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Page 6

by Paloma Beck

  “How is that, beautiful?”

  “So good, Seamus,” Gemma answered. Her voice was even sweet in his head.

  “I love when you say my name.”

  “So if I keep saying it, will you make me come again?”

  “Let’s try,” Seamus tempted her. He was enjoying the playful side of his mate. He’d been worried at first that she’d be fragile, scared or maybe too serious; but Gemma had met him match-for-match at every turn. She was his perfect mate.

  Agreeing to this game, he pulled her nearly all the way off him.

  “Hey, Seamus!” Gemma chastised him. He dropped her down onto his shaft, none too gently and he saw the spark in her eyes as she remembered the rules. The game had begun. Once she recovered from the sensations, she met his eyes, winked and said it again inside his head, “Seamus”

  Seamus pulled her back up and down once again. She was light as a feather but still he made it look like it took effort. Soon though, after a few more times of this motion, there were no more games and no more laughing.

  “Seamus. Seamus. Seamus,” Gemma was chanting his name as they both reached their climax and came together in a sweaty mess of limbs and breaths.

  “You are mine, beautiful,” Seamus gasped as he closed his eyes and simply held her. “You belong to me now. I plan to treasure you for all time.”

  * * * *

  In the few hours before Seamus had to leave, she knew he wanted her to rest. The blood exchange was taking some time to get used to and it left her tired. The large quantities took her body time to adjust. All the effects she was feeling after spending years researching fascinated Gemma. She’d honestly never contemplated what it would feel like to experience them. She knew much more about the history of the Circle of Magdalena, which meant she also knew women didn’t always find their mate. Gemma felt immensely blessed to find Seamus.

  “I wish you would sleep,” Seamus whispered from beside her. The two mates lay side-by-side on Gemma’s bed.

  “I wish you would sleep. You will need it far more than me in the next few days,” Gemma turned her head to see Seamus. She wanted to drink him in, to get a picture in her mind she could carry with her while he was away.

  “I will be fine. Valendite Breeds need less sleep on average.”

  “Don’t start sprouting Valendite facts at me. Remember your mate is one of the leading researchers in the Valendite Breed. I kind-of know my stuff,” Gemma winked at Seamus before getting up.

  “Hey! Where are you going,” Seamus asked while he tried to grab for her. Gemma evaded his grasp and moved to the other side of the room.

  “What restores your power? Is there anything I can do to help with your strength before I leave?” Seamus looked concerned and it did something crazy to Gemma’s insides. She adored how he wanted to protect her. It felt good.

  “The best thing is for us to be surrounded by other Circle of Magdalena women, especially those blood-related. It’s exactly why our parents bought us the house so we could live together until we mated,” Gemma explained.

  “I could send for my parents to come stay with you. They would love to meet you and you’d have my mother’s energy close by…”

  “No, please. I’ll be worried and I need time to adjust. I promise if I need anything while you’re away, I will make sure I take care of myself.”

  “For now, I want to take care of you. Come back so I can,” Seamus raised his eyebrows in a silly gesture that made Gemma giggle like a little girl. She grabbed her camera from her desk on the far side of the room.

  “Here I come. I want a photo of us.” Gemma climbed back into the bed and lay beside Seamus again. She held the camera at arm’s length above them. “Say cheese.”

  The flash went off repeatedly before Seamus placed his hand over hers and snatched the camera. He aimed it at her and took photo after photo.

  “Enough. Stop, Seamus. I hate my picture taken.” Gemma wrinkled her nose at him to get him to listen to her and then she tried to wrestle the camera out of Seamus’s grasp. When she got it, she knew it was only because he allowed it. His strength was not something she’d be able to overcome without putting a little magic behind it.

  Seamus was laughing. “As adorable as your little nose twitch is, I dare say there may be something my little researcher doesn’t know. Your power won’t work on me.”

  “What?” Gemma turned to him in surprise.

