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Dark Menace MC: Stone

Page 6

by Tory Richards

  I stepped outside, made eye contact with Reggie, and motioned him over.

  “Yeah, Prez?”

  “Find us a cage for Lynch’s old lady and bring it up.”

  I looked around, checking out the bodies that were on the ground. Thank fuck I didn’t see any Wild Marauder or Dark Menace cuts. If any of the Predators were still around, they weren’t showing their faces. My gaze went to the trailers behind the clubhouse. They were most likely hiding out there, with their women. I released a heavy breath and turned to go back inside, anxious to be on our way.

  “She fuckin’ did Dark Menace a service−” I heard Lynch say as I got closer to where they were.

  “Sure the fuck did.” I walked back into the room. My gaze went briefly to Kat before returning to Lynch. “Got a cage waiting out front, one of my guys will drive. We need to get a move on before the Predators regroup.”

  Lynch nodded. “Let’s go.” He scooped Kat up before she could take a step, knowing that it would be faster if he carried her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face against him.

  She’d been through a fucking lot, but seemed to be holding it together. I’d call ahead and make sure that my crew was expecting us. I wanted Rachel around to help with Kat, and Ginger, the club’s nurse, could examine her. Hopefully there weren’t any internal injuries.

  We made it out to the cage without confrontation. After pulling the door open Lynch arranged Kat in the back. Once he seemed satisfied that she was okay, he closed the door. Things happened fast after that. We signaled to our waiting brothers that it was time to leave, and set a hurried pace back to where our bikes were hidden. The fact that we were in the country, and a good distance from the local sheriff’s department, didn’t fool me into thinking that we were in the clear. They didn’t always use their sirens.

  I came up behind Lynch. “What are you thinkin’, brother?” Knowing him, I was pretty sure it was the same fucking thing that was going through my mind.

  “That with Killer gone, we just dropped the Predators a new president.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, been thinkin’ the same thing. Your woman took care of one problem and left me an even bigger one. You sure you didn’t fucking plan this?”

  Lynch chuckled. “Hey, I’ve had the Red Devils almost exclusively in my back yard for fuckin’ too long, bro--I’m just sharing the wealth.”

  “That kind of wealth can kill me.”

  Chapter 8


  After delivering a huge tray of drinks to a large party, I stepped back behind the bar and released a tired sigh. The place had been booming non-stop since four o’clock, and with a virus going around the club two of the girls were out sick. The other four girls were dancing and making sure that the men stayed happy. Our shopping day had been cut short when Lulu and Sissy started complaining that they weren’t feeling well. At first we thought it might be food poisoning, until the girls confessed that they’d had a ménage a trois with someone who thought they were coming down with something.

  I’d managed to pick up two risqué outfits and a pair of stilettos at an adult shop that catered to biker babes and BDSM patrons. Trudy had assured me that that was where the girls bought their work clothes, and that Stone would approve of most anything I picked up. After trying on several outfits, I’d decided on a corset style dress made of the softest leather. It was sexy, hugging my curves and falling just to mid-thigh. The front laced up like a corset from my waist up over my breasts, and showed plenty of cleavage. The other outfit was a leather mini-skirt and crop top that hung off one shoulder.

  The girls had been very helpful and friendly, especially after I’d told them that I didn’t plan on sleeping with any of the men. I was pretty sure that Trudy’s interest in Ty went beyond her job as a club sweetbutt. Several times during the night I’d caught her giving him longing looks. I wondered if Ty knew that she was crushing on him.

  I grabbed a damp towel and began to wipe down the bar, picking up empty glasses as I went along. For the first time in hours, there seemed to be a lull. I surveyed the room, wondering where Stone was. Some of his men were missing, too. The crowd tonight seemed slightly mellower than it had on Friday night, even though I saw a lot of the same faces. I smiled at the thought that maybe some of them were still hung over.

  When I was done wiping the bar down, I glanced up to see if any tables had been vacated, and, seeing none, tossed the towel into the sink. Ty was on the phone at the opposite end of the bar, his expression serious. He motioned me over, disconnecting with whoever he was talking to at the same time.

  “What’s up?”

