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Football Dad: (Friends to Lovers)

Page 13

by Terry Towers

  I paused a moment, putting my hand out to catch one such petal. It was made of a light silky fabric though I had no idea what the material was. Closing my fist around the keepsake I began walking again, aware that the smell which had been forced a minute ago was now wide and genuine.

  “This feels like a fantasy,” I said to Cole when we were out of earshot of anyone else.

  “I’m glad. Let’s find our table, I’ve got some people for you to meet.”


  “The table I’m at will have my sports agent Kenneth Aspen and some of his other clients. Everyone is great and down to earth. No need to worry. It won’t take long for you to forget who everyone is and they’ll just become people to you.”

  “I’ll take your word on it.” I began scanning the room and familiar faces began to appear. I didn’t know the names of most, but I did recognize many actors on television, movies and musicians. Just as Justin said I would.

  Our table was a little over halfway filled by the time we reached it. There was no anxiety as to where to sit since all the spots were named in advance with beautifully engraved white and pink place setting cards.

  Before sitting, Cole did a round of introductions. I didn’t know any of the men who were all sports personalities. I did recognize one of the women, she was an actress from television with very defining strawberry-red hair and light freckles. There was with a massive man who, if I were to wager a guess, was another football player.

  Cole pulled out my chair for me. I flashed him a smile of gratitude over my shoulder as I carefully sat. Internally, I sighed with relief, my heels were already beginning to pinch my toes. Sitting also gave me a chance to look around us and really take in the beautiful surroundings. I couldn’t even wager a guess as to how much it had cost to set up such an extravagant affair.

  “Damn, Cole! What is with the retirement? You just won the Superbowl, dude.”

  Sitting down beside me, Cole shrugged. “It’s was my time, Marcus. Nice to go out on a high note.”

  The men started chatting about last season. As much as I wanted to be interested in the conversation, football just didn’t do it for me, especially when there was so much going on around us. Everywhere I looked there was another familiar famous face. I could have sat there for hours and not gotten enough.

  We sat through an amazing salmon dinner, Cole pulling me into the conversation from time to time. I’d try to engage, but this just wasn’t my scene. It was Cole’s. It was evident he was the star, not just with this table but with most of the people at the ball, people would periodically stop to congratulate him.

  As the night wore on I became increasingly comfortable with the people at the table. They all seemed to welcome me into the fold and it felt nice. Cole brought up the fact I was an author despite me asking him on the way there not to, but it seemed to be a good call. For a slight while, the focus shifted to me and the man sitting next to me, who happened to be an NBA player, asked if I’d be interested in working on his autobiography with him. How could I turn something like that down?

  “Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please?” All chit-chat ceased and everyone shifted their attention to the man who stood on the stage with the band. I’d heard someone say he was the organizer of the event. He was some eccentric, billionaire philanthropist. “I’d like to start by saying that I’m incredibly grateful for everyone who showed up and donated to our cause.”

  I clapped along with the rest of the crowd.

  “Now as many of you know we have a tradition each year. We like to ask one of our attendees to take the center floor and lead off the dance portion of the ball with a dance.”

  “Oh god, that would be so embarrassing,” I whispered to Cole.

  “The person I’m asking to lead us off has been a valuable member of our community. In fact, he led our city to becoming the Super Bowl winners this year!”

  The crowd began to roar with claps and cheers.

  My stomach leapt up in my throat. “They’re not talking about you, are they?” I hissed fighting down the hysteria. Holy shit, my heartrate accelerated and began to thump so hard in my chest that I feared I was about to have a heart attack.

  “Cole Grant, can you and your stunning date kick this party off tonight?” While it was a question, there was no decision to be made. Every single person in the ballroom was staring at us as Cole pushed back his chair and stood.

  “Come on. You can do this,” he said, pulling out my chair and offering his hand to me.

  “Did you know?” I looked around at the expectant faces. There was no choice, I had to go this. Unless I had a heart attack before making it to the dance floor. I should be so lucky. It took all the strength within me to reach for his outstretched hand and take it, forcing myself to my feet.

  “I suspected, yes.”

  “What if I fall in these shoes?”

  He looked down at the shoes. “Then leave them here.”

  “I can’t dance shoeless at an event like this.” With me quietly protesting, I allowed myself to be taken to the dance floor. “I don’t even know how to dance ballroom.”

  Giving me a lopsided grin, Cole replied, “It’s a good thing I’m an excellent leader.”

  “How can you not be scared of this?” We reached the area of the dancefloor where a spotlight already settled. The lights dimmed slightly. A spotlight of all things! We were on some sort of secret dance show?

  “The fear is all in your head.” He stood in position and settled me in front of him. He slipped a hand around my waist and pulled me into him, taking my hand in is free one. “Just follow my lead. It’ll only be a few seconds and others will join in and it’ll be over.”

  Raising myself to my full height, I squared my shoulders like I’d seen people do on the dance shows. I’m not sure if dance competition shows being one of my guilty pleasures would work to my benefit or not, but I hoped. Couldn’t hurt right?

