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Chosen_Their Vampire Princess

Page 5

by Harlow Thomas

  “Eat. You’re going to need your strength for today.”

  A rush of anticipation flows through me. “What are we doing?”

  “Exploring this island.”

  I deflate a little at that. I’ve already spent a day exploring the beach and the beautiful lagoon with Sebastian. Instead of arguing, I eat my eggs and excuse myself to get ready. Throwing my hair up into a high ponytail, I choose a royal blue bikini and a black crochet dress that leaves little to the imagination. If he’s so confident, I suppose I’ll dish it right back to him.

  As I descend the stairs, I see him leaned causally against the wall, waiting. His green eyes sparkle in the light and my heart flips at the smirk on his lips. Thomas opens the front door for me and gestures for me to lead the way.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “You’ll see.”

  He takes my hand and we walk around the house to a pathway I haven’t seen before. This one is canopied by dense palm leaves, casting everything in shadow and lending a quiet stillness to the path. I don’t want to speak for fear of breaking the spell.

  After a few minute’s walk, the canopy begins to thin until the sky breaks through and a beautiful cove appears. But that’s not what takes my breath away. It’s the gorgeous sailboat waiting and ready for passengers.

  “Is that for us?” I ask. The excitement in my voice is hard to disguise.

  Thomas chuckles and lets go of my hand. “It is. I thought we should spend some time on the water.”

  “I’ve never been sailing.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I know what I’m doing.”

  He helps me board the boat and settles me on a low bench in the back. The man is smart to avoid teasing me for having no idea about nautical terms. I only catch him smirking a few times when I use the wrong words. Soon, we’ve caught the wind and are cutting through the water, the wind whipping my ponytail around my face.

  The island is larger than I thought. Each time we come around a bend I expect to see something familiar, like the cove or the path to Sebastian’s lagoon. Instead it’s miles of white sand and palm trees. Thomas stops the boat, dropping the anchor a mile or so away from the shore. After he makes sure everything is secured, he comes to sit next to me.

  “You look so beautiful out here with the glow of the sunset on your skin.” His deep voice makes me want to do a lot more than I should.

  “I’ll miss it. You know, when I have to go back.”

  “It’ll be different when you return.”

  I frown. “How?”

  “One of us will be with you.”

  My chest tightens as his green eyes lock onto mine. “You?”

  He grins. “I hope so.”

  We’re sitting so close our thighs touch and his fingers play with the holes in my crochet dress. Every pass of his skin on mine makes my blood heat.


  “Don’t talk,” he says as he leans in. “Just feel me.”

  He kisses me then, his lips insistent and burning with buried passion. It makes the already building hunger inside me take over. Standing, he takes me with him, his arm under my knees and lips never leaving mine. I wonder vaguely where we’re going, until he takes me below deck to the cabin. There’s a bed, that much I see. Other than that, I really don’t pay attention. Thomas is kissing me and that’s all that matters.

  He lays me out on the mattress, breaking the kiss and leaving me panting. I watch, speechless as he pulls his shirt over his head and shoves his pants down his hips. He’s naked. Naked, and stunning, and definitely aroused.

  “Thomas, wait.” I hate the way my voice wobbles as fear takes hold.

  “What is it, princess?”

  “I’m…a virgin.”

  He nods. “I know. Of course you are. It is tradition. It’s why I waited for you.”

  “What?” My tone betrays the shock I’m feeling.

  “I’m sure by now the others have told you the same. This isn’t something that’s kept from us. We’ve all been told from early ages that this is our destiny.”

  “But…Sebastian isn’t a—“

  “All that matters is us, right here and now. I want to discover everything with you, feel it all for the first time, know how right it is between us.”

  “It’s just…I feel like I should give my virginity to the consort I choose as my prince.”

  He nods again. “Then choose me.”

  When he crawls across the bed and hovers over me, I think for a moment that I can choose. I’ll just pick one of them and be done with this, but the thought of being without any of them makes my heart ache. I thought kissing him would make my choice easier. I was wrong. It’s all of them…or none.

