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The Battle For A Home (Norman Genesis Book 3)

Page 12

by Hosker,Griff

  We arrived home in the late afternoon. It was safer to unload the priests at the quay and march them south than try to land them in the sea. Skutal, Erik, Gilles and I were pleased for it meant we were home sooner.

  Rurik said, wryly, "Perhaps I should move here too!"

  I laughed, "There is room a plenty but would your wife enjoy it here?"

  Rurik's wife was a gossip and she enjoyed the company of lots of people. Our bay was quiet. "You are probably right!"

  Jarl Siggi said he would send our share over to us and so the four of us left the drekar. Skutal's wife was relieved to see him. He had brought her treasures he had found himself on the battlefield. Some of the women had left fine kyrtles and dresses. He had taken one for his wife as had Erik Green Eye. I had not for I knew Mary. She was the daughter of a noble and something taken in a raid would not do.

  "You did well, Gilles."

  "I did not take my sword out of my scabbard and I am not certain I hit anyone with my spear."

  Erik Green Eye said, "You were there supporting the warriors in the front. Your spear might have prevented the Frank from wounding a warrior in the rank before you. It takes time to know how to fight on a battlefield. It is not like practice."

  "Erik is right and when you were growing up you were not learning how to be a warrior. Erik and the others were."

  "You were not."

  "No, I was not but I was lucky. Jarl Dragonheart and his crew trained me. You can blame my lack of skill."

  Shaking his head he said, "I will work as hard at being a warrior as being a horseman. You have but five of us who are your warriors. We are part of the raven Wing Clan but our horses mark us as different, lord. We have been drawn here for a purpose. We are chosen. Perhaps we will become your hearth-weru. If we do then we will need to fight as one. We should be the best that we can be."

  Erik smiled and said, "He is right, lord. This is wyrd."

  And so that day we became as one. Not yet a clan we were becoming a band of brothers much as Jarl Dragonheart had gathered around him. My dream was closer to becoming a reality.

  Chapter 10

  The smell of baking bread greeted Gilles and I as we entered my hall. The two slaves Eda and Cwen ran to us each carrying a horn of ale. Eda said, "Here is ale for the warrior come home. Welcome master."

  She beamed. I saw Mary smiling. She had obviously drilled them. "Thank you Eda, that was beautifully said! I thank you and it is good to be home and see such beautiful ladies waiting on us eh Gilles?"

  "It was worth the journey, lord. Thank you Cwen!"

  Mary came and kissed me as the two slaves hurried to the fire and the pot which was bubbling away. "That was well done. They practised for a whole day to get it right."

  "It is good to be home." I held her tightly to me. I missed you."

  "As you were sleeping on a drekar with the likes of Rurik One Ear and Ulf Big Nose I do not take that as a compliment!"

  "Then tonight I shall show you just how much I did miss you."

  She giggled, "My lord!" I emptied the horn. It was good ale. "Was it a good raid?"

  "It was. You will be pleased to hear we neither enslaved nor slaughtered everyone. The Jarl has decided to be a sort of lord to the two villages. We slew Brego who ruled them before. His brother Baldred rules now."

  She looked up, "I never knew Baldred but I knew Brego. He was the cousin of my father, Lothair."

  "I am sorry. I did not know."

  She shook her head, "I did not like him. He was a little too familiar when he came to visit."


  She shivered and said, "It does not matter. Needless to say I am not upset. This seems like a new turn of events. Are you changing your nature?"

  "We are still Vikings but our numbers mean we cannot do what comes naturally to us. We have not the warriors yet. But I am happy with the Jarl's decision. We now have a possibility of a home on the mainland and that is my dream."

  She hugged me, "And mine too! Come let us eat!"

  "First I will wash. Come Gilles let us smell a little more like men and less like fish!"

  I took a cloak and headed down to the sea. After I had bathed I dried myself with my cloak and, carrying my clothes, headed back to the hall. Gilles followed. In the hall Mary helped me to dress and Eda combed and oiled my hair. When the food was ladled out I was ready for it. Life was good.

