in return then turn my attention to Ruth Jean. “Well, girly, are you ready? We should head back to church. Christopher should be almost finished.”

  Nodding, she stands and turns to Grace. “Tank you again for de dewicious pie, miss Gwace. It was de best I eva had.”

  Our smiles now become more genuine at how sweet this little girl is. “Well you are very welcome, Ruth Jean. I hope you will come see me again sometime.”

  “Oh you bet,” she replies happily.

  I offer once again to pay Grace but she refuses and gives me a warm hug. I decide I will leave her extra for a tip the next time I come in.

  After our goodbyes, Ruth Jean and I start our walk back to the church in a comfortable silence, but it isn’t long until she speaks up. “Dose guys was huge,” she says, making a big, dramatic gesture with her hands. “Especially dat one with all the tattoos, he doesn’t seem all that fwiendwy.”

  I smile, “Cade is just quiet is all. He warms up once you get to know him.”

  “How do you know him?”

  I look down at her curious face and decide to tell her the truth. “I met him a few years ago when I was on a mission trip with my church. He was there on a mission of his own. He and Sawyer were both Navy SEALs. Do you know what that is?” She shakes her head. “Do you know what a soldier is?”

  “Yeah, dey awe good guys who help save people and Amewica.”

  “That’s right. Navy SEALs are a very similar, except they are trained a little differently and do different missions. He… he saved my life from some very bad men.”

  “He did?” she asks in surprise.

  “Yes, he did. Along with Sawyer and another friend of theirs, Jaxson… He was the one Grace mentioned.”

  “So he’s a good guy den?” I nod and swallow thickly, thinking about just how good he is. “Well, he wooked weally stwong.”

  I smile at her sadly, “Ruth Jean, he’s the strongest man I’ve ever known.” My heavy heart must show in my expression because she reaches for my hand and gives it a squeeze. The entire gesture has my throat burning with emotion.

  “Twistiphwor is the stwongest guy I’ve ever known. He never wets anyone huwt me, not even my dad.”

  I quickly snap out of my sadness as alarm screams inside of me. I’m just about to question her further, but she ends up bolting up the stairs and into the church before I can. I follow in after her and spot Christopher cleaning up. I also notice him watching Alissa. The fifteen-year-old girl whose parents are members of the church and one I’m hoping to have join my youth group. She’s just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.

  Ruth Jean runs up behind Christopher and jumps on him. Turning around, he picks her up and she wraps her arms around his neck. He doesn’t notice when Alissa turns and watches him. I smile to myself as an idea suddenly starts to form…

  “Hey, Sis. Did you have fun?”

  “Oh yes, it was de best. Gwace is so nice and her pie is dewicious. Den we wan into dese big guys, one wooked stary but Faif says he’s a good guy. He saved her wife from bad guys a wong time ago.” Christopher looks over at me with questions in his eyes, but doesn’t ask any. Which is good because I’m feeling a little too off to talk about it right now.

  “Listen,” he says quietly, stepping closer to me, “I don’t have any money on me right now, but I will pay you back for however much the pie was when…”

  I wave him away, “No, no. I never expected that, and it doesn’t matter because my friend Grace gave it to us on the house.”

  His eyes narrow suspiciously, not believing me, until Ruth Jean nods in confirmation. “All right, well thanks a lot for taking her. Can you say thank you, Ruth Jean?”

  He puts her down so he can pick up his bag. She runs up to me and wraps her arms around my waist. “Tanks so much, Faif. I weally am gwad we awe fwiends now.”

  I return her smile and squeeze her back. “Me too, Ruth Jean. You’re welcome to come with your brother anytime. I would love your company again.” Leaning down, I give her a kiss on the head before letting her go. Christopher watches me, and, as usual, it’s hard to tell what he’s thinking.

  “Can I give you guys a ride home?”

  He quickly shakes his head. “No, we’re fine. But thanks anyways.”

  I want to push the idea. Especially after what Ruth Jean just said. I want to see where they live and find out more, but I know by his expression there is no use. “All right then, I guess I’ll see you soon.”

  Nodding, he takes Ruth Jean’s hand and heads toward the door, but not before glancing at Alissa one more time.

  Following him outside, I lean over and whisper, “Her name is Alissa.”

  His eyes shoot to me in surprise before they narrow. “So? I don’t care.”

  I bite back my smile and shrug, “Just thought you might want to know.”

  He grunts moodily. “Yeah, well I don’t.”

  “Okay,” I reply easily, but he knows I don’t believe him. Shaking his head, he starts down the stairs then kneels down so Ruth Jean can jump on his back. My heart swells at seeing the rough, tough-looking boy be so gentle with his sister. He reminds me that much more of Cade. Hard on the outside but soft on the inside. “Bye, Christopher,” I say softly before turning to walk into the church.

