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Crossroads Page 4

by Jennifer Ann Reed

  “Hello, I’m Lilly Herne and this is my daughter Gwen.” She held a hand out for Lucian and Uncle Kalen to shake.

  Gwen was much smaller, only an inch or two taller than me, with long brown tresses ending at her waist. Golden chocolate eyes studied us with interest as she moved into our line of sight. Allie poked me in the back as Gwen’s gaze lingered on Austin before her face bloomed with color. She was just as pretty as her mother if not more so and her scent was slightly different from other humans. It was sweeter with a hint of spice. I’d never smelled anything like it.

  “Welcome Lilly. Gwen.” Uncle Kalen played the gracious host I knew he would. “This is my niece, Kitra and her friends.” He introduced each of my Guardians along with Austin and Allie. Gwen perked up when she learned Austin’s name and I couldn’t help the smile that stretched my lips. I wondered if she’d feel the same once she realized he wasn’t human. “We were just getting ready to eat. Would you like to join us?”

  “We’d love to.” Lilly’s smile revealed blindingly white teeth.

  We all followed Uncle Kalen to the dining room and he sat Lilly and Gwen closer to him and Lucian. To say our introductions were awkward was an understatement. The boys hadn’t said a word and even Allie was unusually quiet. I followed suit and sneaked peaks at Gwen as she tried to hide her interest in my familiar.

  “So, the Council told you what our mission is? Did they give any indication when we’d be leaving?” Lucian didn’t start with polite conversation but got right to business as he passed around a plate of steaks.

  “No, they said our departure time would be decided soon.” Lilly scooped out some mashed potatoes from a big bowl.

  “So, why exactly did the Council send hunters to join us on this search?” I kicked Caden under the table. Hostility emanated around him and soured the other Guardian’s moods. Scowls from many chairs faced the Herne’s.

  “We’re not regular hunters.” Lilly sat up straighter and I was impressed at her courage. “We are actually protectors. Our mission is to make sure Kitra secures the weapon and protect her and it at all costs.”

  Shock and silence met her words. I thought the Council wanted me under lock and key so I couldn’t fathom why they’d send someone to protect me. Were they still going to spy for them?

  “You have supporters as well as enemies even with the Council,” Lilly continued. “We’re here at Brannon Bishop’s request.”

  “Why would he send you?” Lucian’s eyes narrowed. I remembered the boys saying he could be worse than Caden with his grumpiness. “Brannon’s trust is not easily earned.”

  “Because he thought you might help me. Us.” Lucian grunted at her words and started eating. The rest of us followed his lead as Lilly gripped Gwen’s hand. “Gwen is Brannon’s daughter.”

  “What?” Lucian and Uncle Kalen both dropped their forks as all eyes turned to Gwen. “I wondered why her scent was similar to our female shifters.”

  “Please. Brannon’s Gray wolf pack won’t accept us.” Lilly’s hands formed a steeple in front of her mouth as her lashes became wet.

  “It’s okay, Mom.” Gwen’s voice tinkled like music as each syllable rose and fell. “My father only recently found out about me. He and my mom met when they were younger and fell in love. You know the strictness of the Gray Wolves and their hesitation of claiming a human, so my mom left.”

  “Gwen is seventeen. I know what will happen at her eighteenth birthday. She’ll experience her first shift.” A tear escaped Lilly’s lashes. “Brannon has forgiven me for leaving and we’ve reconnected, but his pack would rather separate me and Gwen than accept us as their alpha’s Luna and heir.”

  “Why were you hunters if your daughter is supernatural?” Austin scooted his empty plate away from himself.

  “The Council knew my situation and as long as we hunted rogues, they protected us from Brannon’s pack.” Lilly stared a hole in the table. “I’m not proud of my work, but it kept my daughter safe. Please understand, all I ask is that you help her. I know she’s not a Dire Wolf, but she needs to be with other shifters.”

  I understood. I knew what it was like to feel like you don’t belong. I sometimes still feel different, but my friends helped me through my transition as a hybrid. Didn’t Gwen deserve the same thing? She shouldn’t have to pay for the choices made by her mother. Every parent would do anything within their power to keep their child safe.

