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Captive Love [Highland Menage 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Reece Butler


  “And do ye wish to feel it again?”

  “I was wishing to learn something new.”

  “Every time I put my mouth or fingers on ye it feels like the first time,” said Angus quietly.

  “We’ve known each other but a sennight.”

  “And each day might be our last.” He said the words quietly, as if she was not to hear.

  “Our last?” she questioned, frowning at him. “Why? We are in Cameron land with six guards on our way to visit my uncle. Why would ye say we may die?” A thought suddenly struck. “Do ye believe my uncle would order us killed?”

  He released her reins and nudged his horse to walk. She did the same, catching up to him. He looked discomfited, as if he hadn’t meant to speak of it.

  “When ye set out with yer brother Patrick did ye expect to end up in a Campbell pit with my brother?” he asked.

  “Nay. I expected to be dead, or worse, by the next day. Nor did I expect to find an honorable man in that cold, dark hole.”

  “Cameron says Lord Lovat is honorable. He will listen.”

  Angus said it more as if it was to convince himself. He nudged Dubhmor and moved to the front. She’d already asked him if they could switch horses and got a resounding nay. She could tell the horse wanted to run. She wanted to ride it, and be chased.

  Even more, she wanted to be caught.

  But that was for another time. Tonight, in the bothy, with Angus and Gillis!

  She squirmed in the saddle for a moment, then settled herself. When she’d raced her horse away from the Campbell raiding party, leaving her hidden brother to be rescued, she’d known she would soon be dead. She’d prayed it would be quick, without days and nights of rape by the laird, his captains, and then his men. Unwinding the silk binding around her breasts to use as a rope had allowed Gillis to climb out of the pit after he boosted her up and out. He, and Angus, had been the only ones to comfort her, other than a tomcat. She could not imagine life without them.

  She could certainly imagine what they would do with her in the bothy, however. Thinking of it would keep her entertained for a wee while. It would also keep at bay the discomfort of riding.

  * * * *

  Clouds had drifted in since morning. Knowing the good weather wouldn’t last Angus encouraged the party to speed up. The borrowed animals were eager, and their own horses had had a rest. They stopped briefly to get food out of the saddlebags and for Fiona to find a bush. Angus and Gillis hadn’t ridden the east shore of Loch Lochy in years. Now and then they would point out a spot that held memories, often ones they hoped Laird Cameron knew nothing about. A raven kept them company. At first he’d wondered if it was the one Gillis had rescued, and he had healed. But that was ten years past. He didn’t think Gillis had noticed it. If it was the same bird Gillis would soon be missing a few hairs.

  They made it to the bothy while it was still light. When they stopped Angus realized Fiona had been quiet all afternoon. She’d not complained. Ambrose, the guard captain, would have called a halt if she had. Angus had assumed she was enjoying the ride as much as he and Gillis. He realized how wrong he’d been when she stumbled while dismounting. She managed to stay upright by hanging onto her horse. He cursed his stupidity as well as her stubbornness.

  “Why did ye not tell me ye were hurting?” he demanded. He held her from behind, supporting her light frame.

  “A warrior never complains,” she replied through gritted teeth.

  He held back his frustration and anger. Frustration for not making it clear to Fiona that she was to speak up if sore and that there was no shame in doing so. The anger was at himself for not noticing and her father for raising her as a boy training to be a warrior.

  “Walk it out. It’ll hurt like the devil, but ye’ll be fair crippled if ye dinna do it.”

  He took her elbow and encouraged her to walk. She hissed at the pain but said nothing. He remembered a few long, hard rides and the agony that hit after.

  “Ye must tell us if ye are hurting,” he ordered, fixing her a stern look.

  “Why? A pain in my arse wouldna change what was needed done this day.”

  “Ye are my wife,” he said quietly. “I said a vow to protect and care for ye. I dinna wish to see ye hurting.” He turned her around and set them walking back to the camp.

  “I’m no weak woman. I’ll nay hold ye back.”

  There was grit in her voice though she barely spoke above a whisper. He’d heard those words before, said with the same determination.

  “Ye have us now. Ye dinna need to carry the world on yer wee shoulders.”

