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Mutts Like Me (The Awakening Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Keri Armstrong

  “We’ll see about that,” Cassandra muttered under her breath.

  Her mother just laid her own hand over Cassandra’s and shook her head. Cass pouted and looked at the table.

  Appetite suddenly gone, I excused myself and went outside.

  It was a nice enough day so I went for a walk, briefly acknowledging the mutts as I went into the woods, barefoot. I loved how I didn’t get cold anymore. I could stand in the snow buck naked and still feel fine. Being a werewolf certainly had its perks.

  Though having a bunch of people hunting us down was one of the major disadvantages.

  I was so relieved Toshio was alive, if still not quite well, but Cassandra had been right, much as I hated to give her any credit. His future was even more uncertain than ours now, because of the sacrifices he’d made. He was now defenseless and it was all my fault. I didn’t know how to live with that.

  And what should happen now?

  We couldn’t stay on this farm forever. Since I’d already been here when the chip was active, the Awakened might still come out to check, regardless of what Caleb had said.

  We needed a viable plan. Not just to survive, but to fight back.

  And for me, most of all, to find my dad.

  I was so lost in thought that the tree came as a complete surprise when it jumped out of nowhere to smack me in the nose.

  At least, I thought it was a tree until Alex turned to steady me.

  “Easy now.” He chuckled and winked at me. “We gotta stop meeting like this.”

  I looked past him, worried.

  He sighed. “Toshio’s still asleep and Cassandra is with her mother.”

  Was I that transparent?

  “Good,” I said.

  He threw an arm around my shoulders, forcing me to start walking again. “You shouldn’t let her get under your skin like that.”

  Way easier said than done.

  “I promise she’s not so bad once you know her, and can ignore all the bitchiness,” he said.

  “What’s got her tail in a twist anyway?” I asked, honestly curious.

  He squeezed my shoulder, laughing again. “I see what you did there. You’re pretty good at that.”

  “I’m serious,” I pressed. “What’s her problem with me?”

  He shrugged. “I think it’s basic werewolf nature. Alpha females just don’t click.”

  Me, alpha? “Great,” I replied, sarcasm evident.

  We made a full circle back and wound up sitting outside on the porch. I took the chair while Alex sat on the steps.

  After a moment, I spoke. “Speaking of wolves. What will happen to them? I mean, for some unknown reason they listen to me, and there’s almost always one of them following me around, but don’t know how to be a leader.”

  Or even if I wanted that kind of responsibility on my hands. I knew my dad was their leader but I was a complete stranger to them.

  Someone snorted behind me.

  I sighed and started counting to ten in my head before speaking. “I would say it’s bad manners to eavesdrop, but I know you don’t have any.”

  Cassandra sauntered up to sneer at me. “You’re delusional if you think you’re an Alpha now.”

  She was making a scene and everybody gathered to watch and listen.

  “That is not what I said, and you know it.”

  She continued as if I hadn’t spoken. “You have two choices. You can either decide you want to be the Alpha and fight your way to the position,”—it was clear she would love to see me try—“Or you can accept an exile.”

  “What?” Fight or flight, those were my only options? “But why?”

  She shrugged and gave me a nasty smile. “That’s the way of the pack. If you want to lead, then prove it.” She swept out her arm, gesturing to the gathered wolves. “By fighting and winning every single combat with every single member.”

  She looked at me as if I were something that fell out of her nose. “Only the strongest deserves to be Alpha.”

  I returned her look, derision for derision, until I looked around me and saw the truth in their eyes.

  That really was the way of the pack.

  Oh, hell no.

  This was completely insane. The pack had already been through enough. I wouldn’t hurt them even further. An Alpha should care the pack, make sure they were safe and provided for, not beat them senseless to make some stupid point.

  My course of action was decided for me. “I’ll leave,” I said. “And go look for my father.”

  Cassandra’s eyes lit in triumph. It was obvious how much she wanted me gone, but one more thing became apparent: She wouldn’t have a problem fighting her way to the top.

  As if I needed one more reason to dislike her.

  Gabriel opened his mouth to speak then closed it when Toshio stepped outside, his face thunderous.

  Cassandra’s face fell as he glared daggers at her.

  “You shouldn’t be up,” I complained, rushing over to him.

  He sighed. “I was starting to lose my mind lying in that bed. Besides, it looks like I came here just in time.”

  He put an arm around me and regarded the ragged pack with disappointment. “Why do you keep silent?” He continued without waiting for an answer. “Hasn’t she proved herself already? Her worth and loyalty? Yes, she is Alejandro’s daughter but that isn’t the reason you should want her in your lives.

  “Having alpha blood isn’t enough,” he said, looking at Cass. “But in short period of time, Marti proved how much she cares about the pack. She did save all of you.” He paused shaking his head. “And even now, she only thinks about you by wanting to leave rather than hurt you more.”

  I trembled next to him. He spoke with so much passion. But most of all, he got it. He really understood why I wanted to leave without me having to say it.

  He gave me a small squeeze and looked out their faces. “You know, I think this is why the Awakened have no trouble winning, because we spend too much time fighting amongst ourselves.”