  “Keep your eyes on mine. It’ll be okay.”

  “Okay.” I did as told, our gazes locking just as the band started up. He took a step making me stumble, but I caught myself quickly and corrected. The next step was better and the next better still.

  A genuine smile spread across my lips as we danced and my anxiety began to lower. I was doing this, I was ballroom dancing with Cole in front of a bunch of famous people and I wasn’t making a fool of myself! I’d trusted him and he’d come through for me.

  “Ready for a twirl?” he asked.

  As I found out it wasn’t a question, but a statement as he took a step back and spun me around. Going with the flow, I allowed my body to turn freely and came to settle back in our original position. My smile turned to a laugh,

  “We’re really doing this.”

  As he predicted, other couples had come to join us and we were quickly becoming just one of many in a sea of dancing bodies. I once again had the safety of anonymity. All anxiety had quickly evaporated, and I got to enjoy the feel of his arms around me as we moved around the dance floor.

  The song ended and I felt a twinge of regret as he released me from the safety of his arms. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Keeping his hand in mine, he led me back to our table.

  “No, it wasn’t. I’ll admit, I overreacted.”

  “Good. You’re much more capable than you seem to give yourself credit for, London.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Perhaps I need to pull you from your comfort zone a little more often.”

  “I don’t know if my heart could take too much of that without medication. But I think I can handle it from time to time.” I smiled up at him. Maybe he was good for me. I’d always been so introverted, perhaps his life was exactly what I needed to pull me from my shell.

  Reaching the table, he pulled my chair out for me giving me a bow. “My lady.”

  “I think I’m going to run to the washroom. I’ll be right back.”

  “Do you need me to show you where it is?”

��No, I noticed it over to the far left.”

  “Okay.” He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

  “Be careful, with all this press around you might make headlines tomorrow for making out at the ball with an unidentified female,” I teased.

  Leaning down a second time, he gave me another quick kiss. “Then let’s make sure they get a good picture for the front page of the social section.”

  Surprisingly, I felt all right with that. If I wanted to be with him, I had to accept this was a part of his life. And to accept that meant I had to get past the shyness. I needed to start seeing myself as he seemed to see me—as a beautiful, strong, caring person.

  “I’ll be back.” Releasing his hand, I made my way across the ballroom and to the bathrooms. As I neared the bathrooms, I did have a concern as to how I would manage having a pee in this dress. Placing my hand on the black door, I pushed it open and entered. The bathroom was massive with gray marble sinks and an attendant at the ready.

  What was it with bathroom attendants anyhow? Why did places feel they were necessary? I didn’t want anyone on the other side of the door listening to me doing my business.

  Going to the first stall, I pushed the door open and breathed a sigh of relief to see that it was quite large. Now was the tough part—pulling up the dress so I could pee.

  After more fussing than I’d have liked, including nearly losing my balance and falling against the stall wall, I managed to be positioned to take care of business. Someone came into the bathroom but didn’t go to a stall. With all the celebrities and photographers, coming in to do a makeup touch-up was no doubt common practice. Perhaps I should have brought my purse with me and checked my own makeup.

  Not giving it any more thought I finished up and spent another couple of minutes trying to settle my dress back down. When I was satisfied the dress was settled properly, I unlocked the stall door and pushed it open. It wasn’t until I was at the sink and washing my hands that I looked up and my eyes locked with the brilliant blue ones of the former Mrs. Grant, Nadine Grant.

  “Holy shit,” I gasped.

  Chapter 21


  “I see you know who I am.” The model smirked as she ran her hand through her long, blonde hair.

  I straightened, soapy hands dripping in the sink. She was a tall woman, coming close to six feet would be my guess. The attendant stepped forward and began drying my hands for me on a white towel.

  “I have a clue, yes.”

  Pulling a tube of Chanel lipstick from her handbag, she began to apply a coat of glossy red. “I noticed you are with my husband. I have no idea who you are.”

  “Does it matter?”

  “If you’re going to be near my child, yes.” Her English was good, but you could hear hints of an accent. If I remembered correctly, Nadine was from Russia originally. “You are overweight and very plain. Cole being with you confuses me.”

  My head jerked back as if I’d been physically struck. My biggest fear was being thrown into my face by this woman. What in the hell was I supposed to say to that? This woman was a royal cunt. What did he ever see a woman who would speak to someone else like she’d just done to me?

  “I guess you don’t need to be anorexic to be with Cole. I’ll assure you that Alexander is fine. Maybe if you were around more often you’d know that.” If what I said affected her, she didn’t let on.

  “Don’t get too attached to Cole. He never got over me.” Turning from me, she walked across the bathroom and paused at the door. Looking over her shoulder she added, “Maybe I’ll take your advice and be around more often, I imagine my husband and son will love having me back.”

  I was never one for confrontation and this one shook me. I’d been having a good time and in usual fashion for me, it all just got turned on its ear. Nadine was back and wanting her family back? Did Cole know? I doubted it. Even if he did, it was evident he didn’t want her otherwise he would have brought me here or kissed me in front of everyone for the world to see.

