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by Diana Duncan

  Perspiration dampened his skin. He groaned again and grabbed her wrists. "I'm real happy to hear that, but you're killing me, honey."

  Her husky laugh arrowed straight to his heart. She arched her hips into him. "You feel like you're enjoying it."

  He clenched his jaw. Dredge up that famous self-discipline, Colton. He spanned her waist with his hands and sat her on the oak piano. Stepping between her thighs, he cradled her against him, kissing her cheeks, her nose, her eyelids. He nibbled the tender spot where her neck met her shoulder, and she shivered. Under the silky blue top, her beaded nipples grazed his chest. He palmed her breasts, thrilled at the sound of her breath catching in her throat.

  He bent his head and suckled her nipples through the silk. Her throaty moan speared through him, pumping scorching blood through his veins like lava. He stroked the cool, slippery pants and matching panties down her slender legs, delighting in her sensual shivers as he bared her lower body. Taking his time, he unbuttoned her shirt, revealing her creamy ivory skin inch by inch. The silk whispered off her shoulders and rippled into a sapphire pool on the lustrous oak.

  Awed, he devoured the sight of her naked beauty, memorizing every lovely curve. He lifted his gaze to hers, her shimmering golden eyes reflecting his own passion. So this was what it was like to make love. Really make love, not just have sex. Another miracle. His heart thundered in his ears. "My beautiful Tessa, I love you."

  "I love you, too," she breathed. "So much."

  He sipped again and again at her sweet lips before he tasted the line of her jaw, her earlobes, her neck. Marveling at her satiny smooth breasts, he drew her nipple into his mouth and circled his tongue tantalizingly around the velvety tip before suckling hard.

  Quivering, she thrust her fingers into his hair, pulling him closer, her gasps choppy and ragged. "Oh!"

  He gave the other nipple his careful attention, and then moved lower, kissing her soft belly. He moved lower still, tasting her, sweet and feminine, leisurely flicking his tongue across the small, swollen bud. She moaned, trembled under his hands. "Wait. Don't. I want you inside me first."

  He stripped off his remaining clothing. Gazing into her passion-dilated eyes, he smoothed her tousled curls from her forehead. "There's no hurry. We've got all night. And a lifetime after that." A lifetime with this remarkable woman. His heart soared.

  "I know." She rained impatient little kisses all over his face. "But I want you now. Right now. No more waiting."

  He smiled at her uninhibited eagerness. "I'm yours. Now and always."

  Without hesitation, she opened her thighs wide, giving him unquestioning access to the most vulnerable part of her. At her trust, warmth curled in his chest. He wouldn't betray her faith. Not now, not ever. Lifting her bottom, he nestled between her thighs. Holding his breath, he eased into her soft, damp heat.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. "I want to give you everything."

  Tenderness washed over him. He clenched his jaw at her urgent movements, resisting the pleasure that urged him to race to the finish. As her sleek warmth encircled him inch by inch, sweat pooled in the small of his back and beaded on his forehead. "I want to give you everything, too, sweetheart. The best of everything." He closed his eyes, fighting the temptation to thrust in to the hilt. Encountering resistance, he stopped at the fragile barrier. He opened his eyes to look at her.

  "Mmm. More, Gabe." She wriggled against him.

  He clung to the razor edge of sanity. "Trust your pilot, honey. This won't hurt if we take our time."

  "It doesn't hurt. It's wonderful." She arched her back. Her abrupt movement pushed him deep, and the barrier between them gave way. She gasped and went rigid in his arms.

  Rattled and as unsure as an inexperienced virgin himself, he froze. "Tessie? You okay?"

  "Yes." She sighed. "Go ahead."

  He rubbed her back until the tension eased from her muscles. "Relax, honey. From here on, it only gets better." Carefully, he slid nearly out of her sweet warmth and then in again, searching her face for signs of pain before continuing.

  "This is amazing," she whispered, her body rising to meet him with each stroke. "The way you feel inside of me. You fill me, complete me."

  He felt that way, too, as though he'd found the piece of his heart that had been missing all these years. Blitzed by both the emotional and physical bombardment, he was perilously close to climaxing. He groaned. Gripping her bottom, he held her in place. "Stay still. I need a minute."