  “It’s a fact. You won’t be able to compel me any more than I can you. It’s the Goddess’ way of allowing mates to retain a bit of free will,” Seamus explained.

  “How is it that you know this and I don’t?”

  Seamus shrugged. Gemma noticed he wore the adorable grin she loved so much. Picking the camera back up to her face, she took a bunch of shots of Seamus looking delicious against her purple bed linens. His tanned skin stood in contrast and defined the muscles running the length of his arms as he stretched them overhead.

  “Ok. Since you won’t go to sleep and I don’t want to get out of this bed yet, talk to me. Tell me all about Gemma Sinster. I know three of your sisters pretty well but you are all so different.”

  “We are?” Gemma was intrigued by his assessment of their personalities. And she knew he would have known Layla and Eloise well but which other had he gotten to know? And why was she feeling a bit jealous?

  Seamus nodded.

  “Do tell,” Gemma prompted him.

  “Well, first there’s Layla who for all intents and purposes is very shy. She’s quite content to let Madden do most of the talking. Honestly, I don’t know how he doesn’t scare the shit out of her.”

  Gemma laughed. “I think he does sometimes. And I think that’s why the Goddess gave them Anton to balance them.”

  Seamus looked like he was considering that. “I don’t think I could do it,” Seamus paused, “Share you, I mean. I’m not sure how I’m even going to handle other men around you with these crazy protective instincts I have to fight back. Shit, I hate leaving you here with Nicolaus and I’ve known him and trusted him with my life for years.”

  “It’s just the Claiming affecting you,” Gemma reassured him, “And the Claiming affects me by keeping my desire only for you.” She kissed his nose and set her camera onto her bedside table before curling herself into his arms.

  Changing the subject to lighter conversation, Gemma asked, “So what about Eloise?”

  “Now, Eloise is completely opposite Layla. She’s gregarious and always into something. I don’t know how Caedon contains her.”

  Her eyebrows rose and Gemma responded, “Perhaps he doesn’t. He might like her a bit uncontained.”

  “Not from what I hear,” Seamus spoke mostly under his breath but Gemma caught the undertones and knew she didn’t want to know any more on the subject.

  “Remember Eloise and Layla are years apart. Layla is the baby and she’s only nineteen. Eloise lived as an adult for longer without a mate. She had to find her own way, something to feel fulfilled without a mate. Her independence makes her so gregarious. Plus, from what I’ve heard, Caedon likes a challenge.” Gemma grinned when Seamus choked over her words. Her innuendo was clear that she too knew Eloise and Caedon might be unconventional behind closed doors.

  “But who else have you gotten to know? I didn’t know any of my sisters spent time at TEU.”

  “Grace. She visits Davina. Apparently they’ve become something of best friends after meeting at Layla’s Pronouncement.”

  “Oh, that’s great. Grace has always seemed so disconnected. This friendship will be good for her,” Gemma paused in thought and when Seamus didn’t say anything, she continued, “Grace has always worried the most over the requirements of the seventh prophecy even though no one is certain if we are ‘the seven born of one’ that the prophecy speaks of. There have been a few other families with seven sisters before us,” Gemma explained.

  “Is there a difference between those families and yours?”

  “The one of most significance
is that never have all seven sisters made it to adulthood. In each of the other families, one of the sisters died sometime in childhood.”

  “Do you hope for one way or the other?” Seamus asked.

  Gemma shrugged in answer and shook her head. When Seamus raised his eyebrows, she continued, “It would be exciting to live out a prophecy. But on the other hand, the true consequences fall to the first and last sisters.” According to all her research, the prophecy stated that ‘the first sister shall bear another seven and the seventh shall release the deadly sins so long as all are mated.’

  “The oldest and youngest sisters then?” Seamus asked.

  Gemma shook her head again, “I’m not convinced that’s the case. I think it’s referring to the first and last to be mated. And that none of the prophecy will be fulfilled until all of us are mated.”

