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Hell on Earth 1 - Hell's Belles

Page 2

by Jackie Kessler

  "You're right," I said, giving her a tiny, helpless smile, setting her at ease. "I'll give you something." Then I pushed, just a little—nothing to set off any of her wards, just a tickle of desire. Hetero was way more my thing, but I'd done the Sapphic route in my time. Caitlin was one of those free-spirited mortals who saw the inherent beauty in all living things, blah blah. In other words, she pitched for both teams. A whisper of power, blowing her way, settling over her like dander. She sneezed…

  … and looked into my face, and I watched her eyes darken and heard her heartbeat quicken. I licked my lips slowly, suggestively, and her lips parted in return. A sound escaped from her mouth, the softest of ohhhs, as her eyes lost their focus. I caught the spice of her sex as her body responded to my invisible touch, saw her nipples harden beneath her flannel nightshirt, watched her undo first one button, then the next…

  My voice soft so I wouldn't pull her out of her trance, I purred, "Say my name."

  Her fingers opened the third button, and her right breast poked out from the opening in her clothing. In a breathy whisper, she said, "Jezebel."


  "Caitlin, you mentioned a Shield Against Evil." I kept my voice pitched low; even though calling my name while under my power bound her to me, she was still a ridiculously strong witch. The wrong tone, or pushing her too hard to do something against her nature, could break my control over her. "Do you have one of those shields here, lying around?"

  "Mmmm." Now her shirt was completely unfastened, and her hand was moving down between her legs. "Yes…"

  "Sweetie, I need you to get it. Wrap it up in a towel and bring it to me. Don't touch it directly with your skin."

  Her hand paused, fingers buried in her cotton panties. "Now?"


  With a sigh, she stood and padded out of the room, her open nightshirt flapping around her like a robe.

  Okay, she'd give me the shield, I'd drink the nasty brew, and everything would be fine—

  A small buzz whined in my ears. I tensed, sitting up straight as I tentatively reached out, stretching my power… and was slapped away.

  Shit! I stole a glance out the window. It was still dark out, but the sky already had that lush purple look that meant sunrise was right around the corner. The humans were waking up. A stray car or two motored by, mortals on their way to somewhere; across the street, a light was on in an upstairs room.

  And somewhere out there, my pursuer had honed in on me. I didn't know how much time I had before I was found—maybe a few minutes, maybe as much as an hour. In my hands, the mug of witch's brew trembled.

  Caitlin walked back into the room, her eyes vacant, her arms wrapped around a blue towel. "I brought it for you…"

  Excellent. With both the potion and the talisman in my possession, I could make like a shepherd and get the flock out of there. I wasn't about to put Caitlin at risk, especially not after that blessed oath she'd made me say. Last thing I needed was for the Hecate to come after me; there's nothing like a deity with a hair up its ass to really take the spring out of one's step. "Much obliged, sweetie."

  I grabbed the bundle from her hands—a bit too roughly, because she blinked once, blinked again and said, "Jesse… ? What—"

  The buzzing in my ears turned into a full-blown scream just as something slammed against Caitlin's front door: BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!

  Casting aside all hints of subtlety, I hurled my power at Caitlin. She gasped, then a dazed look settled over her as she swayed on her feet.

  "Hear only my voice, Caitlin," I commanded her, somehow keeping my voice steady. "Lie down on the couch and close your eyes."

  Glancing at the door, I saw it still held. For now. Nothing had burst through, which meant Caitlin's ward was way, way stronger than I'd hoped it would be. The beastie outside was only knocking; out of either respect for the witch's power or out of fear for her patron goddess, my hunter was being polite. That meant I had a moment or two to spare. Yay, me.

  Turning back to my enchanted witch, I was going to tell her to sleep, but instead I gave her a small gift. I hadn't meant to lead trouble to her door; the least I could do was show her a good time. "Picture your fantasy lover, the one whom you've always wanted. Your lover is here with you, Caitlin. Your lover is with you now, kissing you up and down."

  She moaned, her body arching, her exposed flesh dimpling from the touch of her imaginary partner. Another crash sounded against the door, like something huge and heavy pounding against it. BOOM! The demon outside was getting impatient. Had to be a male; we females were used to waiting.