  She froze. "Is this hurting you?"

  "No, sweetheart." Chuckling, he rested his forehead against hers. "But you're blowing my self-control all to hell. And I want your first time to be great."

  "I'm making love with the man I love. How could it get any better?"

  He grinned at her innocence. If he had his way—and he would—she'd soon know. Once again, he gently began to thrust. "Okay?"

  She instantly picked up the rhythm, her body as in tune with his as if they'd been lifelong lovers. Trembling, she rocked her hips faster, increasing the pace. "Yes. Oh, yes."

  Watching her closely, he matched her quickening movements, their passion quickly escalating.

  Her heart thundered against his own. "In my wildest dreams, I never imagined—"

  Fire licked through him. "Fly with me, honey," he gasped. Pure sensation took over. He wrapped his arms around her, thrusting hard and fast, glorying in possessing his woman, and her wild response. He lifted his gaze to hers. Her eyes were alight with amber fire, glowing with fierce adoration.

  She brought her mouth to his, her warm, ragged breaths feathering over his lips. "You'll never be alone again, Gabe. I love you. Forever."

  His entire being exploded with a surge of love so intense, so bright, he shook. She cherished him. He never thought any woman would. She loved him. He'd never thought any woman could. And he never thought he'd be capable of loving and cherishing in return. He surrendered, willingly giving her everything. Even the part of him he'd always held back. Sweet, hot pleasure rocketed through him as he poured himself into her.

  She quivered, her inner muscles contracting around him again and again. His gaze embraced her soul, and he cradled her body, protecting and treasuring her as she found fulfillment in his arms. The intense emotions that swept through him rocked him to the core.

  Tessa blinked rapidly. Lights, colors, sparks swirled in her vision. Gasping for breath, she held fast to Gabe's gaze, the center of her spinning universe. His body was shuddering violently. She gripped his damp shoulders as he took her impossibly high, then higher, to paradise. Soaring, she rapidly crested a second time, crying out as ecstasy again flooded her.

  Aftershocks rippled through her. Dazed, she clung to him. Tenderly he urged her closer. Murmuring encouragement and praise, he prolonged her pleasure by slowing to a gentle glide, drawing out the sensations. Sheltered in the safe haven of his embrace, she floated back to awareness. She didn't want their connection to end. She wanted to stay here forever, with his hardness and strength filling her, with his body enveloped in hers.

  Staggering, overwhelming love for him welled up inside. Trembling uncontrollably, she buried her face in his neck, her ragged breaths inhaling his unique male scent, hot and damp with arousal.

  He went still. "Damn it! I did hurt you."

  "No. Making love to you is—" she gulped. "When you're inside of me and you look at me, I see, I see your soul. We're as close as two people can be, one person, one heart."

  He dragged in a deep breath. He was trembling, too. "Heart of my heart, soul of my soul." His strong hands stroked her back in a soothing caress. "I'm sorry about this, sweetheart."

  She pulled away to give him an incredulous look. "Whatever for? You just gifted me with the most incredible experience of my life."

  "I wanted your first time to be special. Dinner, love songs, dancing, candles." A wry grin tilted his lips. "A bed."

  She grinned back. "This is the most beautiful music I've ev
er made on a piano. We can make love in bed the second time." Her grin widened. "Speaking of which, when does the next flight leave on Colton Air?"

  It was his turn to look incredulous. "You've got to be kidding." He pressed a gentle kiss to the corner of her mouth. "You must be sore."

  "Only a little tender. Not enough to keep me grounded." She rocked against him, exulting as he instantly hardened inside of her. "Again, Gabe."

  He laughed. With their bodies still joined, he lifted her and carried her to the bed. He gently lowered her to the plush yellow comforter. "Anything you say, sweetheart." He began to stroke, slow and deep.

  "Mmm. There's only one thing I want to know."

  "What's that?"

  She slid her hands down his back, enjoying the play of hard muscles under his smooth, heated skin. "Does this airline give frequent flyer miles?"

  * * *

  Chapter 20

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  Three incredible, passion-hazed days later, Tessa woke to Gabe's soft kiss. "Wake up, sleepyhead."

