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The Battle For A Home (Norman Genesis Book 3)

Page 5

by Hosker,Griff

  "Soon Jarl Gunnstein Berserk Killer will call upon us to raid Wessex. We are honour bound to help him. However we cannot afford to lose warriors. I need you and Ulf to ensure that they do not lose their heads when we go into battle. The two of you are listened to. When we fought the Hibernians it was your wild charge which won the battle for us but it almost cost us too many men. Six warriors died in that charge who need not have died. Use your skills but use your mind more, Hrolf. I am a gruff old warrior. You are the one who can come up with solutions which are new. You did so with the fire ships. Jarl Gunnstein Berserk Killer owes you favours. Do not be afraid to call in that debt."

  "I do not like to do that."

  "I know. You have more honour than is good for you. "He stood, "Now the other thing is this woman, Mary. What are you going to do about her?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "You know that the women of the village will continue to make her life a misery until she is your wife. Once she is your wife then they will have to respect her." My mouth opened and closed. "You like her do you not?"

  "Yes but."

  "What is wrong? Is she cold to you?"

  "Cold to me?"

  "In bed."

  I found myself blushing, "I have not lain with her! She has her own quarters."

  He burst out laughing. "Too much honour! Take her as your wife. She will bear you fine children. This is not an order but advice from an old man who wishes he was your age. For many reasons I chose never to take a wife. Now I am old I regret it more. Do not make the same mistakes I did."

  Was this the Norns at work?

  "I will think on your words for you are wise and as a father to me."

  We spoke of Siggi's plans for the future for a while and then he said, "I have not asked you to be my oathsworn. I know that your thread has a different course. When you are ready to leave and to fly from here I will understand."

  "But Jarl I thought it was understood. I have fought with you in the shield wall! I will not desert you now."

  He smiled, "That is different. The bond of warriors who have fought together never loosens. That is there unto death but it does not mean we follow the same path. I fought with the Dragonheart as did you and I would fight with him again but when Jarl Gunnar brought us here then we followed a different thread." He stood. "This is not something which is likely to happen soon, Hrolf the Horseman, for we barely have enough warriors for one drekar. I wanted you to know that when the time comes for you to leave it will not cause a rift. We will still have friendship and, I hope, an alliance."

  As we left I asked, "Where will we get more men? The Jarl brought many from Dyflin. Here we are far from our folk. Do we wait for the children to become men?"

  "In truth I know not but I cannot believe that we were gifted this land for us to have it taken from us or for us to wither and die. For the present we make ourselves as strong as we can. We wait for the summons of Jarl Gunnar Berserk Killer."

  Mary and Gilles were talking with Erik One Hand and Brigid. We went over to them. Jarl Siggi walked directly to Mary and embraced her. It took her by surprise. "It is good to see you. We are not graced by your presence often enough. Your skills with a needle are legendary."

  She soon recovered and said the right thing, "I am honoured that you say so."

  "I would have a kyrtle made. I have nothing which is fine. Now that I am Jarl I would have a kyrtle with a raven upon the chest. Can you make me one? I will pay."

  She smiled, "I would make one for nothing and of course I could. I will need to measure you."

  He laughed, "And you will need plenty of cloth for I am not the twig which is Hrolf the Horseman! I am like a stout old oak! Come the day is passing and I need ale. Brigid, broach another barrel."

  The day turned into a celebration. Jarl Gunnar had been many things but he was never generous. Siggi had always had treasure. With no wife and children on which to lavish gifts he had acquired a substantial hoard. Now he was spending it. He knew we would gain more soon and, as Jarl, he would have the dragon's share. We were seeing a different jarl.

  The commission from the jarl was the event which made the women, or most of them, accept Mary. Others came to ask for clothes. As we rode home in the early evening she seemed happy. "I may need others to help me."

  Gilles said, "Do not look at me! I have fingers like spades!"

  "I was thinking of girls or women."