  “I can’t.”

  His brow furrows as a frown turns down his beautiful mouth. “You’ve already chosen another?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know what I’m going to do. This is so much more complicated than I thought.”

  Dipping his head, he nuzzles my neck and presses kisses to the sensitive spot behind my ear. “We don't have to have sex. But I do want to feed you. Will you take from me?”

  “Yes,” I whisper into his ear.

  He pulls me up to sit facing him and I let my fingers trail over his chest, down the ladder of his abs until I find his throbbing erection. The tip is wet and he hisses at my touch.

  “Don’t tease, princess.” There’s a note of pleading in his voice.

  “I’m not.”

  I stroke down his length, loving the hitch of his breath and the clench of his hands on my thighs. I want to taste his cock before I taste his blood. Scooting back on the bed, I press soft kisses to his chest, licking and sucking each nipple before I make my way to his rock hard shaft. He’s big, bigger than Garrett and Sebastian. Truly, I don’t know if I’ll be able to get him in my mouth without gagging. But I’m willing to try.

  Wrapping my lips around his crown, I take a tentative taste of the moisture at the tip. It’s salty and bitter, and all male. I suck just the head of him into my mouth and am rewarded with his hands in my hair as he pulls the elastic out and frees my long strands. My pussy clenches as his groan fills the cabin. Urged on by his reaction, I cup his balls as I bob my head and run my tongue along him. His moans get louder when my speed increases until I feel him tensing, his harsh bark of pleasure my only warning before my mouth is flooded with his come. I swallow him down completely, not wanting to waste a drop.

  “Felicity.” My name is a sigh as he pulls me up until he’s got me crushed to his chest. “I wasn’t prepared for it to feel that way.”

  “I wasn’t prepared to enjoy it.”

  He kisses the top of my head, holding me even tighter, the warmth of his skin making me sleepy. “Do you need to feed from me now?”

  I could. My hunger is something that’s always hovering on the edge of my consciousness, but right now I just want to enjoy being with Thomas. Burying my face in his chest, I shake my head. “No.”

  “It’s my duty. I want to give this to you.”

  Sitting back on my heels, I stare into his eyes. “I promise I will take it, but not right now. I just want to keep feeling like a human woman who is falling in love with a human man.”

  Chapter 16

  I wake to the sound of waves and the boat’s engine cutting off. Thomas is gone and I’m not sure how long I’ve been asleep. Sitting up, I run a hand through my disheveled hair and scan the room for my hair-tie. I find it, well, what’s left of it, discarded on the floor.

  “Thomas?” I call from the foot of the stairs before I head up to find him.

  He’s docked the boat and is standing on the pier tying it up, his golden hair catching the breeze and falling into his eyes. The man is a vision of perfection. He’s decided to forego a shirt and is clad only in board shorts as he works the rope. I’m not going to complain. Leaning against the side of the cabin, I watch him move. Then, those green eyes find me and he grins.

  “I hope I didn’t wake
you. We’ve been gone a long time. I don’t want the others to think I kidnapped you.”

  A light laugh falls from my lips at the thought of him stealing me away. “Unless you’ve got some kind of magic, I doubt you could get me off this island.”

  “True, but they don't know that.”

  The thought of three jealous and worried men waiting for us back at the house makes my stomach quiver. I don’t want to hurt them.

  “We should get back.”

  Holding his hand out to me, he nods and grins. “As you wish, princess.”

  I don’t want this to end. Once we go back, I’ll have to face them all. I’ll have to explain that I can’t choose and that none of them can be my prince.

  Thomas was right. As soon as we emerge from the shaded path and see the house I can tell things are tense. Garrett paces the living room, visible through the wall of windows, while Sebastian is nowhere to be found. But the most surprising is Miller. The man is standing at the door, arms crossed over his chest, jaw clenched, and lips tight.

  “Miller…” I begin, but I really have nothing to say for myself. His gaze is full of hurt and worry.