  “We’ll do it.” My words were low and Caden squeezed my fingers. He understood my decision better than anyone. Even for all of his faults, Caden went out of his way to help those in need.

  “Thank you, Kitra.” Lilly’s watery smile tugged on my heart strings. “You all won’t regret this.”

  I really hoped not, but I couldn’t worry about it now as my stomach protested the slowness of being fed and I finished the food on my plate. After brownies for dessert, Uncle Kalen and Curtis helped the Herne’s carry their luggage to the cottage. I waited until I heard the patio doors close before I asked the question I had wanted to know all evening.

  “Where’s Amara and Elder Dylan?” I faced Lucian since he’d be the one to know the answer.

  “Amara needed to go into hiding and returned to her coven. Earlier in her vampire existence, she had made some bad decisions and now she’s afraid she will be killed by the hunters. Elder Dylan decided to travel with her to search the coven records for any mention of the weapon.” Lucian’s explanation was eye opening.

  No wonder when Amara first arrived she was adamant that she wouldn’t help us if she thought I wouldn’t keep the prison gate closed from the Dark Ones’ evil intent. She was worried that I’d make the same mistakes she had. It made me feel closer to our resident vampire. Hopefully, both Elder Dylan and Amara would be able to join us in our journey to Faerie since we knew who the Herne’s were and their ulterior motives. Lucian left us to clear the table and clean the kitchen.

  After we cleaned up, Caden walked me to my bedroom door. At his close proximity a different type of fear caressed my skin, but my face turned upward. Would he kiss me? Did I want him to? If we kissed, we wouldn’t come back from this moment. He must have read the indecision on my face because he stepped back.

  “Are we still on for our date?” His self-confidence wavered as his blue gaze met mine.

  “Yes.” The word left my lips in a tiny whisper.

  “Good. I’ve made reservations for seven tomorrow evening at that new Italian place in town.” A charming grin brightened his face.

  “Can’t wait.” Heat colored my cheeks and raced down my neck. Caden stirred my heart in a way I had never experienced before and that worried me the most.

  Caden stooped lower and dipped his head. Velvety softness landed on my cheek and I froze in place. I know it wasn’t the kiss I’d expected, but it moved my heart just the same as it stuttered to beat again. I watched him walk down the hall as I clumsily reached behind me and found the doorknob.

  I didn’t remember changing or pulling back my covers. The weight of what tomorrow might mean hit me full force. Caden and I were starting something with the ability to leave us both broken hearted, but I was willing to take this leap with him. I’d leave in the here and now without worrying about fate’s plan for my love life.

  The door smacked the wall and I jerked up grasping my chest and choking on the scream which was still lodged in my throat.

  “I knew it!” Allie cheered and danced around the room reminding me of a child getting the toy they wanted.

  “You knew what?” My eyes followed her spastic movements.

  “Don’t be coy. And WHY did I have to hear about it from Curtis?” She stopped dead in the middle of the floor with a glare hot enough to burn skin.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I shrugged.

  “You don’t know about your date? Oh, please.” Allie’s eyes rolled to the ceiling. “Fine. If you didn’t want to tell me, it’s okay.” Her head dropped to the ground as she pouted.

bsp; “I’m so sorry. I was going to tell you. Today has just been more than a little crazy.” I could almost smack myself for being an idiot and not telling her. “What can I do to make it up to you?”

  “Hmm…” An evil smirk curled her lips. “I get to dress you tomorrow night.” Oh no. I would end up looking like a street walker.

  “If I don’t like it, I can change my mind.” I held my hand out to shake and seal the deal. I’d learned my lesson when she got me into a mini dress for my birthday party. I had trouble breathing just thinking about it.

  “Deal.” Her hand clasped mine. “And I get to pick the shoes.”

  I winced thinking about the heels that went with the mini dress. We shook hands. I’d definitely be breaking an ankle tomorrow night.

