Resisting Temptation

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Resisting Temptation Page 40

by K. C. Lynn

  He moves back and forth between each sensitive tip, giving them the attention they yearn for. When he grazes one with his teeth, nipping at the beaded bud sharply, the sting shoots to my clit and has my already wet panties becoming soaked.

  With a desperate whimper, I lift my hips and grind into his erection, trying to seek relief. “Cade, please, I need you so badly. I can’t wait anymore.”

  He groans, and leans back to his knees then removes his shirt swiftly and efficiently. My eyes roam over the most beautiful body I’ve ever laid eyes on, and I love that I will get the pleasure to be the only one to touch it for the rest of my life.

  “You keep looking at me like that, baby, and I’ll end up coming before I even get inside of you.”

  I smirk at getting caught, then before he can come back over top of me, I sit up and run my hands over the hard lines of his chest, making sure to give his nipple rings a small tug as I pass over them. A primal growl slips past his throat and has the ache between my legs intensifying. “I can’t help myself, Walker, you’re just so sexy.”

  He cups my face between his hands, right under my jaw, and tilts my face until I’m staring into his heated gaze. “You’re the sexy one, Red.”

  I give him another small smile before leaning in and trailing my tongue along the hard grooves of his abs, loving the clean taste of his skin. He groans and slides his fingers through my hair while I begin working the buckle of his belt. I get his jeans undone quickly and his erection immediately springs free, showing me he’s gone commando today. I glance back up at him and quirk a brow.

  “Laundry hasn’t been high on my priority list over the last two weeks,” he explains huskily.

  “Mmmm, lucky me,” I whisper, just before grasping his big, smooth, hard cock in my hand and taking him in my mouth.

  “Fuck me!” he hisses between clenched teeth.

  I take him as far back as I can go, and keep my hand gripped at the base of his shaft so I can stroke where my mouth doesn’t reach. With his groans empowering me, I suck back to the tip and swirl my tongue around his plump crest, and moan at the salty taste of pre-cum.

  When I start to repeat the motion, he beats me to it and flexes his hips, pushing his cock past my lips. He stills and waits to make sure I’m okay with it. When I moan, giving him the go-ahead, he begins thrusting into my mouth with sure, steady strokes. I let him control the rhythm and hollow out my cheeks for more suction. “Fuck yes, that’s it, baby, suck my dick, just like that.” When he hits the back of my throat and pauses, I relax and instinctively swallow. “Oh fuck! Shit, baby stop!”

  He pulls out, and before I know it, I’m on my back again, his fierce expression stealing my breath. “As much as I love your mouth, Red, I need to be inside of you, baby.”

  “Yes,” I moan, wanting that too, then gasp when he rips the side of my panties, tearing them from my body. “Oh god, have I ever told you how hot that is?”

  He chuckles and the beautiful, foreign sound has my heart skipping a beat. “Yeah, you have mentioned it a time or two.” I giggle but it quickly turns into a whimper when he runs his fingers through my wet flesh. “I knew your sweet pussy would be nice and ready for me.”

  Leaning down, he takes my mouth in a passionate kiss that reaches all the way to my soul then enters me in one smooth, powerful thrust.

  I cry out at his fast, hard entrance and feel tears spill down my face at the perfection our bodies make together. “I missed you so much,” I sob against his mouth before I can stop myself.

  “I missed you too, baby. It was the longest two weeks of my life and I thought about you every fucking second.”

  He begins moving inside of me with slow, deep thrusts, his mouth never breaking from mine. I lift my hips and match him stroke for stroke. “Oh god, don’t stop, you feel so good.”

  He groans, “Never, Red. I’m never going to stop. You are mine and I’m going to fuck you every day for the rest of my life.”

  I moan and wrap one leg around his back. “Harder, Cade,” I whisper, wanting to feel him as deep as he can go.

  Growling, he takes one of my hands and raises it over my head then links his fingers in with mine and gives me what I want. His rhythm stays slow, but his thrusts hard and passionate.