  "Until we get slaves there are always the wives of Skutal and Sigurd."

  "Are they skilled?"

  Gilles laughed, "They can gut a fish faster than any I have ever seen but I fear the cloth they sewed would not smell pleasant."

  She shook her head, "That would not do."

  "The two girls do not help with the fish yet and they have small nimble fingers."

  "It takes time to teach even basic skills."

  "Then I shall go raiding and find you slaves."

  "No! I will work with them if their mothers are willing. I need you close to home."

  We were approaching the hall. "That may be out of our hands. We are promised to help Jarl Gunnstein Berserk Killer. He raids Wessex in a revenge raid. I will have to go."

  Her good humour evaporated like an early morning mist. When we reached home I said, "Gilles see to the horses and feed the animals eh? I need to speak with Mary."

  I put more wood on the fire and wafted it with my cloak to make the flames rise. Mary went to go to her chamber. "Wait, we need to speak." She turned. The fire suddenly brightened and bathed her face in a warm glow. I smiled, "The firelight makes you look a little happier. I am glad. I took her hands. "I have not spoken of the kiss you gave before I last left to raid and that was wrong. I believe it means you care for me and fear to be alone here. Now you worry that I will leave you again and may not return."

  In answer she threw her arms around my neck and buried her face in my chest. She began to sob.

  I spoke softly in her ear, "I too would miss you if you were not in my life. Today I saw you accorded more honour than at any time since you first came. What say we become man and wife? As the wife of a hersir you, too, would be respected and I would like you as my wife."

  It sounded awkward when I said it and I wondered if I had said too much. She raised her head. I saw that her cheeks were wet. "That is my hope! I would be your wife!"

  "Then we shall be married."

  "But there is no priest."

  "And I am no Christian. There is a ceremony but it is pagan and may offend you. We will marry ourselves this night when Gilles returns." She hesitated. "If you wish me to take a priest from the mainland and make him our slave I will do so. That is the only way you can be married by a priest."

  She shook her head, "No, we will do it your way."

  Just then Gilles came in. He stopped for he knew something was amiss, "I will...."

  "Come Gilles, we need you. Mary and I are to be married. You are witness that this was in accordance with both our wishes." Mary nodded.

  Gilles grinned. "Ay lord! Rurik One Ear said it would not be long before you did this. It is wyrd!" He picked up his sleeping cloak. "I will sleep with the horses this night."

  I shook my head, "You need not. A warrior does not need privacy. The Viking way is not to hide away."

  "I know, lord, but this is your wedding night and Mary is the daughter of a noble. I do not mind. Gerðr is warm and her filly too."

  With that the wise young warrior left us. I did not know what to do. Mary did and she pulled me to my sleeping place. That night we became as one. I had a beard and I was a man but that night I became a real man and my life changed forever.

  Chapter 5

  We had but a week of bliss before Rurik came to fetch me. It was seven days I had never experienced before. I had thought that when I had slain other warriors I was a man. I now knew that was but part of it. "Hrolf, Jarl Gunnstein is here. He and three drekar are approaching the island. Jarl Siggi says we sail on the morning tide."

  "Tell him
I will be there."

  "I will go down to Skutal and Sigurd. As I am here I will see what they have caught."

  Gilles joined him. Since we had returned he made the journey each morning. I had taken to eating oysters each day and Gilles went down to pick them for me. I looked at Mary. "We knew this day would come."

  "Aye we did. Do not worry, husband. There will be no weeping and storming to my chamber. If you say you will return then I will believe you. Besides it will give me the chance to improve the skills of Anya and Ambroch." The two daughters of my fishermen had proved to be more skilful than Mary had expected and they were able to help my wife. Not yet good enough for fine work, they were able to tack material together which saved Mary time. She had told me, as we had nestled together, that she believed they had potential. She was certainly happier. I knew not if that was because she had help or because we were married.

