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Football Dad: (Friends to Lovers)

Page 3

by Terry Towers

  “I’ve never had the opportunity to get married.”

  “Why not?”

  I shrugged, looking away. “It’s just never been right, I suppose.”

  “Well, if it makes you feel any better, marriage wasn’t a treat for me. I wish I hadn’t gotten married, but hindsight is 20/20, ya know? Take not being married yet as dodging a bullet.”

  “Why? What happened?” I couldn’t imagine any woman not fighting tooth and nail to be with a man like him. But then again, what did I know? He could be a wife-beater or closet alcoholic or serial cheater. I barely knew him. My assumption was based almost entirely on the physical attraction I had towards him thus far. And his damned sexy smile.

  His expression grew dark and I could have sworn I’d seen a flash of anger in his eyes. “It’s complicated, but the jest of it is that we wanted different things. When we got married, we’d been on the same page, but somewhere along the lines, our values changed. Though she moved on well before I did.”

  “You have custody of Alexander?”

  “Yeah, full custody. Nadine travels a lot and so it’s not a stable environment for Alex.”

  “Understood.” I wanted to ask what she did for a living, though it seemed to be a jump considering I still had no idea what he did, but I was about to find out. “So, what do you do for a living?”

  The darkness from his expression immediately lifted and he smiled again. “I’m a high school teacher…. and football coach.”

  The puzzle pieces started to fall into place. No wonder he knew the coaches, he was one himself. No doubt he’d been taking Alex to these for years.

  “Aww. Is that why Alex is so good?”

  Chuckling, Cole responded. “It’s most likely a combination of a number of things. Sports are in his genes. He’s been playing since he was a toddler. I’m a football fanatic— ”

  Crinkling my nose up at him, I asked, “Fanatic to the point that you’d go to a stadium and paint your face in the team colors with the team logo on your bare chest?”

  His chuckle turned to full out laughter. “No. Not quite that fanatical. But it’s a big part of our lives. Organized sports have so many benefits; team work, physical activity, discipline, responsibility. Keeping fit and physically active is a very important part of living a long and healthy life.”

  Well, there goes my chances with him, I mused, as I looked down at my tummy which was horribly evident when sitting. I was in that zone where I wasn’t quite plus-sized, but I was in the double digits in dress size. I had been since the birth of Justin. I’d lost count of the amount of times I’d gone on a diet, or gotten a membership at a gym, just to be stuck in a one or two year contract for a service I used for just a few weeks. I always found things to do what were more important, though that’s the song and dance of many of us, I imagined.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Looking back up at him, I waved my hand at him, dismissing the question. “It’s nothing, got caught up in thought for a moment—that’s all. What high school do you teach at?” If I changed the topic to him, I’d be able to dismiss the fact I was a chunky monkey that didn’t have the willpower to get off the Coca-Cola or walk on a treadmill.

  “David Everly High. I teach math.”

  “Oh, so you’re a nerd?”

  Laughing, he shrugged. “I wouldn’t go that far. Though I wish Alex would gain some of my math abilities. His math grades are shit and he’s just not interested in learning from me. His life is football, I can help him with that, but academics are an entirely different story. I’d gotten a scholarship for football when I graduated and he figures he’ll get the same. You know the drill, it doesn’t matter if you’re smart as long as a college team wants you because you’re at the top of the pack. The politics that come along with high school and college ball is complicated and are not necessarily in the student’s best interest. For me, I ensured I had the grades for a scholarship if the football route didn’t happen. Doesn’t hurt to have a back-up plan.”

  “Funny. Justin is the exact opposite. He’s slightly aloof with sports but has been a straight-A student for as long as I can remember.” Slightly was an understatement if I were to be honest with Cole.

  “Takes after his mother?”

  Cocking my head to the side, I eyed him a moment, not sure how to take that comment.

