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The Last Queen of Lemuria

Page 9

by Gloria Mur

  - "Tina! Have you sent for Doro?” cried the Queen. Pale, with circles under her eyes, she couldn't find herself.

  - "Yes, your majesty. The Prince will be coming shortly," answered the servant.

  Nastia hadn't slept all night. And Aleur had never shown up. And in the morning, Shonith La came to her and said that three days from now will be a holiday. And as if that wasn't enough!

  - “Doro, my sweet brother, at long last! I need your help." Aleur has disappeared. I don't know what to do!

  - "Calm down, Yuma," said Doro.

  - “Soon it will be a holiday, something about a Golden Apple, and I don't even know what to do. Shonith La was here," added the Queen, walking circles around the bedchamber.

  - "Be not afraid, the Keeper will teach you everything. He knows that you've lost your memory.”

  - "How?!” - Nastia clasped her hands and turned towards Tina. She answered with her eyes, "Tina!"

  - "Your Majesty, I was made to tell the Keeper."

  - "That is clear. Well, what then, it's even for the better. No need to pretend," Nastia looked at Doro. "Did you see if Aleur has returned?"

  - "He's returned," came the voice of Aleur.

  - "Aleur!” shrieked Nastia, and pushing her servant out of the way, threw herself at the doors.

  He bowed respectfully. Doro greeted the Prince. Nastia remained undecided.

  - "Hi, Aleur! Where did you disappear off to?" he chirped.

  - "I decided to spend the night in the forest. My vimana… broke," he said, lowering his head.

  - "Aleur! I was so worried about you!" whispered Nastia, finally giving him a hug. Tina and Doro turned away. "Are you ok? Nothing happened to you?"

  - “No, my Queen. I'm ok and came to say to you that I'm heading out to help build."

  - "I'll come visit you, Aleur! Do you want me to bring you lunch?"

  - "Come now, your Majesty, such behavior doesn't befit a Queen!" Aleur bowed and added in a whisper, "I will wait for you at our spot when the light begins to dim."

  Aleur left the Queen's bedchamber and went to his place. Having changed clothes, he armed himself as he should. This time, he won't allow that sorceress to come out on top. The cap with Qi herb will hide my thoughts. The mirrors on my clothing will ward off evil spirits. A bag of powder of the same herb will protect me from her intoxicating touch. He will chase that witch out of the Lemurian forest!

  Guria watched Aleur preparing in her crystal ball. "The fool! He thinks his pathetic herb can stop her! Her, the Black Princess! It didn't occur to him that ever since he drank that love potion, his thoughts are under my control. And from the minute they kissed, she'd penetrated his very heart.”

  Aleur left to a a clearing he'd been to before. He was covered with that damned mycenae from his head to his toe- since he couldn't fly, he had to walk through the tropical bush on foot. Looking around and seeing no sorceress, the young man rushed to a little brook. He squatted down and took off his hat and shirt, then tried to wash away the sticky, blue spots from his clothes and body.

  - "Aleur!” came a ringing voice.

  He shivered. She was standing by the brook and laughing. Her naked body was barely covered by large, bright-orange tropical flowers. She had two small leaves on her breasts, connected with a strand of grass, and large leaf serving as a short skirt. Her black curls, mixed with the tender flowers, were attached to each other, covering her shimmering, tan skin.

  Aleur blinked his eyes. His heart beat like an alarm.

  - "Away! Away from me, you cursed sorceress!" he reached for his bag of Qi herb, and sprinkled the precious powder around himself.

  - "Aleur! Why are you trying to repel me?" asked Guria, laughing, then came closer. She took a handful of water, whispered something and splashed it on the powder. It gave off smoke and disappeared. "Aleur!" Guria got right up close to him and looked him right in the eyes.

  In a last attempt to free himself from the spell, Aleur lowered his head into the icy brook. And at that very second, began to feel Guria's breath on his skin. Groaning from impotence, he turned around. And just then was captured under two black, laughing sorcerers.

  Guria celebrated her victory. She had a small table set with sweets and fruits, an unfinished glass of wine, and open books with gold binding. The princess was dancing in a shirt, with disheveled hair. In one hand, she had a pastry with a bite out of it and whipped cream, and in the other, she had a bunch of black berries.

  - "Guria, can I come in?" came Yala's voice from behind the door.

  - "Wait a sec, mom!" called out Guria, and swept the books under the table. "Come in."

