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Passion After Dark

Page 7

by J. a Melville

  His relief was tangible when she smiled and nodded at him.

  “Yes Dominick, I trust you. Rightly or wrongly, I do. Come on then.” She turned and unlocked her car and he closed her door before heading to his own car and climbing into the low slung vehicle.

  As Allie pulled out of the car park in her red BMW and merged into the traffic outside, he followed her, keeping her car in his sights although it wouldn’t have mattered if he’d lost track of her as he already knew where she lived and as they drove and his mind replayed their time on the bonnet of her car, his excitement grew, his cock hardened and he wanted nothing more to arrive at her home, take her to her room and fuck her every way possible until they were both exhausted. As he thought of that he grinned. His bella donna had no idea what the stamina of a vampire was like, but she’d find out, if not tonight then soon, but one thing was for sure, she would eventually find out just how long and how many ways he could and he would fuck her.


  I shook the entire drive back to my home with a mixture of both fear and excitement at the prospect of having Dominick there. I still couldn’t believe that he’d found me, that he hadn’t forgotten me and wanted me every bit as much as I wanted him.

  Finding out that the man who had made such an impression on me that night at the club was a vampire had shaken me up more than I’d revealed to him. It was unbelievable that he even existed that he was real and I might have questioned the whole thing if I didn’t have the two puncture marks in my neck from his fangs. I’d seen the blood on his lips, my blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. It was real, he was real, there was no way I could deny that.

  When I finally pulled into the driveway of my home I saw that Cassie was home already as her car was parked in the garage so I pulled in alongside of her little Corolla and watched through my rear vision mirror as Dominick’s black Audi pulled up behind me.

  Well he was at my house and now I had to somehow explain him to Cassie. I had to quiz him before we went inside so I knew what to say since something just told me, some kind of intuition that I could never reveal what he was to anyone.

  The reality was, who would believe me anyway? Plus something about Dominick had me under some kind of spell with him. I was so drawn to him, so taken by him, almost in love with him already and for a brief moment I got it, I got why the women in the movies fell for the vampires. I understood why Bella loved Edward as intensely as she did in the Twilight saga, why Buffy had fallen for Angel. There was something about them that was magnetic. They were ridiculously good looking, they had an aura about them that made it almost impossible to refuse them or turn away.

  “You’ve been sucked in by the blood sucker and turned into a sucker.” I said and grinned at my stupid comment but the reality was, it was true. “You had me at bella donna.” I whispered before climbing out of my car and turning to face Dominick as he approached me, those mesmerizing eyes focused on me as he moved with a grace that had me spell bound watching him and I had to consciously stop myself from letting my mouth fall open and the drool to start flowing which wouldn’t be such a cool look. I didn’t get it or understand why this gorgeous creature could possibly want me. Why he looked at me like I was the most beautiful thing he’d ever laid eyes on?

  “So are you ready to meet my house mate?” I asked him trying to appear far more relaxed than I was feeling.

  “Relax cara.” His cool lips brushed my cheek. “I can hear your heart pounding and I can hear the blood coursing through your veins. Relax. I won’t bite.” He grinned, flashing those white teeth of his. “Much.”

  Something about his comment and the humour in those eyes of his worked and I found myself grinning at him like a fool. “That’s kind of creepy that you can hear my blood pumping through my veins Dominick. You can’t hear my thoughts I hope?”

  “No cara, I’m a vampire, not a mind reader but I can feel the tension so please relax. If you aren’t sure about this, I can go but I really hope that you tell me I can stay.”

  “I don’t want you to go.” I whispered and another one of those heart stopping smiles lit up his face.

  “I’m very pleased to hear that cara, now take me inside and let me meet that loud house mate of yours.”

  I laughed at his description of Cassie. “Loud? Why do you call her loud?”

  “That’s the name I gave her the night of the club. She interrupted when I was trying to get to know you with her abrasive voice demanding to know where you’d been and I felt it best to leave at that point.”

  At his words I silently groaned. Cassie had driven him off? She had given me so much grief about making him up, hallucinating his existence and yet she had inadvertently scared him off? Well if a vampire could be scared off which apparently they could.

  “So why did you wait until today to see me again?” I couldn’t help asking.

  She watched as he hung his head. “I got sick and I was forbidden by my sire to see you for 5 days Allegra. As vampires we have to maintain our privacy, keep what we are a secret and I broke the rules. I followed you to your home after the club and I spent the night on your roof watching you sleep and other things.” He gave her that sexy, knowing smile. “I took a huge risk of being seen and Fabian was not pleased plus I hadn’t fed because I’d wanted you. If we don’t feed we get sick and weak very quickly and I hadn’t fed for two days.”

  I stared at him trying to digest what he was saying. “Fabian, who is Fabian?” I asked.

  “Fabian is my sire cara. He made me vampire.”

  “Has he sired more than just you Dominick?”

  “I have a sister and two brothers cara.”

  “Your real brothers and sister?” I asked.

  “No cara. They are my brothers and sister only because we were all sired by Fabian.”