  “Will it change anything significant for you since you are neither of these?”

  “Not any more than it will change our world, Seamus. We won’t have to worry for our children and families that the women have to suffer. If the seven sisters in the prophecy fulfill their ultimate calling by accepting their role as Valendite Breed mates, the curse of the Seven Sins will be broken. Women of the Magdalena Circle won’t live with a soul sin.”

  “It means our children will be freed from its curse,” Seamus finished for her, “It means we can have beautiful little girls that look just like their mother but bear no sin.”

  “Yes. It’s an incredible thought.” Gemma grew quiet as she contemplated her own sin and the difficulties she’d had throughout her childhood.

  “I am so glad you won’t suffer anymore,” Seamus’ voice in her mind warmed her.

  Gemma smiled at him and brought her lips to his in a gentle kiss. “I am so glad you found me” then using her voice, she continued, “Out of each of my sisters, my own sin manifested itself in a most unlikely way. While being greedy for knowledge wasn’t a bad thing, the thought of not knowing something plagued me. And obviously, it’s impossible to always know everything.” She shook her head.

  “Which is what brings on the attacks you had.”

  “And why now that I have you, the attacks have stopped.”

  “How did you handle them before? I mean, I saw just that one but it terrified me.”

  “With the seven of us living together in the house mother and father bought us, someone was always around if I needed them. But really it was always about planning. I knew everything that would happen in my day and I didn’t deviate. I lived by a structured schedule and it helped me feel safe.”

  “What if things now can’t be structured? Even without the sin, won’t that change be hard?”

  “It might be but I’ll learn to deal with it. I think getting you out of the deal is pretty good.” Gemma grinned at Seamus. “Though it would help if you picked up a bit more after yourself,” Gemma added.

  “What?” Seamus asked incredulously but Gemma pointed to the floor where his clothing lay in disarray.

  “There’s a laundry basket. Or at the very least, they could be folded onto a chair,” she suggested.

  Seamus laughed, “This might take me some time. I’ve lived with just me and Van for a while. And I’ve got to say that Van never cared where I put my clothes, or anything else for that matter.”

  “I didn’t know you lived with Donovan.” Gemma suddenly realized how important the missing TEU agent was to Seamus. She felt it through their bond now that he was thinking about his friend. “Why didn’t you tell me how close you were with him?”

  “I didn’t know how. He’s like a brother to me and losing him is not an option.”

  “Are you worried it has something to do with the people who took Caedon’s parents? I know TEU hasn’t tracked them down yet.”

  “I don’t think it’s likely, but I honestly can’t figure out what went wrong. I’m just sticking to the objective. I’ll get in, get him out and get home to you.”

  “I’ll be here waiting,” she spoke through their newly acquired bond before kissing him again, deeper this time. Without words, they both knew the kiss would have to last them until Seamus returned.

  Chapter Six

  She was certain she’d done the right thing by encouraging him to find Donovan. There was not a doubt in her mind about that. Still she feared for him. Gemma put on her big-girl panties and stood by him while Caedon and Madden went over mission objectives and details, much of it she didn’t understand. She held herself together and forced all her emotions down so as not to worry Seamus.

  But before he left, Gemma needed Seamus to know he could count on her. She jumped up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “I am yours,” she spoke into his mind so others wouldn’t hear.

  Seamus’ response was immediate as his lips crushed down on hers. This wasn’t the sweet kiss of earlier, and Gemma returned his intensity and encouraged him to pull her closer and deepen the kiss even further. Seamus grabbed her bottom and forced her to wrap her legs around his waist. The thought that she should be embarrassed in front of the others crossed her mind but it was only fleeting. Everything inside her focused on her mate.

  Gemma did hear one of the men gasp however. She opened her eyes for just a moment and saw the colors of light. Seamus and her combined emotions caused bursts of sparkling light to swirl around them. Incredible joy pounded in her veins and she knew she loved this man. He felt right against her as his lips pressed against hers and his teeth nipped at her lower lip.

