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Passion After Dark

Page 18

by J. a Melville

  God to be sired by Fabian? Hell no! “You are wrong and you are sick Fabian to think that I could be turned on by your lifestyle. If it turned me on so much I wouldn’t have ended it with Dominick but although he seems more distanced from this life than the rest of you, he can’t walk away from you all completely and having to be around you and the way you treat others is not what I want in my life.”

  “And yet you are here now Allegra. Why is that so?” His eyes bored into mine and I backed up, suddenly nervous of him and the slight attraction I felt for him despite my obvious revulsion for the way he lived.

  “I want you to wipe my mind Fabian, to make it so I have no memory of Dominick. It hurts so much to know I will never see him again. I just want the pain gone.” I said huskily and tears filled my eyes again at the thought of the man I loved but couldn’t be with.

  “You have chosen to bring this pain on yourself Allegra. Why should I help you? What’s in it for me?” Fabian asked and I met his pale gaze through my tears. That was the million dollar question right there. What was I prepared to do for him in exchange?

  “What would you want?” I asked and he grinned.

  “Come Allegra. You’re not that naïve surely? You know exactly what I want. I want you, I want to fuck you. I’ve wanted you since I first saw you. I get what it is about you that attracted Dominick but you should be with a real man and Dominick is not a real man. He’s soft and he has a heart although it doesn’t beat anymore. He has not warmed to this lifestyle despite my best efforts to make him see the benefits of it. He is a fool and you’re a fool if you think our life repulses you. I bet if I touched your cunt right now Allegra, I would find you wet. Are you going to deny it?”

  Oh god, his words alone suddenly made me wet. Fuck him, no, bad choice of words, I didn’t want to fuck him, I meant fuck him as in fuck off to him over what he was saying but like it or not, he was right, I was wet and I hated him for having that power over me when my heart was hurting for Dominick.

  “Well Allegra? Are you going to admit that you are wet or am I going to have to check for myself?” Fabian asked and I blushed. He burst out laughing and I knew as he did that he was right with what he’d said. I didn’t need to confirm it, he had already known, he’d simply wanted to make me admit it to him. Bastard.

  “So why would you want to have no memory of Dominick Allegra? To save your poor hurting heart? Now that’s not fair to Dominick is it? There’s no one to take his pain away is there? I’m not sure you’ve thought this through properly. I can wipe your mind but your house mate will still remember him and what is she going to think of you when you suddenly have no idea who she is talking about when she mentions his name, if she does?”

  Oh crap, I had forgotten about Cassie, well her knowledge of Dominick anyway. “Can’t you wipe her memory too then so she doesn’t know who he is?” I asked.

  “Then where does it stop little one? The more I play with your minds the bigger risk it is that I will harm you both. The human mind is a delicate thing. Too much dipping in to wipe memories or alter things could do more harm than good.”

  “I just want you to try Fabian, please. I don’t want to hurt for him anymore. Dominick will get over me, he doesn’t love me so he’ll be fine.” I cried. “Please help me and do whatever it is you have planned for me, but wipe my memory of that too once you’re done.”

  “Ouch Allegra. You think sex with me will be so abhorrent that you will need to forget it afterwards?” Fabian grimaced but his eyes were filled with amusement.

  “I want no memory of Dominick, certainly no memory of you and definitely no memory of the sex or any knowledge that vampires even exist in this world.” I spat vehemently at him.

  “Have you thought about how you will get home afterwards? You will not be in a fit condition to drive Allegra. You will be in a dream like state until you sleep and once you wake, you will have no memory of anything from the evening before other than what I choose to put in place as your memory.”

  Crap, I’d forgotten about that. “Can’t one of you drive me home? I’ll pay you to do it. I can afford it if you’re worried about that.” I told him sarcastically.

  I tried not to think about what kind of memory he would put back in my head for me to remember in the morning but I just had to hope that he would be nice about it. “What memory will you give me?” I found myself asking anyway.

