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Passion After Dark

Page 10

by J. a Melville

  He smiled down at her, noticing how wide her eyes were as she’d listened to him and he felt a moment of deep satisfaction when all she could do was nod in response to his words.

  He reached past her and lifted a letter opener her found on her desk, holding it over his wrist before stabbing it into himself, growling at the pain and as the blood began to flow, he held it over her mouth and watched with growing excitement as she drank from him.

  Chapter Eight.


  After my second feed of blood from Dominick I suddenly felt a rush of adrenalin through my body and I wondered if this was what it felt like for him when he drank from me.

  I felt invigorated, energized and better, the pain between my legs from his assault on my body last night was only very faint now. I could get used to this feeling from the blood, that’s for sure.

  I wondered why his blood tasted so much better. There was none of that taste that normally made me feel nauseous, Dominick’s blood was amazing. It was sweet and like a drug. I just wanted more and it was him that had to finally stop me from continuing to feed off him.

  “Cara much as I would love to spend more time with you, I must go. I need to get some rest or I will lose my strength and you need a break from me. I can’t seem to stop myself from sipping from you and I will make your body weak if I don’t give it some time to recover from me. I suggest you take iron and vitamin B tablets as I don’t wish to feed from anyone else but you. Do you mind if I only sip from you cara?”

  My heart leapt at his words. He only wanted me? Well I only wanted him too. I had no idea how we could possibly work him being a vampire and me not but I wanted him, despite everything that could potentially go wrong or be wrong with us, I wanted him and already I couldn’t imagine not having him in my life.

  “Why do you want me Dominick? Is it just for my blood and the sex? You’re a good looking man, you could get someone so much better than me. I’m nothing special, I’m not even pretty.” I said, not fishing for compliments, simply stating what I believed to be true. He truly was the most stunning looking man I’d ever laid eyes on but I hoped that he wanted me for the right reasons and not just to use me for blood and sex.

  “Cara, don’t make me mad, you don’t want to see me mad. I don’t wish to hear you speak that way about yourself around me again. From the moment I first saw you I wanted you and I knew you were meant to be with me. You are gorgeous, your body is lush and is designed to make a grown man weep at the sheer beauty of it bellezza, but the most important thing is you were made for me.”

  Oh god but he knew exactly what to say to me and even if he didn’t really mean it he made my insides turn to mush anyway.

  “When will I see you again?” I asked, knowing that I probably sounded needy but I couldn’t help myself.

  “I’ll return to you this evening on sunset cara. I need to take care of a couple of things before I get some rest. I suggest you rest too because my blood should have done its job by the time I return and I will want to fuck you when I see you tonight. Maybe tonight you will let me fuck your mouth. I would find it very pleasurable to come in your mouth. Would you be willing to allow me to do that cara?”

  I shivered at his words. Damn but even the way he talked was hot and sexy and I was sure that if he recited the phone book to me he’d have me wet and panting for him. Just something about his voice was so incredibly erotic to me. “Face it girl, everything about him sucks you in.” That little voice inside me had to point out the obvious.

  “I…um..I…I…yes…I…yes Dominick.” I finally stammered my response and my heart skipped a beat when he gave me that sexy smile of his with those perfect white teeth showing.

  “See me to my car mia bella? You might want to put your robe back on though. I have no wish for anyone else to see you as I see you cara.” He bent down and handed me my robe as he finished dressing.

  I slipped it on and opened the door to leave the study and almost ran into Cassie as she rushed past dressed for work. She looked at me and my disheveled appearance and I watched her eyes move beyond me and widen at the sight of Dominick.

  She gave me a knowing grin when her eyes met mine again and she sniffed at me which made hot colour flood my cheeks. Could she smell Dominick’s cum on me? He’d rubbed it in like he was covering me in bloody moisturizer after all. I really needed a shower although a part of me wanted to walk around for the day with his smell on my skin.

  “Allie, Dominick.” Cassie said, her eyes shifting between us. “I’m out of here so you two have the house to yourselves. I have to get into the office earlier today unfortunately. See you later.” She rushed out the door and I managed to yell goodbye to her as she disappeared from view.

  “Sadly I must go too bellezza. The sun is out now and although my tattoo gives me freedom to walk in daylight, the sun at its highest point of the day still makes my skin burn, or it feels like it’s burning. It’s not a pleasant feeling cara. His expression was filled with regret and it was good for my ego that he didn’t seem to want to leave me anymore than I wanted him to leave.

  He took my hand in his and led me outside, not letting me go until we stood by his car. He pulled me into his arms, his lips descending to mine and he kissed me with a passion that left me panting.

  Groaning against my mouth, he turned me until I was up against his car and his lips returned to mine deepening the kiss, forcing my mouth open so his tongue could plunge in to tangle with mine.

  His hands roamed over my body and I gasped. Fuck but I wanted him, he drove me crazy so quickly, making me want him.

  I could feel his erection against me and as if unable to control himself, he ground into me forcing another groan from my lips until finally he pulled free and backed up, running a hand through his long black hair.