  “That was Stone. They’re on their way back with a woman who’s been roughed up by a rival club. He wants you to see to her when they get here.”

  “Does she need a doctor?”

  Ty shook his head. “No, but the club nurse, Ginger, can take a look at her. I’ll call her for you. They’ll be staying the night.”


  “The Wild Marauders, they’re another MC we’re friendly with, based in Maine. Their president, Lynch, his woman was taken by the Red Devils and Predators. He came to town with some of his brothers to get her back.”

  He didn’t need to explain that the Red Devils and Predators were rival clubs that they didn’t get along with, his twisted expression said as much. “I supposed I should set up a room for them.”

  “There’s a vacant one next to mine, it has a bathroom. You have about forty minutes before they’ll be here.” He motioned Trudy over from the platform that she was dancing on. “I’ll get Trudy to cover the rest of your shift.”

  I wasn’t exactly sure what Stone was expecting from me, and decided to first check the room to make sure it was clean. There were six doors down the hallway toward Ty’s room, and all he’d said was that the room was next to his. I put my ear to the first door and listened, and then knocked. After a few seconds, when no one responded, I opened the door. The room was empty and didn’t show any signs that someone might be using it.

  The first thing I checked was the bed, pulling back the covers to make sure that the sheets were clean. They passed inspection, and I left the bed turned down. The bathroom was next. It was clean, too, and I was about to leave when my eyes lit on the tub next to the shower. Ty had said the woman had been roughed up, which probably meant cuts and bruises. She might be sore, and I knew that if I’d been the one to get roughed up, a nice, hot soak would be welcome. I went back to the tub and began to fill it with hot water.

  There was a cabinet beneath the sink, and it didn’t take me long to find some toiletries, including bubble bath. I set two towels and a washcloth on the edge of the tub and when the fragrant bubbles reached the edge I turned off the water. The bathroom was misty and warm with steam, and I hoped that by the time the woman arrived the water temperature would be just right.

  Unsure of what else there was for me to do, I decided to go back out to the bar. Trudy was busy waiting tables and shot me a quick smile as I made my way to Ty. “The room is good, I’ve got a hot bath ready in case she feels like one.”

  “Good idea. Ginger is on her way. Once they arrive you might want to fix them something from the kitchen.”

  I nodded. “Do we have a first aid kit?”

  “Yeah, there’s a big one in the kitchen in one of the cabinets.”

  A customer pulled Ty’s attention away from me, and I decided to go look for the first aid kit. I pushed through the door that led to the kitchen and started with the first cabinet I came to, finally locating the kit in the one above the double sink. I pulled it down and opened it to see if it had the basics, not surprised to find that it was stocked and organized. I imagined that with the kind of life the bikers lived, they went through supplies fast.

  I snapped the kit shut and swung around to leave, coming to a jerky halt when I saw Stone. “Oh! You scared me!” He was standing there, just watching me, his muscular arms crossed over his wide chest, a smirk on his
face. He had a bandana wrapped around the top of his head.

  “I was coming for the same thing.” He indicated the kit in my hands.

  “Why, do you need it?” I ran my gaze over him, looking for a reason that he might need first aid, but he looked as strong and formidable as ever.

  “Worried about me, sweetheart?” He unfolded his arms and started to walk toward me slowly. Something in his eyes made me nervous, and a little excited at the same time. “Worried you won’t get any more of those fucking orgasms?”

  He didn’t! I refused to let him get to me, and began to walk toward him. “Why should I be worried about that when I have my pick of any man here? I’m sure you’re not the only one who likes to give a willing woman orgasms.”

  I should have known that he wouldn’t let my comment slip by, or me, without some kind of reaction. When I was close enough, Stone’s hand reached out, and the next thing I knew he had me pinned against the counter. The first aid kit was taken from my hands and placed on the counter next to me, and then I found myself boxed in by strong, tattooed biker arms. He was so close that I could feel the heat roll off his body, mixed with his addictive male scent of sweat, smoke, and testosterone. I forced my gaze up to meet his eyes, seeing the humor that glimmered back at me.