  Everywhere I looked I could see people looking ashamed. Toshio’s words rang true.

  “So tell me, is this really how you want to repay her? For her sacrifice, for her father’s sacrifices? Because we all know how much that man sacrificed for all of us. For fuck’s sake, he sacrificed being with his own daughter. Gave up a chance to know her and watch her grow up, so we could all have a future. And you want to just turn your back on her?”

  He paused again, looked at the faces around him.

  “Fine, keep your barbaric traditions, but put them aside for now.”

  The silence stretched, heavy for several moments until the first head moved.

  I watched in humbled awe as one by one the wolves came forward, bowing their heads to me in a show of support and submission.

  All but one, that is. Cassandra remained stubbornly standing, her head held high.

  “Cassandra,” Toshio warned.

  Finally, she huffed and gave me a quick nod. “For now,” she hedged, storming away.

  Everybody gave a collective sigh of release, myself included. I wasn’t so keen on being the Alpha but it was better than fighting Cass or leaving by myself.

  I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t feel satisfaction smacking that bitch. But I was also a realist. In my current state, she would wipe the floor with me.

  As people and wolves started returning to whatever they’d been doing before the drama, one person stayed behind.

  Cassandra’s mother, Nia.

  Toshio pulled me closer to him and she gave a wry little smile.

  “Honestly, boy, what are you thinking?” She let out a scoffing laugh but there was no real venom in it. “If anything, I’m hoping that girl will finally figure out you aren’t right for her and never were.”

  Well, huh. I might just warm up to this woman, after all.

  Then she turned her eyes on me, warning just behind the warmth. “She’s still my daughter though, and I will do anything to protect my children.�

  I nodded. “Of course.” My voice sounded smaller than I would have liked.

  As she started past us, Toshio touched her arm. “Thank you, ma’am. For everything.”

  Her face softened. “Of course, hon. It’s my job. And my pleasure.”

  I looked up at him in confusion. “Her job?”

  “She’s been adding her magic to Caleb’s to keep this place hidden, as well as to keep you and me both alive.”

  Well, damn.

  Now I really did have to like her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  A couple more days passed and I was almost at a hundred percent. Toshio was still slightly weaker but getting better with every passing hour, as were the rescued wolves.

  I tried calling Laurent a couple of times but he never answered. I was genuinely worried that something had happened to him.

  I didn’t voice my concern anymore, though, because one time when I did, Alex called me an idiot and said that Laurent knew how to take care of himself. The others agreed.

  But tonight I couldn’t sleep.

  Too many things bouncing around my head, so I went outside to get some fresh air. The snow had stopped falling that morning and the sky had cleared.

  I went out onto the porch in my pajamas, sock covered toes gripping the edge of one of the stairs where I sat to look at the stars, wondering how the harpies and the dragons were. I hadn’t heard their voices in my head again after Sunjoo and his parents returned to their cave.

  I wrapped my arms around the flannel pajama pants that Weston had loaned me and put my chin on my knees. Behind me, the door creaked open and I knew who it was even before he came to sit beside me.

  “Are you all right?” Toshi asked.

  I shrugged. I didn’t know how to answer that question. Or more precisely, how to explain myself.

  I sighed, deciding to give it a go nevertheless. This was Toshio. I had begun to feel like I could tell him anything, and he wouldn’t judge me.

  “I’m not happy,” I started then frowned. That wasn’t quite right.

  I tried again. “After everything we’ve been through, and everything that awaits us in the future, I know I can’t be happy. But still, in some ways, I am.”

  I paused and Toshi nodded, seeming to understand what I tried to say.

  “Maybe it’s crazy, but I finally feel like I belong with you guys, even if it hasn’t been all that long since we met.”

  It was true. We’d only passed a few of weeks—three crazy weeks—together. And even though we hadn’t celebrated any of it, we’d gone through my birthday, Christmas, and New Year’s together.

  I’d learned my father might still be alive, but I’d lost my grandmother—still couldn’t think about that too closely just yet—and found and lost some new friends.

  My entire world view had undergone a complete and irrevocable paradigm shift.

  Even so, I was still glad that I had all these people in my life. Especially Toshio.

  And believe it or not, I even included Cassandra to that group as well. Even though I fantasized about killing her six times ’til Sunday. I knew she would die for any of these people. Maybe not me, but still. If we could ever get past our differences, she’d be a person you’d want at your back.

  Shame she’s just batshit most of the time.

  “Do you think I’m crazy?” I asked Toshio.

  “Of course not.” He pulled me closer and I went willingly. “I know what you mean,” he said. “I’m glad you feel that way, because it’s what I’m feeling too.”

  “You are?”

  He nodded, smiling at me as he reached up to stroke my hair. “And I hope you know that no matter what future holds for us, I’ll always be there for you.”

  I had really needed to hear him say that. More than I knew.

  I buried my nose in the crook of his neck, taking comfort from the familiar smell of forest and Toshi.

  We sat like that for several minutes, just enjoying the stillness of the night and one another. After a while he said, “Hey, I have an idea. Let’s go for a run. Just you and me. For fun.”

  I smiled. “I could do fun.”

