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Ten Crescent Moons (Moonquest)

Page 2

by Marilyn Haddrill

  "Mother!" Kalos interrupted with a good-natured laugh. "That's personal. People of the Fifth House do not discuss personal matters with strangers."

  "I have never met anyone with indigo eyes who had skin and hair so dark," Redolo said speculatively. "The indigo trait is always linked to the golden coloring. Always. And the braid of her hair falls on the right, not the left. Not the way of the Fifth House at all. This is most unusual."

  "She is not a subject for your experiments. Leave her be."

  "Do not address your mother in such a tone."

  As they exchanged glares, they missed the alarmed look that passed swiftly between Adalginza and Bruna.

  Bruna dared to whisper under her breath: "You must distract her. By the gods, hurry. She is already too close to the truth."

  Distraction was fortunately provided for Adalginza, in the form of a young boy who hurtled out the back of the second wagon before it even rolled completely to a halt. He eagerly ran to the side of Kalos.

  "Are we at our abode? Do I now get my own sturmon, as you promised? Can I ride it now, uncle?"

  Both Kalos and Redolo regarded the young boy with open fondness.

  "Back in the wagon with you," Kalos said. "We are not there yet. Soon, though."

  The boy turned to gape at Adalginza.

  Since she no longer knew the ceremonial rules with these people, she brought the fan back toward her face as a precaution.

  Kalos intercepted the gesture, grabbing her wrist lightly. "No, no. Not necessary. He is but a boy, only ten seasons of age. I would think even in your House that you would not need to do this, even for a male child."

  "You are right, sir. But — I no longer know what is proper."

  Kalos threw back his head in a hearty laugh. "I can see you have never met anyone from the House of the Ninth Crescent Moon before."

  "That is true."

  "We are the house furthest removed from the First House. We have our own ways."

  "So I have heard."

  "You have heard of us at least. Good. We are much talked about, and take great pride in such."

  "You are talked about," Adalginza agreed cautiously. "But until this meeting, I did not realize. I mean, I did not know you were so…"

  Her voice trailed away, and Kalos laughed again.

  He grabbed the shoulders of the boy and pushed him forward, in front of him. "Allow me to introduce the youngest of our small family. Zartos, fourth gentleman of the House of the Ninth Crescent."

  "This — is all your clan?" Adalginza asked.

  "All of us who are left living," Kalos replied, with unusual somberness. "Savages murdered most of our immediate bloodline in the colonial revolt of South Port. Both of my younger sisters were massacred. Along with my father. And this boy's parents. It happened just last season. We are still in mourning."

  "I'm…sorry," Adalginza said hesitantly.

  Zartos looked over his shoulder at his uncle, with a brave expression betrayed by large, light blue eyes pooled with tears. Kalos brought his arms around the boy, and gave him a brief hug. His look was dangerous.

  "We will have our revenge," he assured her. "That is why I asked to be sent here. There is talk of another revolt. Here. In Sola Re. Yes, my lady. Do not look so pale. If such be the case, my sword will be red with the blood of savages."

  Adalginza risked a quick glance at Bruna, whose eyes remained carefully downcast.

  So the captain already knew of the planned revolt? This was terrible news indeed.

  Adalginza paused, before forcing out the response she knew was required of her. "Then let their blood and their bones make fertile the soil."

  Manners now dictated that Adalginza introduce herself to the boy, which she did with exaggerated formality that helped mask her fears.

  She stuttered slightly during the presentation, but Zartos seemed pleased at the attention from a pretty lady. He grinned, then gave a brief though slightly self-conscious bow in response.

  "It is my pleasure to encounter a gracious lady from a distinguished house." He recited the proper words perfectly. Then, he deviated from the script with his own version of a formal response. "If ever you are in need of defense from a Crescent sword, this knight will ride forth to your call."

  Both Zartos and Redolo responded with affectionate laughter.

  "It is premature to make such pledges," Kalos said. "You are too young for the Crescent sword, my boy. And it was the wish of my father's brother that you be spared the path of the soldier. These words were uttered even as your father died. They must be honored."

