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Lily Mine

Page 19

by Joseph, Annabel

  Lily rolled her eyes. "If you say so."

  James chuckled and nudged her over onto her stomach, landing a smack on her bottom. "'Yes, sir, you are always right.'"

  "Yes, sir, you are always right," she parroted with a giggle. "Well, most of the time." Lily yelped as he landed another teasing blow on her backside. She wiggled her bottom under his large hands, flirting shamelessly.

  He grew sober though, stroking his fingers across her flanks. "Yes," he said after a moment. "Life is amazing. We are lucky, aren't we?"

  "We are very lucky," Lily said softly, looking back over her shoulder at him. Their eyes met in a moment of deep connection, and with a low sigh he came over her from behind. He braced an arm on either side of her and covered her, all masculine warmth and rough goodness. Lily moaned as he grasped one questing hip and thrust inside her, filling her to the hilt. He shifted to one side, the other hand reaching around to explore her body, from her neck to her tingling breasts to the flatness of her belly, where his hand opened and spread wide. He pressed himself closer to her, sliding his fingers lower, to the sensitive button above her wet, slick opening. She arched back against him at the slightest touch, for he knew just how to excite her. He held her captured, his leashed power as much an aphrodisiac as any talented manipulations he did with his hands.

  But ohhhh…oh my… When he touched her in just that certain spot, she lost her mind. Her hips jerked back against him of their own accord as he drove her arousal higher and higher. His lips parted at the back of her neck and he nipped at her with short, sharp bites that made her moan. He possessed her without delicacy or apology, as he always did. Lily clenched her hands beside her head and sighed into the pillow, feeling wanton and yet treasured all at the same time. His fingers continued to work their magic, drawing vibrating frissons of delight to pair with each jarring, animalistic stroke. Her whole body took up the drumbeat of his desire, tensing and unfurling, preparing to withstand the ecstasy when it burst upon her. Even now, she was shivering under his fingers.

  His touch left her center and his hand spread wide, sweeping over her in a caress. He braced on his other arm to drive into her with controlled ferocity. His breath was coming hard and fast, through gritted teeth. Lily squirmed beneath him and threw her head back. She was so close, so close…ohh.

  James slid his hand back between her legs and found the aching button there, stroking her sex with a dexterity in amazing contrast to his wild rutting. Lily cried out and twisted her hips beneath him as her orgasm took over, sweeping all thought and sanity with it. Her hands opened wide on the rumpled bedclothes as her sheath clamped down on the hard, thick rod within her. Before, James had always had to pull away to protect her, leaving her feeling empty. Now, he collapsed over her and pulled her closer instead, holding her in a smothering embrace and giving a shout as he reached his own pounding release.

  They lay together, gasping for breath. The hair on his chest tickled against her back each time she drew a deep breath, and his arms were like steel bands around her, protecting her, loving her.

  "Amazing," Lily sighed against the crook of his arm as he pushed her hair back to kiss her temple.

  "Oh yes," James agreed. "To a startling degree."

  * * * * *

  They left London early, before dawn, dressed in rather formal clothes for traveling. Lily wasn't sure of the reason, only that James said he wanted to arrive at Lilyvale before dusk, and wanted to look smart when they did. She suspected some kind of welcome home party, and as soon as they got to Smeeth, Lily knew she was correct. The village was far too quiet and nearly all the shops were closed.

  James' mother sat across from them in the coach, smiling like the cat who'd got the cream. Lady Ashbourne's presence on the trip had precluded a repeat of the shenanigans that took place on the way into London, but Lily didn't mind at all because the older woman's conversation was so pleasant. James left the women to talk, gazing out the window at the passing countryside, occasionally resting his hand on Lily's knee and squeezing it through the skirts of her deep red gown, a subtle display that nonetheless brought heat to Lily's cheeks. Lady Ashbourne was steadfast in pretending not to notice the intermittent breaches of propriety, and rambled on about the fair weather they were having that winter and her plans for a charity event in the spring.

  "You might come up and help me, dear, if you are not increasing by then."

  "Increasing?" Understanding of the euphemism dawned on her at James' soft chuckle.

