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Page 11

by Jennifer Ann Reed

  Chapter 11

  S EVERAL DAYS PASSED without incident and our lives settled into a routine. Chad followed me around, but it wasn’t as awful as I thought it’d be. He was hilarious and used several jokes to divert my attention away from the curious stares of my classmates and all the whispering about my attack. Some believed I’d made it up in an attempt to get Caden’s sympathy and win him back. Too bad they didn’t know the truth, but I was getting used to scrutiny. If any stares lingered for too long, Chad used his hulk like frame with muscles to spare to send my classmates scattering from his presence and I won’t even discuss his menacing stare.

  When Chad and I were walking to my Calculus class, two freshman girls paused next to a set of lockers, whispering behind their hands and staring in our direction. Ever since my first shift, I knew what it was like to be considered different. I had been ostracized and was the target of bullies. It wasn’t shocking to fall under the same treatment once again. The first time it happened, I was learning to control my wolf and my reactions usually led to Uncle Kalen and me moving to another town. Then, I returned here and once again was under a microscope. This time, school gossip and rumors didn’t have the same effect especially after all my run ins with Aelfric and his plans for me.

  The chattering from the two girls grew louder and anyone nearby could hear. According to them I was the biggest liar to ever walk the halls. Chad bristled and I tugged on his elbow. His arm was solid like touching a steel band. He started to approach the young girls.

  “It’s not worth it.” Chad’s low growl sent them scurrying and his stance relaxed. “You can’t scare everyone who talks about me or even stares at us. If you do, we’ll end up in the principal’s office and I haven’t found myself sent there yet, at least not at this school.” My pleading turned into a conspiratorial grin, but his mood didn’t shift.

  “It’s not right.” He shook his head glancing in the direction the girls had gone. “They treat you like you’re trash. Everyone in this town should remember the sacrifices your father made for this pack and they should give you the respect you deserve.”

  “What do you mean?” The respect I deserve? Sacrifices made by my father?

  “Kalen never told you any of this?” Both eyebrows stood as high as flags.

  “No.” I shook my head and watched as he began to shuffle side to side without making eye contact. “Please tell me what you meant.”

  “I’m not sure if I should.” My lip trembled and I turned on some big doe eyes and the pout which always worked on Uncle Kalen when I wanted to get my way. I knew I wasn’t being fair. Most men hated to see a female cry so when Chad thought tears were near, he cracked. “Fine. I’ll tell you.”

  “Thanks, Chad.” I beamed at him and he narrowed his eyes. He sensed my manipulation, but continued with his explanation.

  “Your father and Uncle didn’t have a happy childhood. Your grandmother…their mother was killed by hunters when they slaughtered our people. They almost drove us to extinction.” My heart stuttered for Uncle Kalen and my father. Uncle Kalen knew what it felt like to lose a parent and then had to suffer the loss of his brother.

  “I didn’t know.” My head dropped and I pretended to study my shoes so Chad couldn’t see the wetness ringing my lids.

  “Your grandfather moved our pack to this area and for years put your father and uncle through rigorous training. Then the War started.” Chad’s gaze glazed over as he fell back into his memories. “Your grandfather fought valiantly, but it wasn’t enough to save him. Your father received his alpha mark on the battlefield that day.” Chad’s Adam’s apple bobbed and he wrung his hands. “I’d never seen anyone as broken by grief as your father and uncle. Everyone loved your grandfather, but not as much as those boys of his.”

  “Wh…what happened next?” I fought to restrain the emotions which demanded to be set free. I wanted to scream, cry, and retaliate against the universe for the unfairness it had dealt my family.

  “Your father picked up the pieces after the prison gate was created. He had no social life to speak of even though we tried to set him up on blind dates. One time.” His voice faded and his cheeks darkened. “Never mind. Where was I? Oh, yeah. Um. After that, your father closed himself off and became a shell of what he once was. He put the pack before anything else, even his own wants. This went on for years until the prophecy of a hybrid’s birth formed the Order and Council. Then your parents met and the rest is history. Meghan brought John back to life.” His own smile was watery as he spoke of their meeting. “Kitra, if John hadn’t put the pack first, we wouldn’t have survived. He constantly dealt with the threat of hunters. Once the Council was formed and members provided wards and protection for our communities, John had time to follow his heart, but our people need to remember the dark days and appreciate what he did. He kept us safe when no one else would.”