  He nods and Ruth Jean gives me one last beaming smile before they head off.

  I can’t help the sud
den feeling of panic that plagues me at letting them walk away, because I know something isn’t right with their home life. I decide I’m going to find out what is going on and help any way I can. Because I will not watch another child be destroyed if I can do something about it. Not ever again.



  A few mornings later, I decide to head to the park for my run, wanting the fresh air. I made sure to leave a little earlier than usual, hoping to have most of the trail to myself, but of course, as luck would fucking have it, someone is already here. And who does that someone have to be? The one fucking girl who plagues my every waking thought. I come to a sudden stop and my heart speeds up with anticipation at getting to see her again. I instantly want to punch myself for the fucking reaction.

  After she’s done tying her shoes, she stands up and sticks her ear buds in her ears. I take in her small, lithe body that’s hugged in the best fucking way by her workout shorts and tank, then immediately curse my dick for twitching at the sight.

  As if sensing the weight of my stare, she turns around and her gaze finds mine. Surprise flashes in her eyes before she gets a sassy smile. “First the bakery, now here? If I didn’t know any better, Walker, I would think you’re following me.”

  Her smart mouth turns my semi-erect cock painfully hard. I narrow my gaze at her and grunt, hoping she doesn’t notice. “I moved here first, remember, Red?” Her response is watching me with an amused smile. “I didn’t know you run?”

  Her smile slips. “I started doing it after Iraq, it’s been a huge part of my healing process,” she admits softly. My chest pulls tight at thinking what kind of healing process she’s had to go through.

  Before I can apologize for being an ass, she stands taller and her sassy smile returns. “I’ve actually become quite fast, if I do say so myself. Let’s see if you can keep up… Unless you’re not up for it?” She doesn’t even give me a chance to respond; as soon as the smartass taunt leaves her mouth, she takes off. Oh, she is challenging the wrong fucking person when it comes to this shit. I give her a few seconds of glory before I catch up to her. Slowing down, I keep myself just in front of her and glance back. She smiles, accepting my challenge and speeds up. I have to admit she’s quick, but not anywhere close to my quick. I keep my pace and always make sure I am just ahead of her, baiting her.

  “Don’t get too cocky, Walker. My legs are much shorter than yours, which means I am working harder than you.” Looking back, I quirk an amused brow at her, which makes her speed up again. She’s damn persistent that’s for sure.

  Her breathing becomes heavier as she continues to push herself and tries to pass me. I notice the light sheen of sweat dotting her skin, giving it a glowing effect, and it reminds me of another time I made her look like that, except it was much more fun than this. Jesus, I need to get fucking laid. If only my dick would work for anyone else, but the sight of her…

  “Your shoe is untied,” she gasps out a few minutes later. I grunt. No way does she think I’m that stupid. When I don’t fall for her pathetic attempt, she pushes herself harder and shoves my shoulder, trying to make me falter, but I don’t budge. She laughs, finding herself fucking hilarious, and I can’t deny what the beautiful sound does for me.

  Soon she starts to gasp for air, as if she’s going to die, so I decide to take pity on her. Slowing down I keep beside her. “Give it a rest, Red, before I have to pick you up and revive you.”

  “Well, when you put it that way…” Stopping abruptly, she falls to the ground dramatically and lies on the lush, green grass. I stop and stare at her unimpressed, not finding her funny. Okay, maybe a little funny, but I’ll never let her know that.

  When she realizes I am not coming to her rescue, she rises up and rests back on her elbows. I try not to notice the way her perfect tits rise and fall as she heaves for breath. “Hello, aren’t you going to revive me, or were you just being a tease?”

  My dick throbs painfully at her sassy mouth and I clench my hands into fists, barely restraining myself from kissing the fucking smug look off her face. “Be careful, Faith. You’re playing with fire.”

  Her smile falters, and a heat ignites in her eyes that I know matches my own. “Maybe I like fire.” Fuck, she is going to kill me. I glare at her and feel myself close to snapping. She rolls her eyes and gets up. “All right, calm down, Mr. Oh-So-Serious.” As she starts walking back to me, she flinches and grabs her ankle. “Oh ow, crap.”

  I rush over. “What happened?”

  As soon as I reach her, she takes off like a fucking rocket. “Sucker!” she calls out, laughing her ass off.

  I drop my head and want to slap myself for being stupid enough to fall for that shit. I watch her run almost all the way back to our starting point before I get my ass in gear and start my way back.

