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Bar 49

Page 18

by T. A. Hardenbrook

  Now, I stand in the front door way, glaring at the rain pouring down.

  “Care to strike me down with lightening, too?” I drop my head back and yell. Of course it would be pouring the morning after I get all hot and sweaty making out with a man that I can’t even stand for more than a few minutes at a time.

  “It’s just a rainstorm, Charlie.” Uncle Mark laughs from the kitchen.

  Cringing, I shut the door turn and around slowly.

  “I made some pancakes this morning, and there are plenty left on the stove,” he says, picking up his jacket from the back of the chair and grabbing his keys.

  “Thanks,” I mumble. I really should go back to bed.

  “I’ll see you tonight at work?”

  “Yep,” I rattle off. Today is seriously going to be a death sentence on my psyche if it rains the entire morning. Uncle Mark flashes a smile then ducks out the door quickly. I watch as he darts over to his truck, trying to avoid the mass flooding the skies are unleashing this morning.

  Seizing the plate off the stove, I grab the bottle of syrup out of the cupboard and take a seat at the small table. My smile spreads as I dump a ginormous amount of Mrs. Butterworth over the five-high stack of pancakes.

  “Why, yes, I am going to eat all of you.” I chuckle, grabbing a fork from the container and stabbing the pile harshly. Shoving a large bite into my mouth, I melt in my chair from the thick maple flavor. If I could organism over food, this would definitely be top five in my sexual experiences.

  A knock on the front door sends my euphoric pancake moment running for the hills. “Hold on,” I yell, narrowing my eyes at the backside of the front door. Whoever is interrupting me from the only thing that has given me pleasure this morning is not going to like my attitude when I open the front door.

  I perfect my scowl by the time I reach for the door handle, deepening the crease in my eyebrows. Yanking the door open, my body sighs when I see Greyson standing on the covered porch.

  “Really?” I groan. The punches just keep on coming this morning, one right after the other.

  “Listen, Charlie. I’m sorry for last night. I’m sorry that I kissed you then dropped you off at home. I’m sorry I told you not to go out with Will, and I apologize for not letting you make that decision on your own. I’m sorry for being a complete ass, and I really hope you take this seriously because I’m hung over as fuck, standing out in the rain, realizing that the speech I just assaulted you with sounded way better in my head on the drive over.” Greyson’s normally sturdy frame is hunched over, his eyes are blood shot and dark underneath, and I’m pretty sure he is wearing the same clothes he had on yesterday.

  “Good morning to you, too,” I snicker. He looks completely run down, and for some strange sickening reason I kind of like it. “Long morning?”

  “Maybe,” Greyson sighs, resting his hand on the doorframe above me.

  “Greyson, I don’t know what you want from me. I told you that our friendship is basically experimental, yet when I told you about Will you flipped your dang lid. Then, when I needed your friendship last night, you completely consumed me; giving me feelings that I know just can’t be real.”

  “Charlie, that is why I’m here this morning. To apologize, again, for everything I have managed to screw up. I want more than a friendship with you.”

  “I can’t offer you anything more than a friendship, I’ve told you that.”

  “Then what the hell was last night? You would have kept going had I not stopped you.” Greyson’s red eyes search mine for answers, answers that I don’t really have the words for.

  “Sex, Greyson. It was purely about sex.” Crossing my arms tightly underneath my chest, I start to get uncomfortable standing in the doorway.

  “Dance with me,” Greyson demands, jetting his hand outward to me.

  “You must be crazy. It’s pouring out there.”

  “It wasn’t a question, Charlie. I said, dance with me.”

  Without another hesitation, I gently placed my hand into his; leaving the shelter of the small front porch behind. “You are absolutely nuts.”

  Greyson drags me down the steps and out in the cold fall rain. Wrapping his arms tightly around my waist, my body doesn’t cringe when our bodies connect. I start to hesitate as I reach my hands up, but shake the doubt out of my head as I hook my fingers together behind his broad neck.

