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Crossroads Page 3

by Jennifer Ann Reed

  “I’m fine. No need to worry.” If looks could kill, Austin would be dead right now and his neck reddened as he felt my animosity. I loathed when he used our link to tattle to Caden and the others.

  “You can talk to me. I’m here if you need me.” His hand finally found mine as he gently squeezed my fingers and electricity raised the fine hairs as it traveled along my skin. I closed my eyes and tried to center my emotions. Every time he touched me, my soul voiced that I’d found my home. I glanced down at the leather band covering his Guardian mark. Maybe it was just what I was hoping for and nothing else. Against my better judgment, I was falling hard for him.

  “I know. I might take you up on that offer.” My smile felt brittle and a line appeared between his beautiful blues eyes as he frowned. I pulled my hand back as the teacher began taking attendance. Once we were released, I quickly brushed by Caden and headed to my next class.

  By the time Calculus rolled around, I’d overanalyzed every emotional response I had to Caden. Part of me wanted to demand to see his Guardian mark to prove I wasn’t crazy, but that wasn’t fair of me. If he wanted anyone to see it, it’d be on display like it was with the rest of my Guardians. Was he ashamed of being bound to protect me? I didn’t believe so, but because of Caden’s mood swings you never really knew.

  Before the class was called to order, Austin sat behind me and whispered that he was sorry. No one else could hear him, except me. I found it funny he suddenly wanted to use our telepathic link since he had been freezing me out for the past few days.

  What’s up with you and Caden? I growled and the graying redhead of our teacher rose and looked around the room for the source of the noise. I dropped my eyes back to the assignment she’d given before could she questioned me.

  Nothing. There’s nothing going on. How many times did I have to tell him and Allie the same thing? I wished they’d drop it. I was surprised he was even bringing it up. He’d had feelings for me and it had been hard for him to deal with becoming only my familiar instead of my soulmate. I had been told I had two out there somewhere, but we didn’t know who they were.

  Here’s what I think. I mentally groaned waiting for his analysis of my non-existent relationship with Caden Grey. I think you and Caden should stop denying what you feel for each other.

  You know that’s not possible. He’s not my soulmate. Why couldn’t they just leave me alone? Knowing Caden wasn’t for me caused my heart to break.

  Ha. If that’s what you think. I beg to differ. Why would he suddenly start hiding his mark? Something happened to him the night of the battle when he chose you over Layla. I saw his reaction. The huff that breezed past my lips caught the attention of the teacher again, but she couldn’t pinpoint where it came from. I’d have to be more careful.

  Austin, I don’t know why Caden’s hiding his Guardian mark. Maybe he’s ashamed of it. Can’t we just leave it be? Anger was rising in my veins and I was afraid of how it might manifest, especially after yesterday.

  I think Caden’s mark changed. He’s acting differently around you too. I gripped my pencil too tight and broke it in half.

  What does it matter? My fists clenched and my body shook.

  It matters because I think he’s one of your soulmates. I slammed up a wall between us so we couldn’t talk anymore and he couldn’t pick up on my feelings.

  Austin thought Caden was one of my soulmates? If he was, then why wouldn’t he say something? Austin was being ridiculous and he knew it, but the small flicker of hope his words created wouldn’t be snuffed out. I knew then I was in major trouble.

  The rest of class flew by and I placed my papers in the basket on the desk before leaving Austin behind. My stomach rumbled and I waited in line for a couple of slices of pizza. Our normal table was unusually deserted today and only Allie was waiting for me.

  “The boys are meeting with the football coach. The game Friday is a big one so they’re trying to come up with a winning game plan.” Allie took a huge bite of her own pizza and I dove into mine. “Danny Blevins is throwing one of his big parties afterwards. You in?”

  “Um…I don’t know. That’s not usually my thing.” I swallowed my food and tried to remember who Danny Blevins was. I think he was on the football team.

  “Everyone goes. It’s tradition so you can’t say no.” Her evil grin was never a good thing and I knew this was another way for her to try to corrupt me.

