Book Read Free


Page 16

by Jennifer Ann Reed

  “I don’t care!” I really hoped no one lost an appendage. “She’s my daughter! I may not be her biological father, but the young woman upstairs means the world to me. I won’t let a playboy like you taint her innocence over a stupid mark.” Uncle Kalen’s voice dropped to a calm, deep level chilling me to the bone. “You are supposed to protect her, not take advantage of her. Mauve said you were the best and I trusted you. I was stupid to think you’d be any different than Florian.”

  “I will protect her, Kalen.” I heard Ryn’s gulp all the way upstairs. “I’d never hurt her.”

  Kitra, you may want to get down here. Austin’s voice in my head seemed panicked.

  Why? What’s wrong? Barely any sound came from downstairs now.

  Your uncle is stalking Ryn around the gym. His wolf is lighting up his eyes, and I’m afraid of what he’ll do. Austin’s unease grew with each word.

  Coming. I sped downstairs. I preferred the four walls of the bedroom I shared with Allie to the rank animosity coming from the basement. Ryn didn’t know how close he was to death. When Uncle Kalen came undone, the world burned.

  I cracked the gym door and peeked around the edge. Uncle Kalen’s eyes glowed a brighter forest green than usual, and his hardened gaze was made starker by his molten skin as he stared a hole through Ryn’s head. Ryn’s squared stance folded in on itself when Uncle Kalen bared his teeth and his arms flashed out in front of him, shoving Ryn who soared backwards and crashed over a bench. Water bottles fell over and rolled across the floor as Ryn’s sword clattered to the floor making contact with him. A small bloom of red spread and dampened the side of the green tank top Ryn was now wearing. The others stood next to the opposite wall letting Uncle Kalen become more unhinged. If they wouldn’t do something, I would.

  “Uncle Kalen.” I laid my palm on his forearm. “Stop. You’ll kill him.” My uncle cocked his head to the side and an eerie grin twisted his lips. “This isn’t like you.”

  “Oh, it is.” His hiss was filled with hatred and I almost released him.

  “No, it’s not.” He let me pull his arm back and I knew I was right. “You’re a better person.” Ryn nodded his thanks as he pulled the damp tank back over his head and held it against his wound. “Are you alright, Ryn?”

  “Just a flesh wound.” He gritted his teeth and sat on the matted floor. “Don’t mind me. I’ll just bleed down here.”

  “Why weren’t any of you helping him?” I still held onto Uncle Kalen in case he tried to finish with Ryn.

  “Don’t look at us.” Zander crossed his right ankle over his left as the leaned against the wall. “Your uncle is a scary man when he wants to be. I’m not messing with him.” Really? They were supposed to be the “end all and be all” of Guardians and they were terrified of one man puffing his chest like the big bad wolf?

  “Take a deep breath, Uncle Kalen.” His arm vibrated under my palm. “Try to calm down.”

  “I hear you gave him a stern tongue lashing.” Uncle Kalen wrapped me in his arms. “Good. He deserves worse.” Caden’s mouth lifted in a smirk reserved for the fairy on the ground.

  “Uncle Kalen.” I pushed out of his arms. “He has my mark, but it doesn’t mean I’ll act on it. Remember what we discussed when you first told me about true mates and soulmates?” His lips curled into a real smile, reaching his eyes. “I haven’t changed my mind.” His muscles unfurled with his exhale and I stooped down to check Ryn’s wound.

  “Sorry, Ryn.” The knight waved away their dispute. “But there is going to be some house rules.” Uncle Kalen got my undivided attention after I saw Ryn was okay. “Ryn will be moving into the cottage, while Lilly and Gwen move in here.” I rolled my eyes. He hadn’t made Caden move out before or after we went on a date. Yeah, but you didn’t almost climb Caden like a tree either, was the thought running through my head. “There will be no kissing or touching, you will not be in a room alone together, and neither will you be together in the cottage. And Ryn is not allowed in your room. Understood?”

  “What about breathing the same air? Is that okay?” A tiny snarl vibrated my uncle’s chest and I blinked innocently up at him. “Yes, Uncle Kalen.” His hands went to his hips and my brow arched, daring him to call me out on my snarky tone. He should know me better than that.