  I gasped when Toshi quickly undressed and shifted in front of me.

  Geez, boy, give a girl a chance to prepare herself.

  My initial surprise turned into total shock when I got a good look at him.

  “Toshi, your tails!” I squealed, jumping up and down.

  He had three new tails, and they were slightly bluer than before.

  I jumped off the porch and ran to the side of the house to shuck my pajamas. I still wasn’t fully used to this nudity stuff they were.

  Not to mention it was Toshio standing back there.

  I hurried and shifted as well, running full speed back to him.

  He spun around excitedly a couple of times then spread them for my closer inspection.

  It was an absolute miracle and they were beautiful.

  I nudged my nose against his. He snuffled against me then caught me off guard by using one of his tails to throw snow in my face.

  It got in my eyes and ears and I had to shake my head a couple of times to get it all off.

  Oh, he was so dead.

  I launched myself at him but he ducked.

  And the chase was on.

  I think I never laughed so hard in my entire life, even if was wolf huffing. And he was right, it was fun.

  To just be in the moment happy and together.

  My fur was completely wet as was Toshi’s when we finally decided we had enough and returned to the house. We separately changed back into our clothes and then came together again, holding hands and laughing.

  “How?” I asked, and he knew what I meant.

  “I have no idea. I mean, I thought those were just old wives tales.”

  “What tales? Speaking to a novice over here.”

  “When you risk your life use and one of your tails to save someone else’s life, you get that tail back, even stronger than before.”

  “Because that’s the ultimate sacrifice?” I guessed.

  “Exactly,” he replied eagerly.

  I was overjoyed until a thought occurred to me. I smacked him in the arm. “Wait, you mean you were risking your life on that basis of an old wives’ tale?!”

  He smiled. “We also had Caleb as backup.”

  I crossed my arms and gave him the stink-eye.

  “And his mom,” he continued, a little more defensively.

  My mouth tightened.

  He leaned over and kissed my tight lips, shocking them loose before he leaned back and took my face in his hands.

  “Marti,” he said, his voice low and more serious than before. “The story is that the lives you save out of battle duty, or to save yourself, don’t count toward new tails. You have to love someone unconditionally for it to work.”

  I gulped, suddenly flustered. Not wanting to read more into it, I said, “Oh, so then it was guaranteed you’d get them back for saving Alex!”

  He continued to stare at me solemnly. “Yes,” he said finally. “That was one.”

  Wait. He’d saved Cass, too! I couldn’t help it. Jealousy was an evil bitch.

  Just like Cass, damn it.

  Toshi started to chuckle, as if he’d read my thoughts. “Yes, even Cass. We grew up together, too. She’s like a sister to me.”

  “Well, you’re not like a brother to her,” I muttered.

  He laughed silently and pulled me closer. “And you’re not like a sister to me,” he whispered in my hair.

  I looked up quickly, bumping his chin with my head.

  “Ow,” he said, laughing. “You really do have a hard head.”

  I smacked his arm again.

  “Still… I hate that you risked your life so many times.”

  “I don’t. And I’d do it all again. As would you, and you know it.”

  Fine. He had a point.

  I sighed and hugged him tighter. I froze as the implication of the third
tail finally, fully settled in. I couldn’t be reading too much into it, could I?

  I started to pull back, but he didn’t let me get far.

  His head went down and his lips slid over mine again, warm, soft and smooth. Sweet and gentle just like our first time. I leaned into him, my hands traveling over his broad shoulders up through his long, silky black hair. I felt his eyelashes tickle my cheek as he closed his eyes. I closed mine too and we were lost in the moment.

  It was a moment cut all too short as the front door opened and Weston ran out of it, nearly knocking us down. “Oh, thank god, you’re back,” he said, out of breath. “I was just coming to look for you.”

  To our surprise, Laurent sat in the living room.

  “Hey, you’re back!” In spite of everything, I was honestly glad to see him.

  Toshio stiffened when Laurent stood. They stared at one another, seeming to silent communicate something. I looked back and forth between them, then Laurent focused on me. He had a strange expression on his face that I couldn’t decipher.

  Before I could even ask what was going on, one of the bedroom doors in the hall across from us opened.

  Alex came out, helping someone walk that I hadn’t seen before. I wondered for a second if he was one of the missing mutts.

  The man was in really bad shape, emaciated and battered. What skin showed beneath the loose, obviously borrowed clothing he wore, was covered in cuts, scars, and bruises. Even so, there was still a sense of power radiating from him. It hit me like a warm breeze and I found that there was something strange, maybe even familiar, about it that I couldn’t quite put my finger on, but it sent a sense of comfort through me.

  He looked up then, and I met his eyes. Eyes that were blurry with tears.

  The pack that had gathered round reacted immediately, quivering with emotion as they rolled on the floor and bared their throats.

  Who was he? I wanted to ask but couldn’t. My throat had tightened too much. I had a feeling I already knew the answer.

  “Marti.” His hoarse voice cracked, a lifetime of feeling in that one word.

  I was clutching Toshio’s hand so hard it was a miracle I didn’t break it. He had to guide me to meet the newcomer because my legs refused to cooperate.


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