  Over the noise I said, "Let your lover seduce you, Caitlin. Give yourself over completely, with no restraint." In a burst of inspiration I added, "When you climax, you will forget I was ever here. And then you'll sleep for the rest of the day."

  Letting out a cry of pleasure, she moved her body, arms reaching up to encircle nothing.

  I'd say that getting Caitlin out of a rampaging demon's way safely counted as me helping her when she needed it. All debts were cancelled.

  Again, a BOOM!!! against the door, which buckled slightly from the force. I was out of time.

  "Right," I said aloud, the wrapped shield in one hand, the steaming mug in the other. "Bottom's up." And I gulped down the potion.

  Chapter 2

  Caitlin's House (II)

  I've slurped on monkey brains when doing a stint in Taiwan. I've feasted on sweetbreads in France, when one particular client was a chef with exotic appetites. I've even forced down a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, all in the name of doing the job.

  But never, in all of my existence, have I had to stomach milk.

  I quaffed the brew, screwing my eyes shut and pretending there was lemon curdling the mixture, making it palatable. At least the blood and ivory offset the taste somewhat.

  With the last gulp, I felt the liquid explode into raw magic, bursting through my body from the inside out. I screamed as heat seared over me, fusing my outer shell to my true demonic form. Pressure bubbled in my limbs as blood and bone and muscle transformed from parody to reality, from infernal to human. Sparks danced across my skin in a wild jitterbug, standing my body hair on end as I felt—really felt—every nerve ending tingle. From my scalp to my toes, and everywhere in between, my flesh sang with life, a song resonating with agony and ecstasy. My scream cut off as I gasped, breathed…

  … and crashed to the floor, whimpering, wrapping my arms around my torso. Fuuuuuck. That hurt!

  I couldn't do anything but tremble as a million sensations hit me at once. Smell, more than anything—a stench of sweat and shit and milk and blood, all mixed into an organic perfume that assaulted my nostrils. Taste—the tangy, salty flavor of my perspiration and sharp sweetness of my blood as I bit through my bottom lip… and fuuuuuuck, the feeling of that bite—bless me, that stung!

  A backbeat to my pain was the chill of cool air kissing my skin; the solidness of the wooden floor, and above it the thick bands of the area rug, bumpy and uncomfortable against my bare legs; the undertow of gravity pulling me down, anchoring me to the ground, giving weight to my hands, my breasts, my head…

  Wetness seeped from my eyes. Raising a hand, I wiped away the fluid, assuming it was blood; with my luck, I'd probably sprung a leak. I stared, dumbstruck, at the water that glistened on my fingers. Tears. Actual tears.

  Unholy Hell, the witch really did it. Her nasty potion turned me into a mortal.

  On the couch, Caitlin let out a series of gasps, ending with a scream of triumphant pleasure. Outside the house, an earth-moving BAM! BAM! BAM!!! rattled my teeth and sent candlesticks flying from the windowsill as something massive connected with the warded front door.

  Taking a shuddering breath—and marveling over not having to remember to breathe—I looked up. The door still held, but the wood appeared stressed, as if it could splinter with the slightest breeze. On the sofa, the witch sighed in contentment, and her head lolled to the side, her thick curls eclipsing her face. Ligh
ts out for Caitlin.

  I quickly unfolded the towel. Lying on the blue terrycloth, a thick silver chain winked at me. Clasped to it was a single, large green gem in the shape of an eye. Even in the soft lighting of Caitlin's living room, the verdant color shone clearly, brightly. Not emerald, which would have been a deeper green; maybe peridot.

  Biting my lip, then wincing from the fresh bout of pain that brought, I braced myself as I touched the chain.

  Nothing. No burst of flame. No instant disintegration.

  The door groaned, buckling as the being outside struck it again. Two of the metal locks snapped off, landing near my bare feet. Caitlin's wards wouldn't hold much longer.

  Blowing out a nervous breath, I grazed the gemstone with the tip of my finger.

  Still no reaction. Either the shield was defective, or I was completely human. From the way overwhelming terror was turning my new blood to ice, I decided to run with the "completely human" scenario.

