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Raging Love (A Mitchell Family Series BK#3)

Page 8

by Jennifer Foor

  “I’m so glad you’re my wife Savanna. Thank you for choosing me Darlin’.”

  “I will always choose you Colt. I love you so much.”

  Savanna only stayed in the tub for another couple of minutes. I got out first and grabbed her a towel. Neither of us bothered getting dressed. I knew that wasn’t the only sex we would be having, besides, there wasn’t anyone sleeping at our place. Everyone had gone somewhere else to give us privacy.

  As we got in our bed, I watched Savanna drop her towel and watch me as I dropped mine. A low groan came from deep inside of me as I caught the site of her naked body. I knew we had just finished, but I still wanted more of her. We climbed on the bed to meet each other in the middle and my lips found hers right away. Our passion filled kisses increased the urgency to take her again. I could feel myself getting hard and it didn’t take Savanna long to feel it for herself.

  She let out little whimpers as I let it brush against her stomach. Her hand reached down and grabbed onto my girth. She purred as she pushed me down on the bed and began stroking me with one hand. Her free hand found mine and we intertwined our fingers together. Savanna licked my hard shaft before taking it into her mouth completely. When she pulled away she let her saliva build up on the tip, before sliding her soft lips over my hardness again. Because of the lubrication, she was able to slide up and down faster.

  I tried to close my eyes, but watching her was even hotter. Her eyes continued to stare into mine, while her head bobbed. I squeezed her hand that I was holding and without even thinking I grabbed the back of her head, just to feel her actions even more. She continued moving faster with each motion of her head. My fingers became tangled in her hair, but she never tried to remove it. The sensations running through my hard cock were rapid and in no time, I could feel myself growing on the verge to come again.

  Savanna kept thrusting her head down, taking my cock into her mouth further, but I didn’t want to finish there. I took my tangled hand and lifted her head away from my throbbing shaft. “Not yet baby.”

  Savanna licked her lips and looked down at my dick, like she had enjoyed every second of it. To say that was a turn on was an understatement, because my god that was hot. She turned and did something else unexpected. Without speaking she got on all fours and stuck her ass right up toward me. I ran my hands up and down each cheek, while positioning myself behind her.

  Apparently, she really got off having it in her mouth, because she was so slippery between her legs, that it slid in with ease. I reached around and grabbed her tits, using her own body to pound into her harder. She cried out, begging me to keep going. I reached down and started circling my fingers over her swollen sex. Savanna screamed my name in pure bliss as I collapsed over her back, giving her soft kisses all over the back of her shoulders.

  We were both out of breath and exhausted. Once we fell onto the bed, it took only minutes for us to both fall asleep, our bodies still entangled together.

  We woke up to the sound of Ty’s big fat mouth yelling from downstairs. “Get your naked asses up, we need to roll.”

  I sat up and looked at the clock and realized we never set our alarm. We had two hours to get to the airport and we didn’t live close at all.

  Savanna and I jumped up and got dressed as fast as we could. She had already packed for our trip, and our luggage was downstairs. Savanna followed behind me as we walked down the steps. Ty and Miranda didn’t seem to be in a hurry, they were having a full make out session on my couch. “Can’t ya’’ll wait till we get our own rooms?”

  “She’s never gone anywhere without Izzy. I was keeping her mind off of things.” Ty winked at me and I shook my head.

  “Bella will be fine. She’s with her grandparents. My dad is going to drive my Jeep home so we can just fly back there instead. It’s no sense of us having to come back here and then have to drive all that way home. Mom and Dad are going to stop a few times and make sure they are driving at night so Izzy sleeps most of the way,” Ty explained.

  Savanna came around and started grabbing our bags. Sam must have sensed we were leaving, because she was jumping all around. “Hey girl, Uncle Conner is goin’ to keep you company this week. Be a good girl and don’t chew anything up.” I gave her a kiss and we headed out the door.

  Conner was waiting outside, standing next to one of the ranch trucks. “He’s driving us to the airport.” Miranda explained.