  His face blanched upon realizing his mistake. “Oh no. No, that’s not what I mean. I make no assumptions on your fitness level. You could be an Olympian for all I know. I meant academically.”

  Cocking a brow up at him, I forced myself not to smile as I listened to him back paddle. It was rather cute to see.

  “I meant he’s smart. It was supposed to be a compliment.” He sighed and ran a hand through his short hair, muttering shit under his breath. “And I’m totally making an ass out of myself. I’m so sorry.”

  I allowed the smile I was holding back to break out on my lips. “I know what you meant. And thank you for the assumption. I was slightly above-average in high school academically. All my life, I’ve been in the average category. Jack of all trades, master of none sort of deal, I suppose.”

  “I’d hardly consider you average. Tell me what you do for a living. I bet it’s not average in the least.” If I hadn’t just a moment ago dismissed my having a chance with him, I would have thought he was flirting with me. Though even if he was flirting I doubt it meant anything, aside from a way to pass the time.

  My cheeks grew warm, giving my face a rosy glow. It had a wonderful way of making me feel like a teenager, regardless of his reasons for making me feel that way, I liked it. “I’m a writer.”

  “Of what?”

  “Romance novels.”

  His grin turned cocky. “Romance novels, or erotica porn stuff?”

  Embarrassed, I laughed. “A little of both I suppose.” Though if truth be told, my books were much more erotic than anything else. Taken by the Team could hardly be considered a romance. I tended to tone down the types of books I wrote just to keep people, men especially, from drawing the wrong conclusion based on my occupation.

  “That’s pretty cool. You can really make money off that?”

  “I do okay. The goal is to support the family, anything in excess is just a bonus.”

  He gave me a once over that made my body tingle.

  Don’t get any ideas, London. Don’t do it. Nothing but hurt can come with falling for him, a voice sounding a lot like Justin’s coached me in the back of my mind followed by his statement on how important it was to lead a fit and healthy lifestyle.

  As the day wore on and we became even more familiar with each other, I feared it was already too late.

  Chapter 4

  2 Months Later


  “You’re pretty pathetic, Dad,” Alexander stated getting into the passenger seat of the Escalade, after throwing his equipment in the back.

  “What do you mean by that?” I knew what he meant. I was Cole fucking Grant, star quarterback. Nearly twenty years in the NFL. Some people would even call me a legend. I’ll admit during my career there were times here and there where I bought into the whole fame thing and let it go to my head.

  Women troubles were never an issue for me. Except, of course, my ex-wife but that was a different story altogether. A trip down memory lane I’d save for another time. But for some reason being around London made me feel like a seventeen-year-old virgin. My son was right, it was quite pathetic. Though despite how pathetic it was, I got a thrill from the feelings she evoked within me.

  Starting the vehicle, I shifted into drive and backed out onto the street.

  “I mean, you have no game when you’re around Justin’s mom. I’m not sure if I want to laugh or shake my head in pity.”

  “You don’t have to pity your old man. I’ve never had an issue with women. You think you’re a player? Ha! I coined the phrase player.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” He waved a dismissive hand at me and turned his head to stare out of the windo

  “But you have to take your time with London. You don’t know her story, Alex. She’s had a hard go of things and the last thing I want to do is hurt her.”

  “Right. To late for that. I’ve seen the way she looks at you. Like you’re a God or something. So just ask her out and get it over with, it’s not like she’s going to say no. It’s been two months already! You hang out with her for six hours a day, four days a week at practice. How much time do you really need?”

  “I don’t know…”

  “You’re already down the rabbit hole, Dad.”

  “I don’t want to ruin the friendship.”

  “There’s no turning back now. She hasn’t seen you as a friend… ever.” She’s looked at you all lustful from day one. I noticed. Justin noticed. We all have noticed.