  “I’ll think about it.” I really didn’t want to be dragged to this party. I wouldn’t give her a direct answer and I’d try to weasel my way out of it.

  Our conversation moved on to the latest fashion trends and who was dating who at school until the bell rang. I dumped my trash and reluctantly headed to chemistry class. For the next hour, I’d be stuck beside Caden Grey.

  I marched to my seat without lifting my head, but it didn’t stop my awareness of him sitting on his stool as I scooted past him. Sharp pain radiated from my cheek as I realized the tender tissue was pinched between my teeth. I released it and sat down quickly.

  Our teacher’s blonde ponytail swished as she stretched on her tiptoes to write instructions on the board. I could totally relate to short girl problems since I was just a couple inches over five feet. I was doing everything I could to ignore my neighbor, as our teacher turned and explained her assignment.

  Today, we’d be working together to research an assigned element and create a ball model of our information in class. Caden and I got silver and I couldn’t stop the snort from leaving my mouth. Of course we’d get the element used to injure or kill shapeshifters. We both pulled out laptops and I popped a piece of chocolate into my mouth to give myself something to do besides stare at my partner. For my own sake, I was supposed to be acting unaffected by his nearness, but I stole a glance and failed miserably.

  “Do you want to research the history or uses?” I jerked in my seat at his question. I hated that I couldn’t even act normal around him.

  “History.” I peeked in his direction, seeing his disarming grin and gulped. Why did he affect me so much?

  I turned back to my laptop and poured all my focus on the assignment. Near the end of class, I thought I heard my name from his direction, but ignored it.

  “Kitra.” The low timbre distracted me, but I didn’t acknowledge him. “Kitten, look at me. We only have a few minutes left and I want to ask you something. We can finish this tomorrow.”

  “What?” My green gaze met a cool blue one and my fingers twitched.

  “I was wondering if you would like to go out with me tomorrow night.” My brain stopped processing any logical thought.

  “What!?” My voice was shrill even to my own ears. “You don’t even like me like that.”

  “Says who?” He reached for my shaking hand and I pulled it away from him causing a low growl. “Kitra, I do like you and after trying to distance myself…I can’t anymore.”

  “But…but...what about my soulmates? Shouldn’t we end this before we start it? What if they show up?” All of those were legitimate questions, but my wolf was telling me shut up.

  “Doesn’t matter. Who you are with will always be your choice, not some destiny that was handed to you. If they show up, we’ll deal with it.” I bet my face resembled a Shar Pei puppy with all the many wrinkles my confusion was causing. “Go out with me. Give me a chance. I promise you won’t regret it.” You could hear a pin drop as my classmates waited with bated breath on my answer.

  Caden and I had a turbulent past and our friendship started very rocky. Could I do this and not care about what was supposed to be? Forget my two soulmates? As I peered into those blue eyes, only one word mattered.

  “Yes.” The blue behind his lashes glowed as the room erupted in several whispers.

  What did I just agree to?

  Chapter 3

  A LLIE DIDN’T RIDE home with me that afternoon because she had to make up a missed test so I was left to my own devices. I parked in front of the steps leading to the massive ornate door
which gave entrance to the two-story white estate of Frost Manor. Green ivy spread from the ground on the right side until it climbed over the roof. Massive bay windows overlooked flower beds of red and pink rose bushes. Every accent made the estate homey and inviting.

  I popped a piece of chocolate in my mouth and savored the smoothness on my tongue. Why in the world had I agreed to a date with Caden? Because that’s what you truly wanted all along the niggling voice inside my head whispered. It was true, but Caden and I both knew we were heading down a dangerous road. He didn’t seem that worried about it. However, I was. If I was being honest with myself, I was scared. I wasn’t sure my heart could handle it if and when the undeniable happened. I tried to ignore my feelings for him, but they still grew stronger each day. What was I to do when the two individuals I was fated to choose between came into my life? Just leave Caden behind? And why did Austin believe that Caden was one of my soulmates? Caden didn’t have my mate mark or he would have said something, wouldn’t he?