  “How about you were home in bed masturbating?” He suggested, his lips twitching and I struggled not to let my anger show towards him.

  Smart arse I thought to myself. He was enjoying this, god maybe getting off on it and when I glanced down at his crouch, I could see that he was erect. I blushed, hot colour flooding my cheeks and Fabian looked down at himself, closed a hand over his erection and pulled at his cock through the casual silky black pants he wore. “Does the sight of me with a hard on embarrass you Allegra? Dominick told me you’re a writer and a writer of erotica and yet you blush at the sight of a man erect for you?”

  “It’s not the same thing.” I mumbled, trying to avoid his eyes and his groin too for that matter but it was kind of hard to ignore and I swallowed. Damn but he looked as big as Dominick and I had to wonder if huge cocks were part of being vampire too. Did they have big cocks to begin with or turning vampire made them bigger? I mentally bitch slapped myself. This was hardly the time to be thinking about cocks, vampire or other and especially not in front of Fabian who was sporting a massive hard on as we spoke.

  “Can you help me Fabian? I need an answer because if I’m wasting my time, I might as well leave now.” I just needed him to give me a straight answer and stop with the mind games.

  He studied me for a moment. “I will do as you ask on one condition Allegra. You are mine for the rest of the night. I am going to fuck you in ways you never imagined and then I’m going to fuck you some more. Once I’m done, I will wipe your memory of Dominick and of me. You will be given some of my blood to make sure your body bears no evidence of me on it or in it. If you can agree to this, then we have a deal.”

  At his words I wasn’t sure whether to shit myself or come and I hated that he could arouse me despite my heart being Dominick’s but Fabian had some kind of pull over everyone, I’d seen it and it was so hard to ignore. Impossible to ignore if I was honest with myself.

  “Why can’t you wipe my memory of Dominick before you fuck me Fabian? I don’t want to still have memories of him.”

  “That’s why I won’t do it until after I have fucked you Allegra. I want you to remember what it’s like to lie with Dominick while I’m inside you. I want you to compare us while I’m fucking you and I want you to see how much louder you will scream when I fuck you. I want you to be comparing us Allegra, I want you to feel like you are cheating on him. It’s no fun for me otherwise my beauty.” He grinned at me and as I listened to him, I just wanted to hit him.

  “You are such a bastard Fabian.” I finally whispered knowing he had won. I had to agree to his terms to get what I wanted.

  He simply threw his head back and laughed. “I know Allegra. I hear that a lot.” He stepped closer to me and his scent so intoxicating but different to Dominick’s filled my nostrils. “Now come little one. I will take you somewhere more private. I’m not an exhibitionist after all.” He chuckled again and I looked up at him wondering if I’d just made a deal with the devil.

  Chapter Sixteen.


  Reluctantly I followed Fabian to a door that was distanced from the main part of the house, well, I think it was anyway. All I know is we’d walked past a lot of doorways until finally arriving at this one.

  Fabian pushed it open and stepped aside to let me walk in first and my heart was pounding so hard, I thought it was going to leap right out of my chest.

  “Relax Allegra, I am not an animal. I will make sure you enjoy this. My male pride would not allow me anything else anyway. I want you to be able to tell everyone I’m the best fuck you’ve ever had, well right up until
I make you forget all about it, that is.” He grinned at me and despite my nerves I just wanted to hit him.

  When I saw the room we were in I instantly wanted to turn tail and get the hell out of there again. It was a bedroom, no, it was more like a bed, or stepping into a bed rather than a room. The bed was huge, the biggest bed I’d ever seen in my life. There was enough room on that thing for us and several other couples and that’s when it hit me. This was no ordinary bed or room, I bet Fabian had orgies here or something.

  “Let me slip into something more comfortable little one.” Fabian’s amused voice pierced through my open mouthed shock as I stared around the room.