  His eyes were burning so brightly they looked purple and his nostrils flared as he breathed in, smelling me I was sure. “God cara, I can smell you, your arousal. You make me so crazy for you, so filled with lust. I want you so much. My cock is hard for you and my body aches for you. Do you ache for me too?”

  My knees sagged at his huskily spoken words and he tightened his grip on me to stop me ending up at his feet in my driveway.

  “God yes Dominick. Are you sure you have to go now?” I hated the thought of having to wait hours to see him again.

  His expression filled with regret. “I must, I’m sorry cara but I have to rest or I will weaken and you don’t want to see me like that, trust me.”

  He bent his head and kissed me again before lifting me and turning to deposit me away from his car and I watched as he climbed inside. He started the car and its powerful engine roared to life. With a final smoldering look from those amazing eyes of his he put the car in reverse and took off down my driveway, onto the road and with a squeal of tyres, he was gone.


  Dominick hated driving away from Allegra and the expression on her face told him she didn’t want him to go any more than he wanted to. Still he had no choice, he needed to sleep so he wouldn’t start losing his strength and he also had to see Fabian. He’d been summoned and when Fabian summoned you, you didn’t ignore him.

  It took him almost an hour to get there but finally he pulled up in the long winding driveway of Fabian’s home. It was a huge, rambling old house, perched on top of a hill and Dominick thought the place was the perfect example of what people would assume a vampire’s lair to look like.

  Of course no one knew Fabian was a vampire, they all thought he was a hermit who preferred his own company and chose to live a more isolated lifestyle in a home that was cut off from the rest of the neighbourhood.

  Dominick climbed out of his car and under the morning sunlight, he walked to the front door, taking long strides to get himself into the shadows of the house before the sunlight irritated his skin.

  As he approached the door, it swung open of its own accord which didn’t surprise Dominick at all, no one could take Fabian by surprise and he step
ped into the cool marble foyer.

  Francesca was waiting for him and she walked towards him, the long skirt of her customary black dress fluttering around her. She reached up to kiss him and as she stepped back, he saw the smirk on her black painted lips.

  “Well, well, well, so little Nicky boy’s got to dip his end in has he? I can smell her all over you big brother and mmmm she does smell delicious. So is she everything you expected her to be? Is her blood just the sweetest thing you’ve ever tasted.” Her words were mocking and Dominick’s fangs descended as his rage towards her increased.

  “Fuck you Fran.” He snapped, pushing past her and heading for the vast living room of Fabian’s home.

  “Yes please Nicky, you can fuck me, it’s been awhile after all.” She smirked and Dominick’s hands clenched by his sides as he fought not to let Francesca’s attempts to stir him up, get to him. She got off on this kind of behaviour and although he knew that, it didn’t stop him wanting to wrap his hands around her neck and squeeze as hard as he could.

  Suddenly a quiet yet authoritative voice cut through the mounting tension between him and Francesca.

  “Fran, Nick, stop this childish bickering and put your fangs away. I’ve told you before I will not tolerate fangs in my home. Nick you should know better than to let your sister get to you like this. You know she enjoys teasing you and you still foolishly allow her to stir you up.”

  Dominick turned to watch as Fabian approached flanked by his two brothers Damien and Lucian. They were all sired by Fabian which made them brothers and sister simply by their connection to Fabian.

  “Fabian, Damien, Lucian.” Dominick acknowledged their presence. “So what was it that you wanted to see me about?”

  Fabian stepped closer, his pale eyes that were some strange kind of blue, grey focused on him and he sniffed him once he was close. Dominick said nothing, simply standing there as his sire moved around him, studying him in silence.

  Fabian was tall, as tall as Dominick was but more solidly built. He had done a lot of strenuous physical work during his time as a human so he was quite heavily muscled, broad across the shoulders and powerful looking. His hair was blonde, a dirty kind of blonde, with nearly white streaks through it and long enough that he always wore it in a pony tail. The women generally went crazy for him and Fabian never had any shortage of willing ladies in his bed or supplying him with blood although he had no interest in being tied to any one woman and would wipe their memories clean of his existence once he was finished with them.

  Damien was the oldest of them not in vampire years but in human years before he’d been turned. He had been 33 years old when Fabian sired him and he was tall and lean a more athletic build than any of the rest of them. His hair was brown and cut in that shaggy, untidy style that made him look like he’d just climbed out of bed. His eyes were a startling shade of green, an emerald green and his complexion was tanned, he’d been a lover of the sun before he was turned and his eyes against the tanned skin was striking. The ladies seemed to think so too and he was happy to take advantage of their desire for him, fucking his way through as many as he could.

  Lucian was the baby of them all, a mere 25 when he’d been turned. He was of Greek decent with dark hair, dark eyes and an olive complexion. He was the more brooding type and again that seemed to make him popular with the ladies who thought they could fix him.

  Of course beauty was typical of being vampire but that didn’t mean that those who were not attractive as humans would become gorgeous once turned. Those who were attractive humans became beautiful vampires. Fabian had made sure that he only turned those who were of use to him and he liked to have beautiful things around him.

  “So my son, I smell sex on you, I smell the scent of a woman’s cunt. Do I take it that you have been with the woman you believe to be your destiny Nick?” Fabian’s pale eyes studied Dominick closely.

