Resisting Temptation

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Resisting Temptation Page 41

by K. C. Lynn

  I’m just about to knock him upside the head when Red comes over and gets between us. “All right, now that’s enough,” she scolds, but can’t stop herself from laughing either. Clearly I’m the only one who doesn’t find the prick funny. “And for the record, I love Hank as much as Grace loves her bakery and Julia loves her swing.” She rises up on her toes and gives me a kiss. “I’m going to go rope him and bring him over so he can hang out with us.”

  She starts off and a couple of the girls get up to follow her. I decide to sit on the other side of the table from Evans, knowing if the asshole keeps pushing my buttons I’ll end up knocking him on his ass.

  Ruthie comes over and hops up on my lap. “Can I go?” she asks excitedly. Clearly I missed the question.

  “What’s that?”

  Joshua answers for her. “There’s an overnight convention in Greenville I’m going to, and there is a fun camp going on for any of us who have kids or grandkids. I thought Ruthie might like to join me. Of course only if it’s okay with you and Faith.” My immediate instinct is to say no, and Joshua knows it too by the way he looks at me. “I would be with her the entire time,” he adds reassuringly.

  I look back at Ruthie who watches me wide-eyed and hopeful. “Do you want to go?”

  She nods enthusiastically. “Oh yes, I think me and Papa Joshua would have a lot of fun, and my friend Morgan from Sunday school is going to be there too.”

  I swallow thickly, still feeling panic at the idea but I know I can trust Joshua to take care of her. “Okay, if it’s all right with Faith then it’s okay with me.”

  “Yay!” she wraps her arms around my neck. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, kid, but remember, Faith has to say yes first.” She nods then jumps off my lap and runs out to the pasture.

  I look back at Joshua to see him smiling at me in approval. “I’ll take good care of her, I promise.”

  “I know you will.”

  The guys start talking about the gym when I’m distracted by the sound of Red’s laughter. I look over to see her laughing as Hank rubs his big, goofy face against her slightly round stomach. The sun shines down on her, as if it’s shining just for her, showcasing a beauty that I never knew existed. It’s this image that makes me see just how wrong I’ve been.

  The thing is, I will probably always have some concerns when it comes to religion, because of what happened to my sister, but one thing I have been doubting less and less of is God. Because I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that something pretty powerful had to create something as extraordinary as her. I have no fucking idea how I got to be lucky enough to have her, but I do know I will spend every day making sure to appreciate one of life’s best creations.

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for reading Resisting Temptation. I hope you enjoyed Cade and Faith’s story as much as the two previous Men of Honor books. This story touched my heart in so many ways and was, by far, the hardest and most emotional for me to write yet. As you know, this series lightly touches base on the human trafficking and this is a cause I have become extremely passionate about. I have learned so much about this subject while writing this series and even though I knew this was a problem in our society I did not know just how bad it was. Although this series takes place in Iraq and Thailand (where Anna was taken from), this happens everywhere, not only overseas but also in Canada and the United States.

  Every thirty seconds someone is forced into human trafficking… EVERY THIRTY SECONDS. And the highest targeted age is twelve years old.

  With the amount of research I have done on this heartbreaking subject, I have stumbled upon an amazing organization that I will be donating a portion of the proceeds of Resisting Temptation to. It’s called The A21 Campaign. Feel free to check out their website: By purchasing this book, you are making a difference in someone’s life by helping them get their life back and reclaiming the freedom that was forcefully stolen from them.

  Now let’s talk about those future books. This is not the end of the Men Of Honor series. Kayla and Cooper will be getting a novella, Logan and Anna will be getting a story of their own, and, of course, there is also Katelyn. With that being said, I am taking a brief break from the series, and I mean very BRIEF. There is a stand-alone book that I have been dying to write since Fighting Temptation and I need to get this down on paper but I promise it will be worth it. After I am finished with that I will come right back and pick up where I left off on my amazing Men Of Honor.

  For keeping up to date on the future story join my Facebook page: this is where most of my information gets distributed. With that being said, a website is under construction, which will be updated frequently. You can also feel free to email me anytime at [email protected].

  Now to finish this off, there is just a few things I would like to touch base on. Resisting Temptation’s playlist… Sigh. Seriously, I just love Faith. Every time I write, I focus on songs that provide me inspiration for certain scenes. I loved writing this book with these amazing songs in them and hope, that by adding them into the story, I was able to capture my feelings and share them with you, the reader. Here is the playlist, in no particular order, and the artists I listened to while writing them. All songs belong to their rightful owners and were not written by me.

  Hallelujah – Rhea Marvanne (A very talented nine year old girl)

  Cups song (When I’m Gone) – Anna Kendrick.