  My eyes met his as he began to strip out of his clothes and I could do nothing but stare at him as slowly, item by item his body was exposed to me. He was well built like Dominick with muscles, plenty of muscles actually but more heavily built like he was use to manual labour or he worked out a lot. He had abs I could do my washing on and the whole V thing going too and I tried not to look but as much as I hated him, he sure didn’t suck to look at. When he finally revealed that cock of his, I found myself staring then. My god, he was pierced. There was a bloody great metal bar through the damned thing. I’d heard about women having sex with men with a piercing and suddenly I understood why Cassie had been coming with all the enthusiasm and excitement like she was part of the cheer leading squad the other night with Fabian.

  “Your turn Allegra. Let me see that luscious body of yours. You are just what I like, curvaceous, built like a woman should be built. I don’t understand you women and your perpetual drive to be skinny. No meat on the bone and it’s no fun to fuck either, too hard and fragile. I like soft and something to hang onto.”

  I stared at him, I actually liked what he said and fuck but I liked how he looked despite how much he angered me but as I went to undo my jeans, I froze. What was I doing? I couldn’t do this? I loved Dominick. I couldn’t be with him but I couldn’t do this with Fabian while my mind was filled with that stunning black haired, blue eyed creature I adored.

  “I’m waiting little one and I don’t like to be kept waiting. Take off your clothes now or I will tear them from you.”

  I looked up at him and I knew I was making a huge mistake. I couldn’t do this. I wanted the pain gone but not like this, not by having sex with Fabian. Why couldn’t he have wiped my memory clean first and planted desire for him in my head or something?

  “I’m sorry but I can’t do this. You are insanely good looking and damn you’re pierced but when I look at you, I see him and I can’t. You should have done like I asked, taking my memory of him first but you just wanted to turn it into a power play didn’t you Fabian?”

  “I don’t do anything Allegra without there being a reason behind it and since you are human and ruled by basic human emotions, you can’t look at things objectively. Did you seriously think that I would wipe your memory first before fucking you when it’s so much more fun to have you mentally comparing us? I bet you’re already doing it aren’t you?” I blushed and he laughed as my blushing confirmed what he was suspected. “You have been so ready to trust me, trust that I will wipe your memory but for me the real fun would be in leaving you to torture yourself with thoughts of the both of us. I wouldn’t want you after I fuck you. I never want any woman after I fuck her, I never have and I never will but by wiping their memories it saves me the whining and begging and the endless hours of pleading for me to take them back.” He shuddered. “Do you have any idea how painful that is to deal with?”

  “You are such a bastard Fabian.” I whispered and he laughed.

  “So you’ve already told me little one. Now don’t go getting your panties in a twist. I will honour our agreement and wipe your memory. It will be more fun for me to wipe your memory then tell Dominick all about us. Imagine how that will be for him? Eternity to imagine what you and I were doing, to have that mental picture of us fucking. For…the…rest…of…his…sorry…existence. Then imagine how it will be if he comes to you for confirmation that what I’m telling him is true and you don’t even know who he is? Now that would be worth taking a picture of Allegra.” He chuckled again and I glared at him, hating him so intensely I wanted to hit him, no, worse, I wanted to kill him.

  How could he be such a bastard and still look so damned hot standing before me naked and with a damned hard on still. Did it ever go down?

  “Why are you doing this? I can’t sleep with you now Fabian. I don’t want to sleep with you and I know I agreed to your terms. I’m sorry but I can’t do it and I know if I don’t do as you ask, then you won’t do as I ask. I have to go now.” I started backing up towards the door.

  “I have no intention of sleeping with you Allegra. We will fuck not sleep and since you are now trying to back out of the deal it is time for me to persuade you to stay.” He began to walk towards me and I couldn’t help it, my eyes dropped to the glint of steel in the head of his cock that ran from the top to the underside of the head.

  He must have seen me staring and he grinned. “It’s an apadravya piercing little one. The ladies love it as it hits right on their g spot, are you sure you don’t want to find out how it feels for yourself? Your friend certainly enjoyed it the other night. What was it?” He threw his head back. “Oh that’s right, ‘more, more, oh god Fabian, fuck me harder, harder, oh god, oh god, oh god, yes, yes, oh fuck me YES!” His eyes returned to mine and I saw the humour in them as he so heartlessly mimicked Cassie.