  "You are to be a scholar," Redolo said flatly, giving Kalos a scathing look. "And only a scholar. Unlike some people in this family, who refused the path written for them."

  Zartos merely shrugged, and turned his attention back to Adalginza.

  "And what of you?" he asked. "How many of your clan live here with you? Would there be any of my age? Do any have sturmons of their own?"

  "I am the only one left living of my clan," Adalginza answered simply.

  Her words left a stunned, silent reaction. And to leave these people wordless was an accomplishment indeed.

  Of course, her statement was a lie. From here on, it would be a dance of danger to guard that lie.

  "Oh," Redolo said finally, and a little faintly. "Then you are a lady of knights who lives alone in your abode?"


  "Did the savages murder your clan, too?" Hatred laced the question, making the boy Zartos sound indecently older.

  "No," Adalginza said. "It was a disease. From the water we drank along the trail during our move here."

  "Parasites," Redolo said sadly. "If only the Fifth House believed more in scholars. You could have prevented the tragedy."

  "Now, Mother. You do not know that as truth," Kalos scolded.

  "Of course it's true."

  Kalos shook his head. "I will not argue. I am too tired. Besides, this poor lady has been trying to state her business for quite some time. Lady Adalginza. Please. Proceed. Be assured that this time we are prepared to listen."

  At last.

  Adalginza turned to Bruna, and gestured for her to bring forth from a nearby cart the ceramic tray with its contents protected under a thin, sratskin wrapping.

  Bruna played her role perfectly, stepping forward subserviently as she removed the wrapping to display an array of tiny caps each filled with the liquid of a variety of sweet berries. Thin wafers made of grain and sweets were ceremoniously stacked in patterns.

  Bruna moved into the center of the circle, keeping her eyes downcast as she held forth the tray.

  Only Zartos regarded the offerings with the proper enthusiasm. His eyes lit up hungrily, but he held back for a signal from the adults. Unfortunately, both Redolo and Kalos looked openly pained.

  "I see," Kalos responded, without interest. "The Ceremony of Welcoming. I suppose this means tonight?"

  "Of course," Adalginza said, trying to hide her dismay.

  "We don't have to eat or drink her offerings, which will commit us," Redolo pointed out. "Then we can enjoy our new abode instead. Unpack. Rest."

  "Mother. Please. You are again being rude to the lady, who has gone to such trouble."

  "Oh, I see now. My son's eyes are on the woman, not on her offerings."

  In their bantering, both mother and son failed to notice that Adalginza was blushing.

  "Not entirely so," Kalos replied. "The lady is no mental match for me. She is from a House that keeps their women chained to ignorance."

  Kalos suddenly seemed to remember that Adalginza was listening, and hastily turned to face her.

  "With my apologies, of course. Your beauty is beyond reproach. Then again, I would expect no less from the House of the Fifth Crescent. Consider yourself honored by my compliment."

  "You refuse the offering?" Adalginza asked, amazed.

  "That is our right," Kalos said reasonably.

  "But — "

  "Yes, I know. By the refusal
of First Offering, we cannot meet again socially. Except by accident. My loss, I'm sure. But, dear lovely lady, I am certain that in this frontier you have many offerings from many knights. Like my mother, I am shocked that you are not yet taken."

  "There are no other unescorted ladies of knights in Sola Re," Adalginza argued lamely.

  "So much more the loss," Kalos said. He allowed himself a moment to regard her as she had expected from the first sight of him. As a man in want of a woman. "Indigo eyes. Such a rare delight."

  "Kalos, guard your loins," his mother interrupted sharply. "Need I remind you that you are almost betrothed? Besides, I am eager to see our new dwelling. Let us proceed."

  The three of them muttered the formal, ritualistic goodbyes and then turned to walk back to their wagons and mounts.

  Adalginza was left not knowing what else to do.

  She stared helplessly at Bruna, who kept her head bent over the tray of neglected offerings. Only the tight working of her jaw betrayed her silent anger.