  Angus pulled her to him for a hug. Her whole body trembled in pain and fatigue. He cursed and lifted her into his arms. She did not struggle to get down, which showed him how badly off she was.

  He cursed silently at himself as he carried her. His first day as a husband and he’d failed. He was a monster to have ignored her after what they’d done the night before. Full of the joy of riding Cameron’s best horse he’d forgotten she’d taken them both into her body at once. Instead of cosseting her, remembering she’d be sore, he’d treated her like she was one of his brothers.

  Fiona was nothing like a brother. No matter how tough she said she was, it was his job to care for her. Because of how she was raised he couldn’t leave her with her ladies in her solar sewing or whatever it was women spent their days doing. He had to allow her to make some choices, giving her the respect she’d earned. He could see years of balancing his need to protect and keep her close against her demand to be out in the world.

  Once she got with child things would change. She would have to give in to her body, for the babe’s sake. He both dreaded and looked forward to the fights they would have. And the making up.

  “Fiona, lass, ye just got over a fever,” he murmured to her. “Last night we didna let ye get much sleep. We touched ye in ways we wouldn’t have if we’d kenned ye had to ride this day.”

  She played with the laces of his shirt, her head bent. “I liked what ye did.” She looked up, spearing him with those big eyes. “All of it,” she added. She got a mulish expression. “I’ll not have ye believe ye can leave me waiting behind ye, thinkin’ I’m a weak woman!”

  His wife had pride. She’d earned the right to it by surviving a life of brutality. Though she was a woman, and therefore did not have the strength of a man, she was no weakling. Angus suddenly realized what Laird Cameron meant when he’d chosen him for Fiona’s husband. Part of it was that Gillis would act before thinking, pulling his dirk or using his fists on anyone he felt had threatened Fiona. Angus had not realized he’d need that calm sureness to also deal with his wife.

  “Have ye ever ridden this far in one day?”

  “Nay. Patrick couldn’t do it so we rode at his speed.” Her chin quivered. “I wished to have this night with ye both afore we meet my uncle. He may refuse to have Gillis with us.”

  Angus lowered his head until their noses were almost touching.

  “Aye, he may. And Gillis will do what he must to support ye with Laird Fraser.”

  He could almost see her thoughts. Her eyes widened and she gasped.

  “Do ye have the marriage contract?”

  “Aye, dinna fret. And Laird Cameron sent word about ye, and our marriage.”

  Her eyebrows almost touched. “Not my handfasting with Gillis?”

  Angus did not want her worried. Cameron had warned that Lovat might wish to use Fiona for his own purposes. He and Gillis wanted her to be happy, her smiling face proving she wished to be with them, with no words needed.

  “Mayhaps ‘twould be best to wait and see if yer uncle speaks of it. I dinna wish ye to be shamed for marrying both of us.”

  Her eyes grew round and frosty. “If Laird Fraser speaks of shame, or his people show it, I shall ride out with ye and Gillis and leave him behind!” She gave a brisk nod of finality. “Ye said yer laird brother will give us a place in his hall, aye?”

�� he agreed. She relaxed, which was his intention.

  Fiona was tiny and fierce, which made him feel big and powerful. Yet she held a power over him, one he’d never thought would exist. Holding her, feeling her tremble in exhaustion, he knew in his soul that he would die for her. He squeezed her, silently telling her of his concern, then released her.

  While he would die for her he would much rather live, with Fiona and with Gillis, until they had great-grandchildren gathered at their feet, laughing with them.

  The guard, having checked inside the stone bothy, motioned it was safe to go inside. Angus carried Fiona in, ducking under the low door. The guard had filled a pot with water and it hung over the fire.

  “I canna rest,” muttered Fiona, struggling. “There’s work to be done.”

  He released her legs. She gasped when she straightened them. He disliked having her in pain. Disliked it immensely. But there were things in life that could not be changed. There were fourteen other MacDougal brothers and not enough land or coin. Without a well-dowered wife they would spend their life as just another brother at Duncladach. They’d married Fiona knowing she had nothing and wanting her anyway. He had no idea how her being a lady, the niece of a great man, would change that. What was important was now.

  “Gillis and the Camerons will do what’s needed,” he said. “Strip off yer skirt and lie on the pallet.”