  I blushed at the look in his eyes and what he’d said and that piercing, that damned piercing that stood between us, mocking me.

  “You really do have a very low opinion of women don’t you Fabian? Why do you hate us so much?” I asked curious as to what made him the way he was.

  “Don’t try and analyse me Allegra. I love women, I love to fuck women, I just have no desire to have the same woman around me all the time. I like variety and the one privilege about being vampire is I can fuck any woman I want, they fall all over themselves to be fucked, it’s really quite amusing.”

  “I don’t need to hear this Fabian, I just need to leave.” I tried backing up again but he grabbed my arm halting my attempt to flee.

  “You aren’t going anywhere. You are not going to change your mind on the sex, I want you, I intend fucking you.” He pulled me into his arms and I tensed up trying to stay away from his erection that I could feel between us.

  His eyes met mine and I stared into their strange pale depths. I saw something flash in them and I blinked.

  “You want to fuck Allegra, you will fuck me, so take those clothes off little one, I’m growing tired of waiting for you.” He told me and I met his eyes a moment longer before bracing myself and jerking backwards as hard as I could.

  Fabian’s face filled with surprise and his grip on me was released so suddenly I fell backwards landing on my ass.

  I scooted along the floor until I could get to my feet again. Having Fabian’s cock at eye height wasn’t an ideal situation for me to be in. “What the hell did you do that for?” I snapped but he was staring at me, all humour gone from his face.

  “Are you ready to fuck me?” He asked.

  “I told you I don’t want to have sex with you now. I’m sorry but I can’t do it. You should have altered my memory or something.” I told him, rubbing at my tender ass.

  Fabian just stared at me with a strange expression on his face. “I just did.” He said.

  “What? What do you mean you just did? You just did what?”

  “I tried to alter your mind little one, it would appear it did not work.”

  That got my attention. “What do you mean it didn’t work?”

  “Just as I said Allegra. You should be tearing your clothes off right now but instead you are arguing with me and proving to be most annoying.”

  I couldn’t believe it. What, I couldn’t be mind altered? So did that mean I couldn’t have my memory wiped?

  “This is crazy. How often does this happen Fabian?�

  “Never.” He said quietly still staring at me like I was an alien or something. “Well it seems you have your wish, I will not fuck you. I can’t fuck you if I can’t control you and since you are not exactly begging me to fuck you, it’s a bit of a blow to my ego. I am not such an animal that I would force myself on you. I want you to want to be fucked, so it seems you are safe from my advances but you are now stuck with the pain you feel for Dominick. You have wasted my time little one and I feel it’s only fair that you give me something in return.”

  Oh god, now what? I thought to myself. “What do you want that isn’t sex Fabian?”

  “Well besides sex what is important to a vampire Allegra?” He raised an eyebrow at me.

  Oh fuck, he wanted blood. I’d only ever been fed from during sex so was it going to hurt when I wasn’t having sex?

  “Come Allegra, it’s only fair that you give me something given I’m so graciously letting you off on the sex. I won’t take much, just a little.” His fangs descended and god but they were longer than Dominick’s.

  I could do this I told myself. I should be thankful this was the worst he was asking me for. I braced myself when he pulled me into his arms and that fucking hard on of his was jammed between us again.

  He tilted my head and pushed the few strands of my pony tail aside before grabbing it in one hand, pulling until my head was angled back exposing my neck to him. With a guttural growl, he bit down on me and I cried out from the pain but oh god, it was turning me on too and as he sucked hard on me, my blood flowing freely into his mouth, I climaxed, unable to control my response.

  I heard Fabian groan and tug harder, dragging my body closer and he thrust against me before I felt something wet against my stomach and shuddered when I realised he’d come. He continued to thrust lightly as he pumped out his release against me and finally he lifted his head and released me. I staggered slightly and reluctantly met his eyes.


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