  After my fae side found its other half, I itched with need to touch. Even now with my hand pressed to his tank top to staunch the bleeding on his stomach, my magic begged to entwine with his. His disarming good looks and playboy charm were dangerous for a hormonal girl, but I wasn’t just any girl. I held true to my values and if Ryn wanted anything to do with me, he’d learn to give me the respect I deserved. I was tired of being an object or plaything for him and the others to squabble over. I was my own person, able to think for myself and fight at or above their levels.

  “Everyone can help with the moves.” Uncle Kalen marched from the room without a look back. I knew he was upset with Ryn’s actions, but the fairy deserved a better apology.

  “I’m sorry, Ryn.” His face was ashen and he grip found mine when I peeked at his wound again. “It needs stitches. Caden?” The wolf in question strutted to my side. “Can you and Austin help get Ryn upstairs so Lilly can patch him up?” Caden’s face turned into a “Do I have to?” look.

  Austin lifted under one arm and Caden huffed as he grabbed the other. Lilly was waiting for us in the foyer with her first aid kit and directed the boys to carry Ryn to the living room. They laid him down on the couch and Lilly took over. Ryn held a hand out to me and his eyes pleaded with me to take it. Caden growled when my fingers grasped Ryn’s and he stormed from the room with Austin on his heels. The mercurial wolf could think what he wanted. I wasn’t going to leave Ryn when he was in pain just because of the connection Caden and I shared.

  It took twelve stitches to close Ryn’s stomach and each time Lilly thrust the needle through his skin, he clutched my fingers but never uttered a word. When she was finished dressing her work, Lilly glanced to our joined hands and patted me on the head. “I’m going to give you two a minute.” My mouth opened to warn of Uncle Kalen’s rules, but she just grinned. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of the grumpy wolf.” She exited the room before I could say a word.

  “Kitra.” Ryn sat up and pulled me by our joined palms to sit next to him. He pressed his lips to the top of mine and I pulled away. “I have to apologize for my earlier behavior. I never should’ve attacked you the way I did. I was in shock and instinct to claim you took over.” He tucked a stray strand of my chestnut hair behind my ear. “I robbed us of a true first kiss.” He sighed and sank against the couch cushions with his eyes closed. “I have searched for you for many lifetimes, Sparkles. I’d begun to think I would never find you, so when I did I jumped at the chance to make you mine.” He peeked at me through twin slits. “Is it true? Is there another mate?”

  “Yes.” I sat back and propped my feet up on the coffee table. “One wolf and one fairy.”

  “What do we do now?” He leaned towards me and I was surrounded by sandalwood and ocean breeze. “I found you first, so it’s obvious I win.”

  “It’s not going to work like that.” I chuckled at his antics. The fairy wasn’t going to go down without a fight. “How about we get to know one another as friends first? Then, see how it goes?”

  “I’ll take what I can get.” Ryn’s velvety soft lips landed on my cheek. My magic sighed and he snuck another peck just below my earlobe, eliciting chills and pebbling my skin. Ryn jerked back with a painful moan at the clearing of a throat.

  “Watch yourself Ryn.” Allie’s arms were crossed and her glare rivaled Uncle Kalen’s, but she fought a grin which ruined her perturbed posture. “Kalen still hasn’t decided how long he’s going to let you live.”

  “That’s my cue to step away from the merchandise.” His grin turned to a wince when my elbow connected with his side.

  “Sorry.” I jumped up and raced to Allie who laughed her head off as we left Ryn sprawled on th
e couch holding his stomach. “What?”

  “You two seemed cozy.” Her brows wagged.

  “We were not.” Scowling, I pointed at her. “I’m tired of this whole situation.” My head shook and I clenched my fists. “No one treats me like an adult. Shouldn’t I get a say in the decisions of my own life? Shouldn’t I pick who to fall for instead of fate putting its nose where it doesn’t belong? Not only do I have to deal with Aelfric wanting to bleed me dry, but Ryn and Caden are having a peeing contest over me.” I rubbed my temples in small circles as the tension continued to grow. I really needed a break. “And Uncle Kalen has become a dictator. I can’t stand being here right now.”

  “Well.” She tucked her arm through mine. “I know just what you need.”