  “Thank you for telling me about my family. I don’t know much about my past.” I fought the emotion hanging in my esophagus.

  “You’re welcome. Anytime you want to ask questions, don’t hesitate to find me.” He patted my back with a grin.

  Pride for my father overwhelmed me and a lump formed in my throat as I dwelled on what I’d lost. No matter what my classmates thought, I knew where I came from and they couldn’t take it away from me. Chad held open the door to Calculus class for me and we walked in just as the bell rang. The teacher’s hair was graying even more than when I’d first moved here, but her scowl never changed. I smiled and sped to my seat while Chad became a stationary object propped against the wall and she began her lecture.

  The rest of the day passed in a blur as I replayed Chad’s words. A physical ache pulsed in my chest and I couldn’t wait to get home to hug my uncle. We’d both been to the deepest depths of sorrow and back and I wanted him to know I was there for him.

  By the time our crew of misfits returned to Frost Manor, Brannon Bishop was waiting in the foyer next to the table holding blood red roses in a blue ceramic vase. Gwen’s resigned sigh pulled Brannon’s lips into a tight frown while the rest of us pretended not to notice the sour tension leaking from Gwen’s pores.

  “Gwenie…I’m sorry I have to leave.” Brannon held his arms out to her and she dove into them. She squeezed him until I thought she’d pass out and then she fled the room.

  “I’ve got her.” Allie quickly followed Gwen as Brannon sagged.

  “I hate leaving her.” Brannon clutched Lilly to his side, pressing his lips to the top of her head. Tears gathered in her azure eyes when she raised her face to his for a tender kiss. “Both of you.”

  Linc cleared his throat, interrupting their quiet moment. “Has the Council called you back? Is there any news?”

  I’m glad Linc asked the question we all wanted answered, but I was thankful I wasn’t on the receiving end of the scathing look which crossed Brannon’s features.

  “Yes and no.” Brannon’s voice dropped a timbre and Linc took a step back. The small show of submission changed Brannon’s attitude and his menacing scowl brightened. “Mauve contacted us. She’s sending one of her people here to stay and help protect Kitra.”

  “I think we’re doing fine with how we are protecting her on our own.” Zander’s arms crossed and he puffed out his chest.

  “An extra set of eyes and hands never hurt anyone.” Chad walked down the hall with a sandwich in his hand. I hadn’t realized he’d even left the foyer. “What does the Council want?”

  “I need to give my report on Kitra.” Four chorusing growls filled the air as my Guardians and Austin closed in around me. “I’m not taking her with me, remember. I’ll tell them she isn’t a threat so they’ll leave her alone. However, you all should remain on guard. Don’t draw any attention to Serenade Falls, if you can help it.” Brannon’s pointed gaze turned to Lucian and I knew he was talking about going into Faerie. Brannon grabbed his bag and Lilly trailed behind him. “I’ll keep in touch.”

  A cacophony over our soon to be new arrival
began when the door closed. No one wanted anyone else from Faerie guarding me. The last person Aunt Mauve sent had been a traitor and helped Layla abduct me. I shivered when I realized how close to death I’d come that day. Caden’s hand fell to my lower back and I calmed instantly. Our eyes met and his sapphire gaze tightened as he pulled his hand away leaving me longing for the comfort he gave me.

  “I’m going to check on Gwen and Allie.” I stepped away from them and walked to the kitchen and out the patio doors. Both girls sat on the porch swing with Gwen’s head in Allie’s lap. Allie’s fingers brushed through Gwen dark hair as she slept. The strong scent of salty tears pulled me forward. “Is she okay?”

  “She will be.” Allie rocked the seat back and forth with a sigh of her own. “Gwen has become an important friend to all of us and I hate seeing her go through this. Their family should be allowed to be together.”

  “I know.” I pulled a lounge chair closer to them. “Hopefully it’s something we can change in the future.”