  I knew that I should tell her who I was. I’d downplayed myself to being a teacher and coach, omitting the fact I’d been a professional player less than six months ago. I wasn’t lying exactly, but I wasn’t telling the full truth either. I’m sure there were tons of jobs she’d had in the past that I didn’t know about. It’s not like we needed to exchange resumes or anything of the sort. It’s just that it felt good to be around someone who wasn’t kissing my ass. She had no clue who I was—at least she didn’t seem to know, and so I could truly be myself. I’d been lucky in that no one outed me at the summer camp, but the football moms that knew me had known me for years from taking their kids to camp each year. The ones that didn’t know me were like London, they didn’t have a clue about football and were just in it for the kids. Their faces were either buried in their phones, or eyes glued to their children. Either way I’d been able to skate by without anyone making mention of my former bout of fame.

  I’d tell her eventually. I just wanted to take her out on a few dates first. We’d spent the past couple of months getting to know each other as friends. We’d laid a solid foundation. There’d been several times I’d wondered if she’d lost interest in me romantically. Going off what my son had told me, I seemed to be the only one still unsure. Alex was right though. She’d glance at me when she thought I wasn’t looking, and there was something in her eyes—I she wanted more than the friendship we’d built. Alex was right, I really was already down the rabbit hole.

  Thing was, I’d begun to feel the same way. It was just a matter of asking her out without looking like a complete moron in the process. It was long overdue and that made it more awkward than it needed to be.

  “Today is the last day of summer training. Now or never.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I answered, not looking at my son, instead keeping my eyes on the road.

  “If it were me, I’d have asked her out eons ago. You’re getting lax in your old age.”

  “You need to learn some humility, child.”

  He grinned. “Nah thanks. I’m fine as I am.”

  Laughing, I couldn’t help but be somewhat proud of him. He’d grown up to be so confident, bordering cocky. A miniature version of myself. The only thing I hoped was that he didn’t let it all go to his head and become one of those assholes that put the limelight over everything else. I’ll admit, there’d been a point early on in my life where I’d been one of those assholes.

  But I was working on changing. Everyone deserved a second chance at life, didn’t they?

  “Fine. I’ll ask her out today. Happy?”

  He shrugged. “Suit yourself. I’m just getting sick of seeing you drool over her. It’s embarrassing.”

  “Yeah. Yeah.”

  ~*~ TT ~*~


  “Can you imagine, it’s the last practice already! The two months have really flown by.” London beamed with pride as she watched her son catching a pass. Justin still had a long way to go, but he had grown leaps and bounds over the past couple months. The kid had determination, but sadly, sometimes even determination wasn’t enough.

  “You’re right, it has. I’ll say one thing though, you’ve made sitting here for six hours a day totally worth it.”

  She blushed and tore her gaze from her son to look up at me. Damn, how I loved to see the pink coloring her cheeks like it was. “You haven’t been to bad yourself.”

  “I aim to please.” Giving her my best swoon worthy grin I leaned over and gently bumped her shoulder with mine. London gave my leg a pat in return, which made my dick jerk in my pants. Fuck me. Maybe a date wasn’t the best idea. She’d think I was some sort of sex fiend because I seriously doubted I’d be able to keep my hands to myself for very long, especially with her touching me like that.

  “I do have some good news though. I just found out that Justin will be attending the school you teach at.”

  “You don’t say.”

  She nodded, grinning. “Yes, but I just want to put this out there. If you don’t feel he’s good enough to be part of the school team, then I don’t want you to feel obligated to put him on anyhow.”

  A loud bout of laughter erupted from me. “Let me get this straight, since I like his mother I’m obligated?”

  “Is there any other way of seeing it?” She kept a straight face, but I could see the laughter in her eyes.

  “I suppose not.”

  “Seriously though. He’s worked hard, but I can see that he’s still got some...” She sucked her breath in sharply. “Rough edges. I don’t want you to feel like you have to.”

  “I’ve been watching him and he’s gotten pretty good. I can’t make any promises but I think, in all honesty, that he has a chance. It’s going to depend on how good the boys are that try-out this year.”

