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Resisting Temptation

Page 20

by K. C. Lynn

  I bite back a smile as Cade stares down at her, not knowing what to say. I take pity on him and decide to cut in. “What would you like for breakfast, Ruth Jean?” She shrugs, unsure. “Well, what do you normally have?”

  “Sometimes Twistiphwor makes me baton and eggs, if we have any food.”

  I try not to think about them not having food or I will be a blubbering mess all over again. “Well unfortunately I don’t have any of that and I won’t. I’m a vegetarian.”

  “A vega what?”

  “You’re a vegetarian?” Christopher asks in disbelief as he walks into the kitchen, freshly showered. He takes a seat next to his sister and I’m just about to respond, but one look at Ruth Jean’s sad face, when she looks at her brother’s battered one, stops me cold.

  Without thinking twice, she hops off her seat and crawls up on Christopher’s lap, then wraps her tiny arms around his neck before kissing his cheek softly. “I wuv you, Twistiphwor,” she whispers before burying her face in his neck.

  I try my damnedest to blink away the tears that immediately blur my eyes. Christopher shifts, uncomfortable at her affection in front of us, but replies, “I love you too, squirt.”

  I watch something flash in Cade’s eyes, something so painful I know mine doesn’t even come close to matching his. It makes me wonder if he’s thinking about his sister and I decide it’s best for everyone to change the topic.

  I clear my throat and answer Ruth Jean’s original question. “A vegetarian means I do not eat meat.”

  She looks at me in surprise. “Den what do you eat?”

  “I eat lots of things. Fruits, veggies…I eat everything else, just not meat.”

  “Why?” she asks curiously.

  “Because I think animals are our friends and I don’t want to eat them.”

  “So awe we bad if we eat meat?”

  “No, not at all. This is a personal choice for me and I do not judge if someone else wants to eat it. You are welcome to continue to eat meat, but it will have to be either when we go out or when you are at school because I won’t cook it.”

  She shrugs. “Otay. Well I’ll twy not eating meat wif you. I wike animals too.”

  I smile. “That’s great, but if you decide you want to eat it again that’s okay too.”

  I look at Christopher and he raises his hands out in front of him. “Don’t look at me. Sorry, but I am not giving that up. I’ll die without it.”

  Cade grunts in agreement then takes a seat next to them. I roll my eyes but smile. “That’s fine. Like I said though, I won’t cook it but you are welcome to eat it anywhere else. We will go grocery shopping later today and make sure we get food that we all like and can eat.”

  “Twistiphwor too?” Ruth Jean asks hopefully.

  I look at her; a little surprised she would ask. “Yes, of course Christopher too. We have to make sure we get things he likes too.”

  She smiles softly at him. “Dat will be nice, won’t it, Twistiphwor. Now you will get to eat too and you won’t have to…”

  “Ruth Jean!” he snaps quietly and shakes his head.

  “Sowwy,” she apologizes with a whisper and drops her head.

  I can tell Christopher immediately feels guilty. Walking over, I sit in the empty chair next to Cade and face the kids. I grab Ruth Jean’s hand to get her to look at me. Christopher doesn’t but I know it’s because he’s embarrassed.

  “I know things weren’t good for you or Christopher back home, but that is going to change here. It will be better. I’m not saying I won’t make mistakes, I probably will because this is new for me too, but we will find our way together. I promise that both of you will never go without again and I also promise that no one will ever hurt you or your brother again.”

  Ruth Jean’s eyes narrow. “Betause if dey do, Tade will tick deir asses, wight?” Christopher rolls his eyes and I bite my lip trying to hold in my laugh. The swearing is something I am going to have to address soon.

  “You know it, kid.” I look back at Cade and quirk a brow, surprised that he replied. He shrugs.

  With a smile, I shake my head and look back to the kids. “So it’s settled. Starting today, the three of us are going to rebuild our lives together and for the better.”

  “De fwor of us you mean.”

  My heart stutters to a stop and I feel Cade tense behind me. I clear my throat uncomfortably. “Well, no. The three of us. Cade doesn’t live here.”

  Her eyes widen in surprise. “Why not?”

  “Because we are just friends. He only slept here last night because we all had a hard night, and he wanted to be here for when Cooper comes this morning.” He means so much more to me than a friend, but I knew when I decided to take the kids in there was a good chance that is all we would ever be.

  Ruth Jean watches us suspiciously and I don’t look back at Cade, scared for what I will see in his expression. “But I saw you guys tissing dis mowning, and fwiends don’t tiss.”

  Well crap! I shift uncomfortably, and before I can explain Christopher breaks in. “That isn’t our business, Ruth Jean.”

  “Sowwy,” she apologizes quietly again.

  “Don’t be sorry. You have the right to ask me anything.”

  “So does dat mean we won’t see you no mowe?” she asks, looking at Cade with a sad expression that pinches my heart.

  “You’ll see me, kid. I just don’t sleep here but I’ll be around.”

  Again, I look back at him in surprise. His expression gives nothing away so I have no idea just what that means. I’m hoping it means there may be something for us yet, but if not, and it still means getting to have him in our lives, then I’ll take it. I’ll take him any way I can get him.



