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Something So Perfect

Page 14

by Natasha Madison

  The rest of the game goes off smoothly, with us ending the game with an empty net goal. We skate off with a victory of 4-2. I walk into the dressing room, the reporters all waiting outside to come in. The equipment manager comes in, closing the door so Coach can speak.

  We all start to undress, throwing our jerseys in the big gray container in the middle of the room. We put all our equipment in the bag in front of us, getting it ready to be shipped to the next arena. “Good game out there, boys. Good effort for the most of you,” he says, looking directly at Max, who stands up and starts to walk out of the room. “I won’t tolerate someone pulling a tantrum on my bench because he doesn’t get his way.” Coach then addresses the room. “That goes for everyone. I don’t care if you are the star of the team. You don’t pull your weight, I’ll put someone who will.” He nods at the room. “Have a great few days rest.” And he walks out while I sit down to untie my skates. The door opens and the media comes in, most of them walking to where I’m sitting. I don’t get up. Instead, I do this sitting down.

  “Great game out there, Matthew. Can you tell us how it felt being upped from the fourth line to the first line?”

  My response is almost robotic. “I just play where I’m told to play, whether it’s the first line or the fifth line. I’m just happy to play.”

  “Matthew, your game has blown up. Is there a reason that it’s sticking this time, instead of when you got drafted?”

  I laugh as this guy is a fucking asshole, and always is. “Well, I was seventeen and didn’t know how good I had it. Now I know what I want and I’m going to get it.”

  “Matthew, you got twenty-nine minutes of ice time tonight. Do you expect to stay at that pace or get cut down for the next time?”

  I laugh. “Good question. I’m not the one to ask, though. Coach decides that.” I get up after my skates are off. “Thanks for the questions, guys.” I turn and walk out of the room while they go and interview other people. I walk out into the hallway. Karrie is leaning against the wall on her phone. She looks up.

  “I scored a goal tonight,” I tell her when I get close enough to her. “I need a celebration.” I smile at her while she puts her phone away.

  “I think I can manage to whip something together,” she says while she crosses her arms over her chest. “So my father says I don’t have to accompany you to the party. That Cooper will be there and there’s no need for me.”

  My eyebrows pinch together while my hands go to my hips. “Really?” I ask her, almost taunting her.

  “Really,” she counters, her eyes almost gleaming with mischief.

  I turn away to walk back into the room when her hand reaches out, grabbing me. “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to go call your father and ask him if he knows of a good strip club around here since I won’t have a chaperone. Maybe take some of the guys.”

  Her hand drops. “You wouldn’t.”

  I walk to her. “You seem to forget there’s almost nothing I wouldn’t do to make sure you're with me, by my side.” I lean down and whisper in her ear, “I even packed the cuffs.”

  “You are a barbarian,” she says with her teeth clenched shut.

  “Meh.” I shrug. “I’ve been called worse.” I smile at her. “Give me thirty. I’ll be done.” I turn to walk away. “Oh, and, Karrie, don’t dare me either.” I walk away while she curses and starts talking about me under her breath, nothing good by the way.

  We make it to the hotel where Mom and Cooper are staying. I booked us one room. The front desk greets us by Mr. and Mrs. Grant. Something about that makes me want to puff out my chest and bang on it. Karrie, on the other hand, sneers at me, waiting for me to finish. We have about two hours before we have to meet up with everyone. We walk into our suite that’s all windows.

  “Hmmm, I want to see you bent over in front of those windows while I fuck you.”

  “Seriously, that’s what you think about?” she asks, putting her bag on the floor while she grabs her phone and keys. “Okay, I’m gone. See you later.”

  “Where are you going?” I ask her, confused.

  “Shopping. I need a dress.” She turns to walk away with my hand slamming the door closed right before she goes to walk out. I reach around, grabbing her cell phone and her keys. “You don’t need these to shop for a dress.” I also grab her purse, taking out her wallet. Once I have her wallet I walk to the wall safe, throwing everything inside and arming it with a code. “There, that’s settled. Besides, I already bought you a dress. It’s hanging in the closet.”