  Now or never.

  I grasped the chain and dropped the necklace over my head. The green stone slipped between my breasts. Gooseflesh dotting my skin, I stood on shaky legs and turned to the door.


  I opened the door, remembering at the last minute that I was stark naked. That didn't bother me, but it probably would have upset Caitlin, so I stuck my head out, keeping my nude body behind the tortured door.

  Between my breasts, the stone tingled.

  On the front porch stood a creature easily the size of a small mountain, immaculately dressed in an Italian-cut black suit. Gold cufflinks by the wrists; gold clasp on the silk tie. Black wingtip leather shoes caught the dawn as they sparkled in the morning light. Wearing a human form, his salt-and-pepper hair was perfectly trimmed, and his face and body were full, the byproduct of luxurious foods. Eyes the color of liquid gold gleamed at me—no pupils, no whites, just gold. Everything about him screamed "money," and I easily placed him as a demon of Covet.

  I mentally slapped my forehead. Of course. A creature of Greed would be a perfect bounty hunter; everyone knew that nothing stood between a Coveter and its intended object. It made me briefly wonder what sort of price was on my head—as greedy as those demons were, the price had to be right. No one wanted something that wasn't worth the effort.

  Cold comfort. Or maybe that was the draft blowing on my nude body.

  "Little witch," the demon rumbled in a rich, cultured voice, "you have something I want."

  My stomach dropped into my toes, and I swallowed a lump the size of a pigeon. I barely choked down a nervous laugh as I forked the sign of the evil eye, trying to flick my wrist the way I'd seen countless mortals do in the past. Part of me relished the sensation of being horrorstruck; it was fascinating how my limbs wanted to freeze up and my heart nearly stopped beating out of fright. The rest of me told myself to get a fucking grip and deal with the very real threat looming over me right now.

  Putting the right amount of respect (completely fabricated) and fear (completely legitimate) into my voice, I shouted, "Back, demon! You're not welcome here!"

  He sneered, looking down at me as if I'd come to dinner dressed in ripped jeans. "I don't need your welcome, little witch. I need your guest."

  Widening my eyes in mock surprise, I repeated, "Guest?"

  A smile crept across his broad face. "You know who I mean, little witch. I can smell the slut. I know she's here. Her trail ends at your doorstep. Where is she? Where is Jezebel?"

  Even the best lie isn't as strong as the lamest truth. "She knocked on my door hours ago. She's not here anymore." So to speak.

  He bent down so his head was level with mine. His golden eyes sparkled, and I found myself staring at their reflective surfaces, captivated by the way they shone. All of that gold… His eyes seemed to grow into brilliant suns, flashing yellow and white. I felt myself falling into a sea of cold, golden coins, being sucked under…

  "Are you telling me the truth?"

  My voice small, far away, I said, "Yes…"

  On my chest, the gemstone flared. Gasping from the sudden heat, my concentration broke and I quickly pulled my gaze to the floor. Bless me, he'd almost charmed me! That bastard!

  His voice heavy as bars of gold, he said, "I don't believe you."

  Okay, time to channel Caitlin. How would she react if a demonic presence attempted to compel her?

  Based on how she was currently unconscious on her sofa, she'd fold like a pack of cards. So make that, How would Caitlin react if a demonic presence unsuccessfully attempted to compel her?

  Confident that the shield around my neck would continue protecting me, I pulled myself up to my full height—all sixty-four inches of it—and planted a hand on my hip. Glaring, I said, "I don't give a damn what you believe. You're a creature of Greed; that's obvious from all your expensive trappings. You have no power over me. I belong to the Hecate. Unless you want to invoke the wrath of the triple goddess, do your gold-digging somewhere else."

  Perhaps amused, he stood straight, looming over me as he smiled. "You're very cute, little witch, posturing in all of your glory. Tell me: Where is the succubus Jezebel?"

  If she were in her right mind, the succubus Jezebel would be far, far away from you. Still pretending to be Caitlin, I said, "I don't know."

  "You smell of sex, little witch. I think you know more than you're saying."

  I lifted my chin high. "Of course I smell of sex. You interrupted me. Last I heard, there was nothing wrong with having intercourse in my own house, on my own time, with a willing partner."