  “Yes, I have been called that before.” Greyson smirks, letting the water droplets fall off his dimples. His arms settle tightly behind my back, pulling me closer into his body.

  The skies continue to open up all around us, as we dance slowly with each other. This man drives me completely crazy. My mind spins circles around itself when we are around each other. One minute I’m wanting him to leave me the hell alone; and well, and then there are moments like this. This is when my stomach flutters and my heart gets all mushy; silently begging for him to just press those soft lips of his to mine.

  “I can see your tits,” Greyson laughs.

  I scrunch my eyes closed and shake my head. Way to ruin the moment, idiot.

  The rain has lightened slightly as we sit down on the concrete steps. Our bodies are still slightly touching, and it sends mixed signals throughout my entire system. I want to be angry with him, but I just can’t seem to stay mad when he is around me. Everything in my world tends to basically combust when we are together.

  “So, do my smooth dance moves cancel out the date with Will?” Greyson leans in closer and bumps my shoulder.

  “Sometimes I really wonder if you even use your brain.” Once again, this man opens his mouth and it leaves me shaking my head.

  “I am pretty special.”

  “That you are. But, seriously, I don’t want to have this conversation again.”

  “About me being special?” Greyson flashes me that trademark smirk. Normally, I would want to smack it off that smug little face of his. This time, not so much.

  “You know exactly what buttons to press, don’t you? I don’t want to have a discussion about Friday night. You and I are working on the friends thing, and even though I have zero intentions of dating anyone, I am going to enjoy the evening with William on Friday.”

  Greyson snorts and shakes his head. Little raindrops fall off his eyelashes, instantly sending heat to my lower region. Why must I have these sexual reactions to a man I want to throttle?

  Without giving it much thought, I quickly lean over and place my lips on his. The cold rain has made them slippery, causing me to forcefully grab the back of his head and pull him into me. Even with my eyes closed, I can feel the shock register on Greyson’s face. Skillfully the man doesn’t miss a beat, grabbing me by the waist and hoisting me closer to his body.

  As cheesy and cliché as it might sound, the entire world stops rotating, everything feels exactly right for this moment. It’s as if my mind and body have finally come to some sort of understanding. Now, I just have to figure out the next step once our lips stop touching.

  “Sorry,” I ramble quickly, pulling myself out of his tight embrace.

  “You confuse the hell out of me, Charlie.” Greyson steps backs and rubs his face harshly. Tension builds in his body, leaving his shoulders tight and ridged. The rain is now just a light trickle, barely noticeable on our already soaked clothes.

  “I confuse the hell out of myself.” I laugh uncontrollably. I am one hundred percent freaking crazy, and forcing myself upon Greyson certainly proves it.

  “What do you want from me, Charlie? I am so fucking confused. Your back and forth behavior on if we can be friends or not, then you do shit like that. Shit that completely baffles the hell out of me.”

  “I’m not looking for anything serious,” I say with a shrug. It’s too easy to switch my emotions on and off. One second I might be hysterically crying and the next I’m laughing at the stupidity of it all.

  Greyson scoffs while starting to pace the front yard. Confusion can be a real fickle bitch.

  “I have to get
ready for work.” Turning back for the house, I quickly shelve any feelings I am trying to sort through and go back to comatose Charlie.

  “Don’t walk away, Charlie,” Greyson shouts from the lawn.

  Refusing to look back, I bolt into the house and slam the door. Once again, I’m not going to deal with this shit.

  Stripping my wet clothes off, I drop them on the floor and crank the shower water to the hottest setting. Steam instantly fills the bathroom as I open the shower door to climb in. My body is numb from the cold, while my mind is numb from the feelings. I can’t let myself wander down that path of caring again. It hurts too much to open that part of me up again.

  “Charlie, I’m seriously not going away until we talk,” Greyson’s voice comes from the other side of the bathroom door.

  “Go home, Greyson,” I shout. The water is burning my skin, but I don’t seem to care. All I want is to push the feelings back down, and just go back to surviving.