  “You are really going to keep me here against my will?” she asks while she leans against the door. “I don’t want to go.”

  I walk to her, taking her face in my hands while my thumbs rub her smooth cheeks. “Baby.”

  “What if they don’t like me? What if they think I’m not good enough for you?” she says quietly. “What if we don’t get along?”

  “Babe, number one, how won’t they like you? If I think you're good enough for me, it’s all that matters. The question is, am I good enough for you? I know I'm not, but I’d fucking die before I let someone prove me right.” I kiss her lips while I squeeze her face. “How can you not get along with them? You are already on their good side. You make me happy. That’s all my parents want for me.” I smile. “Now go make yourself beautiful.” I kiss her, walking to the closet, taking out the dress I bought online and had delivered. “Here.” The only thing is I wasn’t ready for the sight that was before me when she stepped out of the bathroom two hours later.

  She looks amazing in her figure-skimming white dress. The top is off-the-shoulders with sexy little sleeves that cling to her biceps, and the dress hugs her in all the right places as it tapers down her thighs to stop just above her knees. Her thick hair hangs loose around her bare shoulders. “Fuck me” is the only thing I know to say because she is beautiful beyond words, beautiful beyond anything I could expect, beautiful beyond my wildest dreams.

  “Don’t you dare come near me, Matthew Grant. I’m not going to show up to meet your parents with you making my hair all crazy and wrinkling my dress.”

  I look down at her shoes, gold high heels with three bands, one at her toes, one around her middle and another at the top. “Tonight just those shoes.” I wink at her. “Now come on before I lift your dress, move your panties to the side, and slide into you.” My cock hardens with the picture of doing what I want to do to her.

  She walks out of the room while I hold the door to let her walk out, her hips swinging to the side, my hand itching to leave my palm print on her. We get into the car that Cooper arranged for us. Sliding in next to her, she places her little purse on her lap. “Oh, Matthew”—she leans in—“I’m not wearing panties.”

  I don’t say anything because the driver floors it, having me jolt back while she laughs at my face.

  We get there and see that the press is there. “Fuck.” I shake my head. “I’ll get out and lead the way. Hold onto me.”

  She nods her head while I get out and hold out a hand for her and lead her inside while the reporters call my name. I smile and wave at them, walking into the club that’s lit up and the music is pumping.

  “Matthew!” Mom shouts, waving me over.

  I look over my shoulder and see Mom waving. I grab Karrie’s hand to guide us through the crowd to my mom and Cooper. I zig-zag through, letting go of Karrie’s hand when we are almost at my mom, so I can grab her and hug her. “Hey, Mom, Coop,” I greet both of them with a hug and a kiss for Mom.

  “Where is Karrie?” my mom asks, so I turn around, assuming she is right behind me, but I can’t see her till I spot her a couple of feet back talking to a guy with more grease in his hair than Danny Zuko. He’s kissing her fucking hand and laughing with her. I knew that dress would fucking kill me.

  I walk up to them, not even smiling. Instead, I grab her hand that’s at her side, pulling her away from him.

  Right before I get to Mom and Cooper, she pulls me to
a stop. “Seriously, you need to stop that. He was just saying hello.”

  I walk over to her smiling, pushing the hair off her shoulder to lean in and whisper in her ear, “If you continue, I’m going to take you into the bathroom and fuck you so hard, this whole club will hear.” Then I lean down and kiss her. I’m so fed up of fucking hiding everything. I don’t give a shit who snaps a picture. I’m done. I finally let her go. “You get me?” I finish while she nods at me.

  “Well, that settles that.” I hear Cooper say under his breath as he sips the beer he is holding.

  When we finally make our way to them, Mom is the first one to greet her. “Karrie, you look beautiful.”

  Cooper gives her a once-over and smiles at me. “Good luck, son.”

  I glare at him. I look back at Austin, who is Cooper’s friend from college or even before that. They played hockey together. I’ve met him a few times over the years. He was always solo.

  “Austin, this is my girlfriend, Karrie.” I pull her to my side, wrapping my hand around her waist.

