Book Read Free

There's a Werewolf In My Tent!

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by Pamela Butchart

  When we found out that we were going on a school camping trip for FOUR WHOLE NIGHTS we were MEGA excited.

  But that’s because we didn’t know about the WEIRD HOWLING at night and THE GLOWING EYES and our PE teacher’s HAIRY LEGS!

  And we DEFINITELY didn’t know that we were going to get

  and have to become

  Maisie said that she knew something BAD was going to happen on the camping trip and that she had felt it in her BONES and that’s why she brought the BEAR SPRAY.

  Zach said that we probably should have paid a bit more attention to things instead of being OBSESSED with SECURING the back seat of the bus.

  And Jodi says that we are all lucky to be alive and she is right because I don’t think a lot of people who wake up to find a werewolf in their tent live to tell the tale. But we did.

  When we went to school on Monday, Miss Jones made us all sit down because she said she had some IMPORTANT NEWS.

  My friend Maisie gripped my hand under the table and I knew she thought it was going to be BAD NEWS because Maisie ALWAYS thinks bad things are going to happen because she is a WORRIER. But I suppose I can’t really blame her because

  does seem to happen a lot at our school. Like the times with the French spy and the vampire rats and all the demon dinner ladies!

  But then Miss Jones said, “Do you remember you asked if we could all go on a school trip?”

  Everyone STARED at each other and then at Miss Jones and said, “Yeeees?”

  Then Miss Jones said, “Perhaps even stay overnight somewhere?”

  And everyone gasped and said, “YEEEEEEES??!”

  Miss Jones said, “Well, guess what? We’re going on a CAMPING TRIP for FOUR WHOLE NIGHTS!”

  EVERYONE started screaming and running around, and Nola Burke even started crying with happiness, because we had NEVER been on an OVERNIGHT school trip before and it was going to be

  Jodi (that’s my friend) stared at me with her mouth wide open and said, “I can’t believe this is actually happening!”

  NO ONE could concentrate on doing their maths that morning because EVERYONE was talking about who was going to sit at the back of the bus.

  Jodi said that she would get her mum to drop us off at school at 5am so that we could be at the front of the bus queue and get the back seat. But that’s when Maisie gripped my arm really tightly and said that we had more

  things to worry about because we were going CAMPING which meant we were going to have to sleep in a TENT and be in the

  Maisie started making a list called THE DANGER LIST and she wrote LOADS of stuff on it like:

  But Jodi said that she had watched all of Season One AND Season Two of

  which was all about what to do in the

  so that you didn’t die. And that made Maisie feel better so she stopped doing the list.

  Then I put up my hand and asked Miss Jones what teachers would be coming on the trip with us.

  Miss Jones said, “Well, I’ll be there, and so will your new PE teacher. Her name is Miss Moon. Camping was her idea, actually.”

  Zach gasped and covered his mouth with his hands and Maisie almost jumped out of her skin because of how loud the gasp was.

  Then Zach said, “Miss Moon is the SCARIEST PE teacher EVER!”

  He said that he heard Miss Moon made one of the Year 6s run BAREFOOT in the playground in the RAIN when they forgot their trainers and that she didn’t accept NOTES and that she made you do PE anyway, even if both of your arms were broken.

  And that’s when Maisie said she

  wasn’t going.

  On the day of the school trip Miss Jones said that we were to meet at school at 8am, but Jodi made us be there at 7.15am SHARP. That way we would DEFINITELY get the big long seat at the very back also known as the Bus Sofa.

  Jodi’s mum stayed with us until Miss Jones got there and then Jodi hugged her mum for a really long time until her mum left because she had to get to work.

  When Zach got there, Jodi gave him a LOOK and tapped her watch with her finger because it was no longer 7.15am SHARP, it was now 7.42am.

  Miss Jones told us to all go to the toilet before the bus got there. So we told Zach that he had to stand in the Bus Stop Spot until we got back and then we ran as fast as we could to the toilet. And Jodi wouldn’t even let me wash my hands after because she shouted, “It’s HERE! I can HEAR IT!” and then she squirted ANTI-BACTERIAL GEL on my hands and pulled me out the door.

  When we got back outside, LOADS of people were there with all their tent stuff and sleeping bags and Gary Petrie had brought his Star Wars duvet and he was running around waving it at everyone.

  That’s when Jodi said, “I’m going to KILL HIM!”

  I thought she meant Gary Petrie but then I noticed that Zach wasn’t standing at the Bus Stop Spot any more.

  Jodi RAN down the steps and waved at the driver to open the bus doors. But the driver just kept on reading his newspaper.

  The doors made a weird noise when he eventually opened them and a REALLY TALL woman with a LONG NOSE stepped out and said, “Hello there. I’m Miss Moon. And I’m very happy to meet you.”

  I was shocked because of the TALLNESS. And Jodi must have been too because we both just stood there STARING at Miss Moon and not saying anything until we heard Zach yell, “Help!” and we turned and saw him trying to get Maisie and all her camping stuff out of her mum’s car.

  Maisie’s backpack was MUCH bigger than she was and it had at least FOUR sleeping bags and loads of pillows strapped to it.