  “Hey, you two.” Suddenly Cassie’s voice yelled out from the kitchen window of the house. “Are you both going to stand there all night or come inside the house?”

  I jumped at her voice suddenly nervous that maybe she’d heard our conversation. “Oh hell, I hope she didn’t hear us.” I whispered.

  “It’s ok cara. She’s only just entered the kitchen, I could hear her typing on her computer before that.”

  I stared at him open mouthed at the casual way he said that. Bloody hell but his hearing was good alright. No farting around him. I thought to myself. He’d hear everything.

  Cassie was still standing at the window and I finally managed to drag my gaze from Dominick’s stunning eyes and turn to her. “We’re coming now.” I yelled.

  “Not yet cara, but you will soon if I have my way.” He spoke softly and the way his eyes burned with desire instantly made my panties wet. Fuck but this man, no this vampire was amazing. I’d never met anyone like him before, ignoring the vampire part, which was pretty hard to ignore though, he was the most incredibly sexy thing I’d ever laid eyes on and I wanted him urgently. With just one softly spoken sentence he nearly made me come just standing there before him. Fuck but I was doomed. I had no control around him at all and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he knew it. It must be a vampire thing that gave him the ability to suck me in and make me powerless to do anything but what he wanted me to do.

  God but I hoped so. I didn’t want to think that it was just me having no self control when I was around him. I wanted to believe it was a vampire thing, a control thing, something he did using some sort of supernatural magic on me. I didn’t want to think that it was me being so weak around a stunningly good looking man that I was ready to lay down and spread them for him, anytime anywhere. “Haven’t you already done that?” That annoying voice in my head asked and the best I could do was tell it firmly to shut up.


  Dominick had to contain his amusement when he saw the range of emotions flitting over Allegra’s face. He could see she was at war with herself. Torn between wanting him and wondering if it was wise to be involved with him and yet he knew she wouldn’t be able t
o refuse him.

  Vampires could easily use mind control over those they wanted to exert their will over and he’d done it before but since destiny had brought them together and she was the one who was meant to be with him for all eternity, he hadn’t needed to control her at all. Her instinct, her heart knew even though she didn’t at this stage that he was her other half, the other half that would make her whole.

  He still needed for Allegra to see that he was the one and he was pleased that so far she was responding to him due to that invisible connection between them as he didn’t want to control her. He wanted her to realise that he was the one for her and she had to come to that conclusion of her own free will, not have her mind altered by him to force that decision on her.

  “Shouldn’t we get inside before your friend thinks we’re having a party out here and comes to join us?” He asked and arousal surged through him, hardening his cock when she laughed at his huskily spoken words.

  “Come on Dominick. Come and meet my house mate. I’m so glad that I can prove you’re real and not a hallucination like she accused you of being the other night.”

  “Well lead the way cara and please, you must invite me inside. I can’t enter your home without your consent.” He warned and she turned to him in surprise.

  “So that part is true in the shows on TV then?” And he nodded.

  “Sometimes they get it right cara and that much is true. I cannot physically enter your home without the permission of someone who lives there.”

  When they arrived at the front door Allegra stepped inside and turned to him, backing up as she watched him and he cursed under his breath. She was testing him obviously.

  He stepped up to the open doorway and went to take a step forward but some unseen invisible force, threw him backwards and he staggered on the front verandah of the house as he quickly regained his balance and glared at her for subjecting him to that.

  He saw her go pale at his expression and he struggled to get his anger under control but Allegra was going to have to learn that vampire’s were passionate creatures and as quickly as they could love and desire someone, they could turn to anger and hatred just as quickly.

  He could never hate his bella donna but he sure as hell could get angry with her and her blatant attempt to test him on whether he could enter the house without her invite certainly angered him. He had been subjected to pain for trying to enter without her permission and she didn’t know what that pain was like, but it burned through his body and he was lashed by an invisible force for trying to defy the natural laws of being vampire.

  Fighting to hide from her the pain burning over his lower chest and stomach he waited for her invitation and when she finally gave it to him, he walked inside, dragging her against him to kiss her, letting his fangs descend so he could nip at the fleshy tender skin of her inside lower lip.

  She gasped and he raised his head, retracting his fangs quickly when he heard the soft fall of footsteps approaching from the back of the house.

  Allegra touched the punctured flesh of her lip and when she looked up at him he was torn with varying emotions at the slight fear in her eyes. He didn’t want to scare her but she had to learn what was and what wasn’t acceptable behaviour when dealing with a vampire.

  “Well it took you two long enough to get inside. What was so important you had to stand around out in the driveway yapping?” Cassie’s voice cut through the tension radiating between them.

  He turned to the annoying house mate with the voice that grated over his nerves and forced a warm smile onto his face. He struggled to hide his amusement when he saw the predictable reaction to him turning the full force of his charm on her. Now this one he could play with and not care that he was controlling her emotions.

  Allegra was still standing looking a little shell shocked so he walked the couple of steps to Cassie and reached out to shake her hand. When he turned back Allie had snapped out of the stunned state she’d been in and with a shake of her head she smiled at her house mate.