  Our share of treasure was sent the next day. It was brought by one of the new warriors. Einar Asbjornson. He was young, no more than twenty summers old. After he had delivered my share he hesitated, "Hersir, I am here to ask a favour."

  "Ask for you have done me one already."

  "I have a young wife, Morag. She is but thirteen summers old and she is fey. She finds the stad too busy and noisy." He hesitated, "Some of the women there, well they are not pleasant towards her. I would like to build a home here."

  "You are welcome but it is quiet here."

  "She would like that. She was a slave from the land of the Cymri. She does not have many of our words yet." He shrugged, "She was a slave and I bought her. She pleases me."

  "Then you are more than welcome. Fetch her."

  He almost ran off. I went to tell Mary. She seemed remarkably happy about it. "This is good, my husband. These new people are choosing to live here. That says much about you."

  Shaking my head I said, "No it says much about those in the stad who like to gossip. I am pleased that we are small. I would not like us to grow too big."

  "Husband if you wish to live on the mainland and have a horse herd then you will need many people. Think on that," she added, shrewdly.

  Once again we were thrown into the maelstrom of building a home. It was however much easier for we now had more backs to share the load. The two slaves seemed almost happy to be helping and threw themselves into everything that was asked of them. Mary took to Morag immediately. The girl was shy and clung to Einar like a limpet. Mary and Acca took an arm each and led her into my hall. I smiled. It was wyrd.

  It took but two days to finish the house. It was further inland than Erik's and even more sheltered. I was not certain about the suitability of the land for farming; it seemed to have more rocks than soil but Einar wished to raise sheep and goats. The grazing was good. More importantly they were happy with its position.

  That night as I sat with Gilles and Mary enjoying a fish stew I commented on that. "If he relies on just sheep and goats he will have to live off cheese and what they can forage."

  "They are young and they will learn. I learned."

  "Besides, lord, he can buy. I have coins already from one raid! Soon I will be rich!"

  "Do not spend your coins yet. Sometimes we just bring back cereal or animals. Sometimes it is slaves. The treasure we found on the last two raids was exceptional!"

  "But the holy men will be ransomed? There will be coins coming for them."

  I nodded, "But do not spend that which we do not have. The ransom will be shared. The Jarl will take the largest portion for he led."

  "You took the priests."

  "We all did and they will be cared for. None were harmed nor will be. Jarl Siggi will set them to work while we wait their ship. It is said the King of the Franks paid for the monastery."

  "He is a pious man. I hope this does not bring down the wrath of God upon us all." Mary made the sign of the cross almost surreptitiously.

  "We have been raiding monks and monasteries for years. I think we would have felt it already!"

  Gilles and I returned to the horses and their schooling. The two stallions did not seem to mind each other and that was a good thing. If there had been rivalry it would have surfaced before now. We worked from dawn until dusk with all of my horses. It was a joy to be with them. Not long before Midsummer Day Gilles and I rode them to the stad. We had not been there since before the last raid and I had some business to conduct. I also wished to see my friends.

  We were about to leave when Mary came out. "Here it is the tunic
for the jarl it is finished." She held it up for me to see. The needlework was exquisite."

  "He will love it!"

  When I spied Rurik he was seated outside his hut with his wife and they were enjoying the sun. We reined up next to him. "It is good that you are here, Hrolf. You can hear my news. I am to be a father. My wife is with child."

  His wife beamed, "I will fetch some ale."

  "Do not stir yourself. This is cause for celebration. I will fetch a barrel from the ale wife. Gilles, take the horses and water them."

  "I will come with you Hrolf." As we walked towards Brigid's ale house Rurik said. "I am seriously considering moving to your hall. The Eriksson boys are doing what they do best. They are causing trouble. I am certain that Hildegard is behind it. The Jarl does not see the way that Hildegard and Emma make the other women do what they wish. Beorn Fast Feet is no longer the warrior he once was. His wife has changed him too. Besides the Jarl is not in the best of health."