  In the end, we had to carry Maisie and her backpack from the car to the bus. But when we tried to stand her up straight she kept toppling backwards so we just had to lay her down on the pavement.

  Jodi said that maybe we should take some of the sleeping bags off but then Miss Moon appeared and whipped Maisie up, took her backpack off and threw it in the luggage bit of the bus with

  saying, “There you go!”

  We all stared up at Miss Moon and Maisie gulped a bit.

  Miss Moon looked even TALLER than before.

  We all just stood there and watched Miss Moon as she started grabbing EVERYONE’S bags and throwing them into the luggage bit.

  That’s when Zach said, “She’s strong!” And we nodded because she was probably the strongest (and tallest!) lady we had ever

  When it was time for us to go, Maisie’s mum wouldn’t stop hugging Maisie and calling her

  so we had to peel her arms off and promise her that we would take VERY GOOD CARE of Maisie and make sure that she used all her sleeping bags and wore all of her socks.

  When we eventually got on the bus Jodi RAN to the back as fast as she could and spread her coat and her hoodie over all the back seats and then shouted down to us that she had “SECURED THE AREA”.

  As soon as Gary Petrie EVENTUALLY let Miss Jones put his Star Wars duvet in the luggage bit and got on the bus, we were off!

  Me and Zach opened the little curtains at the back of bus and waved goodbye to all the mums and dads. That’s when I noticed that both my mum AND Zach’s mum were holding on to Maisie’s mum. But then Maisie’s mum broke free and started running after the bus so I just quickly shut the bus curtains before Maisie could see.

  We all listened as Miss Moon started telling us the Bus Rules. But she went ON and ON about LITTER for ages so we just started taking all of our Bus Snacks out of our bags and showing each other what we had.

  But Miss Moon must have noticed because her voice went a bit angry and she said, “Can you HEAR me at the back?” So we all shouted,

  Once Miss Moon was finished Maisie let out a BIG BREATH and that’s when I realised that she had been holding her breath the whole ti
me Miss Moon was talking because she was obviously a bit scared of Miss Moon because of her ANGRY VOICE and also because she was so tall that her head was almost touching the roof of the bus. When everyone got out their Bus Snacks, Zach said that he thought we should share and I knew that he said it because he wanted to share MAISIE’S Bus Snacks because she had LOADS and they all looked really good.

  Once we’d finished our Bus Snacks, Zach said that he felt a bit sick and me and Jodi gave him a LOOK because we had made a PROMISE that we wouldn’t mention feeling sick or ANYTHING because Maisie gets really bad TRAVEL SICKNESS and we didn’t want her to be sick all over us.

  But then Maisie rolled up her sleeves and showed us her ANTI-SICKNESS BRACELETS. Maisie said that they did something to your wrists and your BRAIN that stopped you from being sick and you were supposed to wear just ONE but her mum had bought her TWELVE and that she was wearing them all so that she DEFINITELY couldn’t be sick.

  Zach said that he really wanted to find out what Miss Moon was like and we all agreed. So we sent Zach down to the front of the bus to ask Miss Moon a FAKE QUESTION (which is a question that you don’t really need to know the answer to but you just pretend that you do so you can go wherever the teacher is and see stuff).

  I told Zach that he should ask Miss Jones about what we do with our LITTER. But Zach said that he didn’t want to ask that because he would get told off for not listening to Miss Moon.

  So I waited for Jodi to suggest a FAKE QUESTION because she always likes to tell us what to do, but she didn’t say ANYTHING, and that’s when I realised that she had been really quiet since the bus left which was a bit weird because Jodi is never quiet.

  But before I could ask Jodi about that, Maisie said, “Ask her about Toilet Breaks.” Zach said that was a

  fake question. But then Maisie shook her head and her face went a bit green and that’s when we realised that it WASN’T a fake question and that Maisie really DID need to know the answer to the question because she was about to be sick!

  I was TOTALLY EXCITED when I saw our campsite because it was even BETTER than I’d imagined and it had a HUGE forest all around it and a SHOP and Miss Jones said we could pitch our tents ANYWHERE we liked because we had the whole tent bit to ourselves!

  Me, Zach, Jodi and Maisie all ran to the bit by some trees because the trees were bendy and they were like a big Tree Umbrella. Jodi said that it was the perfect spot because it gave us protection from

  and I knew that meant that the Tree Umbrella would protect us from the RAIN and WIND because Jodi had been going on about THE ELEMENTS ever since she found out we were going camping.

  As soon as we started unpacking the tents, Jodi started saying LOADS of stuff that she’d learned from watching


  It took us AGES to work out how to unpack our tent because Jodi’s mum had got us

  It had THREE bedrooms and it even had a LIVING ROOM BIT.

  Zach had brought his own tent and when he laid it out next to ours it looked TINY.

  It actually looked more like a sleeping bag than a tent! But then Jodi said that it had been very PROFESSIONAL of Zach to bring a

  tent and that made Zach happy.