  "Uh," she groaned, reveling in the strong thud of his heart under her cheek. She'd slept with her head on his broad chest all night. When they'd slept, that is. "What time is it?"

  "Noon. And we have an appointment."

  "Noon? Good grief! What kind of appointment?"

  He hugged her. "It's a surprise."

  She rolled over. Her body protested, reminding her of the hours of paradise spent in Gabe's arms. He made love the way he did everything else, with uninhibited playfulness and abandon. His blatant delight and reverent absorption in her body had unleashed a wild, unrestrained streak in her she hadn't even known she possessed. He enjoyed looking at her, touching her, and he'd openly reveled in her fiery response.

  Their life together would be one roller-coaster adventure after another. Especially in the bedroom. She groped for the clock and another, louder groan escaped.

  "Muscles a little stiff this morning, hmm?" One dark brow arched in amusement. "I tried to convince you those last two times were too much, but little did I know I'd pick a genuine flying ace."

  She gave him a wicked smile and slid her hand down his body. "Speaking of stiff muscles."

  He sucked in a breath. "As you can tell, I'd love to rocket into the wild blue yonder with you again, but no time for that."

  She took a quick shower, then drank a cup of tea and ate a slice of toast while he showered. He hustled her downstairs and into the Corvette.

  "Curiosity is killing me. Where are we going?"

  He grinned. "You'll find out." Fifteen minutes later, he dropped her off at an exclusive spa. "I'll see you in a while."

  She entered the spa and found Mel waiting for her, wearing a neon lime-green pantsuit and a beaming smile.

  She eyed her best friend. "Okay, what's up?"

  Mel laughed. "This is so much fun."

  An attendant ushered them to a back room where she served them a large platter of fresh fruit and cheese. They were treated to massages, facials, manicures and pedicures. Then stylists did their hair and makeup. Gift-wrapped dresses with matching lacy undergarments arrived. Soft apricot for Mel, glowing emerald-green for Tessa.

  Tessa looked at the accompanying heart-shaped box of imported chocolates, and grinned. "Wow, does Gabe do it up in style or what? He's the most incredible, wonderful man on the planet."

  Mel rolled her eyes. "For a testosterone jockey, he's tolerable."

  When they stepped outside, relaxed and pampered, a gleaming black limo awaited. An uniformed chauffeur snapped to attention. He touched the brim of his cap. "Miss Beaumont. Miss Parrish. I'm Giles, at your service."

  Giggling like schoolgirls, Tessa and Mel slid into the luxurious ivory leather interior. Surround-sound speakers played Elvis hits as the limo wove through the city streets. Tessa looked at Mel. "Want to clue me in?"

  Mel gave her a pixie grin. "Nope."

  The limo meandered down familiar streets, finally stopping in front of St. Michael's Church. Tessa's heart lurched. "Mel?"

  Melody took her hand and tugged her up the stairs, through the vestibule and down the hallway to the bride's dressing room. Her friend pushed open the door.

  Tessa entered, then stopped short. The candlelight satin-and-lace Victorian gown from Bernard's Bridals hung in front of her. Gabe stood beside the gown, wearing a tux.

  "Happy wedding day, sweetheart."

  Her stomach flip-flopped. "You're wedding-phobic."

  "I've been miraculously cured." He grinned at her.

  "But you came unglued over my wedding to Dale."

  "Exactly. Which I'd never done before. Granted, I abhorred commitment, but I'd never freaked out. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out my over-the-top reaction was due to the fact that you were marrying another man."

  Her eyes filled with tears. "I don't know what to say."

  "How about I do?" He kissed her tenderly. "I'll be at the altar. Don't make me wait too long."

  Mel helped her dress in the lace gown, adjusted a wreath of apricot rosebuds on Tessa's hair, and then stepped back. "You're a beautiful bride, Tess." Teary-eyed and sniffling, her friend handed her the matching bouquet.

  Arm in arm, they walked to the vestibule. When they arrived at the rear of the sanctuary, the organist began the wedding march. Tessa followed Mel down the aisle, glancing around in amazement. Apricot roses spilled from every nook and cranny. Her friends filled the pews, their faces smiling as she passed.