  Ty and Miranda started climbing in the truck, while I started loading our bags up in the back. Savanna hopped in the back too, leaving me to sit in the front with Conner. I didn’t understand the whole grudge issue with Ty. Last night could have been a disaster, of course I think Ty liked being the hero a little too much. They obviously needed to spend time apart. Conner needed to distance himself from the two of them until he could get a grip.

  We got about two miles down the road before Conner said a single word. “ So, about last night…”

  I held my hand up. “Just let it go.”

  But he didn’t…..

  “Nah, man I’m sorry. You were right the other day Colt. I see ya’ll happy, while I’m alone. I never thought my sister and Ty would settle down before me, especially with each other. To make things worse, they are the happiest couple I have ever laid eyes on. I feel like ya’ll are leaving me out. I’ve been a real ass, especially to you Ty.” Conner looked in the rearview mirror at Ty. I looked back and saw him lean his head on Miranda. “I was thinkin’ maybe I could come visit ya’ll at your place sometime soon. I hate that Miranda just upped and moved clear out of the state. We’ve never been apart for this long. So, I apologize.”

  Ty reached over and put his hand on Conner’s shoulder. “As long as you can be cool, you’re welcome to visit whenever you want. This shit needs to be resolved. No matter what, we are all family, and at the end of the day, all we have is each other.”

  Miranda had done something to Ty. We couldn’t explain what it was or how it happened, but his focus was on his family, like nothing else existed in the world. I could see how Savanna had loved him. He was a great man, who just needed to find that one person to give his heart to, just like me.

  “Don’t go searchin’ for love Conner. It happens when you least expect it,” Miranda added.

  “For the record, it still makes me sick watchin’ the two of you. If you could refrain from touchin’ around me, it would help.” Conner continued driving, but I caught him looking in the rear view mirror a few times. Miranda was his sister and all of his life he had been protecting her. For the first time she had found someone that he didn’t need to protect her from and it scared the shit out of him.

  The girls started singing a familiar song to the radio, so to break the animosity in the truck, I turned up the volume.

  Conner pulled us right up to the airport doors. He climbed out and pulled his sister in for a big hug. Ty was already grabbing their bags out of the back. As he turned around, Conner held his hand out to Ty. Of course, Ty grabbed his hand and pulled him in for a hug. Conner was reluctant at first, but Ty kept holding him there. “She’s safe brother. I promise you she will always be taken care of.”

  Finally, Conner hugged Ty back. It was a real Kodak moment, if you ask me. Only time would tell if they could ever fully get along, but we had our whole lives to figure it out.

  Since Miranda had never been on a plane before, she was a nervous wreck. She went from being excited, to full blown panic attack. At one point it got so bad, that she begged Ty to take her back and said they couldn’t go. Savanna reached into her purse and handed her a tiny pill. “Just take half. It will help you relax. It’s just a Xanax, so you won’t go to sleep or anything.”

  I wasn’t one to promote sharing medicine, but flights were difficult for some people. My poor cousin was terrified. I knew she wanted to get there and have some alone time with Ty. Miranda took the pill and rested her tear-filled eyes on Ty’s chest. He rubbed her back until she finally started to relax.

  Normally I would have
expected Ty to joke about the plane going down, but he was so respectful around Miranda. He never let go of her hand. He kept her occupied and made sure she knew she wasn’t alone. We played cards and guessing games to pass the time. After three hours in the air, Miranda was fine. She even managed to sleep the rest of the flight.

  Savanna and I had all of our brochures of what we were planning to do while we were there, so we just sat there going over everything. At one point the stewardess came over and was flirting with Ty. For the first time in my life, I watched him blow a pretty woman off, the whole time kissing Miranda’s sleeping head and messing around with her wedding ring on her finger.

  The woman even made a second attempt, which in turn pissed Ty off. He woke Miranda up and told her all about it. The next time the woman came around he grabbed Miranda and started a full-blown make out session with her. He even added extra visuals by grabbing her breasts for everyone to see. To get the final point across, he pulled away from Miranda and looked up at the woman. “Have you met my beautiful wife? She is fucking amazing.”