  “Understood.” She nodded and looked out onto the field to where her son was doing ladder drills. She’d be just as disappointed as he would be if he didn’t make it, maybe more so. He was borderline. I’d been completely honest when I said he had a chance, though it really was a crap shoot. The kid was fast, I’d give him that and his movements on the field were sublime. I was just concerned about his catching abilities. His catching wasn’t consistent and his throws were still quite weak, but there was still a couple weeks left before tryouts for the year, if Alex and I spent some one-on-one time with him, I was confident we’d get him where he needed to be. Though it would be hard to separate my affections for his mother and judge him as objectively as I needed to.

  “Listen. There’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask you.” I reached behind my head and gave the back of my neck a squeeze. This was damned stressful. I wish I’d had a little of my son’s confidence right now. Maybe he was right, perhaps a divorce and old age was becoming a problem for me.

  “Okay. Shoot.”

  “Would you like to go out sometime?”

  She gave me a blank look, as though my words hadn’t registered.

  When she didn’t respond straight away, I continued, “It doesn’t have to be a big deal. It’s just that we’ve seem to enjoy each other’s company, and I was thinking it would be nice to perhaps take things to another level.”

  A smile began to tug at the corners of her lips. “Let me get this straight, you’re asking me out on a date?”

  “Yes, I suppose I am.”

  She lowered her head, brushing a stray strand of brown hair from her eyes. When she looked back up, she had a full smile on her lips. “It’s about time. If you moved this slowly with all women I’d guess you’ve had perhaps a half of a dozen girlfriends in your lifetime—if you were lucky.”

  London was normally the one left blushing, but this time it was me. She’d called me out and she’d been right. This wasn’t me. But despite how uncomfortable I was with her, it was also exciting, and that told me something—having a relationship with her beyond just friendship was important to me. She wasn’t just some fling that I’d have to find an excuse not to see anymore after the flame died down. There was something between us, I just knew it.

  “Good. Then it’s settled. We’re going to go on a date.”

  “Perfect. And do you also have plans for this date?”

nbsp; I didn’t have a clue. I hadn’t gotten that far in my head even though I’d become set on asking her on a date for quite some time now. There was no way in hell I’d tell her that though. “As a matter of fact, I have the perfect date in mind for us.”

  She gave me the side eye with a hint of a smile still lingering on her lips. “You have a date planned already, huh? Kinda presumptuous.”

  Nope. Not at all, I thought, but my answer came amazedly quick. I chuckled to myself and yeah, perhaps it would have been presumptuous. “I was thinking since tomorrow is Saturday, which is official date night, that it would make sense to make it tomorrow unless you have plans already.”

  “Aside from sitting home alone with a pint of ice cream and my computer working… not a damned thing.” She crinkled her nose up at me. “Does that sound like a complete loser?”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “Far from it. I’d call it dedicated to your work.”

  She rolled her eyes at me. “Uh-huh.”

  “Then tomorrow night it will be.” I just had to think of an idea for a date on the fly. Luckily, we were in Boston where there was no shortage of things to do. I could think of a dozen things right off the top of my head. Not to mention, my sports agent was amazing. If I couldn’t make something happen, he could, though considering I was now retired and not really doing any type of money-making publicity, it made me wonder how long he’d keep me on before dismissing me from his VIP client list.

  “And are you picking me up?”

  Spreading my hands out to the side, I replied. “Sure. That would be perfect.”

  Chapter 5


  “Are you going to wish me luck?” I asked, poking my head into Justin’s room. As I asked the question, I said a silent prayer hoping he wouldn’t be a downer on my date. He’d gotten to know Cole a little bit over the past couple of months, and it seemed like he was warming up to my date for the night.

  Justin looked up from his laptop and stared at me for a moment. “You look nice, Mom. Good luck.” There didn’t seem to be any undertones of animosity when he spoke, so I breathed a sigh of relief.


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