  “What do you mean?” Anything was possible with Allie and judging by her giddiness, I was in trouble.

  “We girls are going out tonight.” Out? I’d love to leave, but we were under house arrest. How were we going out?

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?” I pulled her to a stop and spun her to face me. “We can’t leave the Manor.”

  “Yes, we can.” A Cheshire smile lifted her lips. “Kalen doesn’t want you around Ryn, so I came up with a simple solution.” She polished her nails against her shirt. “We’re sneaking out.” Her whisper only made it to my ears.

  “What about Aelfric and the Dark Ones?” Did she forget what happened to Curtis?

  “They’re not expecting us to leave the Manor.” She rolled her eyes like it was obvious. “Plus, we have you and your fairy mojo. No muscles needed.” Well, when she put it that way, I gave in easily. I wanted some time to think without the pressure from others swallowing me whole. I needed this and I didn’t care what Uncle Kalen thought.

  “Where are we going?” We skipped upstairs and met Gwen in my room. She held up the mini dress I wore for my birthday party and thigh high black leather boots.

  “A party.” The last party I went to didn’t end so well.

  “Are you sure we should be doing this?” Gwen bit her lip and passed me my clothes. “What if something happens?”

  “We’ll be fine.” Allie waved away our worries. “We won’t stay out long. Kitra needs to let off a little steam after today.”

  “Fine, but let’s hurry. The party starts soon.” Gwen pushed me towards the bathroom. After my shower, Allie left my hair straight and gave me black smoky eyes and a red lip to finish off my ensemble. I looked like a club girl and kept pulling the hem of my dress down. To be honest, I wasn’t showing much skin. Only a thin strip between the top of my boots and my hem showed, but with every curve I was blessed with on display, I felt cheap. Too late to turn back now.

  The sneaking out part was easier than I thought it’d be. The others were focused on moving Ryn to the cottage and Allie snatched Austin’s Jeep keys out of his room. We were speeding down the road in less than five minutes of leaving my room. I knew we were being stupid, but I needed to get away. Away from my responsibilities and fate which were bearing down on me. Time to be a teenager with no worries and if it meant doing something stupid, I’d take my chances.

  Thirty minutes of driving along roads curvier than a snake's back, we cut off the main road onto a gravel drive. Shadows cloaked the surrounding forest and each limb became a gnarled arm grasping for the sides of the Jeep. When I thought we’d be lost among the heavy foliage, the oaks, pines, and chestnut trees parted revealing a field with a small pond in the center. Several large trucks were parked along the banks on the left side of the pond with their tailgates facing the water and their radios set to the same station. Teenagers mingled in clusters drinking from red cups in the lantern lights set up around some coolers and in the yellow burn of headlights of a few running vehicles.

  Allie parked next to the exit and we climbed out of the Jeep. I was thankful I remembered to grab my black leather jacket. A brisk nip in the air sent me bundling into its furry liner as goosebumps popped up on my exposed skin. The looming darkness edging the field pressed in on the gathering and I was ready to retreat back to the safety of Frost Manor. Maybe we should have stayed at home and watched chick flicks.

  Allie noticed my hesitation and pulled my leather clad arm into the nook of her elbow. “Nope. You’re not hiding tonight.”

  “I wasn’t hiding.” Gwen latched onto my other arm as they drug me forward.

  “Uh huh.” Allie bumped me with her shoulder. “So, why were you giving big puppy eyes toward the Jeep and road then?”

  “We should have stayed at home.” My sulkiness didn’t deter them in the slightest. Dread radiated from my pores and I scratched at my chest.

  “We’ll stay for a little while.” Gwen bobbed her head and walked with more purpose. “Then we’ll go home.”

  Allie pushed us toward the first few coolers and dug through their contents until she came up with three sodas and passed them to us. Many of the teens around us were familiar and I realized most of them were our classmates. Some passed and threw up a hand to wave, but none approached us.

  “We should go.” I motioned back to the Jeep. “No one is talking to us.”

  “Nonsense.” Allie rolled her eyes and pointed to a figure sashaying in our direction. “Here comes Jessie now. We’re not here to find boys. We have those and everyone knows it.”