  Our bodies become slick with sweat, and slide against one another in perfection. He plants gentle kisses along my face and he whispers over and over again how beautiful I am and how much he loves me, making me feel more cherished than I ever have in my life.

  Soon the familiar feeling begins building low in my tummy and Cade senses it. Groaning, he rises up just a little and changes the angle of his hard thrusts, giving me friction exactly where I need it.

  “Oh god,” I whimper.

  “Give me what I want, baby, let me feel this tight, hot pussy tighten around my cock.” His dirty words were the last little push I needed to send me over the edge. I throw my head back and cry out in pleasure as ecstasy rushes through every part of my body, spreading right to the tips of my fingers and toes.

  “Fuck yes, me too, Red,” he groans, seconds before he stills and spills himself inside of me. I wrap my arms around his neck tightly and hold him as we shudder through the last of our climax together.

  Afterward, as we lay silently in a sweaty tangled mess, I run my hands gently along his rough back, feeling the puckered skin of his scars, and am reminded of just how far we have come and what this incredibly strong man endured to save my life.

  Feeling my throat burn with emotion, I hug him tightly and bring my lips to his ear, “I love you, Cade Walker. You are the strongest, most honorable man I know, and I thank God every day for bringing you into my life, no matter the circumstances.” Which is true, because even with the hell we all had to endure, I don’t regret going to Iraq two years ago, because if I hadn’t I would have never met Aadil or this incredible man who I will spend the rest of my life with.

  He leans back to look at me, and his gaze becomes soft as he swipes at my tears with his thumb. “I love you too, Red. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and I promise I’m going to take care of you and the kids. I swear, no one will ever hurt any of us again.”

  “I know,” I reply softly, because I do. I know that he will protect us with everything he is, and that the four of us are going to have an amazing life together, and I truly believe I have God to thank for it.



  2 Years Later

  “Come on, Faith. How many more pictures are you going to freaking take?” Christopher complains, as he walks hand in hand with Alissa across our backyard.

  “Just one more, I promise.”

  He looks at her doubtfully. “That’s what you said the last twenty times.”

  “I know but I’m telling the truth this time.”

  A bunch of chuckles sound behind me and I can’t stop a smirk of my own. Our backyard is filled with our closest family and friends as we celebrate Christopher’s graduation.

  “Oh stop your grumbling,” Katelyn calls out. “This is one of the biggest days of your life.”

  Faith nods. “Exactly, and I have not been that bad.”

  “Not that bad?” he replies, exasperated. “Are you kidding me? All of you girls stood up and screamed so damn loud when my name was called that the whole town probably heard you.”

  “That’s true. You girls were pretty over the top,” Evans pipes in, holding his one-year-old daughter, Hope, while Grace stands next to him, holding the other twin, their son Parker.

  “We were excited for him,” Julia argues back, standing next to Jaxson who has their two-year-old daughter, Annabelle, on his shoulders.

  “Yeah, and it could have been worse, we could have stolen the sheriff’s department megaphone like we were going to do and really announce you,” Kayla adds, sitting on Cooper’s lap while holding their one-year-old son, Beckett, on hers.

  Cooper leans back to look at her. “Why would you have stolen it? Why wouldn’t you j
ust ask me for it?”

  “Because it’s much more fun to steal it then see your face when we use it,” she replies with a smirk. Everyone chuckles when he narrows his eyes at her.

  “Well, you have to admit that it’s better to have someone cheering for you than no one at all,” Joshua adds, being the logical one as always. His wife smiles up at him while papa grunts in disagreement.

  “That’s exactly right, now enough stalling,” Faith says, getting back on topic. “Put your arm around Alissa and smile bigger this time.” The kid huffs but finally does as she asks, and gives her a half-ass smile like he has been all day, but Alissa smiles big enough for the both of them anyway. After Red snaps the picture she gives him a watery smile, and starts wiping her cheeks again.

  The kid rolls his eyes but his expression softens. “Come on, Faith, please don’t cry again,” he grumbles before walking over to her and giving her a hug. No matter how much she embarrasses the kid, there is no denying he has a soft spot for her.