  “It’s not happening.” The bathroom door opens and I instantly chastise myself for not locking it.

  “Get out! I’m in the shower, you ass.”

  “Like I give a fuck, Charlie.” Greyson’s voice is short and clipped. Anyone with a brain can tell he is irritated with me.

  Anger fills my body as I silently curse him out in my mind. Flinging the shower door open, I narrow my eyes at him. Shock washes over his face while I stand there naked, wet, and completely pissed off.

  Greyson’s hands shoot to either side of his body, gripping the edge of the bathroom sink tightly.

  “You want to talk? Let’s fucking talk then.” Anger does strange things when it takes over your body; thus leaving me standing naked in front of a man I can’t seem to keep my hands off of.

  “Charlie,” Greyson mutters, shaking his head and dropping his gaze to the ground.

  “Isn’t this what you want, Greyson? To get me naked?” I taunt wickedly.

  “Stop, Charlie.”

  “Come on, Greyson. I know you want it. You’ve wanted to fuck me since day one.” I know the words spilling out of my mouth are being said in spite, but I can’t seem to just back down. There is always so much sexual chemistry floating around the both of us, and anger only seems to supercharge the situation further.

  “I’ll wait outside,” he mutters, breaking the hold he had on the counter.

  “Just get your ass in here,” I demand. Reaching out of the shower I grab the hem of his t-shirt and yank him toward the shower.

  “Charlie, don’t.”

  Getting a better grasp on his body, I yank him into the water, sending me crashing into the back of the tile wall. Greyson’s lips find mine immediately, sending a mixture of passion and anger surging through my body.

  He fists his hands into my soaking wet hair, forcing my head upward to better suit his angle. I reach for his now soaked shirt, pulling to try and remove it from his body.

  In one swift motion, Greyson removes one hand from my hair and reaches up behind him to yank the fabric over his head. My hands travel south and mess with his belt buckle, fumbling a couple times until I manage to get it undone. My fingers fly to his jeans button, easily slipping it through the hole and unzipping his pants.

  A small groan escapes from Greyson’s lips as I pull on his waterlogged jeans, jerking them down forcefully. Pulling myself away from his lips, I crouch down in the shower and toss his flip flops and jeans out of the way. A devilish grin emerges from my face as I glance up, coming eye level with his massive cock.

  My mouth waters as I continue to stare at the impressive member. Most girls dream of either getting length or thickness when meeting their partner. Luckily for me, Greyson is blessed with both. Biting the inside of my cheek, my body starts to throb in anticipation.

  Greyson’s hands suddenly wrap around my shoulders and I’m yanked up off the shower floor. His lips smash back into mine once I’m standing on my feet. Groaning, my lips part further for his forceful tongue, letting him devour my mouth fully.

  His hands slide over my slick shoulders and forcefully grab hold of my breasts.

  “Fuck, Charlie,” Greyson moans between kisses, squeezing my breasts between his hands. There is no gentleness to be found in the way his body is reacting. His kisses forceful, his hands aggressive, his torso powerfully pinning me up against the shower wall tile. This is exactly what my body has been craving; a quick, hot release of my bodily urges.

  “Fuck me, Greyson.”

  Chapter 24


  Those three words are close to my undoing. It takes everything in me to not blow everything right then on the shower floor. Usually, I am a man who needs to work up to that point, but my poor dick had been rearing to go since kissing her outside in the rain. Not to mention, I just about came in my pants when she slid that shower door open and stood there all pissed off and naked. I literally had to grip hold of the bathroom counter in fear of my hands shooting out and betraying me.

  But, then I blinked and ended up in the shower.

  My hands continue the soft curves of her full breasts. The way the creamy white skin has turned red with the heat of the water, her little pink nipples standing hard for attention, the way they hang so delicately on her little frame. Every part of my body is telling me this is going to be fucking amazing, while my brain still battles the “what is going to happen after” kind of thing.