  “I have things to do.” I put my hands against his chest and pushed, but that was like trying to move a mountain. I wasn’t sure if his laughter was caused by my pitiful attempt to push him back, or by the hot color that I knew was filling my cheeks.

  “So do I, baby.” His growl was extinguished against my lips as he ground his mouth down on mine.

  I fought him and opened my mouth to protest. What did he think he was doing? But within seconds my traitorous body was responding, and I was kissing Stone back. My hands were no longer pushing against him, but sliding up and around his neck. Our tongues probed each other’s mouths, and I felt a rush of moisture leave my core as I imagined his cock doing the same thing to my body.

  This was fucking insane! “Stone—” I turned my head.

  “Relax, sweetheart. There isn’t time for anything else but a kiss right now.” He pushed his hard-on against me. “Too bad.” What does he mean by that? “Let’s get this kit out to Lynch and Kat.”

  Then, just like that, I was following Stone out to the bar. He led me to his personal table, where a woman was leaning against a man that was just as big and muscular as Stone. I couldn’t see the woman’s face, but her torn clothing told me what she’d gone through. The man, who I assumed was Lynch, held her protectively against him.

  “Brother, this is Rachel. She’s going to take you to your room and help with Kat.”

  Kat moved enough to glance up at Stone and me. Even though her face was a mess, I could see that she was a beautiful woman. I offered her a smile, and then looked back at Lynch. “Would you like to go to your room now? I prepared a nice hot bath for Kat.”

  “Yes, please,” Kat was the one who answered. “A hot bath sounds wonderful.”

  “Baby, you’re back.”

  I hadn’t seen Rita approaching, but all of a sudden feminine arms were circling Stone’s waist from behind. She kept her hands on him as she stepped to his side with the obvious intention of moving in front of him. Naked except for a see-through thong, she rubbed herself against him, as if marking her territory.

  I wanted to slap the slut for being so obvious and insensitive to what was going on. The only thing that held me back was that Stone’s expression revealed that he was just as irritated at the woman.

  “Not now,” Stone said firmly, barely giving Rita a notice. When she didn’t remove her hold on him he pried her arms off and gave her a warning glare. If she thought her pout made her cute, she was the only one.

  Lynch had gotten up from the booth and was helping Kat to her feet. “Come on, babe.” When he got her to her feet he picked her up.

  “I can walk—”

  “I know you can. Just let me get you to our room and settled.”

  Lynch was so gentle with Kat, it was clear that he loved her. I smiled at the huge biker as he waited for me to lead the way. I could feel his presence behind me as we walked down the hallway, and didn’t realize Stone hadn’t followed us until I opened the door and turned. Glancing down the hallway, I spotted him and Rita. She was wrapped around him again, but his arms were hanging loosely at his sides. Slut!

  “If you’d like to get Kat settled in the bath, I’ll go make you something to eat from the kitchen.”

  “Thank you,” Kat smiled at me. “That would be nice.”

  Stone and Rita were still in the same spot as I walked down the hall to go to the kitchen. I tried to ignore the way Rita touched Stone, and when she noticed me coming their way she drew Stone’s head down to her and planted her red mouth on his, at the same time rubbing her naked boobs against his chest. I don’t know why it infuriated me seeing them together. I had no claim on Stone, and he’d made it clear that he didn’t care if I fucked around.

  Maybe I should.

  Just as I reached them, Rita pulled away. “Come to my room, baby, and I’ll fuck you good and hard.”

  I rolled my eyes, made brief eye contact with the humor in Stone’s, and walked past them as if they weren’t there, as if seeing him kiss another woman didn’t bother me. Why should it? Fuck! Something was happening to me, some shitty emotion so deep inside of me that it would be easy to think I’d imagined it, or mislabeled it. Was it anger? Jealousy? No way I’m jealous! More likely I was just fed up with seeing him with that slut, and giving me mind-blowing orgasms like he was doing me a favor.

  Well, fuck him. He was obviously a man-whore. Just the thought made me angry, and was probably the reason I grabbed the first man I came to at the bar. Everyone else was getting lucky around here, I might as well. I was horny as hell, thanks to Stone’s raw charisma and talented fingers.