  He doesn’t say anything as he crosses the flagstone path and pulls me into his arms. His scent washes over me, warm and clean. He’s everything I want. But so are all three of the others.

  “We thought you’d chosen and left us without a word, Felicity.”

  My heart splinters at the break in his voice. How could he think I’d do that? Then I realize the truth behind his question. I’ve given them nothing aside from my time while they’ve spent their lives knowing this was coming and that they have a seventy-five percent chance of being rejected. Those aren’t good odds.

  I brush his lips with mine with gentle tenderness, hoping he’ll understand how much I hate that he was hurt. “Come on. Let’s get inside. I need to talk to you all.”

  Thomas takes my hand as Miller does the same with my other. It feels right to have both of them with me. There’s no jealousy or guilt. Just an understanding.

  Garrett is the first to greet us, anger rolling off him mixed with relief as he takes me in. “Felicity. You’re here.”

  Miller and Thomas release my hands as I pull free and go to Garrett. My fingers run through his dark hair as I stand before him. “I’m not going anywhere. This is where I belong.” I place my hand over his heart and his expression softens as he covers my hand with his.

  “So, you’ve chosen?”

  “In a manner of speaking.” Glancing around, I search for any sign of Sebastian. “Where’s Sebastian?”

  Garrett sighs. “The pool. He said he couldn’t take it any more and went to swim laps.”

  “I’m here. I saw you come back. Finally.” Sebastian’s voice catches me off guard.

  Turning to face him, I’m knocked breathless by the sight of him, dripping wet with a towel wrapped around his waist. Memories of our time at the lagoon make my thighs clench and my nipples stand at attention.

  “The princess was about to tell us who she’s chosen. You might want to stick around for this.” Garrett’s voice is filled with unease and I don’t understand why. If I don’t choose him, he goes home, he moves on. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to recover from these men if I have to leave any of them.

  I sit on the dove gray couch and fiddle with my crochet dress as I work out what I’m going to say.

  “Don’t you need the box?” Thomas asks.

  Biting my lip, I shake my head.

  “I’m not ready for that yet.”

  The four of them surround me, all standing and staring me down. It’s a little intimidating.

  “I’m sure you all are aware I’ve never been with a man. I’ve been saving my virginity for the man I’ll take as my prince. I want to give it to you.”

  They all seem to frown collectively. “Who?” “Which one of us?” “What do you mean?” echoes through the room as they all ask variations of the same question.

  “If I could, I’d take you all as mine. So, I want all of you. Together.”

  Garrett cocks an eyebrow. “Together. You mean, you want us to share?”

  I nod. “It’s the only way I can keep you for the time we have left. I can’t stand this jealousy, the stress of trying to make sure you all get equal time. If I give my body to you all, at the same time, there’s nothing to be jealous over. I have feelings for each of you. Deeper than I thought possible in such a short time.”

  Miller sits beside me and takes my hand before placing a kiss between my knuckles. “If this will make you happy, I’ll do it.”

  Smiling, I lean toward him and kiss him, deeply, letting his breaths and soft groans spur me on. Then I feel hands on my other arm, running up the skin until they slide over my chest and down to cup my breast. Breaking the kiss, I turn my head and find Thomas next to me. Miller kisses my neck and jaw as I meld my lips with Thomas’s. I’m startled by the brush of warm lips on my knee, trailing up my inner thigh. My hand glides downward until I grasp a shirtless shoulder, still wet from the pool. Sebastian has joined in and a thrill runs though me knowing Garrett is my only hold-out.

  Breaking away from Thomas, I open my eyes and train my gaze on Garrett. He’s frowning, but by the bulge in the front of his pants, I can tell he’s aroused.

  “Don’t you want me, Garrett?” I ask as the three men pull me to standing. Sebastian slides my dress over my head and Thomas tugs my bikini bottoms to the floor. In seconds, Miller has untied my top and let my breasts fall free. The desire burning in Garrett’s eyes answers my question.