  "Mother will not let us rest until she holds a grandchild," he explained. "No need to blush, dearest. She will bring it up a hundred times again in more or less delicate ways."

  "Oh, James, do not be a rogue and tease your mother. I will not badger you," she said with a nod to Lily. "Not much, anyway."

  Lily laughed with her irrepressible future motherin-law, but James sat up straighter in his blue coat and waistcoat, peering ahead down the lane. The carriage was turning off onto the path to Lilyvale. "Look, darling."

  Lily scooted over into his lap as he threw open the window. He pointed as the carriage slowed and they passed a handsome new sign at the edge of the well-worn road. LILYVALE MANOR, it said in large white letters, with painted lilies in a decorative row beneath.

  "Oh," said Lady Ashbourne, clapping her hands. "It came out ever so handsomely, did it not?"

  "A gift from Mother," James said to Lily. "A wedding present, commissioned especially in the city."

  "And such a fire I had to light under that carpenter's heels to complete it on time," she said. "But it was worth it. A wedding gift must be there for the wedding."

  "The wedding?" Lily asked.

  The carriage rattled along faster now, as if the horses knew they were almost home. The jostling of wheels in the rutted lane pitched Lily against James' broad chest. He looked down at her with a wink. Again he said, "Look."

  As they cleared the tree line and came into view of the manor proper, Lily could do nothing but gasp. The grounds of Lilyvale were transformed into a wedding celebration fit for royalty. Blue and gold bunting decorated the long balustrade of the house, and winter flowers and holly decorated a bridal bower near the gardens Lily had helped tend in the fall. A bright bonfire burned gaily in the center of the stately lawn. But more than the grand flowers and bunting and decorations, Lily was shocked to see all the people gathered to wish them well.

  "Oh, James," Lily sighed, her throat feeling tight and ticklish. She turned a mock-accusing gaze on Lady Ashbourne. "I suppose you were in on this too?"

  "James and I, and Hanover and Mrs. Gertrude as well," she confessed with a self-satisfied nod. She took Lily's hands and squeezed them affectionately. "Commoner or countess, we are all so pleased you are going to join our family."

  "How kind you are, both of you. Oh--and Mrs. Gertrude!" Lily jumped up out of her seat as the carriage rolled to a stop. "Is she here?"

  "Everyone is here," James said with a smile. "I couldn't have kept them away."

  The rest of his words were lost in the roar of welcome from the huge assembly as a footman opened the door and James ushered Lily out. She waved, feeling embarrassed and rather shocked to find herself the center of attention in such a mass of people. James urged her forward, climbing out behind her to renewed cheers of welcome. He waved his hands to get the attention of the jolly crowd, and they fell silent. He put his hands on Lily's shoulders and she could feel his solid warmth at her back.

  "Friends and neighbors of Lilyvale," he said to the rows of smiling faces. "I wish to welcome every one of you to our wedding today. This is my beloved bride-to-be, Lily Kendall. My real bride this time." More whoops and calls went up. They seemed none too shocked by the announcement. She supposed gossip traveled as quickly outside London as in it, but no hint of censure was in the air. Lily thought of all the whispered conversations and the flurry of notes sent along with the first coach three days before. She leaned back against him, amazed at all the planning he must have done.

"When you are in love," he continued to the crowd, "every moment is immeasurably precious. A very handsome and dashing poet said something like that once." Lily giggled at a wink from him. He turned back to the crowd with a magnanimous gesture of welcome. "So love one another and make merry with us today, and partake in this precious moment with us."

  The spellbound crowd greeted his invitation with another roar of approval. The bride-and groom-to-be were guided toward the bower where the parson of Smeeth waited with a holy book clasped in his hands. Lady Ashbourne followed behind, urging them through the crowds of well-wishers.

  "Come, come," she clucked. "Let us get you two married so this party might commence in earnest."

  Near the bower, familiar faces awaited them--Hanover, James' longtime butler and trusted friend, and Hanover's mother, Mrs. Gertrude, who was looking so alert and well that Lily nearly didn't recognize her.

  "Dearest lassie," said the old woman. "What a pleasure that you have come home to us to stay."

  "Mrs. Gertrude," Lily began. "I never meant to mislead you."