  She wears a smug smile as I reach her. “I win. Man, you’re slow.” I glare at her, which makes her laugh. “You have to admit, Walker, that was a good one.”

  “I didn’t take you for a cheater.”

  She shrugs. “A girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do.”

  I grunt and begin to stretch with her, while making sure to keep a good distance, knowing I’m close to losing my precious control. One that I have perfected over the years, and it’s always worked great, with the exception of redheaded country girls with sexy, green fucking eyes and…

  “Well, looks like my bad morning is about to take a turn for the better,” a deep voice booms out of nowhere. Looking to the left, I see some fucking preppy douchebag who looks oddly familiar, come jogging over. And by the way he eyes Red, I want to knock him on his fucking ass.

  Faith smiles politely at him, but I don’t miss the subtle apprehension that lights her eyes. “Oh. Hi, Dr. Carson.”

  Oh yeah, Dr. Fucking Sissy, who Sawyer and Jaxson are always griping about. I knew I recognized him from somewhere.

  “Call me Blake, remember?” he replies with a flirtatious wink.

  What a fucking loser. I try to keep myself impassive and continue stretching, as if I don’t want to knock this motherfucker on his ass.

  Faith nods. “Right. Blake.”

  “Looks like I’m a little late. Too bad, we could have finally had that date I’ve been asking you on.”

  I tense as a jealous rage starts to pump through me furiously. Faith glances over at me and my emotions must show in my expression because she gives me a knowing smirk before turning back to the jackass.

  “Yes. It is too bad,” she replies a little too sweetly.

  A hopeful light flickers in the asshole’s eyes. “Friday night, I’m off at seven. I could pick you up at eight and we could have a late supper?”

  Holy shit, I am going to fuck him up.

  Faith glances back at me with an amused smile and I give her a look, letting her know exactly what will happen if she fucking pushes me. I know I don’t have the right to feel like this, but I can’t control it. Just like I can never control anything around this chick.

  She bites her bottom lip as she tries to hold back a smile and turns back to the Doctor. “Sorry, Blake, but I actually already have plans.”

  With who? Probably Katelyn. It has to be. She doesn’t know anyone else… right?

  “Maybe another time then,” the loser says with a smile, trying to hide his disappointment.

  “Maybe,” she nods noncommittally. “Well, I better get going. I’m helping at the church today before I have lunch with friends. Take care, Dr., er, Blake.” Then she looks to me with a more genuine smile. “I’m sure I’ll see you around, Cade Walker.”

  As she jogs out of the park, the asshole turns to me with a stupid smile that quickly vanishes when he sees the look on my face. “Oh you have got to be shitting me. You too? Why is it every time someone new comes here, they belong to one of you assholes?” I decide I’m going to let the asshole comment slip just this once.

  When I don’t respond he speaks up again. “Wait a sec, is she yours?” He smiles as I
keep silent. “That’s what I thought. Well, may the best man win.”

  Just as he starts to jog away, I grab him by the back of his shirt and haul him back beside me.

  “Hey. What the hell do you think you’re doing? Get off of me, man.”

  I keep a tight grip on his shirt and have to restrain myself from throttling the dickhead. “Actually, asshole. No one is going to win her because she isn’t some fucking toy. So this is how it’s going to work. You’re going to stay away from her or I’m going to smash your fucking face in. Got it?” I let him go with a shove and don’t wait for a response, because I know if something ignorant comes out of his mouth again I will knock him on his ass.

  As I run back to the gym, I realize my resolve is slipping more than I thought it could, especially in this short of time. All the reasons why I thought it was best to stay away from her are starting not to matter, and that fucking terrifies me, because if my resolve slips, and she lets it happen, it may destroy us both.



  Later that day I’m sitting in Grace’s bakery, having lunch with Katelyn, Julia and Grace. I’m trying to keep my thoughts focused on our conversation and not Cade. But I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him since leaving the park this morning.

  “All right, girl, talk to us,” Katelyn says, slinging an arm around me. “What’s bothering you?”

  I feel bad when I realize I must not be hiding my emotions very well. I think about lying and say nothing, not wanting to ruin our lunch, but by the look on all of their faces they would know better. I also know I need to have this talk sooner or later with Grace and Julia. “I ran into Cade this morning in the park,” I admit softy.

  “What did he do?” Katelyn asks angrily, looking ready to take Cade’s head off.

  “Oh, nothing,” I rush to reassure. “We actually ended up running together and… It was nice.” Really nice, and it made me remember just how much I’ve missed him and how much I still care about him. But I decide to keep that part to myself. “I guess I’m still just feeling off-kilter at seeing him again after all this time.”


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