  “Cassie, this is my hallucination, Dominick. Remember the man I told you about from the club? The man you said I must have imagined? Well here he is.” She reached out and poked his arm. “Feels pretty real to me for a hallucination.” She smirked.

  “This is Dominick?” Cassie stared at her in wide eyed surprise. “So how did you two run into one another today then?”

  Dominick cursed to himself. They had ended up talking about anything but what they were going to say to this loud woman. With a look of warning at his bellezza he started explaining that he’d seen Allegra when she had left her editor. They had got talking and she had invited him over. He wasn’t going to bother explaining how they’d run into one another and he met Cassie’s eyes, making it clear that she was to accept what he said and not question him. He saw her go glassy eyed before nodding and relieved he turned away from her, removing his control.

  “Well it’s nice to see you’re real.” She laughed and her eyes moved over him again her appreciation for his appearance evident in her gaze but he felt nothing as he looked at her. He just wanted the small talk over with so he could take Allegra to her room and spend the night making love to her.

  “I’ve got pizza you two, do you want some?” Cassie asked looking from one to the other of them and Dominick struggled to control his shudder at the thought of something that wasn’t blood.

  “Vegetarian pizza Cass?” Allegra asked and the other woman grinned and nodded. “Just one slice then. I ate while Frank and I worked so I’m not that hungry.”

  “Would you like a drink then Dominick?” Cassie asked him and he shook his head just wanting to get past this stomach turning conversation on human food and drink.

  He watched Allegra pick up the slice of pizza and take a bite of it forcing him to turn his head from her as it was making him nauseous to watch her eat it and he found himself longing for the day when she would be on a blood diet like himself.

  “Are you ok Dominick?” She asked him suddenly appearing in front of him and he glanced at her hands relieved to see the pizza was gone but he could still smell it on her.

  “Do you think we could go upstairs for a little while? I’m not feeling so good.” He told her and saw the look of concern on her face.

  His eyes shot a warning glance at Cassie when he heard her snicker at his words and instantly she stopped her eyes glossing over before she lowered them in acceptance of his words.

  Fortunately Allegra missed his mind control games with her house mate as she took his hand leading him towards the stairs.

  Chapter Seven.


  I wasn’t sure what was wrong with Dominick as I took him upstairs but he was looking a little pale which struck me as kind of funny actually. He was dead so pale probably came with the whole vampire thing but he did seem like he was not feeling very well.

  “Cara, I need you to do me a favour and I don’t wish to offend you but could you please brush your teeth. I find it hard to be around human food and despite you only having one slice the smell of that pizza is making me nauseous. I’m so sorry bella donna.”

  “Seriously Dominick? The food bothers you that much? I stepped closer to him and put a hand on his face surprised to feel his skin was cold and clammy. Wow, it really was making him sick. “Ok, I’m sorry, I’ll go brush now.” I rushed into my ensuite bathroom and brushed as quickly as I could but trying to make sure all traces of the pizza were gone. I didn’t want one slice of pizza to kill the night of passion I hoped would be coming my way that was for sure.

  When I stepped back into my bedroom Dominick was wandering around the room looking at photos on the walls. He turned to me and gave me that stomach melting, panty soaking smile of his and suddenly I wanted nothing more than to tear the clothes right off him and have my way with him.

  He raised an eyebrow at me and I blushed since his look seemed to show that he knew what I was thinking.

  I lifted my hands to his hard chest, slowly undoing
the buttons of his black shirt and he stood there, quietly, simply watching me as I gradually popped them open one by one.

  Once his shirt was undone, I pushed it off his shoulders and gasped at what was revealed. The tattoo of barbed wire that I’d seen a hint of ran over his upper chest from below his collar bones around, over his shoulders, across the back of his neck and completed the loop again at his front.

  His left nipple was pierced and over each of his upper arms were the heads of dragons with their mouths open wide, flames of fire shooting from them. When I slowly walked around him to see, the tattoo of the dragons continued over his shoulder blades and the two bodies were twisted around one another, spiraling down his spine to where his jeans covered the tips of their tails from my view.

  The detail and colour in the tattoos were amazing and when I trailed my fingers over them, I felt him tense under my touch. His skin was so cool, much cooler than it should be but not so cold that it would be blatantly obvious to most people that he wasn’t human.

  When I stood in front of him again I gasped at two wounds on him, one across his ribs and another one just above the waist of his jeans. What on earth had happened to him? They were raw, angry looking marks but as I watched them I could see they were healing with a surprising speed, much faster than they would on a human.

  “What happened here?” I had to ask.

  “This is what happens when a vampire tries to enter a home they have not been invited into cara.” He said quietly and his words instantly made me feel ill.

  I had caused this with my childish desire to test that what he told me was the truth? I had hurt this beautiful creature and he’d said nothing? No wonder he’d been angry with me.

  “Oh god Dominick, I’m so sorry.” I bent forward and placed my lips against one of the marks that looked almost like he’d been whipped. He tensed under my touch and I trailed my tongue over the raised open welt, breathing deeply of his scent. Hot damn but he smelt fucking amazing too. Was there nothing about him that wasn’t perfect?


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