  My heart was completely confused. One minute it was beating rapidly and the next it felt like an anvil sat on it. Could I be as okay with this as Caden? My wolf howled yes.

  Uncle Kalen’s head poked out from the open door. “Are you going to sit in the car all afternoon?”

  I opened the door slowly and gathered my things, giving myself some time to settle my thoughts.

  “What’s wrong, Kitra?” Worry laced his voice. Ugh. This was definitely what I didn’t need; twenty questions which led to one person. “Is it the Council? Did something happen?”

  “Oh, something happened alright.” The words tasted like acid as I pushed them out, but my stomach was in girly knots. “Caden asked me on a date.”

  “Ah. I thought that might happen.” Uncle Kalen’s face held no emotion as he held the door open for me. He thought Caden would ask me out? Thanks for not being surprised or anything. “And what did you say?”

  “Well, I didn’t know what to say at first.” The awkwardness of the situation wasn’t lost on me. Who in their right mind wanted to talk boys with the man who raised you? Not this girl. “I did agree to go though.”

  “Alright.” The skin around his mouth tightened. “Caden and I will have to have a heart to heart.”

  “Ugh…really?” Heat flamed over my cheeks and down my neck. “You don’t need to do that.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be nice.” His clenched teeth told me otherwise. Great. Just great. The man who hadn’t told me that when a male Dire Wolf scented me it meant he was trying to claim me was suddenly ready to threaten my first actual suitor.

  “Uncle Kalen, please don’t ruin this.” My words surprised me as clarity filled my mind. I wanted this date more than anything.

  “I won’t. I’ll only break a few bones.” One side of his mouth lifted and he ruffled my hair. I hoped he was only kidding. “Help me get ready for our guests.”

  “Who? The Hunters are coming tonight? What about the wait?” I hadn’t expected them to show up until the Council allowed us to enter Faerie. Before they issued the delay, they decreed a set of hunters were to accompany us on our journey as we searched for the hidden weapon my mother’s journal spoke of. The hunters were to kill rogue supernatural creatures and I presumed anyone who tried to stop us.

  “Yes, the Herne’s should be here tonight.” I smelled the tension seeping from his pores. None of us trusted hunters. They almost wiped the Dire Wolves out of existence and there weren’t many of us left. “Since Mauve is in Faerie, we’ll put them in the guest house until we’re allowed to leave. I’m going to move your aunt’s belongings into storage in the main house.”

  I dreaded having the hunters come to our home. We’d literally have to watch each other’s backs in case one of our guests decided to put a silver blade there. I understood why the Council wanted to do their own research on the weapon, but did we really have to take hunters into a world full of supernatural creatures? What if the Council hired the hunters to spy on me? It made sense; they wanted to lock me up and only needed to find a reason. Hunters would look for the picture-perfect excuse.

  Austin? I tried telepathically across our link. I wasn’t sure how close we needed to be for our range of communication to work.

  Kitra? What’s wrong? His mental voice was strained and he seemed out of breath.

  The hunters are coming tonight. Let the others know for me. We need to be prepared. I ran upstairs to drop my things off in the room I shared with Allie. It was then I remembered Austin was still at football practice.

  Why now? We’ve not been permitted to leave yet. I’m glad we shared the same thought.

  I think it’s because of the Council’s interest in me. What do you think? They could be searching for a reason to imprison me. Maybe these hunters are here to find it. I voiced my worries hoping he would agree.

  They won’t find one. Relief swept over my skin with his easy belief. I’ll tell the others and we’ll be there as soon as Coach lets us go.

  I breathed easier as I met Uncle Kalen by the patio doors in the kitchen. Nothing will happen. No worries. I continued to repeat this several times until I finally started to believe it. As we passed by the swing where Layla had drugged me with tea laced with wolfsbane, I looked straight ahead. I refused to focus on her actions. Fear wasn’t going to consume me. Right now, I had bigger things to obsess over and they’d be here later today.