  He stared at me, peered into my eyes as if he could read my secrets. His grin widened, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth. Eep.

  I was out of bravado, so I covered by running out of patience as well. "Next time, ring the doorbell. Now get out of here before I banish you."

  "You don't have the power to do that, little witch." His golden eyes flashing hypnotically, he said, "I could take anything I wanted from you."

  "Anything?" I threw open the door, revealing my nakedness… and my necklace. The shieldstone seared my flesh, warding off the demon's inherent Evil. Clenching my teeth, I refused to squirm as I felt my skin burn beneath the peridot.

  His gaze traveled the length of my body, lingering by my breasts, but I couldn't tell if that was due to my womanly charms or the amulet that dangled between them. He said, "Pretty. And a pretty talisman too. I want it. Let me have it, little witch."

  A wave of power crashed over me… and washed away. Still, it had rocked me back a step; if I hadn't been holding onto the door handle, I would have fallen. His eyes gleamed gold as they sparkled, inviting me to look deep within.

  My throat tight, I said, "If you can take it, it's yours."

  A grin splitting his face, he reached out and caressed the swell of my left breast. My flesh grew icy where his touch lingered, as if he'd stolen my body's warmth.

  I hadn't abased myself to a mortal witch and forced myself to drink milk just to have a Coveter cop a feel. Swallowing my fear, I said, "Maybe I was wrong about you being a creature of Greed. You're acting more like one of Lust."

  Ooh, that struck a nerve. With a snarl, he grabbed the stone—and screeched, pulling his fingers away. Holding his scorched hand, he glowered at me, his malefic gaze promising to hurt me in ways I'd never dreamed. "You'll pay for that, witch girl!"

  "I'm under the protection of the Hecate," I said, managing to keep the fact I was utterly terrified out of my voice. "Harm me, and you'll face her in all her ire." I made myself believe those words, forced myself to be Caitlin in all of her faith in magic and gods.

  And he bought the act completely. Trembling from rage or pain, he spat, "Where's the slut? Tell me, where is Jezebel?"

  Taking a deep breath, I said, "All I can say is she's no longer here."

  A growl sounded, deep in his throat, and the color of his golden eyes darkened until they danced with red. Blood money.

  I'd gone too far. If I didn't appease him somehow, he would laun
ch himself at me, ward or no. And I was too exhausted to counter a full-blown demonic attack. "She was dressed up like a television star," I said quickly. "Maybe she's on her way to Hollywood. You know, to blend."

  He paused, arching an eyebrow. His unblinking eyes tried to read me, to penetrate hidden meaning behind my words. Finally he said, "You turned her away?"

  "She said something from Hell was hot on her heels. Why would I want to take on her problem?" I even pulled off a passable shrug. All I had to do was keep from passing out, and I'd be home free.

  His voice dripping with menace, he asked, "Did the slut tell you why I was after her?"

  "I asked twice, but she refused to answer." Remembering Caitlin's words, I added, "If she wanted my help so bad, she would've answered my questions."

  After a moment, he nodded. "I believe you. No matter. I will find her, little witch. If not me, then one of the others."

  "Others?" I asked before I could help myself.

  Golden eyes gleaming, he said, "Oh yes. There's quite the price on her head—either attached or not. So if you see her, little witch, tell her to come back to Hell before it's too late. Or better yet, don't say a word. I'd rather be the one to find her before the others do." He grinned, then disappeared in a puff of sulfur.

  Slamming the door against the stench of rotten eggs, I slid down to the floor, shaking so violently that I thought my teeth would fall out.


  How many were after me?

  I rubbed the amulet between my thumb and index finger. It was cool to the touch; nothing Evil was nearby… at least, nothing Evil that intended me any harm. For the moment, I was safe. Three cheers for the former demon.

  But I couldn't stay. My disguise wouldn't fool everyone; some entities saw the truth of the matter, no matter how deeply or cleverly it was hidden. I needed to lose myself in a sea of humanity, preferably in a place where sinners walked hand in hand with saints. And, if I could swing it, a place where I could get a sweet pair of shoes.


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