  “Well, hello there, handsome!” I threaded my fingers through the stranger’s long hair, sneaking a glance at Stone. Good, he was watching. Reaching up, I kissed him.

  It was impulsive and stupid. I knew that as soon as I touched my lips to his. The man wasn’t even a Dark Menace member, but was wearing a cut declaring him a Wild Marauder. It was obvious that he was stunned, but it didn’t last long. Within seconds he was willing, eager, and started to participate wholeheartedly. His arm went around my waist and he pulled me between his legs where he was sitting on the stool. Then I felt his other hand squeezing my breast.

  I stiffened. God, I had a bad feeling about this, like maybe I was in over my head. He was a good kisser, but all I could focus on was the hand on my breast and the zeal with which he kissed me back. There was no doubt that he was half-drunk and getting turned on. I knew that I had to end the kiss before I lost control of the situation.

  “Well, hello there, baby,” the biker said when I pulled away. “What was that for?” He was young and all smiles, and not unattractive. The hand around my waist dropped to my ass, and I felt his fingers splay out over my right cheek and squeeze.

  Shit! I was speechless for a few minutes, trying to come up with something to say that would make sense. He continued to hold me against him, smiling like he’d just won the lottery. I caught Ty’s eye, and I could tell that he didn’t approve of what I’d done. He shook his head as if to say, ‘Now you’ve done it,’ before going back to what he was doing.

  “I’m so sorry, but, I thought you were someone else,” I said lamely. I gently pulled away. “From behind you reminded me of an old friend.”

  “That’s okay darlin’, after the day I’ve had that was fuckin’ nice.” His gaze shifted to something behind me. “Oh, oh, from the look on his face I’d say your prez is pissed off.”

  What? Turning around, I saw Stone slapping Rita’s hands away as she tried to hold him back. He was pissed off, all right, but I didn’t know why—maybe because I’d kissed a biker from another club? Whatever it was, his taut expression was frightening. If he’d been a bull, steam would be com
ing out of his nostrils. As he made his way in our direction, his body language gave off enough negativity that people close by stopped and stared.

  “Fuck, you’re not his old lady, are you?” The Wild Marauder asked, his smile slowly fading. “Because I have a feeling I’m about to be at the receiving end of Stone’s fist.”

  I frowned at the handsome biker. “Hell, no. I’m nothing to him.” I looked at Stone again. It was hard to tell who his anger was directed at, and I thought about running.

  “Hands off,” he snarled, pinning his crystallized gaze on the man. Everything about his expression revealed that he was holding on by a thread from going after the young Wild Marauder.

  I found myself instantly released as the biker threw up his hands in the air. “No problem, man. I asked her if she was yours—”

  “She is.”

  What? “I am not!” I said before thinking.

  “Oh, but you fucking are,” Stone growled, grabbing me by the hair and slamming his mouth down on mine. The hand in my hair and the grind of his mouth told me that Stone was indifferent to any pain he may be inflicting. I opened my mouth to ease the pressure when I tasted blood. He pushed his tongue inside my mouth and took what he wanted, kissing me until I was out of breath and panting against him.

  A tug on my hair tore us apart, and my gaze was captured by the wild emotion in his. The warning was very clear. “Don’t you have something to take care of?” he reminded me in a gravelly tone, his anger still apparent.

  I pulled away from him, feeling my own anger mounting. He had a lot of nerve, and I intended to call him on it as soon as we were alone. I glanced at the man sitting quietly on the bar stool with his arms crossed. I wasn’t sure what his closed expression meant.

  “I’m sorry.” My apology seemed so inadequate.

  “So am I.”

  Stone cleared his throat and motioned toward the kitchen door, a clear message that I was to get lost. I clenched my teeth and turned to leave. Once I pushed through the door I leaned against it to calm myself down. Kissing some random biker had been so stupid of me, and could have ended so badly, could still end badly. I knew that you didn’t mess around with hard-core bikers, and in their world I’d offered myself to him. At least he’d understood and accepted my pathetic excuse for kissing him. Had I kissed an older biker, one who was ingrained with biker rules and culture, he would have demanded a lot more from me.


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