  - "Hello, daughter! I missed you. The servants are saying that you've been going out. What are you doing?"

  - "Mom, I'm just going on walks.” answered the princess, closing the book under the bed.

  - "You're going on walks? You do know that you father has forbidden you to leave Groix?"

  - "Oh, mom! There's a myriad of interesting things on earth other than 'Lucifer's Legacy,'" smiled Guria.

  - "Like what?"

  - "Well, love, for example..."

  - "Are you in love, Guria?" came Yala, with joy in her voice, "who is he, tell me about it!"

  - "No such thing, ma! It's he that is in love with me!"

  - "And you?"

  - "I command him."

  - "You silly girl! Love is stronger than the sum of its parts. You will know the power of love, only when you've been in love yourself!"

  - "Is that so? That means, what's been is still not love?..." wondered Guria. - "Are you sure that love can defeat magic?"

  - "It's a law, my dear.

  - "Does that mean your love is a stronger magic than the one which father taught me?"

  - "One could say so, yes. Love is a great power."

  - "I'll find it. I'm already half way there," promised the Princess.

  Yala sighed sweetly, looking at her black-haired child, and patting Guria on the head.

  - "Mom, I'm tired," said Guria, pulling away.

  - "Ok, Guria, I'll send servants to clean up," sighed Yala, kissing Guria, and leaving.

  "So that's the secret of great power- love! It must be mutual!" The Princess reached for the book. "We'll see..."

  After an hour, Guria looked into her crystal ball. Aleur was working on the building of the ark. Droplets of sweat were flowing down his neck, his shirt was completely soaked. His face expressed nothing. He was totally focused on bringing bags on board the boat.

  "The poor thing! He's suffering," thought Guria. "These Lemurians are strange. They're building an ark. They believe in ridiculous myths about the coming Flood. They believe in the victory of good over evil.... And even though the sorcerers had long since surpassed the development of the people of the sun, the stupid giants still felt pride in their "great history."

  And also, sorcerers have their own flying machines, made of iron- flügs, which run on black stones, with which Groix is rich. They have magic crystal balls, that allow them to see and hear anything they wish, independent of distance. The sorcerers know the secrets of making wine and gold. That yellow metal is valued by the Lemurians for some reason. But they don't value it for riches and power, or for decoration and jewelry, but just to make eternal books! Plates on which they leave their descendants unnecessary songs, proverbs and prayers! They are prepared to give their princesses to the hated Groisillions, just to write down idiotic fairy-tales on golden sheets!

  Guria looked once more at the ship, skeptically. A bulky, wooden,gorilla. They say it's powered by pure psychic energy... "Don't kill, don't lie, don't steal, don't practice witchcraft..." what garbage! Why always chase after purity of soul, if you can just steer a flying machine with black water and save yourself from any flood. And then go back to living at your own pleasure.

  Well, ok, it's time to find out what her smitten sister feels... Guria took a crystal flask from the table. She slowly opened it, and poured out a dark-brown liquid into a glass of wi
ne, and looking at Aleur's reflection in the mirror, she drank it all. Nasty stuff. Stings the tongue.

  Chapter 15. Betrayal

  Queen Yuma opened the door to her bedchamber. It was quiet in the corridor. She slipped out of her room, and throwing on a cloak, she walked quickly to the back door. The palace slept. From out the window, the voices of night birds and cicadas drifted in. The air was cool and smelled of lavender.

  Yuma flew out of the palace. The humid Lemurian night was warm and starry- it embraced the Queen. A night moth brushed her face with its wing. The blast of wind sent petals of blooming flowers shooting from above. She got out into a clearing, lit by moonlight, and Yuma stopped and looked around.

  - "My Queen!" came a familiar voice. Aleur walked out of the bushes.

  - "Aleur!” she said in a suddenly hoarse voice. They embraced and stood in silence for a while. Then he stepped back, looked at her and quietly laughed:

  - "Yuma!" You're covered in flowers! Why didn't you use the path? You look like a bouquet!... My flower! The most beautiful flower in the world! Your eyes are two beautiful, blue elira buds, your skin is like karata leaves, your lips are like rose petals, your hair..."

  - "Stop it!" whispered Yuma.

  - "I'll never stop!" he smiled. You're the most beautiful woman in the world! I love you so much..."

  She closed his mouth with her palm. And just then he began to kiss her hand.