  If Adalginza was unable to attract the attention of the new captain of knights even in a first meeting, then her purpose in Sola Re was now abruptly ended.

  The mission was over.

  Many seasons of planning had gone into the foundation of these plans. How would Adalginza be able to explain such failure to her beloved brother, Benfaaro? Or to her people?

  "We must kill this new captain," Bruna whispered, barely moving her lips. "Start anew."

  "Another death of a captain? This would bring great suspicion."

  "Then the Sola Re Revolt must start sooner than planned. Before this man has a chance to assert his leadership. He is dangerous, this one. Much more so than the last."

  "He is at that." Adalginza's words carried unexpected admiration.

  Captain Kalos was a worthy foe, but one who must inevitably die. Along with his family and all of royal blood among the Crescent Houses.

  The head of the snake must be cut first so that the rest of its body writhed helplessly.

  Adalginza's mind was churning, looking for answers, when at that moment a delegation of three men and two women approached from the boardwalk across the street.

  They were adorned in the formal dress of town patrons, with multi-colored sashes declaring the office each one held. They chattered excitedly among themselves.

  Most significantly, the man in front wore the designation of town leader.

  Three female slaves, each wearing snakeskins and bearing trays of food and drink, followed behind them. Kalos, Redolo, and Zartos froze, all of them exchanging worried glances.

  "See what's coming?" Kalos said in a low aside to his mother. "And they are bringing trays of offerings for First Welcome."

  "We cannot refuse a First Offering from the town patrons," Redolo groaned. "They are your employers."

  "But look at all the food!" Zartos observed, with relish.

  Kalos ignored him, continuing to direct his remarks to Redolo. "The town leader. Look at his sash. He is from the House of the Second Crescent."

  "Dreary bores. All of them," she replied. "We will be at his mercy until the next morn. I cannot endure the thought."

  Adalginza quickly stepped to Bruna's side, and took her arm in a silent signal to follow with the tray.

  Then the lady of the Fifth House moved slyly to the captain's side. "If you accept my offering right now, sir, then you will be bound to refuse theirs."

  "Excellent observation," Kalos said. He turned to his mother. "Shall we?"

  In the sight of the approaching town delegation, the three newcomers reached for the caps of juice and began munching the wafers.

  Adalginza joined them, barely noticing the sweet red substance that tickled her tongue.

  The taste of victory was sweeter by far.


  Adalginza donned a plain, fiber coverall to help Bruna with a last-minute, frantic cleansing of the abode to make it more presentable for guests.

  She took one last swipe at a fingerprint-smudged metal vase, then raced up the stone stairway to the second level sleep room. There, Bruna drew Adalginza's bath and helped her scrub clean her long locks of glistening black hair.

  "Why was there not better intelligence about Captain Kalos and his preferences?" Adalginza demanded. "If I had known more about him, we would have done this differently. I could have posed as a member of a different Crescent House. I could have been a woman he would respect."

  She stepped, dripping and naked, from the silver oval basin into the thick cloth wrap that Bruna held ready for her.

  "No one expected the new captain of the knights to be from the House of the Ninth Crescent Moon," Bruna replied sullenly. "Dry your hair, and I will braid it for you. Hurry. There is not much time left before the welcoming meal begins."

  "I have never met anyone from the Ninth House before." Adalgniza furiously ran the cloth through her hair. "I know nothing about these people. Tell me. Why are they so ill-mannered?"

  Bruna shrugged. "They are mainly scholars. This is all I know."

  "Then why are these people in the frontier? It is dangerous for them here."

  "I don't know. Our spies have never mentioned any prominent officers of the Knights of the Crescent Sword originating from the Ninth House."

  "It is most distressing to lack adequate information." Adalginza sat on a wooden stool, and winced as Bruna began yanking on her hair. "This plan was ill conceived."

  "It was my plan, and I saw no reason to send spies to the Ninth House," Bruna answered defensively. "Warrior leaders from the Prime Continent are almost always from the Fifth House. This is why we chose this identity for you. Besides, the captain originally designated for this post in Sola Re was from the Fifth House. Plans must have changed."