  Chapter 4

  A IR WHOOSHED PAST my lips in a “humph” as gravity worked against me and I landed in a pretzel of limbs tangled in my blankets on the solid carpeted floor. Oxygen fought its way through the mass of wavy hair which restricted entrance to my mouth and nostrils. My lungs burned as I tried to comprehend what had happened. One minute I was sleeping peacefully and the next minute my bedroom floor wanted a hug. Every muscle clenched as if waiting for an attack, but none ever came. I craned my stiff neck in the direction of Allie’s side of the room and scanned for her presence, but thankfully I was the sole occupant; she’d never let me live down the unfortunate moment of my inherent gracefulness.

  I wrestled to freedom from my downy cocoon and both of my kneecaps cracked with a sound that resembled gunfire before the rest of my body caught up in the protest of moving. What crazy position did I sleep in last night? The walk to my closet was pure torture and as I reached for the crimson peasant top to pair with some skinny jeans my back let its discomfort be known. The short distance to the joint bathroom became a treacherous chasm to be crossed as each of my nerve endings fired signals to my brain to scream in pain. I really needed a spa day.

  Once I showered and put my face on, a sense of renewed strength washed over my psyche, lifting the weight I carried from my shoulders. Lately, I was living each day with a cloud over my head, in constant fear of when Aelfric would resurface. The last time we met, my future had been uncertain and we almost lost Austin. One thing I knew for sure, Aelfric belonged confined to a padded room in an insane asylum for the rest of his life. Until we found the weapon able to stop him and the Dark Ones, I’d have to be on constant alert. No one deserved to feel the pressure sitting on my shoulders.

  The clock showed I’d only have time to grab an apple or banana before I had to leave for school. From my bedroom door, I heard a fluttering sound downstairs and it stopped me in my tracks. I cautiously slipped to the kitchen and saw a piece of notebook paper was taped at eye level on the door. I recognized Allie’s loopy handwriting.


  I caught a ride with Gwen this morning so I could show her around…plus you know me; I always have ulterior motives. We’re going to stop by a dress shop after school for your perfect “date” dress. Your Uncle Kalen said not to forget your training session this afternoon before he left with Lucian. You need to work on your fairy side…his words, not mine. See you in homeroom! --Allie

  How could I have forgotten about my date with Caden tonight? My fingers tingled and each breath ended in a hitch as I thought about what tonight meant for us. We were really doing this. No matter how cautious I was attempting to be, Caden was stealing pieces of my heart daily.

  I internalized every pro and con of a romantic relationship with Caden as I drove and pulled into a parking space in front of Serenade Falls High School. I wanted to be “all in,” but something made me hesitant to fully commit. My wolf was definitely unhappy because of my endless inner monologue. She huffed her annoyance and couldn’t understand why I wasn’t listening to her when she’s already claimed Caden.

  Inside of homeroom, I slid into the seat next to Allie. Gwen turned in her desk, brandishing a small digital camera.

  “Can I take some pictures with you two? I like to keep a scrapbook of all the people I meet.” Gwen’s tiny shoulders shrugged and she ducked her head. “I know it sounds stupid, but we move a lot and I’m never around long enough to make permanent friends.”

  My wolf was as moved by Gwen’s statement as I was. All I wanted to do was pull her under my wing, protect her, and make her feel wanted and included.

  “I always enjoy a photo opportunity. Let’s get my good side, though.” Allie said as she hopped from her seat and squatted on the right next to me. “You better get in this picture too, Gwen.”

  A girl sitting near us kindly snapped our picture and passed the camera back to Gwen. Allie and I crowded around Gwen and peeked at the screen. Allie was situated in the middle with her arms wrapped around our shoulders. All three of our smiles were bright and huge and we looked like we’d been friends forever.

  “We could be the three musketeers,” I mentioned as we gazed at the camera.

  “More like Charlie’s Angels.” Allie’s finger swiveled to include Gwen and me. “We’re hotter than musketeers.”

  Caden, Austin, Zander, Curtis, and Linc stalked through the entrance and filled in the seats around us. Once other students began to filter in, our homeroom teacher waltzed in followed by a petite female. At first my mind blanked when I tried to remember how I knew this girl, but she lifted her head and pierced me with unnerving green eyes. Her elfin features bunched up until her full lips spread into a large grin. I was then reminded of where I’d seen her before; the picture in the case file on the girl Aelfric had kidnapped before he got his hands on me. He tortured the girl standing next to our teacher before leaving her for dead. Jessie Danvers was in my homeroom and appeared untouched by anything horrific.