  When Rurik and Gilles returned Rurik One Ear had a grin upon his face. I guessed that Gilles had told him my news. He said nothing but I knew that when we sailed he would. I prepared myself for lewd comments. It was the warrior way and I would have to endure it.

  I went to war with a new kyrtle beneath my mail. Mary had teased some sheep wool and then sewn it onto a kyrtle. She had even managed to sew the head of Dream Strider on the front. She wanted to make sure that I had as much protection as possible when I went to fight the Saxons of Wessex. It replaced the one I had worn in Hibernia. The fight with the champion and the subsequent battles with the wild warriors of that island had meant it either needed repair or replacing. Mary replaced it. She had learned from her earlier effort and this one was even better than the first.

  Gilles asked if he ought to come with me. He was now of an age when young men took to the oars. I would have wanted him to be with us but I wanted him watching my family more. Similarly Sigurd and Skutal came to speak with me. "It is not right that the rest of clan goes to avenge our honour. One of us, at least, should come with you."

  I nodded, "You do not need to but if one chooses to take an oar then that is good."

  It was Sigurd who came. He had a helmet, a shield and a spear. I gave him one of my old swords. He would not take the Frankish one given to me by the merchant from Andecavis. He said, "It is too good for me. I am not a swordsman, lord. I would be as skilful with an iron bar but I have courage and I will stand in the shield wall."

  Gilles came with us and we rode to the stad. He would return with our horses. The embrace and the kiss from Mary kept me silent all the way there. The last week had shown me that I had been foolish in delaying the decision I had finally made.

  When the Jarl had arrived the night before, Jarl Siggi had held a feast for Jarl Gunnstein. I saw bleary eyed warriors heading down to their drekar. I handed my reins to Gilles, "I look to you and Skutal to watch my family and my people while I am away. I know that you will care for my horses."

  "I will lord. I know now what is needed and I will not let you down."

  I watched him lead my stallion north to my home. I wished I was with them. I turned and headed towards Jarl Siggi's hall. The Jarl from Dyflin saw me approach and he smiled broadly, "Here is the hero come to join us. Now I know that the gods will favour this raid. We have the two mighty warriors who drove the Hibernians back to their caves!" He embraced me. "And I hear you have taken a filly too! Hrolf the Horseman will prove that he is a stallion eh?" Rurik had wasted no time in spreading the word! He was a gossip.

  Any response I might have made was drowned out by the shouts and cries from the clan. The banter and the ribbing had begun. We headed down to the drekar. As we clambered aboard I said to Sven the Helmsman, "Sigurd Einarsson comes to war with us. He is skilled with boats."

  "Aye I know. Until we have more men you will need to take an oar but I would teach you how to sail a drekar."

  Sigurd looked happy, "Aye, I would like that!"

  I took my oar and waited for the Jarl to board. All I knew was that we were going to raid Wessex. That was a large place. Rurik One Ear joined me and while we waited he gave me the news which the Jarl from Dyflin had brought. "The Dragonheart slew Eggle Skulltaker. Windar's Mere was avenged."

  "I am pleased. That is how it should be."

  "Jarl Gunnstein thought it was a good omen for this raid."

  "I hope so. Where do we raid?"


  "We have raided there before. Is not that close to Wintan-ceastre? We have but six drekar and King Egbert has a large army."

  "They were the ones who slew the Jarl and his bride. They have the heads of the dead above their gate. King Egbert is to the north. He fights Mercia. It is said that he is close to victory." Leaning in he added, "The Jarl Gunnstein says that King Louis the Pious backs Egbert with coin and that King Egbert hopes to be Bretwalda."


  "High king of the land of the Saxons. It is said that with Mercia defeated he can then conquer Northumbria and the land of the East Angles. Jarl Gunnstein has planned this well. If we are successful at Hamwic then he would raid Wintan-ceastre too. We hope for many slaves and much treasure. It is said that the men who killed the Jarl came from Hamwic. The heads of our brothers were placed outside its walls."