  “Thank you,” I muttered to the attendant. Turning from the woman, I gave myself a few minutes to soothe my frazzled nerves. She already had the satisfaction of knowing she’d jarred me, I needed to not let it bother me. Easier said than done, unfortunately.

  Leaving the safety of the washroom, I immediately became self-conscious all over again. Were all the other rail thin women here thinking the same thing as Nadine was? That I was some fat chick that was Cole’s rebound until Nadine took him back. Though if the tabloids were to be believed, he was the one who left her. He’d discussed her with me, but not in great detail, maybe I needed the nitty-gritty?

  I kept my eyes focused on Cole as I made my way back through the crowd to our table. I hoped that by the time I reached the table I’d have redeveloped the high I was on before entering the bathroom, but that never happened. If anything, I felt worse. My stomach churned and all I wanted at this point was my bed.

  “Hey Babe,” Cole greeted me as I arrived, standing to pull out my chair. “I was—”

  I didn’t sit. “Cole. I really appreciate this experience, but I’m not feeling well. Would you mind if we called it an early night?”

  He frowned, deep lines creasing his brow. “What’s the matter?”

  “My stomach. I don’t think the food is sitting well with me.”

  “Oh no. Of course, hon.” Putting his arm around me, he pulled me tight to his side and I fell against him laying my head against his chest. “Look everyone, we’re going to be heading out now.”

  We did a round of goodbyes and left. As we exited, I could feel eyes on me. I resisted the urge to look back at first but just as we were leaving, I couldn’t help myself. Looking over my shoulder I wasn’t surprised to spot Nadine immediately and as suspected she was staring at me with a condescending smirk on her face. She wasn’t nearly as beautiful in person as I’d presumed her to be when I’d seen her in magazines.

  ~*~ TT ~*~


  “I’m sorry we had to leave early,” London said from the passenger side of the vehicle. We were roughly halfway to her place at that point.

  “Don’t even worry yourself about it. We had a great supper, at least it was until it made you sick. A nice evening it was. I got to show off my beautiful girlfriend to the world. I couldn’t imagine a better night.”

  “Still. I feel guilty.”

  “No need. I can only handle those things for so long anyhow. Did you at least enjoy yourself? You seemed to be finally coming around.”

  She smiled. “I really did.” Despite her words, there seemed to be something in her eyes that told me she wasn’t being completely straight with me.

  “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  Her face blanched. “No. Nothing.”

  I didn’t believe her. I knew her way too well to buy whatever it was she was trying to sell me. Sure, she may be sick, but I suspected there was more to it then that. But if she wasn’t going to tell me there was no way I could force her.

  Reaching across the seat I took her hand. “You know there’s nothing you can’t talk to me about. That’s part of my role as your partner.”

  She wrapped her hand around mine and gave it a squeeze. “I know. If there was something I needed to talk to you about, I’d tell you.”

  I still wasn’t completely convinced but decided to let it go. Pushing her would only result in a disagreement. We drove the rest of the way in silence. She’d leaned back against the seat and closed her eyes, shutting me and the rest of the world out.

  “We’re home.” Pulling into the driveway of her house, I pulled up behind her vehicle and put mine into park. She opened her eyes as I opened my door and closed it behind me. Walking around the front of the car, I went to her door and opened it. Stepping back, I offered her my hand and helped her out.

  She was a little unsteady on her feet, but I couldn’t determine whether it was the heels or because she was ill.

  “Thank you.�

  Closing the door, I placed my arm around her waist and helped her to the door. Opening the front door, I helped her inside.

  “Do you need some water or anything?”

  “No. Just bed.”

  I nodded. “All right.”

  She looked up at me and gave me a weak smile. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “You can call, but I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “I’m sure you can, but that’s not how it works. You’re not feeling well and I’m going to take care of you.”

  She opened her mouth to protest, but I stopped words from leaving her mouth by placing my index finger over her lips. “Non-negotiable.”

  We stared into each other’s eyes a moment. It was as if she was testing my resolve. She could test me all she damned well wanted, I wasn’t leaving her. Period.

  “You’re stubborn, has anyone ever told you that?” She cocked a brow up at me, folding her arms across her chest.

  “I wouldn’t have done as well as I did in life so far by backing down, dear.” Bending down, I undid the straps on her shoes. “Now step out.”

  She hesitated a moment.

  “You’re not going to win this one.”

  She did as told. Flexing her toes as she stepped down, barefoot onto the tile floor. Her feet were slightly swollen. I’d told her she didn’t need ungodly high heels, but she’d insisted. Apparently, either she wore heels or I was to shrink a few inches. Since it wasn’t possible to become shorter, I had to give on the shoes.

  “To bed with ya.” I gave her a little slap on the butt, making her yelp.

  Giving me a dirty look that was betrayed by the little smile on her face, she made her way up the stairs with me in tow. Can’t say that it was a bad view. Quite fine, in fact, watching her ass sway back and forth as she climbed the stairs.


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