  That was the last time any of us saw the woman and the last of Ty’s entertainment for the flight, with the exception of him discussing getting lei’d when we got off the plane. He had everyone aboard in hysterics.

  None of us had ever been to Hawaii and we had no idea how beautiful it would be when we stepped off that plane and looked outside. Savanna looked more excited than I had ever seen and I think she was excited about being able to share some of our time with Miranda and Ty. Since both of us already lived with our spouses, we weren’t so worried about all day sex fests, well at least Savanna and I weren’t. Ty and Miranda on the other hand, probably could have spent every second of their lives having sex. It would catch up to them one day and Ty would be the new spokesperson for Viagra.

  I wasn’t surprised when the taxi came to pick us up and Ty grabbed my hand and kissed me on the cheek like we were a couple. I tried to pull away, but he kept a death grip on my hand while he laughed his ass off.

  “Can I take your bags?” The driver asked.

  “Oh yes, my husband and I are so excited to be here, aren’t we my Dark Stallion?” Ty kept a straight face, while the girls were cracking up behind us.

  When I finally got free of his hand, he proceeded to slap me hard on the ass. “Oh, I can’t wait to see how big our bed is. I know how much you like big things.” Ty added.

  We climbed in the taxi and I found my wife, so that my cousin couldn’t touch me again. The taxi driver knew he was joking, but it was still funny.

  Chapter 10


  I had this idea in my mind that asking Ty and Miranda to join us was going to be a disaster, but once we got into our rooms and agreed to meet later for dinner, Colt and I couldn’t stop talking about how much fun we were having with them. Ty was a natural comedian and Miranda was his own personal cheering squad. Together, they were the most fun people to be around.

  The room Colt reserved for us was amazing. I had never been anywhere like Hawaii, so the scenery was fascinating to me. I couldn’t wait to get out and do things, as well as spend as much alone time with my new hubby as possible. I still couldn’t believe he was all mine. How I managed to marry the most handsome man on the face of the planet still boggled my mind, not that I was complaining. Colt got me, he understood me more than anyone ever had.

  There was not one single day since we had been together, that he didn’t remind me of how much I meant to him. It wasn’t like I ever expected him to say it all the time, he showed me in so many other ways. The way he worked me into every aspect of his life was amazing. In the past two years we had created something wonderful. The only thing missing was a baby, and we were working really hard for that to happen too.

  I think both of us wanted to try as much as we could while we were here. I had already been paying attention to my cycle and knew exactly when I was going to be ovulating. It ended up working out to where I wouldn’t start until the night that Ty and Miranda left. I wanted to be able to spend time with them, but also give them some alone time. They didn’t get to go home at night like Colt and I. Ty and Miranda had Bella, and even though neither of them complained about it, I knew they appreciated the time to themselves when they got it.

  I still couldn’t believe Ty had chose being a husband and father over his old lifestyle, but it was clear that Miranda and Bella were the missing piece in his life. I wanted to be focused on Colt and I, but my not being pregnant was causing me to focus more on how happy they were and how desperate I was. Colt was a very forgiving man. I knew he would never leave me if I couldn’t conceive, nevertheless, it would kill me if I couldn’t give him the one thing he yearned for.

  I needed to stay positive and not get so stressed out about it. Colt had already started unpacking his things. To follow suit, I grabbed my bag and started removing the items. Of course, Miranda had given me that sex book and for hours before my wedding, I found myself staring at every page. She had also given me a bunch of pointers and advice, that somehow made me feel optimistic I could take my sexual experiences to a whole new level. Our sex last night had benefited significantly already.

  Miranda had also gone out and bought some raunchy little numbers to bring with us, of course she gladly handed me the pile and told me to pick two. I still couldn’t believe it was Ty’s wife teaching me about my body and what I could do with it, but hey, she was family and I needed the help.