  "It's nothing, child. My son told me the whole story. The shame belongs to that selfish chit Lilliana, never you. And are you well?"

  "I'm so well I'm bursting. But you--you seem a new woman to me."

  "'Tis all thanks to you. I would have killed myself with my own poison, foolish dunderhead that I was, if you hadn't listened to an old woman go on." Lily couldn't believe the difference. The confused, pinched expression was gone and her deranged mutterings replaced by a completely reasonable tone. "I began to feel better nearly at once. I think I am now completely well."

  "You look wonderful," Lily nodded.

  "Thank you, my lady. Suffice it to say, I am here and ready to help you maintain your husband's home. We will make a likely partnership, I am sure of it."

  Lily nodded with a smile of agreement, then turned to Hanover, who gazed down at her with a tremulous smile. She thought he might speak, and he seemed about to, but then he only clasped her close in a quick, impulsive embrace. "Pardon me, Miss Lily, to be so forward. But I thank you ever so much. For everything."

  "Thank you, Mr. Hanover. If you hadn't let me in that first day I came to Lord Ashbourne's side door, I don't know where we would all be today."

  Hanover looked over to his employer and then back at Lily again. "Life is amazing, isn't it, Miss Lily?"

  "I'll say," James laughed, taking his butler's hand and shaking it hard. "Now if you would all stand witness for us, I believe it's high time I made Miss Lily into Lady Ashbourne."

  The ceremony was short and heartfelt. The parson's succinct words about love, respect and kindness settled easily in Lily's heart. At the conclusion of the vows, James pulled her close and kissed her as the spectators sent up another deafening cheer. The false ring she had worn while she played Lilliana was replaced with her own ring, a gold band inlaid with glittering diamonds that winked in the piercing light of the winter sunset.

  As the guests moved away to the tables laden with food and drinks, James pulled her close, wrapping her velvet cloak more tightly around her. "How beautiful you look," he whispered in her ear. "You are making it difficult for me to control my impulses. I've half a mind to pull you upstairs for a bit."

  Lily looked alarmed, gazing around at all the guests who were watching the newlyweds' every move. "Oh, but it would be quite rude to leave our own party, especially one as lovely as this."

  He chuckled. "I was only jesting. We have given them enough to gossip about already. I daresay we'll see our love story in the form of a novel by spring."

  "Do you think so?" asked Lily in dismay.

  "Dear Lily, I shall be first in line to buy it. I hope they make my character a most dashing and handsome devil."

  "How could they not?" Lily looked up at her new husband with a shiver of arousal. James caught the amorous glow in her gaze and gave a low groan. "Perhaps it would be best if you did not provide any more fuel to the flames."

  Lily wasn't sure if he meant the flames of gossip or the flames that were quickly rising in certain portions of her anatomy. She sidled closer to him, her hand lacing in his.

  "Come over by the bonfire, my love." He led her across the press of guests on the lawn to the warmer area near the fire. People parted and smiled at them, leaving the newlyweds to their quiet conversation as darkness fell.

  "I might have preferred to wed in a more temperate season," he said as they walked. "We could have had spring lilies blooming. You shall see, in the spring, how they bloom all over this place. But then I dragged my feet quite long enough, and one Lily in bloom is enough for me." They stopped and bowed their heads close together as the revelers ate and danced and celebrated around the glow of the fire. Darkness was falling over Lilyvale, the pink horizon a glorious and unusual marvel.

  Lily and James hardly noticed, lost as they were in the preciousness of the moment. "Lily mine," James whispered. "We're finally home."

  Look for this title in a paperback edition on Amazon, Createspace, and other bookselling outlets starting in July of 2011.

  About the Author

  Annabel Joseph writes emotionally intense stories about the romance of dominance and submission. She has published with Loose Id, Ellora’s Cave, and her own indie imprint, Scarlet Rose Press. You can learn more about her books, read reviews, and find contact information at

  Other erotic romance by Annabel Joseph


  Cait and the Devil

  Comfort Object

  Caressa's Knees


  Deep in the Woods


  Owning Wednesday

  Erotica by Annabel Joseph

  Club Mephisto

  Coming soon:

  The Edge of the Earth




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