  Jessie took the seat in front of Zander and turned to face us. Her smile stayed sweet until her eyes landed on Gwen. I saw the subtle change in her demeanor and her eyes narrowed.

  “Wow! You all keep company with hunters?” Stunned silence encompassed the room as every shifter closely listened to our conversation. “Don’t we need to let the Alpha or the Council know she’s here?”

  “She’s with me.” My defense of Gwen brought several curious gazes my way. My wolf and I had already decided she was one of us and not someone who would be degraded just because of ill feelings from some in our community.

  “Oh. Okay, cool. If she’s with you, then she must be awesome.” Jessie stuck out her hand. “I’m Jessie Danvers by the way. I couldn’t wait to meet you.” Her excitement made my eye twitch. How could she be this enthused to meet me? After all she’d suffered because she resembled me.

  My wolf’s unsureness of this little she-wolf leaked into my thoughts as I grasped her hand with a firm grip. We fell into a battle of wills each refusing to be the first to let go of the other, but eventually Jessie’s eyes dropped and she withdrew her hand. Why did I feel the need to assert my dominance over this poor girl? I should be begging her forgiveness for what happened to her. Even though I had nothing to do with it, I still felt responsible.

  “So, Jessie. Why are you here? We believed you’d be returning to your own school.” Caden’s eyes narrowed on the pretty brunette. Her lungs emptied all their air as she slowly dragged her dazzled gaze down Caden’s Greek god-like form. This was the reaction he received from all members of the opposite sex and I felt embarrassed by his next comment. “Eyes up here. I’m with her.” His thumb pointed in my direction over his shoulder. His tone stopped me from denying we were officially an item.

  “Sor…Sorry.” Jessie stuttered as her face flamed. “After I recovered and went home, my mother explained the entire situation to me and I had to meet Kitra.” When she glanced at me, her face beamed in unnatural hero worship. “I just knew she’d be special and it’s awesome that we look similar enough to be twins.” She peeked back in Caden’s direction. Something seemed off about this entire situation and my wolf growled low as she paced back and forth. After everything she’d been through, I hated feeling
that way but I couldn’t place my finger on what unsettled me about her behavior.

  “Well, Jessie,” Linc’s smooth voice interrupted and caught her attention. “I’m Linc Thomas. I, for one, am unattached to any females of this group. If you’d like an escort today, I’d be happy to oblige.” His eyebrows waggled causing Jessie to laugh.

  Linc’s womanizing ways never failed to amaze me and earned him several stink eyes from our group.

  “Sure. I have Spanish first and this map is a little more than confusing.” Jessie handed him her schedule and he passed it around for each of us to see. Maybe he was as suspicious about her as Caden and I.

  When the paper was handed to me, I noticed that Jessie was in Calculus with Austin and me; we also had the same lunch period. At least, most of the day we were separated. I didn’t know why this girl unnerved me, but I certainly didn’t like the way she kept staring at me and Caden.

  Finally, the bell rang and Linc escorted Jessie from the room.

  “Looks like you have an admirer.” Allie laughed as she left with Curtis.

  “Yeah…” I didn’t want an admirer. I just wanted to be normal, but I couldn’t even have that with Aelfric still on the loose.

  Don’t worry, Kitra. I’m sure she’s harmless. The entire supernatural community knows about the battle with Aelfric and how you almost ended him before I was hurt. I’m sure Jessie is just impressed with you. Austin bumped me slightly with his shoulder.

  A small crease appeared between Caden’s eyes as he noticed my silent conversation with Austin.

  “I still don’t want her admiration, Austin.” I voiced aloud including Caden. “I don’t want any admiration at all.”

  We all parted ways at the door and headed in the direction of our classes. My morning dragged on and I wasn’t looking forward to Calculus. What if Jessie’s strange behavior became even more apparent in class? I could only hope it’d slowly fade.


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