  "You are more than welcome to come. There is room but Erik Green Eye has the best farmland. It would have to be pasture."

  He nodded, "I will wait until the gold comes for the priests. If there is enough I will move. The land I farm is little enough but it does bring in a crop which keeps us through the winter."

  We reached Brigid's and I noticed that two priests were working for her. Erik One Hand, her husband, said, "I will be sorry to see these priests go. They know their ale."

  Rurik nodded, "He is right Hrolf. The beer was always good but they have made it even better."

  "And I get no credit for that?"

  Erik soothed his wife with honeyed words, "My love, we all know that it is your ale which is the nectar of the gods, but you must admit that they have been a help."

  She nodded, "You are right. What can I do for you hersir?"

  "I wish a small barrel of ale to celebrate Rurik's news."

  "Aye it is good. There are many women carrying young warriors now. The Gods are making up for the treachery of the Saxons of Hamwic."

  Erik asked, "How is your stad now? It must be growing. Do you not resent having to share it with others?"

  "No for they are good people. We can live our own lives but we know there are others to help when we need them."

  Erik swept his good hand around the village. "This is not the peaceful place it once was. Many blame Jarl Siggi but it is not his fault. He always lived alone and he still does. He rarely sees any save his slaves and servants. It was Ulf Big Nose and yourself with whom he liked to talk. Since we returned from the raid he has spoken more with the chief priest. They spend the days talking to each other."

  I paid for the ale, "Rurik I will join you shortly. I need to speak with Bagsecg."

  "More mail?"

  "No, I need a new helmet."

  I strode over to the far corner of the settlement where I could hear the clanging of hammer on iron. Sparks flew as he beat out a sheet of metal. His wife Anya looked to be pregnant again. They had four children already. It seemed to me that as soon as one was born our blacksmith began work on his next one! He stopped work when he saw me. I had known him in Cyninges-tūn and we were old friends. When we spoke it was as though we had never left the Land of the Wolf.

  "Hrolf the Horseman, it is good to see you! What is life like as a hersir?"

  I smiled as I clasped his arm. It was like trying to grip an oak, "Remarkably easy. I just raise my horses and life is good!"

  "See, I said we should move north!"

  I looked at Bagsecg, "You too?"

  "My wife does not like the gossip and intrigue here but this is where my work lies. I have many orders for weapons and mail. The raids have brought wealth and they spend it here."

  "There is more to life than money!" She picked up their youngest and stormed back into the hut.

  "I would move but..."

  I understand. You would be more than welcome if you came."

  "Thank you. I will think on that. Certainly the water by the bay would make my life easier. My slaves spend half of the day fetching water. It is a steep path to the sea from here. Now, what did you want of me? I cannot think you came here to hear us complain!"

  "I would have you make me a helmet."

  "What is wrong with the one you have? Many warriors ask me to make them one just like it. The mask makes it an expensive one but they are still willing to pay."

  "It is a good helmet but my vision is restricted." I handed it to him. "See here and here are where I was struck. I am not such a poor warrior that I cannot fend off a Frank or a Saxon but these blows were struck from outside my view."

  "But it protects your head."

  I nodded, "I have thought of that. If you make a conical helmet which is strong then you could put a band around the bottom and attach a piece of strong metal to cover my nose. I would still be able to see and my helmet would have the strength to protect my head."

  He nodded. "And you would have the mail hanging down as you do now?"

  I shook my head, "No for that makes the helmet sometimes slip. I would have a hood of mail which I can wear beneath. It would protect my neck and my throat. My byrnie is strong but it does not protect my neck."

  Bagsecg took a piece of charcoal and went to a cut log. He sketched out the helmet upon it. "Like this?"

  "Aye but here, on the piece of metal which goes down to protect my nose I would like it to go up and across."

  "Like the crosses the priests of the White Christ wear?"

  "Just so." I reached into my leather pouch and took out the large one I had taken in Wessex. I would have you use this. Gold is strong, is it not?"

  "Aye it is but this would make your helmet valuable. This is a fine piece of gold. This would pay for a whole mail byrnie."