  “Our world is so full of prejudice. I don’t know if it will change, Kitra.” Gwen hiccupped in her sleep and Allie and I paused not wanting to wake her. “What can we do? Gwen is part human, but she’ll be a full gray wolf once she shifts. Maybe then it’ll be different for her, but what about the rest of us? Hybrids are still forbidden and I don’t want to feel the pain she deals with myself. I can’t.” Allie’s voice shook as a tear trailed down her cheek. “I’ve fallen hard for Curtis…We can’t be together. I should let him go.

  “Don’t. You’ll regret it.” I reached out grasping her free hand. “We’ll fix this. I promise. I won’t let it go.” Allie’s watery smile caused my tear ducts to burn. “We’ll get rid of those laws.”

  The door opened and Lilly joined us. “Girls, thank you for tending to Gwen. I really appreciate it.” She kissed both of our foreheads. “Lucian and the others need you all inside. Our new guest is here.” I stalled not wanting to leave Gwen. “Don’t worry. I’ve got her.” Lilly traded places with Allie without stirring Gwen.

  Allie and I went back inside and heard Austin’s boisterous laughter. Maybe the newcomer wasn’t so bad. When we rounded the corner, everyone was gathered around a tall, lean figure arrayed in silver armor with his back to us. A long, deep indigo cape featuring a golden emblazoned sun in the center fell from his shoulders. Short, dark sandy blonde strands appeared windblown, but their owner swiped a hand over the locks revealing the reason for their messy nature.

  “Ryn!” Allie shouted racing to the figure in full force. He turned and I stopped breathing as Allie collided with him. “I can’t believe you’re here! I missed you!”

  The young man’s beauty rivaled Caden’s features. How could any two people be perfectly sculpted? Ryn reminded me of a knight from Camelot or even King Arthur himself and the medieval double-edged longsword hanging from his hip finished off the comparison. He carried an understated lethalness under the metal of his armor and I knew he’d be strong like Caden.

  Ryn’s skin was creamy and flawless with an inner glow highlighting the smattering of freckles brushed across the bridge of his straight nose. Forest green eyes with silver circling the irises lit up when he looked down at my friend. An ugly green flame ignited in my heart as I watched their reunion. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one dealing with jealousy as Curtis tensely stepped forward.

  “Kitra, come meet Ryn.” Allie pulled back from the young man holding him at arm’s length. “He’s basically my brother. We grew up to together.” Her pointed stare cut to Curtis whose cheeks flamed and his head dropped.

  “Ryn is actually my cousin.” Austin stepped up next to me. “Kitra, this is Vesryn Ralodi.”

  “Call me Ryn. All my friends do.” He held his hand out for me to shake. “No one told me how gorgeous you were, Princess. Maybe you’ll have your own special nickname for me once we get to know each other better.” His eyebrows wagged and Allie elbowed him in the side. I bit my lip as my skin flamed.

  Four menacing forms created a wall between us with hackles raised as he finished speaking. The left side of Ryn’s mouth lifted in a cocky smirk unfazed by my Guardians.

  “Heel boys.” Ryn’s voice pitched higher like he was talking to a bunch of puppies. “Maybe it’s time to put the dogs out.”

  “Kitra is a wolf too.” Caden’s beast rose and claws burst from the tips of his elongated fingers.

  “Yeah, but she’s fairy too.” Ryn winked in my direction and let his gaze peruse my body from head to toe. “She’s perfect.”

  Caden puffed up ready to strike, but my hand snaked out and grabbed the back of his shirt twisting it around my wrist. I didn’t care if I’d ruined it. I didn’t want them fighting.

  “Please don’t antagonize my friends.” I added a little extra sugar to my voice and felt Caden stiffen as I stepped around him. It didn’t matter if Ryn was temptation incarnate. No one belittled my Guardians. “You won’t like me if you do.” All trace of self-assuredness drained from Ryn’s face once my tone turned deadly.

  “I’m sorry. That was unpleasant of me. Please forgive me, Princess.” It was hard to tell if he was being sincere or faking since I didn’t know him well enough yet.

  “Don’t apologize to me. They are the ones you demeaned.” I motioned behind me to the four wolves at my back. “It’s been a long day. I’m grabbing something to eat and then going to bed.”