  Perfect – Hedley (The song Christopher was busted singing to)

  Free Fallin’ – Haley Legg. (It was a cover to Tom Petty’s version)

  Wishin’ Hopin’ – Dusty Springfield.

  Lean On Me – The Glee version, which I still think is the most amazing version yet of this song.

  One song that was not included in the book, but that I listened towas Daylight by Maroon 5. This song always made me think of Cade and Faith’s last night together in Iraq.

  Also, the poem that Faith recites to Cade, on how she feels about music, is a poem I found on Pinterest, but the author is unknown. As soon as I read it I knew it was for my Faith.

  Thank you so much for all the love and support you, as readers, have shown me. It’s been overwhelming and I love sharing this amazing journey with you all. XOXO

  K.C. Lynn


  I have so many people to thank for this amazing journey I am on and I hope I do not miss anyone. So here we go:

  To my husband, Rob – Thank you for loving me, and bearing through all the chaos that comes with this writing business. On the days that I am fighting to make my deadline, thank you for never complaining about a dirty house when you get home, or supper not being ready and, most importantly, thank you for taking such good care of our amazing children on the days I am MIA. I would never be able to do this if not for you, thank you for always supporting me. XO!

  My editor/amazing friend, Megan – It just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it? What a whirlwind of a year and an amazing journey for the both of us. Thank you for being one of the truest friends I have ever had. You truly put just as much into my books as I do and, for that, I thank you. And thank you for always letting me have my way even if we don’t see eye to eye. Lol. Our witty comments and easy bantering make those stressful days for me so much better. I have said this before but I can not say it enough, our reconnecting is truly one of the best things to happen from this journey. I love you and I love our friendship. Thank you for sticking this out with me, and helping make my success what it is today. XO!

  Kayla – Like always, I love you. Thank you for all the massages, wings and Men Of Honor talk. You are such a huge part in my creation of these stories and you never steer me wrong. I will not let you give up on this Indy world. Ha ha! Can NOT wait to write yours and Coop’s story. Damn, he is seriously one sexy cop… XO!

  Shelley – I promised you I would not make you cry in thes
e acknowledgments anymore, so I will keep it short and sweet. Thank you for your continued support. You are the one person from my family who has had my back this entire journey, and always pushes for me to succeed. I love you and, like I always say, you are more than a sister-in-law to me, you are a true sister in my heart. XO!

  Mom – The one person who went to patting me on the head, when I told you I was writing a book, to now being my number one fan. Even though you drive me crazy most of the time, I love you and I love that I can talk out my stories with you. Thank you for always listening to me, even when I’m grumpy and stressed. XO!

  Kristin – Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking care of me on my signings. I seriously do not know what I would do without you. I know that my experience would not be half as smooth or fun without you. I love you, my sweet, little southerner. XO!

  Kim and Sierra – Thank you ladies for always having my back, for talking me down from all my hysterics, and never letting me give up on myself. My life and journey wouldn’t be the same without you. XO!

  Stephanie – I love our newfound friendship and I love that no matter what time of night it is I can always count on you being awake. Lol! You are one of the best things to come from this Indy world. I love you, my soul sister. XO!

  Blair Hawkins – To a real Men Of Honor. Thank you for the time you have spent giving me quick access to information, and for your patience with all my questions. But most of all, thank you for all the dangerous work you do to try and make the world a better place. You are a true Men Of Honor.

  Chris, Luanna and Laurice – Thank you for the most amazing cover I could have asked for. You all brought my characters to life. XO!

  To all the blogs – As The Pages Turn; Two Unruly Girls; Bestsellers & BestStellers Of Romance; A Is For Alpha, B Is For Books; KYBO; Submit & Devour; Crazy Bitches Book Blog; and I know I am missing so many more. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the promoting you do for me, and for always having my back. My success would be nothing without you all. XO!

  And last, but not least, to my street team: K.C. Lynn’s Ladies Of Honor – Thank you, ladies, for all the endless hours you put into pimping me. Your continued support is amazing and it’s the love that you all constantly show me that keeps my head high and my fingers typing. Thank you and I love you all. XOXO!

  About The Author

  K.C. Lynn is a small town girl living in Western Canada. She married her high school sweetheart and they have four amazing children: two lovely girls and a set of handsome twin boys. She is a full-time mom and writer but she makes time to help her husband, who coaches the local high school football team, by coaching the cheerleading team. She loves to laugh and she loves to cry so of course she loves romance books. It was her love for romance that gave K.C. the courage to sit down and write her own novel. When she is not in her writing cave, pounding out new characters and stories, she can be found living between the pages of a book, meeting new hot alpha males and their lady loves.




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