  Jessie approached us with a huge smile on her face. Her dark hair was secured in a high ponytail and her red, silk top cut low leaving nothing to the imagination. Skin tight jeans were painted over her legs and led to a black pair of ankle boots. I wondered if she was able to even breathe much less sit down.

  “Girls! It’s good to see you.” She air kissed each of our cheeks. I may have forgiven the girl for the pass she threw at Caden, but we weren’t Bff’s yet. “You all haven’t been at school.”

  “Yeah, we doing online classes.” Gwen sipped at her soda.

  “All of you? Including those scrumptious boys you hang out with?” One of her perfectly sculpted eyebrows rose and a hand landed on her hip as she jutted it out.

  “Lucian’s orders.” Allie moved to the closest truck bed and sat down. “We’re training as a unit for recruitment into the Rangers.” Her lie rolled off her lips as sweet as sugar.

  “Really?” Jessie hopped next to Allie and leaned back on her elbows. I was right. She couldn’t even sit properly in those jeans. “I’d love to train for the Rangers, but I’ve got some awesome stuff coming up.”

  “Like what?” Gwen moved nearer to them and I followed.

  “Well, let’s just say I’m happier than I’ve ever been.” Her eyes sparkled in the lantern light. “Everything I’ve ever wanted is about to be mine.”

  “I’m happy for you.” I truly was happy for Jessie. I still felt guilty because of her torture when Aelfric had kidnapped her. If she didn’t resemble me, she’d never have been targeted.

  Jessie stayed for a while longer, but eventually said she had to meet up with some other friends. She joined a group of girls I didn’t recognize and disappeared around the truck. Gwen jumped down from her perch and wiggled around like she had ants in her pants.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Her glare stopped my snicker.

  “I have to pee.” She danced around some more. “Why have a party where there isn’t a restroom?”

  “Grasshopper.” Allie jumped down next to her. “Nature is the restroom. Let’s go find you a tree to mark.” I bit my lip as Gwen’s eyes bugged out of her head. Hadn’t she ever been camping? “Kitra, stay here so we’ll know where to find you.”

  “Aye, Aye Captain.” I saluted her as she dragged a fussy Gwen to the tree line and I climbed onto the truck bed.

  I was staring at the design on my soda can when a tap on my knee sent the liquid sloshing from the opening. Panting, I grabbed at my heart and stared into the glazed eyes of a younger blonde girl. Her hair hung over her shoulder in a loose braid and bangs framed dark brown eyes. She swayed on her baby doll pink heels, taking a step back. Her white sheath dre
ss was ripped at the hem and smeared with mud.

  “Hey.” I slid down, righting my own dress as I reached out to her. “Are you okay?” She stared off into space, rocking back and forth. “Hello?” I snapped my fingers in her face.

  “I have a message for you.” Her head cocked to the side and her voice lowered to a whisper. “I have to give you his message.”

  “Whose message?” I moved out of her reach in case she was hiding a weapon, but both arms hung at her sides.

  “He doesn’t need you now.” Her words slurred and drool spilled from her mouth.

  “Who doesn’t need me?” What was wrong with her? She needed help. I moved to grab her shoulders as she teetered to the left, but righted herself and her gaze zeroed in on mine.

  “You know who.” She cackled and ran as fast as a gazelle into the forest.

  I was ready to follow her, but a heavy hand landed on my shoulder and I yelped. The owner of the hand spun me around and I landed a jab to their gut, but they didn’t let go. Uncle Kalen bent and glared as he blew out a stuttered breath.

  “Did you have to swing?” He rubbed his stomach and I crashed into his arms.

  “You’re here?” I fought to control my rising panic.

  “Yes. We followed your scent once we realized you left. Kitra, how could you be so stupid?” My response to Uncle Kalen’s question could wait. My focus was on the blonde who raced into the trees.

  “Did you see her?” I shook, repeating her creepy words in my head.

  “Who?” He searched around us for any danger. I let go and turned back to the forest to see Allie and Gwen coming towards us with Lucian and Chad following them.

  “The girl in white.” I pointed to where she went. “She said she had a message for me. She said he doesn’t need me now.”

  “Who didn’t need you?” He sounded like a broken record repeating the same questions I asked.

  “She said I knew who.” My voice trailed off. What if she was telling them where we were? Were the Dark Ones going to attack?


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