  “I know. I’m sorry,” she apologizes tearfully. “I’m just so darn proud of you. You have come so far.” He gets uncomfortable with her praise, but pats her shoulder awkwardly.

  Suddenly, I feel small fingers grip my hand. “Hey, big guy.”

  I look down at the little girl who has healed my heart just as much as Red has, then bend down and swing her up in my arms. “Hey, kid, how’s my girl?”

  She gives me a bright smile that still does funny shit to my chest. “Good. She sure does cwy a lot nowadays, doesn’t she?” she says clearly, nodding over at Red. I still find myself impressed at how far she has come with her speech.

  Before I can reply, Evans pipes in again, “It’s the pregnancy tears, kid, believe me there’s much more to come.”

  All the guys grunt in agreement while Grace elbows him. “Do not even go there, Sawyer Evans.”

  “Don’t worry, Cupcake, I wasn’t meaning you. I was talking about every other pregnant woman.” She shakes her head but can’t hide her smile.

  I have to say for once I agree with him. Red has definitely become more sensitive since being pregnant, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. She’s carrying my second daughter and our third child, one we have decided to name Mia.

  “Okay, one more picture,” Faith says, which has Christopher throwing up his hands in exasperation. She giggles. “I know, I’m sorry, but I want one of our family.”

  “Come on, Red, that’s enough, baby. We have lots of us from the school.”

  “I know, but I want one of us in front of the tree… Please?” she pleads softly when we don’t budge.

  I walk over with Ruthie in my arms, and clap Christopher on the shoulder. “Come on. One more,” I tell him, willing to suffer through anything if it means putting a smile back on her face.

  “Here, I’ll take it,” Katelyn says before taking the camera from Faith.

  We all head over to the huge oak tree that has my sister’s, Aadil’s and the kids’ mom’s name engraved in it. It’s a tree that Faith had planted in honor of the loved ones we lost. We step underneath and stand next to the names that are carved in the bark. I keep Ruthie in my arms, and shift her to my one side so I can put my other one around Faith while Christopher stands on her other side.

  “Your mom would be so proud of you, Christopher,” Faith says softly. “And I know she’s smiling down on you today from heaven like she does every day.”

  “Thanks, Faith,” he replies gruffly.

  “Well, big guy, I guess this will pwobably be the last family picture we get that you will be holding me,” Ruthie says, with a sadness in her voice.

  Both Red and I look at each other in bewilderment before turning our gazes on her. “What are you talking about?” I ask, confused.

  “Well, once the baby is bown you will pwobably always want to hold her, since she’s your real daughter.”

  I hear Faith suck in a sharp breath and I feel my own heart twist with guilt. “Oh, Ruthie, no, that’s not true. Sure Cade will want to hold Mia too, but that doesn’t mean he will hold you any less. And who knows, maybe Mia will always want you to hold her?” The kid gets a smile, clearly she never thought of that.

  “Yeah, and she may be the baby but you are my first, and nothing will ever change that, kid. I will gladly haul your skinny, little as…butt around for as long as you will let me. If that means carrying you into the high school I’ll gladly do it,” I tell her seriously, because that’s the fucking truth. The thought of this kid growing up and not thinking I’m as cool as she does right now, well… it brings a panic I don’t like to think about.

  She giggles and gives me a big, sloppy kiss on the cheek. “I’ll never want you to stop carrying me for the rest of my life, and I don’t even care if kids will make fun of me for it when I’m in high school.”

  Christopher grunts. “No one will make fun of you when they get a look at him.”

  Faith chuckles. “That is a true fact.”

  “All right everyone, look here now and say cheese,” Katelyn shouts, interrupting us. We all look forward but Ruthie and Red are the only ones who say it.

  “Cade, can you at least look like you’re happy?”

  “I am happy,” I shoot back.

  “Well you don’t look it. People who are happy smile.”

  “That is my smile.”

  She rolls her eyes and Red says, “Ruthie, tell Cade you love him.”

  “I love you, big guy,” she whispers, before dramatically squishing her nose into the side of my cheek.

