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Football Dad: (Friends to Lovers)

Page 10

by Terry Towers

  “Before I developed feelings for him.”

  “Uh-huh. You’ve been with a lot of assholes, Mom. But I’m not sure he’s one of them. I thought he was—at first. But he seems to be an okay guy.”

  My eyes narrowed at my son. “Are you saying that because he put you on the team and you think you owe him, or do you really mean it?” As soon as the question came out of my mouth, I regretted it. The last thing I wanted to imply was that he got a spot for any reason other than he earned it. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.”

  My son looked at me with dead seriousness and a maturity I hadn’t seen in his eyes before. “Mom, do you think maybe you’re just trying to use this as an excuse to break-up with him? You know, before you get hurt again.”

  Yes. No… maybe…

  Placing my plate on the coffee table in front of us, I smiled at him and ruffled his hair like I used to when he was younger. He scowled at me but didn’t complain. “I don’t know. I guess I have a lot to think about.”

  I gave him a hug, being careful not to make him spill his food before standing. “You can eat mine as well. I’m not hungry.”


  Turning I made it to the entryway before he called out to me to stop. Turning I looked back at him. “What?”

  “Google him, Mom. Go online and look him up and you’ll learn everything you need to know.”

  “I don’t know.” Despite it being public knowledge, it seemed weird looking him up and reading stories that I should be hearing from him personally.

  “Or you could just call him. You always told me that God gave me a voice for a reason.”

  Laughing, I threw my hands out to the sides. “That’s some darned good advice, Doc.”

  “I’ll send you my bill in the morning. Slip it under your door before I go to bed.”

  “That a fact.”

  “Yeah, advice isn’t free.”

  Indeed it wasn’t.

  Chapter 15


  “Fuck, Dad, don’t ya think you’re going a bit hard on everyone,” Alex complained coming up to me during our first water break of the practice.

  “First off, watch your language. Second off, we’ve got a hard season ahead of us if we want to make it to the top and there’s a lot of ground to cover before our first game.”

  “Yeah, but we’re not going to be able to play the first game if you kill half the team.” He flipped the top off his water bottle and took a hearty swig. Sweat was pouring down his forehead in large beads. “This is high school, not the NFL!”

  “Don’t worry about it. I know what I’m doing. If you haven’t forgotten, I used to do this for a living and was pretty good at it.”

  “You know after getting laid people usually become easier to deal with not harder.”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I shot my son a warning glare. “I think you had better choose your next few words wisely, young man.” He was right. I’d been running the piss out of the boys. It wasn’t that I meant to, it was just that my mind wasn’t into it. It was on London. She was all I could think about. It had been four days since she left my vehicle and I hadn’t heard a peep from her. I debated whether or not I should try to reach out to her or if I just needed to give her time. I’d never felt so indecisive in my life. I’ve always been a man of action; this waiting bullshit was not my style.

  “She always drops Justin off and picks him up. Whatever she’s pissed off at you about, tell her you’re sorry when she comes to get him.”

  “Yeah.” I ran a hand through my hair. “Maybe.”

  It wasn’t that simple.

  Satisfied, Alex ran off to meet up with the rest of the boys leaving me to contemplate. Thank fuck I had two assistant coaches because my mind wasn’t on the practice, so I more or less turned it over to them, no doubt to the relief of the kids on the team.

  My eyes kept scanning the parking lot as the time for practice to end grew nearer. When her car pulled into the parking lot, my pulse began to race. God damn, I don’t think I’ve felt so anxious or nervous as I made my way across the field and to the lot.

  Four days was mighty long enough to figure out if she wanted to be with me or not. No texts. No calls. I hadn’t gotten dick shit for four days. A little anger mixed with my anxiety. The least she could have done was give me some type of indicator of what she was thinking.

  She looked up and to the field, her gaze falling directly on mine. Immediately, she averted her gaze and pretended to be occupied with something in her car. Nope. That wasn’t going to sway me.