  I left them standing in an awkward face off, but heard Ryn apologize to the boys as I opened the refrigerator. A covered plate had my name on it. I peeked under the foil and did a quick happy dance. I didn’t know who left me some steak and mashed potatoes, but bless whoever did.

  I ate quickly before speeding to my room and prepared for bed. I didn’t want to put up with anymore drama the day might have to offer. I’d had enough to deal with for lifetimes to come and my body sank into my cloudlike mattress. Exhaustion won over and sleep couldn’t come quick enough.

  Chapter 12

  T IRED DIDN’T EXPLAIN how my body felt at the moment. My limbs ached as if they’d run circles on a hamster wheel and my eyelids stayed at half-mast. Breakfast was just as subdued after we were told by Lucian and Uncle Kalen that Ryn was going to be registered as a senior so he could help watch over me. My Guardians were not the “happiest of campers” and I really couldn’t blame them. The adults, Allie, and Austin were behaving as if Ryn was the “be all and end all” of security for me. Lucian even released Chad from babysitting duties and sent him to head the search for Aelfric.

  I pushed the mushy chocolate cereal around in my bowl as I waited for the boys to finish their food. Even though we now had Ryn in our ranks, I wasn’t allowed to drive to school anymore. Uncle Kalen and Lucian decided that ensuring my safety meant that I needed to be surrounded by the others at all times. It was better than having a huge shadow so it was a concession I’d make. I liked Chad, but I enjoyed my own space.

  I was squashed into the backseat of Caden’s Hummer between Curtis and Zander. My Guardians still didn’t trust our newcomer enough to allow him to be alone with me especially after the innuendo he made yesterday. This left Allie and Ryn to ride with Austin in his Jeep. Once we were on the road, a collective sigh erased the tension curled around the chests of my Guardians. Was it always going to be like this? Did each Supernatural species make derogatory remarks about the other? If they wanted change it had to begin with them, here and now.

  Linc slipped my arm through his and ushered me inside when Austin pulled into the parking lot. The boys were using many evasive maneuvers to keep me away from Ryn Ralodi. I was somewhat annoyed, but I knew they meant well. I also sensed their frustrations coating the air in multitudes of scents. Most negative feelings smelled dank or sour, but frustration gave off the aroma of moldy cheese or rotten eggs and right now I was choking on it.

  Jessie pranced into homeroom as we sat down. After she noticed Allie and Austin were missing, she made a beeline for their unoccupied seats near Caden.

  “Hi Ca
den!” I rolled my eyes at the perky tone she used. Jessie leaned forward across the aisle and I wished the desk would topple over with her. I knew I shouldn’t think like I did, but all I saw where she was concerned was the kiss she shared with Caden.

  Caden only shrugged in acknowledgement. I knew the moment between them was an accident on Caden’s part, but Jessie thought it meant more. I couldn’t blame her. Caden was a catch for any female here. He was rough around the edges, but he was kind and fiercely loyal. I wanted to rise above the bitterness I felt towards her. All she did was fall for the same guy that made my insides turn to mush. Most girls were attracted to my mercurial wolf and would’ve reacted the same way. Time to extend the olive branch.

  “Hello, Jessie.” She swiveled in her seat with amazement written across her features. Silence greeted our ears while everyone in the room waited with bated breath to see how this would play out. I was sorry to disappoint them, but I planned to be cordial. “How have you been?”

  “I…I’ve been good. You?” Her eyes bugged, close to popping from their sockets.

  “Could be better, but you know. Just getting by.” Everyone hung on our every word.

  “I’m sorry.” She glanced down and picked at her manicure. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Kitra.”

  “I’m okay, Jessie.” She peeked at me from under her lashes. “What do you say about starting over?” I knew the others didn’t trust her intentions with me, but like the saying goes keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  “Are…are you and Caden together?” I shook my head to answer her question. Hope filled her face as she glanced between us. “Do you mind if?” She left the question open ended.

  Did I mind? Yes! No! I reminded myself he and I were trying to be friends with no attachments until he accepted my fairy side. “That’s between you and Caden.” The bell rang releasing us to class. “Good luck.” I patted her shoulder and rushed out as sorrow poured from my heart and pores. I kept telling myself I had no real claim to him no matter how much my wolf complained and said differently.


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