  Miss Moon said that we shouldn’t try to put our tents up until she came around with her SAFETY HAMMER. But Jodi didn’t want to wait, and she’d already taken her OWN hammer out of her bag and was making us hold down the pegs while she hammered them in.

  I had to close my eyes when Jodi was hammering in the peg that I was holding because I was terrified that she was going to WHACK me!

  That’s when Miss Moon shouted,

  and came running over and SNATCHED the hammer out of Jodi’s hand and said that it was DANGEROUS and AGAINST THE RULES and that pupils were definitely NOT allowed to bring hammers with them.

  Once we EVENTUALLY got the tent up we pulled all our stuff inside and started setting out our sleeping bags.

  That’s when Jodi asked Maisie if she had a plaster because she’d got a scratch on her hand from Miss Moon’s SUPER LONG NAILS when Miss Moon had SNATCHED her hammer away.

  Maisie said that she had LOADS of plasters and tipped out her whole backpack to find them.

  I couldn’t BELIEVE how much stuff came out of Maisie’s backpack!

  She had brought:

  That’s when Jodi said that we were going to have to use one of the bedrooms to store Maisie’s stuff because we could hardly MOVE in the living room bit.

  So we moved all the stuff and I said that I would share a Tent Bedroom with Maisie and that Jodi could have a Tent Bedroom to herself, and I could see that Maisie was really happy about that and I knew that it was because she was scared about sleeping on her own.

  Jodi said that she was a hundred per cent sure that you didn’t get bears in Scotland but Maisie said that it was better to be SAFE than SORRY and she put the can of BEAR SPRAY under her pillow.

  Then all of a sudden we heard THUNDER and the rain started to POUR down on to our tent and loads of people started screaming.

  We unzipped the front door so we could poke our heads out and watched as everyone ran around grabbing their stuff and diving into their tents.

  Except for Miss Moon.

  She just stood under a tiny umbrella in the middle of the campsite STARING at the barbecue and she looked

  That’s when Jodi said, “What is she DOING?”

  But I had NO IDEA because the rain got so heavy that we couldn’t really see her properly.

  Maisie started FREAKING OUT because she said that she’d never seen rain as heavy as THIS rain before and that it was probably a STORM or even a HURRICANE.

  Zach said that he hoped it WAS a hurricane because then maybe they would name it after one of us and then he started saying

  in a loud booming voice over and over until he realised that Maisie had fainted.

  Even though we were TRAPPED in our tent by Hurricane Zach I was still having a really good time because I thought it was actually really EXCITING being in a tent in the middle of a storm and I kept getting the giggles.

  We zipped Maisie up in one of her sleeping bags and put the hood bit up so she was nice and cosy because that’s really all you can do when Maisie faints because of FEAR.

  Jodi said we should make a SURVIVAL PLAN because of the STORM but Zach said we should tell GHOST STORIES instead because it was a bit dark because of the rain and also because we had loads of snacks and all of Maisie’s torches so we could make our faces look all scary.

  But Jodi said that she wasn’t really in the mood for ghost stories which was

  because Jodi is usually ALWAYS in the mood for ghost stories.

  So that’s when Zach said that he knew a really good TRUE story that wasn’t a ghost story and that it was a PERFECT time to tell it because Maisie was still having a little Fainting Nap so she wouldn’t hear and get scared and faint again.

  So I got into my sleeping bag, even though it was still the afternoon, and opened a

  Zach shone a torch under his chin and tried to make himself look all scary. But me and Jodi BURST out laughing because he was shining it up his nose and lighting up all his nose hairs.

  So Zach moved the torch a bit and then he said, “Once upon a time, there was a very TALL lady called … um … Miss TROON and she had a LONG nose and scratchy CLAWS.”

  I looked at Jodi and she rolled her eyes at me because we both knew Zach was just making this TRUE STORY up as he went along and that Miss TROON was obviously Miss MOON.

  Then Zach said, “Miss Troon was a RAIN SORCERER who could summon the rain whenever she wanted. But one day, she summoned the rain a bit too much and HURRICANE ZACH arrived and––”

  But Zach didn’t get to finish his sentence because that’s when the whole tent started

  At first we thought it was the STORM making the tent shake but then we looked at Maisie and saw that she was awake and it was her doing the shakin

  I thought Maisie was shaking because she had heard Zach’s not-a-ghost-story but then she pointed at the tent door and that’s when I SCREAMED because there was a FLOATING FACE!

  I got such a fright that I panicked and threw my Sherbet Dip at the FLOATING FACE and THAT made the face look even SCARIER because the Sherbet Dip EXPLODED all over the floating face and made it look like a

  And that’s when Zach started screaming too, and Maisie fainted again. But then the Ghost Face started coughing and Jodi pushed it out of the tent and zipped the tent back up.

  Jodi said that it had just been Gary Petrie and that we should probably use her mini-padlock to LOCK our tent so he didn’t steal all of our snacks.

  And then ANOTHER FACE APPEARED! But it was only Miss Jones telling us to come for dinner.

  Miss Moon was DETERMINED to do the barbecue and she made us all stand in the rain for AGES while she tried to light it before Miss Jones said, “That’s it! We’re going to the restaurant for dinner.”


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