  A week later I’m at the church, sorting through my ideas and plans for the music school while Christopher finishes up his last day of community service. I look around at the almost finished church, feeling the most tired I ever have, but also at the most peace. The past week has been a whirlwind with the three of us trying to get settled in and find a routine that works for us all.

  Things went much better with the social worker than I had expected. After Christopher and Ruth Jean were honest, and told her everything about what their home life had been like with their father, getting them removed from his custody was not hard. Especially after the amount of drugs that were found in his house.

  For me to get temporary guardianship was a little more of a process. It was obvious the lady had reservations about the children staying with me at first. She worried I was too young to take on the responsibility, she didn’t like I was single and that I did not have a job. So I went through and reassured her of her every concern. I told her about the music school I would open this summer, and the preschool program I would be running for the next school year. In the meantime, for income, I indicated with my bank statement that I would have no trouble providing for the kids thanks to my papa. Cooper also stepped in and vouched for me, and both the children were very vocal about staying with me. I also told her my family would be a very big support system for us. And I was right, they have been.

  To say my family was shocked when I told them I was taking in Ruth Jean and Christopher is a major understatement. They were also concerned. But once I had explained to them everything that had happened to the children, and how much they meant to me, they stepped right up and are helping me with anything I need. And my support has not stopped at them. The love that has been pouring in, from not only Katelyn but also my new friends is astounding.

  Grace, Julia and Kayla have all called or come by to meet the kids, and told me if I needed anything they were here for me. Ruth Jean has even spent some time with Grace at her bakery, learning how to bake pies, which she was over the moon about. She even created her very own and called it ‘New Family Pie’. “In cewebwation of awe new famiwy,” she had said. Which had completely warmed my heart.

  Then there’s Cade. And well… he’s been
amazing too, but also a little distant. He hasn’t kissed me or touched me affectionately since the day he said goodbye to me on my porch, after Cooper and the social worker left.

  I’m trying not to let that bother me though, because I knew when making this decision, that the chance of us having anything more than friendship was probably not going to happen. And he has still been amazing, he’s texted me and checked in almost every day. He also came and helped when we bought bedroom furniture for the kids by hauling it home in his truck then helping set it up.

  I knew my father and papa would have done this too, but honestly they aren’t the handiest guys and they fight a lot, so I was glad when Cade offered. Plus I had wanted to see him again. The problem is, I always want to see him and be with him but I know I have to get control of my emotions. I need to focus on what’s most important right now and that is the kids.

  All in all, I think we are all finding a good routine together, and the social worker seemed a lot more assured after her visit yesterday with us too. There are still many legal proceedings I need to go through, but things are moving in the direction we need. And although I have only been granted temporary guardianship for the meantime, I have every intention of going for permanent.

  “Looks like you still haven’t learned your place, Dennison!”

  My head suddenly snaps to the left when I hear a commotion at the front entrance.

  “My place? And where is that exactly…Hunter?”

  Uh oh! I get up quickly when I hear Christopher’s furious voice.

  “It isn’t with her, so move along before I need to remind you just who you are and where you come from.”

  “Ryan, stop it. This isn’t your business.” I recognize Alissa’s panicked voice, which has me moving faster.

  “I’d like to see you try, asshole!”

  “Fine by me and this time I’m going to do more damage than what your old man just did to you.”

  I break into a jog now but I’m not fast enough. Just as I make it into the front entrance I see Christopher go at Ryan in a rage. Alissa jumps back with a scream and I race at both of them.

  “Hey, that’s enough! Both of you stop!” They completely ignore me and continue to scuffle. I grab the back of Christopher’s shirt and dodge fast fists while I try to pull him back. “Stop it now! Christopher, please.”

  Christopher pushes Ryan, sending him into the wall with a force stronger than I thought he was possible of, but thankfully he eases off. I put my hand on his chest to keep him back but Ryan isn’t done, and he doesn’t see me as he turns around and throws a punch. A very solid one right to the side of my face. Agony explodes across my cheek and rings in my ears for seconds later.

  “Oh shit!” This comes from Ryan.

  “Oh shit! Faith, are you okay?” This comes from Christopher.

  “I’m okay. I’m okay,” I whisper painfully with my hand across my cheek, not feeling okay at all. My eyes water and black spots dance in my vision as I try to get my bearings.

  I feel Alissa put her arm around my back to help me stay upright and that’s when I hear Christopher’s furious growl: “You’re dead, Hunter!”

  I whip around to stop him but the quick action has pain slicing behind my eyes, making me lightheaded. Thank the Lord my father comes running in a second later, and thankfully he is not a small man. It’s pretty much the only thing he inherited from my papa.

  “What on earth is going on in here?” he shouts, ripping Christopher off Ryan.

  “He punched Faith!” Christopher tells him furiously.

  “What?” My father turns around and rushes over to me. “Honey, are you all right?”

  I’m able to stand up straight now and see a little better. “Yes, I’m okay.”

  My dad pulls my hand away from my face and his eyes go wide before they turn hard. He looks back at the boys angrily and waits for an explanation.

  Ryan swipes at his bloody mouth and raises his hands nervously. “It was an accident, I swear.”

