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Passion & Lies (Undercover Love Series Book 4)

Page 13

by Michelle Iannarelli

  “Ready, Molly?”

  “Yup. Miguel helped me hang up all the pictures I drew for Lilly.”

  Alex peeked out the window. “They’re pulling in.”

  “Dane, we’ll stay in the car while you run in and feed the fish that I never knew you had.”

  “Why don’t you come inside. I’d rather not leave you and Lilly sitting out here.”

  “Do you think someone is here watching us?”

  “No. I just don’t like having you out of my sight.”

  “Ok, we’ll come in if it will make you feel better.”

  Dane got out and opened the back door and scooped Lilly out of her car seat.

  “I hear them everyone. Don’t forget to yell surprise.” Molly was so excited she could barely contain herself.

  Dane handed Lacey his key. “Can you open the door.”

  “Oh, so that’s how it’s going to be from now on, you carry our baby and I become your servant.” Lacey laughed.

  “Servant, I like the sound of that.” Dane laughed.

  Lacey pushed the door open and was in utter shock when she saw all of their friends standing there yelling. “SURPRISE!”

  “MOMMY!” Lacey reached her hand down and took Molly’s. Molly dragged her through the house in a circle to see her drawings and all of the balloons, flowers and decorations. “Do you like it? Are you surprised?”

  “I love it and I love you, Molly.”

  Alex hugged Lacey. “Dane did all of this.”

  “He did?”

  “He wanted you and Lilly to have a home to settle into. He’s had workers here around the clock for the last three days.”

  “I hope he’s really happy and this isn’t just a honeymoon phase.”

  Alex looked over at Dane who was still holding Lilly up against his chest like she was his most prized possession. “It’s real. I’ve never seen him look so calm. He’s happy and it’s all your fault.” Alex laughed.

  Ryan, Miles and Miguel were each holding their daughters while talking to Dane.

  “Any news, Migs?”

  “Beck located Smitts’ mother and we have a tail on her. We’re hoping that Smitts will show up on her doorstep or she’ll lead us to him.”

  “It’s like he vanished into thin air.” Miles kissed Sarah and then popped her binky into her mouth.

  Ryan looked between them all. “I’m not really sure what this is all about but after I lived through that whole dead not dead ordeal, I have a lot of respect for what you all do.”

  “I think keeping our girls from evil boys like we once were will prove to be far more difficult than taking out a bad guy.” Miguel laughed.

  “Alli isn’t dating until she’s at least twenty-five.”

  “Twenty-five! Emmie isn’t dating until she’s married.”

  “Sarah’s not dating…ever!”

  “I think I’ll let Lilly date when she’s eighteen but I’ll make damn sure that any boy that ever dates her knows that I’m capable of taking him out with a single bullet to the head.”

  Eden was following Cruz as he crawled around playing with Molly. “She’s so good with him.”

  “She comes over and plays with Emmie, not that Emmie really knows how to play yet but Emmie does find Molly entertaining.”

  “Lacey, did you ever think about hiring Molly out?”

  “Oh no, she’s mine.” Lacey smiled.

  “Oh lord. I just went to change Nicky’s diaper and guess what…this is Alli. Ryan mixed them up again!”

  Alex laughed. “My dear brother is an idiot. It’s a good thing that they’re not both the same sex or you’d have to tattoo their names on them.”

  “This is the last time he’s going to confuse them. Tomorrow I’m taking Alli to have her ears pierced.”

  “Call me before you go. Maybe I’ll come with Emmie and have hers done.”

  “If Miguel says yes then maybe Miles will cave. I already mentioned it and Miles is afraid that Sarah will pull them out and hurt herself.”

  Lacey shook her head. “Men!”

  Lacey put the baby down in her bassinet and then climbed into bed. Dane came shuffling in and laid down next to her. “Molly’s asleep.”

  “Dane, being here with you is like a dream come true.”

  Dane kissed Lacey. “I was afraid you might be upset with me.”

  “Why would I be upset?”

  “I decorated my shell of a house without your input and then I moved everything over. I just wanted everything to be perfect when we brought Lilly home.”

  “It is perfect and Molly is so happy. The last time I saw her so happy was when Dirk was home before his last deployment.”

  “She was so funny when she picked out the paint colors. She wanted to make sure that her sister had her favorite color but then she realized that Lilly couldn’t tell her what her favorite color was.” Dane laughed. “So I assured her that her sister would love whatever she chose.”

  Dane rolled over, pulled his gun from its holster and punched in the code for the drawer to open.

  “You keep your gun next to the bed?”

  “I used to sleep with it under my pillow.”

  “Oh God.”

  “The rest are in the gun safe in the back of my closet.”

  Dane rolled back over and placed his hand on Lacey’s cheek. “Old habits are hard to break but I’m trying.”

  “I know you are and I love you so much for that.” Lacey closed her eyes and prayed that his old habits didn’t cost them their lives.

  “I’m outside Carlton’s house, Boss.”

  “Is he alone?”

  “Looks like he hooked up with some blonde and she’s there with her kids.”

  “That blonde is the bitch I told you about.”

  “The one with the iron fist from the bar?”