  A cough from behind them broke their moment. Seamus squeezed his eyes closed before opening them, shaking his head and placing her down on the floor. With his hand around her waist, he looked to Nicolaus.

  “I place my mate in your keeping.” Seamus spoke solemnly.

  “I swear my oath to her safety,” Nicolaus dipped his head slightly and nodded once.

  Seamus grabbed her face, his hands on either side, and placed his forehead against hers.

  “I will be back as quickly as possible.”

  “I will be right here waiting,” Gemma offered the only assurance she had to give.

  * * * *

  “The damn coordinates tell us he’s right here,” Seamus spoke to Caedon through his earpiece. “There’s nothing here. It’s a shack. A damn shack.” Seamus kicked around broken furniture that lay on the dirty floors.

  Gage searched the other rooms while Seamus reported in. They’d used stealth and entered the village in the middle of the night despite all intel showing it was uninhabited. Donovan’s GPS signal led them here though, and Seamus didn’t intend to leave until he figured out what the fuck was going on. Through the pitch-dark, with only their night-vision goggles, he and Gage had searched the entire village. They’d found two chickens and a dog that was now following him around the building he stood in, but no other sign of life.

  “We have a lock in this location. He’s there somewhere,” Caedon said.

  “Or his GPS tracker is there,” Madden suggested. A deafening silence followed that statement because they each knew the doctors had surgically installed their trackers.

  “Seamus,” Gage called out and interrupted the thoughts beginning to eat at Seamus.

  He followed Gage’s voice through another room that smelled of rotten food and stale sweat. The shack was uninhabitable. Seamus couldn’t imagine this had been used as a home in years. It’s abandoned furniture lay entirely in shambles. He approached Gage and immediately saw what Gage was looking at.

  “Fuck,” was the only thing he could say as he stared at the writing on the wall. The message was written in Italian and was definitely in Donovan’s handwriting.

  Same group looking for us. Connected to Pisano kidnapping.

  Let myself get captured. Rendezvous in Pontedra.

  After reading it to himself, Seamus spoke the message aloud for Caedon to record through their comm device. He memorized the words and then he wanted to scream at the risk Donovan was taking. Did he not remember how bad Caedon’s parents
had looked when they rescued them?

  As if reading his mind, Caedon’s voice rang clear through the earpiece. “Listen carefully to me. We can get him out before any harm is done. There’s a reason Donovan let himself get captured. He’s smart. He obviously saw this as our way in. And remember, he had the fake CIA credentials.”

  Gage agreed and offered up his own proof. “They’d never left him in this room thinking he was secure if they’d suspected he was a Breed. You should see this shithole, Madden.”

  Madden interjected, “It’s likely they think he’s CIA and Donovan is smart enough to use that to his advantage.”

  “And the smart son-of-a-bitch led us right to their door,” Gage nodded his head and grinned. “I knew he was the smart one out of you two.”

  “Look, Seamus, they’ll use human torture techniques which mean nothing to a Breed.”

  “But his reaction to the torture will make it obvious he isn’t human.” That got Seamus moving. “Okay. So what’s the plan? We obviously have to move quick.”

  “Double time it back to the drop off point and return to the Sinster home. By then, we’ll gather a full team. We’re going to take these bastards out.”

  * * * *

  They arrived back at the Sinster house as the first rays rose in the morning sky. Seamus sat in Gemma’s bedroom and watched her sleep before he headed down for the first briefing of the day. By now, Caedon would have some intel to share.

  It was only a few minutes after they began running through information that Seamus felt Gemma’s alarm through their bond. He called to her in his mind, “I’m back. We’re in the dining room in a briefing.”


  “He wasn’t there but we know where he is now. Come join me when you’re ready.”

  “Will I be in the way?”

  “Never. Get dressed and come down.”


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