  “It was,” I say quickly, “he and Christopher were fighting and I got in the middle of them.”

  “I don’t care. There should have been no fighting at all! I want to know what went on right now!”

  Both Ryan and Christopher don’t speak up so Alissa does. “Christopher and I were talking and Ryan didn’t like it, so he came and started a fight when it wasn’t any of his business,” she explains, giving Ryan a pointed glare.

  From the little I heard, I knew Ryan instigated this. He is also the one Christopher was busted fighting with before and now I know why. I’ve met Ryan’s parents before and I know where he gets his arrogance from. His father thinks he’s a big shot because he comes from old money and sits on the town council.

  “It didn’t go quite like that,” he lies.

  “Yes it did,” I speak up now. “I heard most of your conversation on my way in here, about telling Christopher where his place is. Well, Ryan, just to inform you, Christopher’s place is with me and this church is open to everyone. If you can’t respect that, and have a problem with it, then I suggest you don’t come back.”

  I feel the weight of Christopher’s stare but I don’t look over, I only keep my eyes on Ryan. Instead of being embarrassed or apologetic, like he should be, he smirks at me arrogantly. “I don’t think so. My dad’s money is what’s backing this church.”

  My blood starts to heat at the smug, little jerk but before I can put him in his place my dad does. “That doesn’t change the fact that this is my church no matter whose money is backing it. And my daughter is right, this place is open to everyone and anyone who leads a respected life, and if you can’t respect that, or Christopher, then you won’t be welcome back here.”

  I nod and give my dad a proud fist bump on the back for telling him like it is.

  “I’ll make sure to let my father know,” he replies as he starts toward the door, then he stops and glances back at me with a smug look. “Sorry about your face.”

  Christopher starts at him again but Alissa and I hold him back.

  My dad quickly ushers me back into the church and sits me down in a pew before worriedly checking my face again. “Dad, I swear, I’m okay.”

  “It doesn’t look okay,” he replies angrily.

  I grab his hand gently. “It is. I promise.”

  He thankfully lets it go. “How are things going with you and the kids? I haven’t had a chance to ask since I saw you the other day. Did you get their bedrooms together?”

  I nod. “Yes, Cade came and helped.”

  I watch something register in his expression that I can’t decipher. “You know, I would like to meet the man who saved my daughter’s life. Maybe you could invite him over to one of our Sunday suppers?”

  Uh oh…“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Dad.”

  “Oh and why is that?”

  I shift nervously, not sure how to tell him about Cade’s feelings on God and religion. “Well, he is different than us. He…um well…” Oh heck, I shake my head and decide to just spill it. “He doesn’t believe in God. Actually, he despises the very idea of Him.”

  My father’s expression stays the same but I see something flash in his eyes, something that looks like judgment, but I can tell he’s trying not to. I explain further. “His seven-year-old sister was raped and murdered by a man who claimed he was a minister and said it was God’s will.”

  Shock flashes in his eyes yet I also see understanding. Which I knew he would, my father is a very understanding man. “Well if anything was to make someone question their belief in God that would do it, wouldn’t it?”

  I nod and swallow thickly. “He hasn’t had a very easy life and I barely know the half of it.”

  He watches me thoughtfully for a moment. “You know, Faith, the more I think about it the more I realize us coming here was a very good thing. Not only for our family but for others too. I have a very strong feeling everything is going to fall into place and turn out exactly how it was always meant to.
” With that, he leans over and presses a kiss to the top of my head before getting up and walking out.

  I think about his parting comment and know what he’s getting at. I can’t say I disagree with him completely, just look at Ruth Jean and Christopher. I hope he’s right and that everything does fall into place, not only for us but also for Cade. Even if that place isn’t with me, I still want him to be happy and not hurt, which I know he does. I pack up my stuff then grab Christopher so we can go pick up Ruth Jean from Mom and Papa.

  As we walk out to my SUV, Christopher grabs my arm gently to stop me. I look back to see his expression twisted with guilt. “I’m really sorry about your face, Faith.”

  I smile softly and try not to wince at the pain it brings. “It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault and it really was an accident.”

  He nods then clears his throat. “And I want to say thanks for having my back in there.”

  I give him a quick hug, which causes him to tense, then step back while keeping hold of his shoulders. “I will always have your back, Christopher, no matter what, but… you need to cool it with the fighting.” I put my hand up to silence his argument. “I know Ryan started it and I know he may have even deserved it, but you have to learn to control your actions. He said those things to you because he knew it would set you off and he was right.”

  He blows out a frustrated breath. “I know, I’m sorry. Sometimes there is only so much I can take.”

  I nod. “And I understand that too, but I need you to really try. Besides, I’m sure things are going to start to get easier now.”

  He grunts, not believing me, then heads over to the SUV and gets in. I get in on my side then look over at him. “Is there anything you’re interested in? Any sports, or something that you want to play? It would be a good way for you to hang out with other kids.”

  He barrels out a bitter laugh. “No. I’m not much of a sports guy and the last people I want to be around are those arrogant jerks.”

  “Okay. Well, there must be something that interests you. Something that you always wanted to try or do?”


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