  “I’m not his girlfriend. I’m his chaperone.” She holds out a hand to Austin and then to Lauren, who I was informed is Austin’s girlfriend. Austin and Cooper both bust out laughing at me, and I’m now glaring at her.

  “I’ll show you a chaperone.” I stare at her, and she glares back at me.

  “Good luck finding me,” she quips. “I don’t have to be with you until next week.” She tries to pry my fingers off her hip.

  With that, I laugh at her and grab a beer off the tray from the waiter who is walking past us. “Try to run. I dare you,” I challenge her. “Remember the last time you tried that.” I take a pull of my beer.

  Her cheeks turn a shade of pink while her eyes turn a dark shade of blue.

  “Lauren, do you dance?” my mom asks when Rihanna’s “This is What You Came For” comes on.

  She nods her head and then downs the rest of the champagne, handing the empty glass to Austin.

  “I love to dance,” she says while the guys, including me, all groan.

  “Let’s go get a booth.” I turn to Karrie. “The dance floor looks cramped.”

  “I’m going to dance. Who is coming with?” she says, heading for the dance floor, not even acknowledging my comment.

  Mom follows her, and Lauren follows Mom.

  “You pissed her off, and now,” Cooper says, looking at me then at Karrie and the girls starting to dance in the middle of the dance floor, “we all suffer.” He slaps me on the shoulder, laughing while he walks up the stairs so we can keep an eye on the women.

  What the women don’t realize is they are attracting attention—a lot of attention. Cooper is in the middle of Austin, his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes narrowed practically to slits. And me, I stand next to him, growling every ten seconds, and I wouldn’t be surprised if steam starts pouring out of my ears. The only one calm about all this is John, Austin’s business partner, who is leaning against the railing, looking at us. “Suckers.”

  We all turn to glare at him.

  Cooper leans forward. “Um, you mind explaining what you’re doing with Karrie?” he asks, turning his head to me.

  “Nope. She’s mine.” I now sip water, having only the one beer. “She’s just fighting the inevitable.”

  “She tried to leave you once. What makes you think she won’t try it again?” Cooper asks.

  “I handcuffed her to my bed for four days.” I smile at the memory. “I dare her to try it again.”

  “You know that’s kidnapping, right?” Cooper grins.

  “Would you let Mom leave?” I ask him, knowing full well that he wouldn’t even let my mom leave for four hours. “Just get on a plane and take off for God knows where?”

  “I hope you used comfortable cuffs.” Cooper laughs.

  “Exactly,” I state. “Now, I’m going back down there, because I’ve given her enough space.” I walk down the stairs and onto the dance floor, going straight to her. I move in right behind her, my hand landing on her hips as I bring her close to me. She doesn't move until I whisper in her ear, “You drive me crazy,” my hips moving with hers. “I can’t not touch you. I can’t stand here and not have you in my arms.” I lick her earlobe. “Will you dance with me?”

  Her arms move up my chest and around my neck.

  “I want to spend the rest of the night worshipping your body. I want to spend the rest of the night buried in you. I want to spend the rest of the night loving you.”

  She turns in my arms.

  “Want to leave?” I ask her while she nods.

  I wink at the guys and wave at my mom while she continues to dance. “Let’s go, baby.” I grab her hand, leading her out to the sidewalk where a couple of reporters take our picture while I usher her into a waiting cab.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  He has bulldozed his way into my life. He has stopped at nothing to make me stay with him. And I have to admit I have never felt as much as I have when we are together. He keeps me safe. He keeps me happy and the only other people ever to do that with me have been my parents. We walk into the hotel room, my hair already half messed up from the assault of his hands the minute we got into the cab. His lips land on mine as soon as we are out of the photographers’ lenses. His mouth is on mine, his tongue mixed with mine, the need too much. I’m about to jump on his lap when we pull up to the hotel.

  Once we get into the room, I see it’s dim, candles lit all around the room. “What is all this?” I ask. Red rose petals scatter the whole room. There’s a heart shape on the bed with a single white rose in the middle.

  “I never get to do this because we are always with the team.” He shrugs while I hold the white rose up to my nose. Rubbing it on my face, the petals are like a soft velvet.