  I crook my finger at him and he walks toward me, tearing his shirt over his head and shoving his pants down his hips. He’s gloriously naked and painfully hard. My eyes widen as I take in the thickness and anticipation curls in my belly.

  “Kiss me, Garrett.”

  He presses our bodies together and does as I request, his hot lips burning mine. From behind me I heart the sounds of zippers and the rustle of clothing hitting the floor before hands are running over every inch of me. Teeth nip at my ass, making my cry out at the sharp pain mixed with lust. Then, a warm chest pressed against my back and the steel length of a cock nestles between my ass cheeks.

  Turning my head, I whisper, “I’m not ready for that yet.”

  Miller chuckles. “I’m not trying to get in there. Not yet.”

  Thomas palms my breast and drops to his knees at my side, his lips kissing along my ribs and sending shockwaves across my skin.

  “Lie down, princess,” Garrett murmurs against my ear. “Let us love you.”

  The word love makes my heart flip. I break free of their touches and immediately my body mourns the loss. But when I spread myself down on the blanket one of them must have laid out for me, I get a good look at the four men chosen for me. They’re tall, tanned, and proud.

  “How do you want to do this?” I ask, forcing the words through my suddenly dry throat.

  The four of them look at each other and then back at me. “Your choice. As long as we all get to have you before this is over.” Miller’s voice is thick with need.

  I take a sharp breath as I assess them. Their cocks are all long and thick, daunting really.

  “Garrett,” I say before I let myself think too hard. I want this to be a moment based on instinct and urges, not premeditated decisions.

  He grins and comes to me, his hand stroking along his rigid length. “Thank you, Felicity. I’ll do everything I can to make this good for you.”

  I’m caught by a wave of apprehension. I know the first time hurts. My mother told me that much. Sitting up, I watch him drop to his knees as he crawls toward me. His hands part my thighs and his dark hair brushes the insides of my knees. I shiver and shake uncontrollably as the adrenaline starts to take control.

  “Shh, baby. It’s okay. We’re all here with you,” Sebastian says as he walks around to my side.

  He joins Garrett on the floor and kisses my shoulder as Garrett’s lips find my clit. I buck
and moan as Garrett’s talented tongue works me and his finger slides through my wetness. Sebastian pushes me to my back and drops his head to my breast. He sucks my nipple into his mouth and the sensation of a tongue on my clit and my nipple is too much. I come hard on Garrett’s tongue and finger. Knees still shaking, I reach out in search of Sebastian’s cock. He groans long and loud when I stroke over the head.

  Before I can process what’s happening, Garrett has positioned the head of his erection at my opening. He whispers, “Try to relax,” before he pushes inside me. An aching burn followed by a sharp pinch rocks me as he slides deep. I cry out and, regardless of his instructions, tense up.

  “God, she’s so fucking tight,” Garrett says.

  His words bring me back to my surroundings. Both Thomas and Miller stare at us, lust in their gazes. They’re each working their own cocks as I continue stroking Sebastian.

  Garrett hasn’t moved but I want him to. I’m so full. I need some friction. Squirming under him, I let out a little moan.

  “Jesus, Felicity, don’t do that,” he says on a groan.

  “I need more.”

  Miller lets out a soft oath, catching my eye.

  “Miller, I want you in my mouth.” I can’t believe the words are coming from me, but they’re true. I want to taste him as Garrett makes love to me.

  Garrett begins thrusting slowly, dragging himself out before pushing back inside. The pain recedes with each of his movements and begins to turn to pleasure. Miller kneels behind my head, his presence dominant and commanding, a far cry from the sweet man I’ve come to know. He grips my chin and tilts my head back until the tip of his cock pushes against my lips. I accept him hungrily all while Sebastian thrusts into my hand and Garrett claims my pussy.

  “I’m close, princess. Tell me you’re almost there. I want to make this good for you.” Garrett’s rough tone makes me clench around him, but I can’t speak with Miller’s cock in my mouth.


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