  “Yeah, and next time I get my hands on her she’ll be begging me to fucking kill her.”

  “Smitts, Carlton is our target.”

  “I haven’t forgotten that but forcing him to watch me torture and kill his woman, well let’s just say that would make it so much sweeter.”

  “I see two men guarding the house from the outside.”

  “He probably has one on each floor inside as well. That’s how Cruz and his men roll.”

  “Doesn’t make a difference how many men he has because when we move in we’ll be prepared to take them all down.”

  DANE SAT IN HIS study struggling with all of the emotions that had been running though him the last few weeks. Lacey and the girls made him feel so loved, a feeling he had never known. As much as he wanted to be content with them; he couldn’t shake the constant anger that surged through him every minute of the day since Smitts beat him or the want to track him down and take him out.

  Dane got up, took off his brace and started moving his hand. He practiced reaching for his gun and pulling the trigger until his hand was burning from the pain and the gun dropped to the floor. “FUCK!”

  Lacey stood in the doorway watching Dane unbeknownst to him. When the gun dropped she walked away.

  Dane picked up the gun and caught a glimpse of Lacey’s robe. “Lacey.”

  Lacey stopped. “I didn’t want to disturb you.”

  “I’m sorry.”


  “I know how much you hate guns and…”

  “I do hate guns but I love you and I understand.”

  “I hate him.”

  “I know you do.”

  “I need to be able to protect you and the girls if he comes for me.”

  “Dane, it’s been a few weeks now, maybe he’s moved on?”

  “No. People in our business don’t move on until the job’s been completed.”

  “So, until one of you are dead this won’t be over?”

  Dane looked down at the floor. He wanted to lie but he knew that Lacey wouldn’t believe him so why bother. “Right.” Lacey turned around and continued down the hallway. Dane followed her into the bedroom. “Look, I k
now that you’re upset…”

  “Upset! I don’t even know what I’m feeling right now.”

  Dane started to panic. “What…what are you saying?”

  “You told me that you killed people. The thought that I could love a man who killed people…well, it sickened me. Then Miguel and Alex told me that you’re one of the good guys. That you only kill the bad guys to save the good guys. I rationalized that and somehow managed to allow myself to accept it. Now, you’re telling me how much you want to see this man dead…dead, Dane. You aren’t saving anyone, you put a target on him and you plan to kill him.”

  “If killing him protects you and the girls then I will kill him and any man after him that threatens the people I love.” Dane tried to get Lacey to turn around but she pulled away.


  “Lacey, it’s not like I lied to you or as much as hid the truth. I’m no different than Dirk. I’m just a man trying to survive, to fight for my life and my family’s.”

  “If you really loved us then you’d let someone else do that and you wouldn’t put yourself at risk…I already have one child without a father.” Lacey burst into tears.

  Dane pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “I promise you, you won’t lose me.”

  “You can’t make promises that you don’t know if you can keep.”

  “I’m keeping this one.”

  “Miguel, you’ve been very quiet tonight. What’s going on?”

  “You know me so well.”

  “Spill it.”

  “We located Smitts. I should tell Dane but I know that he’ll run off half-cocked and…”

  “Get himself killed?”


  “But if you don’t tell him then maybe Jakey can bring him in.”

  “Well, Jakey wants him dead but his approach would most likely allow us to obtain some information before he killed him.”

  “I don’t understand why he has to die?”

  “There are people who can be brought to justice and then there are people who can’t. Smitts is one of those who can’t.”


  “Alex, look at how many times he’s tried to kill Simmons, Jakey, Dane and who knows maybe Miles and I were targets too. He’s been part of the Agency for a while now. We just used to think he was a fuck up that Simmons had no choice but to secure a place for him within the Agency.”

  Alex handed Miguel a cookie and a glass of milk. “So, what are you going to do about telling Dane?”

  “I have to tell him.”

  “Eat your cookie first.”

  Miguel smiled. “I love you, Alex.”

  Miles hung up with Jakey. His first instinct was to grab his weapon bag and head out but luckily his wife walked by with his daughter and smacked him back into reality.

  “Sarah is almost asleep so you know what that means.” Eden winked and then realized Miles was deep in thought. “Are you ok?”

  “Yes, Baby, just thinking about how different my life is now.”

  “Different good or different bad?”

  “It’s all good…well except for Sarah’s dirty diapers.” Miles laughed.

  “It is good, isn’t it?” Eden plopped down onto Miles lap.

  “It is. Sometimes I still can’t believe we made it through so much and ended up together.”

  “Love can conquer all.” Eden kissed Miles.

  “Why don’t you go and change little Miss Sarah and put her down. I’ll meet you in the bedroom.”

  Eden stood up. “Why don’t you just come and help me?”

  “I have to make a phone call.”

  “A secret, not so secret agent call?”

  Miles smacked Eden’s ass. “Yeah, one of those.”

  “Ok, but don’t keep me waiting.” Eden blew Miles a kiss before walking out.

  Dane stepped out of the shower to find that he had two missed calls, one from Miguel and one from Miles. He decided to call Miguel back first.


  “What do you have?”

  “You sound quite confident I have something.”