  Yuma pulled away, looked directly into his eyes and said:

  - "I love you too, Aleur! I never loved anyone before you. I'm so happy that I found you. I want to stay with you forever, my whole life, until I die..." cutting off there. "What if we're suddenly separated.... And I return to my own time. And everything will disappear- Lemuria, my unearthly beauty, and him!" - "I cannot live without you, Aleur!" - she sobbed.

  - "Come on now, Yuma, it's a bit early for us to be thinking about death! Please stop, I can't stand to watch you cry."

  - "I'm not talking about death."

  - "Then what are you talking about?" "We'll be getting married soon, and we'll live a long and happy life together." "Then what grieves you, my beloved?" - he asked.

  - "Aleur, I think something bad will happen soon..."

  - "Are you talking about the flood? Don't think about it! Maybe Shonith La simply made a mistake in the translation of the ancient books, and there won't be a flood. But even if there will be," we've built a great ark."

  He started kissing her again. Fast, elusive memories flashed before her eyes once again. She made one more attempt to slip out of her sweet captivity, but a warm wave, spreading out across her whole body from the kisses, deprived her of her strength. Clinging to one another, they fell down into the grass. And nothing- not a cool evening rose, not the cries of night birds, nor the light of the moon could calm them. Aleur and Yuma became one. At that moment, there were no happier people on earth...

  Guria threw the crystal away. She clenched her fist so tight that her fingernails pierced into her palm. That cursed Lemurian! He had betrayed her! He had betrayed her with his spindle-legged Queen. Damn! Damn! Damn! The Princess threw a glass from the table in rage. Landing on the soft carpet, the glass didn't break. Infuriated, Guria stomped it into dust. She looked around the room in search of something else to break. Finding nothing breakable, the Princess began to throw things about, pound on the walls and stomp her feet. Gold and silver dishes flew around the room. Books flew into pieces. Her clothes and bed-sheets were trampled. She stomped the pastry on the floor. Picking up a silver pitcher, Guria planned to make her mayhem complete by throwing it at the big crystal chandelier. At that moment, the door to the room swung open without a knock.

  - "Who would dare disturb me?!" bellowed Guria, meeting her unwanted guest with a convulsing face. Seeing Grino, she threw the pitcher at his head. The Prince deftly dodged it. The pitcher loudly hit the wall and fell.

  - "Having fun, sister of mine?"

  - "Get the hell out of here, you filthy bastard! Away from my room!" screamed Guria. She picked up the gold dish from the floor.

  Grino caught the dish and with a wry grin, gave a nasal drawl,

  - "I said ooouuut!" "You're so incensed! And all because of some Lemurian!"

  Guria froze.

  - "What did you say?"

  - "What you heard. You think only you've got a crystal ball?" grunted Grino.

  - "You... You were spying on me! You vile sorcerer!"

  - "You're also spying on someone... In Lemuria," retorted the Prince.

  - Guria tried to hold herself back. “That filthy Grino! How much does he know? Did he just hear about Aleur, or...". The Princess crossed her arms behind her back. "He isn't supposed to read my thoughts."

  - "What, Guria, baby, are you afraid that I'm reading your thoughts?" - came Grino, with an air of superiority. He openly enjoyed confusing his sister. - "Do you think I'll give away your terrible secret?"

  - "What secret could you be referring to?" inquired Guria, trying to speak softly.

  - "What, do you have a lot of them?" asked the Prince, raising his eyebrows. "I know the most important one. Not the one you thought. Who you sleep with is your own personal matter. I know another one. A government secret." Grino made a pregnant pause. "About your plan for a coup. You are preparing just that, yes Guria? You want to replace our daddy on the throne of Groix! Get the crown, and Lemuria! No more, no less!” Grino fell silent, watching as Guria became pale.

  - "How did you find out? Because I made a protective circle! You couldn't have seen me in your crystal ball!" whispered Guria. Her cheeks were burning in a feverish blush, and her hands were trembling.

  - “What naivety! Your highness, you're totally obsessed with magical spells! You drink a love potion, not noticing that you fell in love hard long ago.” – And ignoring Guria's gestures of opposition, he continued, "you're still just in love! Your head is spinning, sister of mine! You cast a defense against spells, but don't take care to look around when you leave the palace."

  - "You... you were following me?!" said Guria, taken aback.

  - "Yes, my sweet, I simply watched where you were going, and found your books."