  My cock tweaks and my hands slide down her small waist, hooking themselves around her legs and hoisting her up into the air. Charlie locks those smooth wet legs around my waist as she slowly slides down the length of my dick.

  “Ah……..” she cries out as I sink deeper into her pussy. My legs are shaking from the sensation of claiming her for the first time. Sure, this might be a quick shower fuck, but it’s far from anything but remarkable.

  Her body shudders as I forcefully move underneath her; slamming every inch of me into that tight body of hers. Charlie’s fingers dig deep into my back, surely leaving small fingerprints once the deed is done.

  My mouth claims hers once again. Biting, nipping, and sucking on those now swollen pink lips. Everything about Charlie is fucking sexy. From her dark wet hair plastered around our skin, to the soft feeling of her body as she slides up and down over my cock. This is clearly a sexual encounter that might not ever be duplicated.

  My breathing starts to labor as I feel her insides clutching around my member, squeezing the shaft as I continue to enter her over and over again. Her soft moans and grunts only send my hips faster into her, knowing that both of our releases are close to their peaking point.

  “Greyson,” she moans, nipping my bottom lip between her teeth.

  “Me too,” I pant, taking a tighter grip on her legs.

  Pushing her harder into the wall, her legs open slightly further and that’s all it takes to put me over the ledge. Charlie’s hands wrap themselves around the back of my head, forcefully bringing me closer into her lips. Her pussy tightens as I release myself inside her, instantly sending spasms down my now tired legs. Still, the moment is way too hot to move her body away from mine.

  Our breathing starts to even out and Charlie wiggles her way out of my grasp, gently sliding down my wet body.

  “Fuck, Charlie,” I mutter, bracing my hands on either side of her head.

  Charlie lets out a little smile and then ducks under my arm. Cranking the shower a little warmer, she quickly rinses herself off and steps out of the shower.

  My head hits the tile in front of me. Closing my eyes, I let out a snort and shake my head. As much as I want to penalize myself for taking her this way, the sex had been way too incredible to get angry. My entire world had just been rocked by someone who doesn’t even realize that she is it for me. Charlie Emmerson is that once in a lifetime girl; the one that is going to be my forever.

  Shutting off the water, I stepped out and stared at the wet pile of clothes on the floor. How quickly the tables turned not even fifteen minutes ago, and now I’m standing here na
ked. It irritates the shit out of me that Charlie just walked out, but it wasn’t going to put a damper on what just happened between us.

  “Charlie?” I call out, cracking open the door. I know Mark has already left for the bar, but wouldn’t it be my luck that he came back home real quick.

  Something comes flying at the door, hitting the frame and then ending up in a pile. Bending over I reach out and grab a pair of gym shorts and a plain white t-shirt. “Thanks,” I call out into the emptiness of the hallway. Slipping the clothes on, I wring my drenched jeans and shirt out in the shower, then hang them up over the glass doors.

  “Remind me to take my clothes home,” I say out loud, wandering into the kitchen for something to eat. Opening the fridge, I wrinkle my nose in disgust. Mark barely has anything edible in here.

  “Let’s go get something to eat,” I said, shutting the fridge in a huff.

  “Go home, Greyson,” Charlie shouts down the hallway.

  “We still haven’t talked.”

  “That’s all the talking I want to do for the day.” Her voice is muffled from the bedroom door, leaving me desperate to toss open that door, too.

  “Wrong answer,” I say into the closed door. I came here to talk this morning. Dancing in the rain, the kiss and a shower that led to sex is only a surprise bonus for the day.

  “Open up.” Trying the door handle, I smirk that it’s actually locked this time. “Really, Charlie. Let’s get something to eat and talk.” My finger traces the fine wood grain on the door panels as I wait for her answer.

  The silence is deafening.

  “Charlie, please. Open up.” I try the handle again, frowning when I find its locked state again. “I don’t regret what happened in the bathroom, but I wish you would talk with me. I’m not going to let you hide in your bedroom forever and ignore what we have going on.”


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