  “I have Fabian and she is the one, I know it. She feels it too, I can tell but she needs more time to realise what fate has intended for her.”

  “Can she be trusted Nick with your secret? If she was to tell anyone I would have to wipe her memory and deny you access to her and you know what that means, you would lose your tattoo.”

  “She’s trustworthy Fabian. You should meet her if that would satisfy you and reassure you of any concerns you may have.”

  “I fully intend to son. In fact when do you plan to see this woman again who has consumed you?”

  Dominick sighed. Dammit was Fabian going to get in the way when he went to see Allegra tonight? “I’m seeing her tonight. Do you intend to meet with her soon?”

  “Yes son, bring her to your home this evening and we will meet there. Make sure she comes. Don’t disappoint me you know I don’t like to be disappointed.” Fabian warned and Dominick saw the flash in his sire’s eyes.

  “Fuck!” He thought. How was he going to get Allegra to his home? If she knew she was going to be thoroughly scrutinized by Fabian she’d never come. She’d been amazingly accepting of him but she wasn’t ready to have a whole world of vampires opened up to her, not yet. Each time she fed off him she would become that little bit more vampire, that little bit more accepting but not yet.

  Dominick knew though. You didn’t argue with Fabian. Co-operate with him and he would leave you alone, but if he needed you or asked you to do something, it was best to just do it.

  “She’ll be there Fabian, now if that’s all, I need to get some rest?” He met his sire’s eyes.

  “You may go in a moment Nick. How many times has she fed from you? I see the marks on your wrists. Are you bending this woman’s will to suit you? You know if you force this upon her she may end up hating you forever and forever is a long time in our world son.”

  “I’m not forcing her Fabian. It’s just been two times now but I have fed from her a few times. She’s just so sweet and giving and it makes the sex so much more exciting for us both.”

  Fabian laughed softly. “Oh I understand that my boy. Feeding while fucking makes us come so much harder and when you bite her at the right time she will come spectacularly. This I have experienced Dominick.”

  Francesca hit him on the arm. “Don’t let her make you soft Nicky boy. I sense this woman already has quite a hold on you and a vampire who has lost his balls to a human female is pathetic big brother.” She smirked at him.

  “She doesn’t have me by the balls at all Fran.” He ground out through gritted teeth and his eyes flashed angrily when they all laughed. “Fuck you all. If you’re done Fabian, I’ll see you later.” Fabian nodded at him. “Well I’m out of here. Good bye Fabian, Damien, Lucian and you Francesca can go fuck yourself.”

  With a nod of respect to Fabian and the two young men that flanked him and a glare at Francesca he strode from the room.

  He snapped his teeth together angrily when his sister followed him and he turned to her his hands balled into fists by his side. “What do you want Fran? Have you come to piss me off again. Go and get yourself laid, you’re less of a bitch when you’ve been fucked and fucked well.”

  “Are you offering Nicky boy? You are very good in the sack I have to concede. Why don’t you fuck me yourself and forget about that weak little human female. How can you enjoy being with her? You would have to restrain yourself and where’s the fun in that?” She arched one black brow at him.

  “Good bye Fran. I’m not going there any more with you. Allegra’s the woman who is meant to be mine ok? You are nothing more than the fuck I have when there’s no one else to fuck.” He bent his head and dropped a kiss on her hair and with an exaggerated bow to her, he left the house.

  Chapter Nine.


  I spent the day making the changes I still had to make to my book but it took every effort on my part to concentrate. I kept looking at the clock counting down the time until Dominick would be back at my door.

  Reluctantly I had showered since Salem blatantly refused to have anything to do with me and Beau was the
opposite, he found me deeply intriguing and followed me everywhere, constantly sniffing at me and giving me a suspicious look which was a little disturbing to deal with. Finding a Doberman in my face all day got too much and I had to concede defeat and go shower.

  I got through the rest of the changes Frank had marked for me and when I checked emails there was one from him saying he’d send me the remaining manuscript once he was done editing it.

  I got myself an early dinner since Dominick didn’t handle the smell of food all that well and ended up having a second shower, washed my hair and plaited it all while it was wet to let it dry like that so it would have a bit of a wave through it.

  Attempting to recreate what Cassie had done the other night, I carefully made myself up and with some eye shadow in a metallic looking brown, mascara, eyeliner and some blush to give me a little colour until I felt satisfied with the end result.

  The next problem of course was what to wear? Unlike Cassie I didn’t have a wardrobe filled with sexy clothing or feminine things. I’d always been a mostly jeans and t-shirts kind of gal and yet I got the impression that Dominick wouldn’t like to see me in jeans. He wasn’t really old fashioned, he wasn’t old enough for that, but he was still old enough to remember the days when women were covered from neck to toe and always in dresses.

  After digging around in my walk in robe and looking at every item as a ‘would Dominick like it’ item, I finally pulled out a short black skirt that was fitted at the waist but flared out to a full skirt ending at mid thigh. Being black I felt slim in it and I topped it with a deep blue fitted top that was off the shoulder and hugged my body down, until it finished just short of the waist of the skirt.


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