  - "You vile bastard! Spy!" the Princess's thin lips were trembling from anger, in her black eyes, flickered an unkind flame.

  - "Oh my! How much passion! It's too bad that you're losing him," grinned Grino, - "you're the spy here!" "Watching over Yuma."

  - "Why didn't you use the books?" asked Guria. - "What stopped you?"

  - "Only a half-blood can act with the help of these spells, like you, the daughter of a sorcerer and a Lemurian! It's your Lemurian half that lets you not drop dead when coming near the Stone," said Grino, shaking his head.

  - "What do you want?"

  - "You know what I need, Guria!" he came closer.

  - "Not for anything!" recoiled the Princess. "How could you! We are brother and sister!"

  - "Look who's talking about ethics and morality now!" guffawed Grino, stepping even closer.

  - "Get out of here!"

  - "Alright," hatred was burning in Grino's eyes, "I'll go to our father right now and tell him what his beloved daughter was thinking," he turned to leave.

  Guria clenched her jaw, until her teeth creaked.

  - "Wait!"

  - "Have you changed your mind?" The nasty grin reappeared on the Prince's face. He put his arms around Guria's waist.

  - "Wait, Grino. Not now."

  - "Don't think you can tell me what to do, sister of mine!"

  - "I don't think so, Grino. Let's say... In four days."

  - "So long? Well, OK," he led his finger across her neck, "I'll be waiting. But not a day more, Guria, do you understand?"

  Guria nodded.

  - "You won't regret it, your highness!" - he kissed her and left the bedchamber.

  Guria, frowning, wiped off her lips and grabbed her head in her hands. She would have to do something, and quick! She simply couldn't allow that pimply freak to touch her aga
in! But he knew about the Stone! If he tells father... it's scary to even imagine what kind of rage Gorr will fly into. What to do, then? The Princess sat in her armchair and mulled it over.

  After a half-hour, she had made a decision, and she called into a bluebell.

  - "Clean this up," she ordered a servant. "I'm going on a little walk. And don't even think of snitching that I went out at night. I'll kill you."

  The frightened servant darted aside to allow Guria to leave the room.

  Yuma awoke in a great mood. The preceding night had been the most magical night of her life. Aleur was so tender, and kind; and they were so good together that all her fears and doubts went away. Queen Yuma had already hidden away the far away and strange Nastia Astakhova in the farthest corner of her memory, so she wouldn't come up and spoil a beautiful moment. There were never enough of these moments left. God is with them, with Shambhala, with the trip through time, and reincarnation. She was happy and didn't want to think about anything else.

  The Queen sweetly lay back on her bed, and turning around, saw breakfast on the side table. After she sat up, she filled up both cheeks with fruits and nuts, drinking their juice There was a gentle knock at the door.

  - “Yes, Tina, you can come in!” sang Yuma.

  - "Good day, your Majesty!"

  - "Morning, Tina!" chuckled the Queen.

  - "No, your Majesty. It's already noon. You slept very late today."

  - "Noon?! Quick, take me to wash up! I wanted to bring Aleur lunch!" exclaimed Yuma, jumping up.

  - "Come now, your Majesty! You ought not bring lunches to people. Order me to do it," retorted Tina.

  - "You silly girl! I don't do it because I have to- I like it! Because he'll be my husband soon!"

  She quickly washed up and ate breakfast on the way. She slipped into a simple green dress with embroidery, and somehow drew a blue triangle on her chest- the royal defense from sorcerers, and picking up the bundle of lunch brought by Tina, she ran out of the palace.

  Quietly singing, Yuma waded through the tropical forest toward the sea. The midday sun was hot, and branches whipped her cheeks. But the happy Yuma didn't notice a thing. Her heart was singing. Everything around her seemed beautiful. Of course, it was a shame that she couldn't use a vimana. It would've been much faster on one. Though walking does have its charm. You can appreciate nature. The Queen stopped for a second, listening to the roll-call of the forest birds. The melodic trills suddenly seemed to merge with distant human voices. She made a few steps in their direction. She was really hearing voices. Strange! Who could be in the forest at this hour? Because all the Lemurians are working pretty far away from here. Yuma stepped away from the path. The voices became clearer. Approaching the small clearing, she looked out of the bushes and saw... Aleur! He was laying on the grass, naked, and next to him was a beautiful, tanned stranger. Yuma, motionless, leaned closer to the huge tree trunk.


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