  Reaching her vehicle, I went directly to the passenger side and opened the door, sliding into the car and closing the door behind me.

  London looked up at me, startled that I let myself in without invite. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Talking to you.”

  She jerked back as if she’d been slapped. It was quite amusing, but I refrained from laughing. “You just can’t open my car door and jump in.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because… because you need to be invited. It’s like walking into someone’s home and not knocking first.”

  “Would you like me to knock then?”

  She frowned, her eyes narrowing at me, her mouth dropping open and then snapping shut again.

  “Look, I think we need to talk. You’ve had four days to mull things over and I think it’s about time for us to sit down and figure this thing out.”

  “I told you I’d let you know when I’m finished thinking.”

  “Have you Googled me?”

  A hint of guilt flashed in her eyes.

  “I welcome you. By all means why shouldn’t you know what millions of other people already know about me.”

  “I may have,” she murmured.

  “Great, then we can skip past all the explaining of who I was and what I’d achieved. I imagine you got the full story of why my marriage imploded as well.”

  She nodded.

  “Another discussion we don’t need to have now, unless you have any questions.”

  “I—I’m not sure.”

  “Okay, so this is the deal. Tonight, about 7pm you’re going to come to my house. I’m going to give you a formal tour and cook you supper. Then we’re going to sort this out.”

  “You just can’t order me around, Cole.”

  “I’m not ordering, not at all. You have a choice. Either you come to my place tonight and we sort this out or I’m coming to you. If you don’t answer your door then we’ll just keep having these little parking lot meet-ups for the foreseeable future.

  “You think you have he backed into a corner, don’t you?” For a second, I thought I saw a hint of a smile crack the scowl on her lips, but she caught herself.

  “Do we have ourselves a deal?” Smiling at her, I extended my hand to make it nice and formal.

  “Yeah. Fine. Seems I don’t have a choice.” She glanced down at my hand and then back up to meet my gaze, cocking a brow at me. “I’m not shaking your hand.”

  “You will if you want me to leave.”

  “You really think you’re cute, don’t you?”

  My grin became wide and I shrugged. “You used to think I was cute.”

  “Fine. Whatever.” She took my hand and gave it a shake, I kept her delicate hand in mine a moment longer than necessary, my thumb grazing her wrist as she pulled her hand away making her gasp softly.

  Getting out of the car I felt an immense sense of satisfaction. She didn’t hate me. She was still upset, but I could tell by the look she had in her eyes that she missed me. She was coming around. I had hope we could work this whole thing out, it was just going to have to take a little effort on my part to reassure her that she was the woman I wanted and needed in my life. We could get past this.

  I could feel her eyes on my back as I walked back onto the football field. As much as I wanted to look back at her, I didn’t allow myself. I had her where I needed her, and I couldn’t allow her to see the
fear I still had within me that she would decide I was like all the others and not let me back in her life.

  ~*~ TT ~*~


  The nerve of him to threaten me in order to get me to spend the evening at his house! Who did he think he was?

  As much as I silently vented on the drive to his place, to be there by 7pm, I’d spent a fair amount of time getting ready to see him. I wouldn’t leave the house until every strand of hair was in place and my makeup was perfect. I knew why, I wanted him to desire me, because I still wanted him. And I missed him more than I could have ever imagined I would or could.

  But I wanted answers first before I gave him another shot at my heart. I needed him to tell me exactly why he kept his past from me for so long. Was he scared I was some sort of golddigger? The thought was rather insulting. I had money. I might not be rich, but I did quite well, better than most.

  As his house came into view it seemed much grander than it did the other day when I showed up on his doorstep. Maybe it was because it was still daylight outside and I could see the fine details of the house and grounds. The lawn was perfectly manicured. The fountain had fine details in the basin that couldn’t be seen before.