  “Perfect!” Katelyn shouts then walks over and hands Faith back the camera. “You can’t see Ruthie’s face but at least he’s smiling.” I glare at her sassy smile as she takes the kid from me. “Come on, sweetness, let’s go eat cake.”

  Before she can make it too far, I catch up to her and plant a quick kiss on Ruthie’s cheek. “I love you too, kid.” She smiles and blows me a kiss as Katelyn continues over to the picnic tables where Faith’s mom is dishing out the cake.

  I feel Red come up behind me and wrap her arms around my waist. My cock jerks when she slides her smooth hands under my shirt, and scores her nails delicately across my abs. “Red,” I growl in warning before turning around to see her watching me knowingly.

  “Walker…” she mocks back, trying to keep the smile off her face.

  I pull her against me so she can feel how hard my cock is. Her eyes heat and she looks at me in a way that makes me wish we were alone right now. It’s another thing I love about this pregnancy shit, she seems to fucking want it 24/7, which works fucking great for me because I can’t get enough of her, I never will.

  “Don’t pull that shit in front of people, because you know I will haul your ass behind closed doors and give it to you.”

  “I just can’t help myself, Walker, you’re so darn sexy today.”

  I grunt. “You say that every day.”

  “That’s because every day you are.”

  I bend down and pick her up gently so her feet dangle and I feel her slightly rounded tummy against my hard one, which has my dick throbbing painfully.

  “You’re the sexy one, Red, and I’m going to fucking show you just how sexy I think you are as soon as everyone leaves.”

  “Well I guess it’s a good thing Ruthie is staying the night at my parents’ house tonight, since Christopher will be out late at the grad party, isn’t it?” she whispers sassily, her lips getting closer to mine.

  “You got that right, baby, and I’m going to make you scream so goddamn loud you will wake the fucking neighbors.”

  She quirks a brow. “Our nearest neighbor is a mile away.”


  She throws her head back and laughs, which has my own lips twitching with a smile, something that isn’t unusual anymore. When she brings her sparkling emerald eyes back to mine, I lean in to give her a quick kiss, but, like always, I can’t help myself and end up fucking mauling her. She moans into my mouth and gives just as good as she gets. />
  Since everyone is at my back, and no one can see, I drop my one hand and slip it under her dress to cup her silk-covered ass. I’m just about to lose all control when Evans yells across the yard, “Hey, there are children at this party, the least you can do is go into the barn.”

  I release Faith with a groan and place her back on her feet. “Jesus I fucking hate that guy.”

  She giggles. “No, you don’t. You love him and he is your best friend.”

  “No, I don’t. I hate him,” I argue back.

  She shakes her head, knowing I’m full of shit, and the thing is she’s right. No matter how much Evans pushes every one of my buttons he and Jaxson will always be the brothers I never had. They are the two guys who lived through hell with me to help save the only woman who ever mattered to me and I know they would do it again in a heartbeat, just like I would for them. We will always have each other’s backs and protect one another’s family like no one else ever will.

  “Come on, Walker, we will finish this later,” she says with a smirk, tugging on my hand. She’s got that fucking right. My gaze wanders to her ass as I let her drag me back to the picnic table where everyone is eating cake.

  “I think Norman wants to join us too,” Evans says, pointing over at the cow as he watches us through the white fence.

  “His name is Hank. I tell you this all the time,” Faith responds, biting back a smile.

  He shrugs. “Hank, Norman, either way it’s a cow and I’m still trying to understand your logic on this so-called present, Walker. I mean, he buys his woman a tree and builds a swing,” he says, pointing at Jaxson. “I buy my woman the bakery she always wanted and you buy your woman a cow?”

  A couple of the guys chuckle, which makes me only want to punch the smug smile off Evans’ face that much more. “You’re lucky you’re holding your daughter right now, Sexy Sawyer, or I would lay your ass out right here.”

  “Oh, Cade, he is just teasing,” Faith says with a smirk.

  “Yeah, I was only kidding, don’t have a cow,” he laughs hysterically, thinking he’s the funniest asshole alive.


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