  She looked out the door, then back at him. “We canna do that now, ‘tis still daylight and the Camerons are near!”

  He chuckled at her expectation that he would be wanting to bed her. He did, but not when she was hurting. If he did a good enough job easing her pain now she might be ready for a play before morning. At least Lovat was camped nearby, watching the Glengarry MacDonalds. That meant the man couldn’t hide Fiona in a far corner of his castle where he and Gillis could never find her. Nor could he easily toss them in his pit. Angus was sure Lovat Castle had one at least as deep as that of the Glenorchy Campbells.

  “Aye, we can do that in the light, and we shall, but nay this day. It’s massaging yer sore muscles I mean to do, to get out the cramps.” He raised his eyebrows in question. “Ye do wish to stand, not crumple to yer knees when ye meet yer uncle, aye?”

  “I dinna wish to kneel to any of ye great louts.”

  “Without a good massage ye’ll nay be able to sit a horse on the morrow.” He slid a hand over her lightly bound breasts. She inhaled, arching her back. “Or sit on my cock, this night.”

  “Is that what ye had in mind, husband?” Though she spoke with a touch of sarcasm, one corner of her lip turned up. Her eyes had a trace of sparkle as well.

  “Aye. And more.” He brushed his lips against hers.

  “Oh. Well, then. I would not wish to struggle to stand in front of Fraser of Lovat. Mayhaps ye could put yer hands on my arse for a wee bit.”

  He helped her remove her binding first so he could work the muscles of her back. Of course he had to make sure her breasts had not been harmed. That required the use of his fingers, lips, and tongue. Only to help take her mind off the pain in her arse and legs, of course.

  Chapter Seven

  “How’s yer arse, sweetling?”

  They weren’t poetic words of love, but the question was pure Gillis MacDougal. The man was enthusiastic and to the point. And eager. Fiona couldn’t forget that. Not when he rubbed his hands to warm them before putting them on her skin. His eyebrows waggled in expectation.

  They and their escort had finished their meal, all of them standing to do so after their ride. She and her husbands were in the bothy bedding down for the night while the Cameron guards rolled in their plaids by the fire. She wore her shirt, which went past her knees. The way Gillis looked at her, she felt naked.

  Rain was likely before morning. That meant the Camerons would move into the bothy to sleep at some point. She wouldn’t be finding any wifely joy in the morning. There was also a good chance she wouldn’t get any joy once she met her uncle. She would demand some tonight, from both husbands.

  “Did ye bring any sweet oil?” she asked in return.

  His smile near split his face. He reached into his sporran and pulled out a small bottle.

  “Aye.” He held it up. “‘Tis my turn to have ye ride me.” He tossed the bottle to Angus, who caught it easily. “I want to taste ye.”

  Gillis had washed in the nearby stream, leaving his shirt off afterward. When he unbuckled his belt and dropped his plaid he was instantly naked and gloriously erect. Immediately her nipples rose, her pussy swelling in eagerness. He folded and laid his plaid over the pallet they would share for the night. Angus stepped behind her. He grasped her shirt and began raising it. The cool air swirling under it did nothing to quell the heat inside her. She felt his hot breath on her neck for a moment before his teeth nipped that spot between her neck and shoulder. She gasped at his claim of possession. The sharp, short pain was gone with a kiss.

  “I want yer curls tickling my nose.” Gillis took a step forward. “I will lick, and suck, and flick my tongue over yer pussy and clit until ye scream and gush in me mouth.”

  She wanted it. Oh, God did she want it! But if her cries could be heard in a noisy hall, out here it would be far worse.

  “Nay, ye canna.” She shook her head.

  “Aye, lassie, I can. And I will.” Gillis’s teeth showed in a feral grin. “And so will Angus.”

  “But the Camerons—”

  “Well ken what a husband or two will do with their wife,” answered Angus. He lifted her shirt over her head and tossed it aside. His hands grasped her breasts and pulled her against him.

  “Dinna fret, sweetling. Angus has a wee bit of leather for ye to bite on. ‘Twill keep yer screams inside yer mouth when ye peak.”