  “Wow.” Was I in over my head? Did I really even belong in a world where there was paparazzi and social events? I sure as hell didn’t have the poise and class his ex-wife had. His ex-wife lived for the limelight, I shied away from it. We couldn’t be any more opposite if we tried.

  Maybe that was the appeal? It was another question I’d have to bring up to him.

  Parking in front of the house, I took a deep breath in and slowly released it. I was so nervous my hands shook on the steering wheel.

  Why am I so nervous? I asked myself. This was Cole. The thing was that Cole wasn’t just a high school teacher, but a celebrity.

  Fuck it! Gotta get this over with.

  Maybe there was something to him not telling me who he’d been in a former life. I’d been seeing him for some time now and this new knowledge was making me more nervous then I suspected I would have been otherwise.

  It’s Cole. Just Cole. Nothing has changed, I coached myself.

  Opening the door, I got out of the car and yelped as I turned to face the door to see Cole in the open doorway, smiling down at me.

  “You look beautiful tonight,” Cole said as I rounded the front of the car giving him a full view of me, from head to toe.

  “Thank you.” I could feel the heat rise up in my cheeks and cursed myself for it. I’d coached myself to not act like a schoolgirl with a crush, but there I was doing just that.

  He left the house and met me at the top of the concrete steps. “I’m glad you came. You have no idea how much of a pain in the ass it was to make dinner. I’m not much of a cook, but I tried.”

  My cheeks grew warmer. “I’m sure it’ll taste great.” Looking up into his eyes, I noticed something I’d never seen before. He was nervous. He was a football legend and was nervous about a date with me, it seemed unreal.

  I took a step closer to him and the smell of his aftershave drifted to me, filling my nostrils. The scent brought back so many memories, reminding me of how much I’d missed him these past few days. It also reminded me of how amazing his naked body felt when it was pressed against mine.

  It was Cole who took the final step to close the distance between us, pulling me into his arms and holding me tight to him. My body tensed for a moment, unsure of what to do. We hadn’t resolved anything between us yet, but I couldn’t help the weakness within me. Flashes of our night together bombarded my mind making me slip my arms over his shoulders and press my body tight against his rock hard one. His body felt so good, so warm and all to familiar.

  Be strong, a voice at the back of my mind screamed out.

  Taking the last bit of strength that I had left in me, I pulled back just enough to look up onto his eyes. Big mistake. His lips came crashing down on mine and I feared I couldn’t fend off the feelings within me any longer.

  Chapter 16


  His lips didn’t leave mine as he walked me backwards until my back was flush against a wall. Pulling his lips from mine, he began to run kisses along my jaw and to my neck.

  I need to stop this. We need to talk…

  Oh God, the sensations racing through me were so amazing and intense. I wanted him, I wanted him to badly I couldn’t think. All I could do was concentrate on the pleasure he provoked within me. My hands gripped his shoulders, fisting the cotton of his button-down shirt.

  “Cole…” I moaned.

  “Mmm.” With one hand gripping my ass, the other worked swiftly on the buttons of my shirt. In seconds, it was open, freeing my breasts covered in thin satin.

  I couldn’t find words to continue as his head dipped and moved across my collarbone and towards the valley between my breasts. The front clasp of my bra sprang open as he immediately took a nipple between his lips.

  “I… I think…” I’m pretty sure that I said the words. I wasn’t sure. My pussy ached and I could already feel the need saturating my panties. All I could think about was how good it was going to feel to have him deep within me.

  There was no way I could deny the need within me any longer. Four days had been too long without him and the wall I’d thought I’d solidly erected crumbled. The talk could wait. My hands slid down from his shoulders to his chest. I wasn’t nearly as skilled as he was unbuttoning his shirt, but managed. With the shirt undone, I caressed the bare skin that had lain beneath. Damn, I don’t think I could ever get enough of the feel of his beautifully defined muscle, it was unlike anything I’d ever had the privilege of feeling before.

  “Where’s Alex?”