  I notice all the effort he put into this. Champagne and strawberries are on the table in the corner of the room with two chairs beside the table. I walk up, picking up a filled glass, the bubbles popping in my mouth. I grab a strawberry, biting into it, the sweet tart juices making the champagne come more alive. I suck the strawberry juices while I watch Matthew watch me, his lips squeezing tight, the vein in his jaw ticking. I put the champagne glass down while I lick the remaining strawberry off my fingers. I walk to the chair, turning it so it faces the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  “All night I kept thinking about what you said.” I reach to the side, zipping the invisible zipper down, letting the dress pool around my feet. His breath intakes as he sees that I’m not wearing anything under my white dress. “I kept picturing you here with me bent over and I couldn’t wait to come back. But now,” I tell him, walking to him, grabbing his hand, and bringing him to the chair, “I have something else in mind.” I reach under his jacket, my hands flat on his chest while I peel his jacket off him. “But you know what I kept thinking about?” My fingers lace with his while I move him to sit in the chair. “I kept thinking about this right here.” I get on my knees in the middle of his legs, my hands rubbing his thighs, moving up to his belt buckle, where I unbuckle it and open up the button. Pulling the zipper down, his cock comes out. My hand fists him from the base, going up to the tip. His head falls back while his chest expands with a heavy breath. “All night,” I say, moving down, “I thought of nothing more than taking you in my mouth.”

  It’s the last thing I say before I lick the pre-cum twirling around the tip, my mouth sucking it in. I move higher on my knees while my hair falls over me when I try to take him deep down in my throat. Matthew’s hips thrust up, making me moan out, making me want to bring him to his knees. His fingers move my hair to the side so he can see me take him in my mouth.

  “Beauty,” he says to me while I take him more vigorously, up and down. He hits the back of my throat, and each time my hand wraps him and moves with it. “As much as I love you on your knees with my cock in your mouth, I need you to get up here and ride me.”

  I rise up, having his cock slide out of my mouth, a smile fo
rming on my lips. I place one foot on each side of his legs, unbuttoning his shirt that’s still buttoned. His chest smooth, my hands run up and down to his shoulders, opening it up even more. Grabbing him in one hand, I hover on him, rubbing him through my folds as I slowly lower myself on him. When he tied me up in bed, we were so caught up in each other that we forgot about the condom. After talking about it and me being on the pill, it was mutually decided we would go without. His hands hold my hips as soon as I’m on him completely. His strength lifts me up and down while I arch my back and he sucks my nipple into his mouth. The only sound in the room is from us, our breaths coming faster and faster. The moans fill the room. I’m about to come when he slams me down and grabs hold of my waist, standing up, his pants around his hips while my legs wrap around his waist. Walking over to the window, he puts my back directly on it. The cold from outside stings me, a hiss coming from between my clenched teeth, but I don’t have time to think because he starts moving in me, slamming into me while the window holds me up. His face goes into my neck while my arms wrap around him. I’m like a spider monkey, wanting to crawl inside of him. “Matthew,” I say because he’s right there. The feel of him in me is too much. The feel of his hands on me make me lose my mind each and every single time.

  “Get there, babe.” Is all he says in between thrusts.

  Glancing down, watching him disappear in me is more than I can take and I come hard, my head rolling side to side on the window while I feel myself leak onto him. I’m almost down when he slams forward one more time and follows me into oblivion.

  We go another three rounds before falling asleep intertwined with each other. The alarm rings way too early the next day. He reaches over, turning it off.

  “Baby, you need to get up.” He kisses my shoulder while I press deeper into the pillow. “Babe.”

  “No, go away.” I try to move away from him, my eyes still closed. “I’m on vacation.” I hear him get off the bed and peek open one eye. He walks to the window, opening the shades, the sun from outside coming straight inside. He walks back to the bed, whipping the sheet off me. “Let’s go, sleepyhead, we have to meet my parents in thirty minutes. He smacks my ass and then walks toward the bathroom where I hear him start the shower. “Babe, I would love nothing more than for you to stay in bed all day naked while I fuck you silly, but—”


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