  “Hush.” One of Angus’s hands slipped down her body. He pressed his fingers between her thighs. She automatically moved her feet apart and bent her knees, giving him entrance. “Our wee wife is weeping for yer mouth.”

  Gillis groaned. He dropped on the pallet and lay on his back with his hands up.

  “Step over me, lass, and let me taste ye.”

  Angus guided her over. As she dropped to her knees Gillis, hands on her hips, directed her. One flick of his tongue, and she didn’t care who heard what. Angus quickly stripped as Gillis’s eager tongue slid between her pussy lips, thrusting inside her.

  “Take me in yer mouth,” ordered Angus.

  He stood at Gillis’s head, cock rampant. She licked her lips in anticipation and reached for him. Her fingers brushed the tip of his cock. He was already wet. She brought it to her mouth. Her tongue slid over the head, tasting his salty essence. He groaned and took a step closer. She kept one fist at his base and took him as deep as she could. He hissed and grasped her hair in his fists. Mouth wide and cock deep, she circled it with her tongue. He hissed, tugging on her hair. Pinpricks of pain made her shudder.

  Gillis’s nibble turned to a lick. His tongue found her clit, and she came with a gasp. Mouth open, frozen with heat, she heard a groan escape around his cock. Unable to move, unable to inhale, nothing existed but Gillis’s tongue licking and sucking. When the last shudder had passed she found herself slumped, forehead resting on Angus’s belly. She shuddered with another afterquake.

  “Now, sweetling,” demanded Gillis. “Ride me.”

  His big hands easily lifted her hips. Angus helped move her, gripping her ribs. They set her on her knees again, in front of Gillis’s cock. She reached behind and grabbed it. Eager, needing him, she sat back, impaling herself. She took him slowly, still unused to the fullness. Inch by inch his hard cock slid into her. When her arse cheeks touched his hip bones she rested for a moment. She settled herself down, twitching to get the right position before clenching his cock with her pussy.

  “Hold this till ye need it.”

  Angus handed her a square of thick leather. She gripped it in her fist, holding tight.

  “I dinna ken what I did to deserve ye,�
� said Gillis between gasps. “But I thank God ye’re ours.” He spread his fingers over her arse, playing with her. He stretched her butt cheeks wide apart. “Yer turn, brother. Stretch that ass with yer fingers, and fill it with yer cock. Dinna waste time, or I’ll come afore ye.”

  A moment later a thick, oiled finger rimmed her anus. Angus pressed in, stretching her. She arched her back, offering herself to him. Her muscles were sore but not that part of her. He chuckled and added another finger. He scissored them, stretching and teasing her.

  “Ye sure ye’re nay too sore?” he asked. She heard both teasing and tension in his voice.

  “Jesu, Angus!” She panted, managing to get out a few words between each breath. “I want ye both to fill me hard this night! If Lovat keeps us apart, I’ll need this to remember 'til we’re together again.”

  Gillis tugged her forward and almost off his cock. He made a fist between them, thumb up. She ground her clit against it as Angus set the blunt head of his cock against her. She relaxed, letting him in. The touch of pain as he filled her turned to pleasure with Gillis playing with her clit. She was not afraid, knowing how good it had been before.

  “So tight, my wee Fiona,” murmured Angus behind her.

  He rested a moment, groin against her arse, then began to slowly pull out again. As he did she slid over Gillis, his cock filling her pussy. His thumb rubbed back and forth on her clit as Angus pressed into her. Just an inch, but she was already well filled with Gillis.

  “Bite down on that strap,” said Angus.

  She’d forgotten about it. It had been well worked so was soft enough for her teeth to sink into. Whatever had been rubbed into it did not taste vile. Fire raced over her body as they took her, front and back. She ground her teeth on the leather as she moved with them, an equal part of the whole.

  Angus’s hands covered her breasts. He squeezed hard. “Fuck us, Fiona. Ride us both.” She thrust forward onto Gillis, then back onto Angus.

  “Come for me!”

  Fingers pinched her nipples. She exploded, screaming between her teeth. Two sets of hands moved over her, filling her, prolonging the ecstasy. The sound of deep bellows filled her ears as they took their own pleasure. More tremors hit, making her shiver. When she could take no more she grabbed the strap from between her teeth and collapsed on Gillis’s chest.


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