  Then she looked at the front where Gabe waited, gorgeous in his tux. Her stomach fluttered in response. He flashed her his five-hundred-watt grin, and her soul soared. The ceremony flew by in a blur of happiness.

  He'd even provided a gold band for her to slip on his finger. A symbol of his commitment, and a counterpart to the heart-shaped diamond he placed on hers. She blinked back tears as his strong, even voice pledged her his love, his life, and his sacred honor. Forever.

  Afterward, he escorted her down the aisle accompanied by a triumphant organ refrain and a shower of rose petals.

  Inside the limo, he handed her a fluted crystal goblet brimming with champagne. "I've been thinking—"

  "Uh-oh. That's always dangerous."

  He laughed and tweaked a wayward curl peeking beneath her veil. "We make a great team. What would you say to opening a private investigation business? Agency work has lost its shine. Being away from you for months at a time is highly unappealing. And I don't want to get caught in a bad situation and leave you a young widow."

  Her heart leapt into her throat. "If anything happened to you—"

  He slid his arm around her shoulders. "Exactly why I'm 'retiring.' I can run the P.I. firm on my own if you want to stay with the bank."

  "Oh, right. I'd miss it horribly. I'll pine away if Trask isn't dumping all his work on me and chewing out my fanny day after day." She took a sip of cool, tart champagne, enjoying the tingle. "After this last month with you, Mr. Adventure, banking seems as dull as dishwater."

  He laughed again. "I guess that's settled, then." He raised his goblet. "To my partner in crime, and Houdini Private Investigations."

  She clinked glasses with him. "We're going to be solving them, not committing them. And speaking of crimes, don't turn in your handcuffs. I need them."

  "How come?"

  "I still owe you for that highhanded stunt at your place. One of these days, when you least expect it, you're going to wake up and find yourself cuffed to the bed, naked and helpless." She arched her brows at him. "Then, Bond, Gabe Bond, it will be payback time."

  He inhaled sharply. "Promise?"

  She smiled. "It's a promise. Remember, I never break my promises."

  Desire glittered in his eyes. "And I always pay my debts, sweetheart." He gave her a wolfish grin. "I look forward to paying this one. With interest."

  With the sensual vow glittering between them, the limo arrived at the banquet hall. Gabe held her arm and escorted her inside. She glanced around at the room overflowing with mor
e apricot roses and turned to her husband with a smile of pure bliss. "Did you wipe out every apricot rose in the state?"

  He grinned. "Darn near."

  Buffet tables off to one side practically groaned under heaping platters of food, and a huge wedding cake topped with a tiny, perfect, auburn-haired bride and raven-haired groom sat at one end. "How did you do all this, contact my friends, know the exact dress and size, order the cake?"

  "I was with you when you finalized the arrangements before, remember? I saw what you wanted. Plus, I confiscated your daily planner."

  "But how did you have time?" Her cheeks heated. "We've done nothing but make love for three days."

  "You slept in between. I didn't. Mel and I nearly went insane secretly getting everything ready. That is one determined pixie. Remind me never to stand in her way." He chuckled. "The honeymoon is up to you. Where would you like to go?"

  "How about three or four months sunbathing naked in the Caribbean? On the Serendipity."

  He frowned. "What about your fear of water? And you can't swim. You can't be on the boat if you can't swim. It's not safe."

  "My phobia got cured, too. The hard way. I found out there are worse things than dying. From now on, I'm living every moment of my life to the fullest." She gave him a tender smile. "You can teach me to swim. Along with tutoring me in a few other skills. Like in the bedroom."

  He snorted. "Hell baby, you've taught the tutor a thing or two in that department." He cupped her face in his big, warm hand. "Are you sure? I've never spent even a fourth of my paycheck. I invested it all these years. We've got a nice fat nest egg. We can go anywhere, do anything you want."

  "Positive." She glanced at the door as the guests began to drift inside, then back up at him. Her soul mate. "I'm overwhelmed. I love you so much, Gabe. I don't know how to thank you for all this."

  "I love you, too." His lips curled in a sensual grin that sent heat sizzling through her from eyelashes to toenails. "I'm sure you'll think of a way to thank me."


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