  "Then why did we not know of this change in plans?" Adalginza demanded.

  "You heard what Captain Kalos said. He requested this assignment, and so he was sent instead. It happened without our knowledge."

  "Most infuriating. Ow!" Adalginza grabbed Bruna's hand briefly to halt her rough braiding. "Gentle now."

  "Had Captain Kalos been from the Fifth House, you would have instantly been claimed as a prize and bedded by now," Bruna muttered. "Captain Kalos should have claimed you anyway, no matter what House he was from."

  "It is not my fault!" Adalginza now was the one who sounded defensive. As well as childish. "You saw what happened. I had to force him to accept my invitation. So now what do I do?"

  Bruna went silent for a moment, before speaking thoughtfully.

  "He is about to be betrothed, but not yet bonded to a woman. I do know this much. With men of the Ninth House, bonding is usually permanent. Not betrothal, though. So you still have a chance."

  "Maybe. But this captain is different. He seems a — man of his word."

  "No Knight of the Crescent Sword can possibly be a man of his word."

  From the nearby dressing table, Bruna selected a translucent purple bottle with an attached spray. She aimed it like a weapon in Adalginza's direction, and held down her forefinger.

  A powerful, musky mist doused Adalginza, who responded with a choking cough.

  "Are you trying to kill me?"

  "The musk scent is irresistible."

  "Nevertheless, dear Bruna, the captain seems ever so capable of resisting me."

  Adalginza tried to keep the hurt from her voice, as she pulled a silken purple wrap gown around her and tied it under her slender left shoulder.

  "Perhaps it is simply you he detests," Bruna said mockingly.

  "No. Kalos clearly dislikes women of the Fifth House."

  "Does it bother you then that your beauty has so little effect on this one?"

  Adalginza glanced up sharply, catching Bruna's smirk in the reflection of the dressing table mirror.

  "Do not be so anxious for me to fail. For if I fail, Benfaaro fails. Surely this cannot give you pleasure."

  Bruna merely lifted her thin, drooped shoulders in a shrugging non-answer.
r />   "Finish getting ready. Apply your own masque. I must finish preparing the meal."

  "What must I do after they arrive?"

  "Stay upstairs, until I summon you to greet them. They must be left unattended, but fed well, until the sun dips completely below the horizon. When it is fully dark, the host of First Welcome appears to greet the guests."


  "It makes little sense to me. But we must follow the custom of the Crescent Houses, or they will be suspicious. I must go now."

  "Bruna — " Adalginza's sharp voice caused the woman to hesitate, and turn back.

  "Do nothing to our food. Hear me?"

  It was better that Bruna not smile, for the grimace on her lips held only rancor.

  "You have nothing to fear from my potions, little one. I pledged to Benfaaro that I would protect you. So I will not harm the sister of my mate's own blood. Even though half of your blood is tainted."

  "Through no fault of my own. But do not divert me from the matter before us. You will do nothing to their food, either. To anyone's food. Agreed?"

  Bruna hesitated for a moment, then gave a short nod.

  "For now."

  "For as long as I say."

  "I do not follow your orders."

  Adalginza angrily slammed two clenched fists down on the table before her, causing several vials filled with lotions and scents to tip over in tinkling protest.

  "I tell you again, it was unwise of you to poison Captain Trelos. We were graced by the moon gods that the source was not discovered. It easily could have been traced to the social gathering we had here."

  "Our safety was assured." Bruna's expression grew sullen. "I knew the delay would be long enough. And I knew these ignorant fools would blame his death on disease."

  "Kalos and his family will not be so easily deceived. I'm warning you. Keep your blood lust in check, or you will destroy all we are trying to do here."

  "I have no regrets about Trelos. I killed a viper in his own nest." Again, that twisted grin instead of a smile. And this time, an unholy glow lit Bruna's reptilian eyes. "You should praise me, little one — not condemn."


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