  "It is already valuable for it might save my life!"

  He laughed, "I will begin work now. It should be ready when the Jarl next raids."

  "Thank you, Bagsecg Beornsson, and if you ever wish to come to my bay then you would be more than welcome."

  When I reached Rurik he and Gilles had broached the barrel and had a horn waiting for me. "Here's to a Viking son!"

  "Aye! I hope he has two ears! It makes a helmet fit better!"

  It was good to be with Rurik. He was an old and valued friend. We laughed and we joked as warriors do. Arne Four Toes wandered over and we offered him a horn of ale. After the second horn he said, "I miss this. We just talk and enjoy life. The younger warriors drink too much and end up fighting. Perhaps I am getting old."

  Rurik shook his head, "We were never belligerent when we drank. It is not our way. It is a sign of the times. Jarl Gunnar's hearth-weru would stop fights."

  "Then, perhaps, as Jarl Siggi's oldest comrades we should do as they did."

  Rurik said sadly, "There are but two of us. You, Hrolf, make fleeting visits and Ulf Big Nose is never here."

  "You know it seems to me that our most peaceful time is when we raid. At least then we are all on the same side!"

  It sounded so strange that we all laughed. Our laughter fetched Jarl Siggi from his hall. He was with Sven the Helmsman and Harold Fast Sailing. I noticed that he looked a little drawn and I remembered Rurik's words. "Good to see you, Hrolf."

  "And you Jarl Siggi White Hair. Take a horn of ale. We celebrate Rurik becoming a father at last!"

  They sat and toasted the mother to be. "This is wyrd Hrolf for we were going to visit with you."

  "You are always welcome."

  "Sven has been to see me. The drekar is getting old. We either need to replace her or repair her."

  Sven said, "I would say replace her but I have only helped to build one drekar as has Harold. The Jarl is loath to use Bolli because of the disaster which befell Jarl Gunnar."

  Jarl Siggi said, "We have spoken and think the best solution would be to build a shipyard in your bay. It is perfect. We can get the timber from Neustria. The bay is sheltered and we can reach the yard easier."

  "If you seek my permission then you nee
d not. I am happy."

  "Good. We thought to build a knarr first. The techniques are the same but it will take less time. 'Raven's Wing' will not need to be replaced until next year and the yard will enable Sven to make the necessary repairs."

  "That is a good idea."

  "Sven, Harold and the slaves would need a hall by the water."

  "There is room. Skutal and Sigurd do not take up much space. So long as your work did not interfere with their fish traps then I do not think there would be a problem. They live on one side of the bay and the other side, beneath the farmhouse is both flat and without buildings."

  "Good." He smiled. "Your stad is growing, hersir."

  Arne Four Toes nodded vigorously, "Aye, Rurik and I may join you soon."

  Jarl Siggi frowned, "You would both leave here?"

  Arne Four Toes looked at Jarl Siggi. "It is the young warriors and their wives Jarl. You do not see it but they cause disharmony in the stad. I would stay but my family..."

  I nodded, eager to support my friend, "It is true, Jarl. Even the smith, Bagsecg Beornsson, is unhappy."

  "Then I must leave my hall more often and begin to exercise my authority!"

  Arne said, "If you need our help, Jarl..."

  "If I need your help then we need a new Jarl. I should be able to control a few reckless warriors and the tongues of their wives."

  "It is not the warriors we worry about but their wives!"

  Gilles collected the orders for Mary. She now had the monopoly on fine garments and the two slaves were becoming more skilled each day. Morag and Acca were also taking on some of the less demanding work. It allowed Mary to concentrate on the more difficult work which made her clothes special.

  We gave the Jarl his tunic. His face lit up and he beamed, "Your wife has a skill which is a gift from the gods." He reached into his pouch for coins.

  I shook my head, "No, old friend. This is a gift. You have already given much to me and it is time to repay that."

  He nodded, "Thank you Hrolf." His voice was a little thick and he coughed. As he did so a speck of blood came out. He shook his head, "Too much ale last night!" It worried me.


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