  He released my nipple and straightened, his gaze fixed on mine. “Gone for the night.” He ground his thick, rock-solid dick against my stomach. Oh dear God!

  As his lips met mine again, his hands undid the button to my jeans, pulling them open and slipping them down. Somehow my panties went with them, leaving my bottom-half bare. I became so wrapped up in the feel of out tongues playing that it wasn’t until his freed cock was pressing against me that I realized he’d removed his jeans.

  “Cole. Oh Cole.” My lips made their way to his neck, biting gently and getting a low groan as a reward that only amped up my desire for him. His hand slipped between us to cup my mound. I instinctively moved against his hand, wanting more. He gave me more, spreading my pussy lips and slipping a finger into me.

  Oh-my-fucking-god! If he didn’t fuck me soon, I’d surely die from the desire. All reservations were long gone, I couldn’t even remember what I’d been upset about.

  “I’ve fucking missed you, London,” he growled, removing his fingers from within me, briefly ending our kiss to grip my ass cheeks in his hands and hoist me up and onto his hips. I wiggled against his erection until it was settled between my wet pussy lips.

  My pussy clenched, the ache of need within hitting an all time high.

  “Please, Cole. I need you in me,” I whispered in his ear, before nibbling on his lobe. “I need you so badly.” My hips bucked against his groin, my pussy leaving a layer of my juices along his shaft. Grabbing at his back I held tight, my bare chest pressed against his, the heat of his body warming mine.

  He gripped my ass cheeks a little harder, spreading my labia so his shaft could slip between my folds and probe at my entrance. Oh Lord. Closing my eyes, I let my head fall back against the wall and I began to gyrate against him, hoping to angle myself enough that he would breach my entrance, making him groan with each movement.

  “You’re killing me.”

  “Then take me, London. Claim my dick. It’s yours.”

  I released a little whimper as my efforts were finally rewarded, his shaft breached my entrance and slowly dived deep into me. Each inch I took of him was more pleasurable then the last. By the time he was balls deep into me, I was nearly to my breaking point. I’d never been with a man who could nearly make me come just
by being within me.

  Opening my eyes, my gaze locked with Cole’s. The intensity of his desire for me made my insides shiver, sending a rush running down my spine. Gripping his shoulders, I began to move on him, while he rocked against me. Our movements synched up quickly and we became one, working together to bring each other to the point of no return.

  It was impossible to look away. The feel of his dick, in combination with the intense eye contact, took me to my breaking point. There was a coil in my stomach waiting for release, needing it as much as I needed to take my next breath.

  God, god, god… our movements became frenzied, his fingertips dug painfully into my ass cheeks as he slammed me against the wall with each inward thrust. The pain barely registered, if anything it only amplified the pleasure racing through me.

  “Come for me. I want to feel you tighten around me, baby,” he growled, his jaw clenching.

  “Close. So close. I just need… I need…” I couldn’t finish my thought, as Cole slammed me against the wall, thrusting his dick into me as deeply as possible stretching and filling me further than I’ve ever been before. He groaned, low and feral as his body tensed and he gave in, his seed spraying deep within me. The feel of his release was my undoing, I cried out. My body convulsed while my fingernails dipped into his hard flesh, as I answered his release with my own.

  He moaned and moved within me, a couple more strokes. The feeling was too intense to take while still coming down from my recent orgasm, and I came a second time, my juices mixing with his inside me and slowly seeping past his cock to my entrance.

  ~*~ TT ~*~


  I didn’t intend to claim her body at the entryway of the house. I swear to God, I’d planned on talking with her and figuring our situation out. But when she arrived and was standing there in front of me, looking as hot as hell, how could I resist?

  The idea was a simple kiss. One kiss to break the tension and make her see how well we still worked together, but instead she got the full deal. At the very least, this proved how much she desired me. Despite being as pissed as hell at me, her body still desired mine and that was a start.


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