  “I wasn’t in the shower for more than ten minutes and both you and Miles called me.”

  “Smitts has been located.”

  “Where is that bastard?”

  “Dane, calm down. I know you want him dead but we need him alive. DO. YOU. HEAR. ME?”

  “Yeah. But Migs, after we get the information we need…I’m taking him out.”

  “You and Jakey do what you have to do.”

  “So what’s the game plan?”

  “I was thinking we should all meet up and get on the same page.”


  “We’re meeting at six at my place.”

  “Why are we waiting?”

  “Smitts has a whole team watching him. Get a good night sleep and we will move in on him tomorrow.”


  “Dane, we’ve got him.”

  “I’ll see you in the morning.” Dane hung up. He was annoyed and didn’t appreciate being told he had to wait.

  Lacey sat sipping tea in hopes of calming her nerves. She knew that no matter what she did or said she’d never be able to change Dane’s mind about killing Smitts. It turned her stomach knowing that she could love someone who had ice running through his veins at times.

  “Why are you sitting here in the dark?”

  Lacey put down her tea cup. “It was an attempt to relax.”

  Dane sat down beside Lacey and started to massage her neck. “Because of me?”

  “And me.”

  “You? Lacey, you’re perfect.”

  “Sometimes I just don’t know how…”

  Dane pulled his hands away and exhaled. “You got mixed up with an asshole like me?”

  Lacey swung around to look at Dane. “I never said that.”

  “But you were thinking it?”

  Lacey reached her hand up and ran it down Dane’s cheek. “I love you, I do, but yes, sometimes I just don’t know how it is that I could have fallen for someone like you…we’re so different.”

  “Someone like me.” Dane shook his head and stood up.


  “It’s ok. I didn’t think you’d keep me this long.”

  Lacey sprung up and grabbed Dane’s arm. “KEEP YOU!”

  Dane didn’t turn around. He didn’t want Lacey to see the tears that were welling up in his eyes. “Isn’t this where you tell me it’s over and ask me to leave?”

  “Oh God, Dane, no. I love you no matter what. Turn around and look at me.”

  Dane turned around and Lacey hugged him. “But…”

  “No, no buts. Dane, we will get through this.” It was then that Lacey felt Dane’s tears fall onto her cheek. “Oh, Baby.” Lacey reached her hands up and wiped the tears from Dane’s eyes. “I’m so sorry that I upset you. I just freak out and get frightened sometimes and then I over think things.”

  “I don’t want to lose you or the girls, but Lacey, I can’t change who I am.”

  “Dane, I don’t want you to change who you are as much as I’d like you to just maybe tame it down a bit so that I don’t have to panic every time you’re out of sight and my phone rings.”

  “I promise after this all goes down with Smitts, I’m going to step back from the Agency. I want to be here for you and the girls. I just need to take care of him first.”

  Lacey stepped back. “You mean kill him, don’t you?”

  “Do I want him dead? Yes. We’ve been through this already. Will I be the one to take him out…maybe? Lacey, he’s wanted dead by more people than just me.”

  Lacey knew that no matter how many times they had this conversation, her and Dane would never see it the same way so she decided to just end it. “Why don’t we just go to bed. I’m exhausted and Lilly will be up and ready for a feeding before I know it.” Lacey picked up her tea cup and then walked out of the room.

  MIGUEL SAT DOWN AT the conferen
ce table with the others and looked up at Simmons who was on the large screen above his head. “You want in on this or would you rather take a back seat?”

  “I want in!”

  Jakey stood up. “I want first dibs.”

  Dane looked over at Jakey. “After what he did to me he’s mine.”

  Miguel looked over at Miles who was sitting back in his chair. “You’re awfully quiet.”

  “I want him taken out but I don’t need to be the one to do it.”

  “Jakey, Carlton, Smitts is mine. When I’m done with him you two can fight over what’s left.”

  Dane and Jakey both looked up at Simmons on the big screen and in sync responded. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Now that we have that straightened out we need to detail his takedown.”

  “I agree with Miguel. We need to do this today.” Simmons stood up and started pacing. “I have a jet waiting for me. You head this up Miguel. I land in four hours, be ready.” The screen went black.

  Miguel looked over at Miles, Dane and Jakey. “We have four hours to get a plan in motion.”

  “Alex, is Miguel going to be part of this search and destroy mission?”

  Alex put down her coffee cup. “I don’t know.”

  “I want to be able to understand…but I guess I lack whatever it is that would allow me to hate someone so much, that I’d be able to kill them and live with myself.” Lacey dropped down onto the couch.

  “I’ve made myself crazy trying to figure that out. Sometimes I think that because we are capable of giving life it makes it so much harder to understand taking it away.”

  Lacey reached into Lilly’s bassinet and picked her up. “I look at Lilly and I feel so much love for Dane, I do, but it also frightens me that maybe one day she will have the same ice running through her veins.”

  “Lacey, if you can’t find it in your heart to accept Dane for what and who he is; then you need to let him go. Not just for his sake but for the sake of the girls.”

  “I want Lilly to have a father. I see how much Molly has suffered since Dirk’s death.”


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