  She was so confident about her body, where I was only confident sometimes. Colt loved my body, that was never a secret, but it was me who wasn’t really sure of myself, especially next to Miranda. I feared the moment we stepped onto that beach, because the girl could easily be a swimsuit model. I had hated being at the ranch pool some days.

  “You finished unpackin’ Darlin?” Colt’s arms wrapped around me.

  “Yeah, you ready to go to the beach?” I asked.

  He pulled away and turned me around. Colt was wearing Aviator sunglasses and swimming trunks. My mouth dropped open.

  Holy crap! That is sexy!

  “What do ya think?” He asked.

  I wrapped my arms around him. “Do I have to share you with the whole beach? I’m kind of thinking that I shouldn’t have married the hottest man on the planet.”

  He rolled his eyes. “You are the only person that thinks that Darlin’. It doesn’t matter anyway, because they will be lookin’ at you, not me.”

  I shook my head and grabbed my swimsuit. While walking to the bathroom, Colt stopped me. He shook his head and started lifting off my shirt. He licked his lips and unhooked my bra, then immediately started removing my shorts and panties. I stood there in front of him completely naked. He backed away while he grabbed the bikini. Slowly, he bent down and let me step into the bottoms. When he got them up he kissed the fabric between my legs. Colt then took my bikini top and turned me around to tie it. He pulled my hair out of the clip and let it fall down my back, before stepping back and giving my body a once over. “Beautiful.”

  “You’re just saying that.” I worried that it wasn’t the truth. I knew I wasn’t ugly, but my boobs weren’t gigantic and I always felt like my ass wasn’t made for my slender body.

  Colt started laughing. “Darlin’, you can go ahead and think whatever you want, but you are the sexiest little thing I have ever laid eyes on. There ain’t one girl out there that can do what you do to me Savanna.” He pulled me toward a full size mirror near the bathroom. Colt stood behind me and ran his hands down one of my arms. “Your skin is perfect.” He kissed my ear. “I love the way your hair smells.” He kissed my neck. “Your breasts fill my hands and are sexy as all hell.” He kissed my chin and ran his hands down over my hips. “These here, are my most favorite part of your body. I love these hips and this ass.” His hands cupped my ass cheeks.

  Colt turned me around and looked into my eyes. “I love every single thing about you, Savanna. You’re a beautiful woman and if I have to remind you of it every single
day, I will.”

  Aside from leaving me completely breathless, Colt stood there waiting for me to respond. I stood on my tippy toes and brushed my lips over his. With my eyes still closed, I kissed him once more. “Best.Husband.Ever.”

  He smacked my butt. “I better be, cause I’m the only one you will ever have.”

  I turned to see Colt wink at me and then put his sunglasses back over his eyes. “We need to get going or I’m going to suggest we stay here and take off everything we just put on.”

  Colt laughed and grabbed the beach bag from me. I found my sunglasses and cover-up and we headed out to find Ty and Miranda.

  I pictured them hiding in some cabana, already half naked, but instead they were in the water, wrestling around and laughing. They waved as they saw us coming and pointed to which chairs were theirs. Colt and I took the ones next to them. I saw him clenching his jaw, waiting for me to take off the cover-up. “Do I have to?”

  He pushed his glasses down so I could see those sexy eyes. “Now!”

  He didn’t say it in an angry way. He wanted it off because he wanted to see me. Just thinking about it gave me goose bumps. I considered taking it off slowly and attempting to be super sexy, but as I hesitated, I felt cold arms wrapping around me. Ty’s wet body pressed against me, sending a cold chill all over me. It also instantly made my nipples rock hard. At that very moment, Colt grabbed the string and opened up the cover-up, revealing how cold I had become. Colt and Ty just stood there staring at my chest.

  I pulled off the cover-up and threw it at both of them. “Assholes!”

  I went running for the water.

  Miranda was already there waiting for me. When I got in to about my waist I went under the water and swam the rest of the way out to her. She wrapped her arms around me and giggled. “Isn’t this amazing?”

  It took me a second to get over the guys embarrassing me, but once I looked around at the blue water and the tropical surroundings, I started to smile. “It’s stunning.”


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