  "Then this is wyrd."

  With the Jarl aboard we headed out to sea. We were smaller than the other five drekar. Jarl Gunnstein had not only his own warriors but others from Orkneyjar and the northern isles. Some were kin to Jarl Gunnar Thorfinnson. They recognised jarl Siggi and Ulf and waved to them. They were the last of the warriors from Jarl Gunnar's northern home.

  Siggi began the chant and we sang lustily.

  The night was black no moon was there

  Death and danger hung in the air

  As Raven Wing closed with the shore

  The scouts crept closer as before

  Dressed like death with sharpened blades

  They moved like spirits through the glades

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  With sentries slain they sought new foes

  A cry in the night fetched them woes

  The alarm was given the warriors ready

  Four scouts therewith hearts so steady

  Ulf and Arne thought their end was nigh

  When Hrolf the wild leapt from the sky

  Flying like the raven through the air

  He felled the Cymri, a raven slayer

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  His courage clear he still fought on

  Until the clan had battled and won

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  Raven Wing goes to war

  Hear our voices hear them roar

  A song of death to all its foes

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  The power of the raven grows and grows.

  It was the first time that Sigurd had rowed and I could hear his voice as he joined in. It made him one of the crew. It made us all as one. We were ready for war.

  We rowed until we had left the shelter of the land and then the winds from the south and west took us north. It was at that moment, when we laid down our oars, that Siggi addressed us. "Today is the first time we go to war without Jarl Gunnar Thorfinnson at the fore. When he led us it was the hearth-weru who protected him. I have no hearth-weru and I need no one to protect me!" He shouted the last part and we all banged the deck with our hands. "But we need leaders and the hearth-weru were leaders. I have decided that the two hersir, Hrolf the Horseman and Ulf Big Nose will be leaders. Hrolf is on the steerboard side and he will lead those rowers. Ulf Big Nose will lead the rest."

  Ketil Eriksson asked, "But why? We did not need them before."

  He laughed, "We did. We lost warriors because o
f reckless acts which brought neither victory nor honour. We are too few to waste warrior's lives. We will not shirk battle but we fight to win and to survive. If we do not then the clan will die and I am not willing to let that happen. You will follow Ulf Big Nose's commands in battle Ketil! You are one who needs a strong hand to control you. You are a fine warrior but a wild one!" Everyone cheered at that. We knew what he was like. "Today we are one of six clans. Today we share the spoils with others but today is also the day that we begin to grow. This time next year we will have two drekar and crew to man them!"

  Arne Four Toes said, "I would not risk another ship from Bolli. Perhaps his drekar only sail for the Dragonheart. We lost the Jarl!"

  "You may be right but we have Sven the Helmsman. He knows ships. We have a bay by the haunted farmhouse and we have trees across the water. Why can we not build our own drekar?" No one had thought of that and even dour Ulf Big Nose nodded. It was a beginning.

  As we neared the coast of Wessex the afternoon light was fading. Those who did so donned their war faces. I did not. I donned my mail. I gave Heart of Ice one last sharpen and I touched my horse token around my neck. That had brought me luck before and a warrior knew how important luck was.

  We rounded the island which lay close to the estuary just after dark. We were not leading. Our drekar was behind that of Jarl Gunnstein. His plan was simple. We would sail up the estuary and begin to attack immediately. He did not need any scouts for we had raided this burgh before and knew how the land lay. We had no doubt that they had improved the walls but we had over two hundred warriors. With King Egbert to the north fighting the Mercians with his best warriors we would be able to punish those who had slain our kin. As we passed along the coast we heard church bells tolling. They were warning of our approach. Dragonships were to be feared.

  As we rowed up the coast towards Hamwic, Rurik said, "They will be ready for us."

  Behind us Erik Green Eye said, "Aye and they will be filling their breeks!"

  "Rurik is right. They may try to take their treasure and holy books to Wintan-ceastre. We do not want that."


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