  We walked across the open grassy yard to the edge of the woods and took the worn dirt path which wound through the foliage. Oak, hickory, pine, and many other trees towered over our heads and reached for the heavens. Their canopy shadowed the ground, leaving the air cooler than the backyard. Small starbursts of light glittered in thin beams through the leaves on the trees and across the moss covered rocks and dead leaves scattered across the forest floor. Wet earth filled my nostrils and I sighed. My wolf pushed forward begging for a run, but I silenced her pleas. I wanted the run just as much as she did, but now wasn’t the time for us to let our guards down. The Council’s spies were coming.

  The path led to a red wooden door with two frosted glass panes at the top and I pictured the small brownstone cottage as a living entity watching our approach. Ferns and wildflowers surrounded the perimeter of the outer walls and white roses climbed upward curling around the guttering. It personified a home from a fairytale and I fell in love immediately. I wished Uncle Kalen would let Allie and me move in instead, but I already knew his answer so I didn’t ask.

  He unlocked the door and waited as I entered in front of him and he chuckled at the gasp that left my lips. The stuffiness of Frost Manor didn’t exist here. The kitchen, dining, and living area were in one big floor plan. The fluffy sofa was cream colored matching the walls and was covered in lilac pillows. A hand stitched quilt was draped over the back of the matching recliner near a stone fireplace.

  Aunt Mauve’s decorative touch was seen everywhere in the wildflowers gracing the two person breakfast table to the nature paintings which hung on the walls and the wildflower garland wrapped around the railing of the spiral wooden staircase which led to the loft. I missed her desperately and hated she wasn’t able to travel yet. Tears gathered against my lashes as Uncle Kalen opened a door to the left which led to her bedroom. I picked up one of the throw pillows and inhaled deeply, smelling the jasmine soap she liked to use.

  “Kitra, I’ll let you pack up her clothes and gather her things in the bathroom. We’ll leave everything else.” Uncle Kalen paused as he came back into the main room. “Kit Kat, what’s wrong?”

  “I just miss her.” My sniffles soon became crocodile tears and Uncle Kalen wrapped me in his arms.

  “I do, too.” He squeezed and I buried my face into his chest. “We’ll see her soon, I promise. She’ll be right as rain. You’ll see.” He held me until my sobs quieted.

  I pulled away and gave him my best attempt at a happy but fake smile. He read right through it, but didn’t say anything as I went to gather Aunt Mauve’s clothing.
/>   *****************************************

  Forty-five minutes later after helping Uncle Kalen store my Aunt’s belongings in the attic, I collapsed against my bed. I was under the impression we were only going to store her clothes and toiletries, but Uncle Kalen kept finding some of her personal things, like her animal figurines, and added them to the boxes. I didn’t want to leave them behind either. They helped me feel closer to her and I could imagine even for a little while that she wasn’t in another realm.

  Allie burst through our door, throwing her backpack down and yanked me to my feet.

  “Hurry! Lucian said the Herne’s are coming up the driveway and he wants us all to show a united front in the foyer.” I let her drag me down the stairs and met with the others just as the doorbell rang.

  Fear shot through my veins in icy waves, shaking my limbs in tiny tremors. Caden’s fingers slipped around mine as the others crowded around us on all sides. Their support lessened my fear to a manageable level as Uncle Kalen and Lucian answered the door. Elder Dylan and Amara had yet to make an appearance to the gathering.

  The scent of sweet perfume wafted into the foyer as two females, who appeared to be sisters, stepped through the door. The taller woman glowed with a striking beauty. Because of her beauty I’d have thought she was supernatural, but her scent was human. Her clothes clung to a body which was toned and could be used as a weapon. Like many hunters, physical fitness was a top priority to battle any supernatural. High apple cheeks warmed under our scrutiny. A jawline able to cut glass was framed by warm colored locks and big crystal blue eyes, giving the impression of a deer in headlights. Her nervous gaze skimmed over each of us and my suspicions heightened. It appeared she wasn’t expecting this many supernaturals to be waiting for them.


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